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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9012194 No.9012194 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone remind my why psychology is a meme and a pseudo-science again?

>> No.9012507


>> No.9012563

Thanks senpai.

>> No.9012773

With this news, it means psychology is more of a philosophy than actual science.

>> No.9013784

Analytic philosophy is logically rigorous. It’s more of a pseudoscience like astrology or numerology.

>> No.9013803


It's simple:

Psychology doesn't make measurements, nor does it have axioms or use math.

"experiments" in psychology are measuring things that can't be reliably measured

>> No.9013813
File: 855 KB, 500x280, 3d6dc2acb4d57b03623965fcac2d250f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Math as a science only needs brains , psychology needs intelligence.

>> No.9013821

You don’t need axioms like math to follow a consistent method. The difference between method and axioms is that axioms analytically create their results. Method synthetically Crete’s results.

Psychology can’t even produce results that follow method. Therefore it’s not a science and definitely not an analytic field.

>> No.9013822


>> No.9013827

>he mocks one of the most widely respected journals


>> No.9014918
File: 129 KB, 314x278, questionmar2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Math as a science

>> No.9015073

musicians have a higher average IQ than psychologists

>> No.9015074


>> No.9015075
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forgot pic

>> No.9015078 [DELETED] 

>Method synthetically Crete’s results
fucking kek did you use text to speech or something

>> No.9015080
File: 137 KB, 482x651, 1491923073860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a single major averages under 100 IQ

>> No.9015082
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>>9015075 >>9015073
Pic Related

>> No.9015089 [DELETED] 

These are people which took GRE, a exam to get into a Graduate School.

Only the top Graduate students apply.
So the data don' include the Drop Out & people from Low Tier Universities.

>> No.9015091

These are people which took GRE, a exam to get into a Graduate School.

Only the top College Graduates apply.
So the data don' include the Drop Out & people from Low Tier Universities.

>> No.9015092
File: 76 KB, 1300x867, 23697798-man-is-looking-skeptical-Stock-Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Classical language
>"high math"

>> No.9015099

this is why you shouldn't get too blinded by stem elitism
infact, elitism doesn't fit into academia at all, everyone just knows their field well
philosphers actually have one of the highest iqs, higher than all stem fields except maths and physics

>> No.9015105

Isn't this true for other fields too?

>> No.9015111

Relative to psychology
Thanks to the
t. Grade Inflation

>> No.9015115
File: 24 KB, 320x240, lawyer-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you must consider the fact that:

But technically most Philosophy majors that got accepted into Philosophy PhD Grad School, ditch out the PhD to pursuit Law School & Become Lawyers instead on becoming Philosophers.

>> No.9015119
File: 30 KB, 300x331, law.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you must consider the fact that:

Technically most Philosophy majors that got accepted into Philosophy PhD Grad School, ditch out the PhD to pursuit Law School & Become Lawyers instead on becoming Philosophers.

>> No.9015132

If you look carefully, psychology is a female centered """science""" like sociology and other meme studies

>> No.9015138

>/sci/ constantly calls engineers brainlets
>top 1/3 of chart is super majority engineering

>> No.9015143

There are angry, young men who are afraid to look weak by accepting help. Instead, they provide malice so as to portray the illusion of their strength.

>> No.9015158

oh fuck off

>> No.9015333

>intended major
Most of the Chad retards who end up flooding engineering are undeclared going into college and don't decide to be engineers until they've partied and slain pussy for their first two years

>> No.9015335

t. womans

>> No.9015370

BME higher than MechE and EE? holy sht

>> No.9015547


that would actually make it useful. psychology atm is neither philosophy nor science, its pseudoscience at best

>> No.9015550

Because psychology doesn't require science like neurology does.

Honestly we should ban psychology and only allow neurology. That way maybe I'll stop wasting my garbage on gipsy tellers and actually give it to doctors who use machines to tell me my health's stats. So I can at least know if I have genuine autism or not.

>> No.9016833
