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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9010190 No.9010190 [Reply] [Original]

You could have earned so much more. Why did you choose STEM over easier and monetarily better fields?

Consider this. If youd gone to Harvard you could be pulling high end of six figures

>> No.9010199

every "business" major at my school is a complete fuck up party kid who had no idea what they wanted to waste daddy's money on so they picked business because it's "profitable".
True gods major in stem and then earn their mba afterwards

>> No.9010287

He obviously meant business majors as in those that fall under business (finance, marketing etc.) not the useless degree called "business"

>> No.9010291

You posted this shit thread again?

>> No.9010317

>do it for the money

shame on your ancestors, rosenberg

>> No.9010349

>social skills
Don't care
Don't care
>muh autism
Don't care

>> No.9010400
File: 280 KB, 2560x1440, m3ZZI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9010349 >>9010190
>social skills (empathy, Charisma, etc)
We Aspies should genocide the Normies, specially the Business people.

We already has a technology for that, just nuke Shitholes then create a Virus that kills only people with low IQ / Less Neurons.

$300k starting if autistic.
Nobel/Fields $1000k if really smart.
$70 starting in STEM if you are more normie & brainlet,

>muh autism
Autistic are Master Race of the Future.

The best Scientists/Engineers will make Computers that will kill & Replace All Normies Jobs including Surgery & Law.

Only those able to understand the Math, Physics & Coding necessary to Program & Develop Autonomous Robots & AI will have success.

t. Student doing Double major in Math + Electrical & Computer Engineering

>> No.9010402

But I am majoring in a money making degree. Accounting to be precise. I'm studying science and engineering as a pastime.

>> No.9010431

Elon Musk is a turboautistic Physics major.

>not in it for the money
Good luck discovering "the misteries of the universe" while I make tons of money and do whatever I want.

>> No.9010439

>You could have earned so much more.
a typical monkey logic: you can get apples and do sleep, why you do make a cudgel?

>> No.9010518

That's fine, you do you and the rest will do what they will. If making money and being extravagant is your thing that's fine.

>> No.9010571
File: 15 KB, 301x450, smirking engineer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying engineers aren't the ones getting the management positions

>> No.9010585

>basically studying useless trivia
>business chads make millions off their research

>> No.9010595

>that pic

Fucking scathing hahahaha.

>> No.9010598

>become rich
>employ scientists, thereby contributing more to society than any one scientist could

>> No.9010628


Bill Gates -> Harvard Math Major DroupOut-> Computer Engineer -> $86.7 billion in wealth -> Owns Microsoft.

Jeff Bezos -> EE & CS at Princeton -> $75.2 billion in wealth -> Owns Amazon & Blue Origin

Carlos Slim -> Mexican Civil Engineer -> $61.3 billion in wealth -> Owns Large Telecom Companies in Latin America

Mark Zuckerberg -> Harvard CS Major DroupOut -> $59.5 billion in wealth -> Owns Facebook

Larry Ellison -> CS Major DroupOut-> $55 billion in wealth -> Owns Oracle

Michael Bloomberg -> Jonh Hopkins EE + Harvard MBA -> $46.8 billion in wealth

Charles Koch -> MIT MSc in Chemical & Nuclear Engineering -> $48 billion in wealth

David Koch -> MIT MSc in Chemical Engineering -> $48 billion in wealth



>>9010598 >>9010595 >>9010585 >>9010571 >>9010518 >>9010439 >>9010431 >>9010402 >>9010400 >>9010349 >>9010317 >>9010291 >>9010287 >>9010199 >>9010190

>> No.9010634
File: 18 KB, 400x400, j1f9DiJi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bill Gates -> Harvard Math Major -> Computer Engineer -> $86.7 billion in wealth -> Richest Man in the World -> Owns Microsoft.

Retarded Liberal Arts Major BTFO.

>> No.9010647

Zuckerberg was a psychology major. He took a course in computer science.

>> No.9010654

>$400/hr lawyer

the fuck, where are you getting these budget pajeets from? Anyone lawyer worth their salt is charging $800+ easily. Otherwise you're just getting some generic lawschool dropout bullshit

>> No.9010663

And that is the sound of pure meth majors eating crow.

>> No.9010938

Thats the starting in a good lawschool

>> No.9010947

You going to UCB?

>> No.9010952

Eh, I just wouldn't enjoy the moneymaking jobs, I'm like that. Sure, I only make a shitty 45k or whatever as a physicist, but it pays for rent and food.

I cherish the simple life.

>> No.9011094
File: 13 KB, 188x248, download (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knows how to interpret the law and history of laws
>intricate knowledge of history, philosophy, and legal precedence

>studying useless trivia
lmao what? When shit hits the fan at least scientists and engineers will be able to figure out how to live sustainably, while the lawyers and businessmen will scavenge through shit for there next meal.

>> No.9011213

Yeah but if you go to business school you don't get to talk about the Laplacian operator

>> No.9011249 [DELETED] 

>muh pathetic virgins
>muh autism
>muh losers
>muh mlp/anime is for manchildren
>muh get laid
I don't care. I go to college to learn the cutting edge of human knowledge. If I cared about money or sex I would day trade Bitcoin and fuck prostitutes
OP is a cog in the machine, just another part of the normalfag hivemind.

>> No.9011258

OP is an ultimate faggot for assuming that none of us are studying something because we genuinely like it

>> No.9011264

Central banker is the ultimate god-tier profession

>Sexual appeal doesnt matter since you are almighty and can do what you want
>Guaranteed infinity starting from a good family (top 10) since the FIAT-era banking is not based on anything substantial and is established on central banks perceived authority and godlike status
>Bosses entire nation states starting from the highest level of governemnt officials
>Know that money is a tool for power and power is the only thing that matters
>Understands all aspects of economical and social phenomena and can make anyone and everyone your bitch

>> No.9011303 [DELETED] 

The ultimate occupation is being a NEET.

>> No.9011305
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>Disfavorably characterize those with whom I disagree
>Favorably characterize those with whom I agree

Nothing to sre here, folks

>> No.9011309
File: 2.02 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20170629_061812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>min salary $300-400k for straight out of residency
>Senior salary $650k+
>student loan forgiveness signing bonus
>8 weeks paid vacation
>no overtime
>no weekends
>some offer shares

Damn I did pick the wrong field

>> No.9011314 [DELETED] 

You forgot also getting elected to President of France, and being impervious to criminal prosecution no matter what you shenanigans your bank gets up to.

>> No.9011320

>Good luck discovering the misteries of the universe
Hey, thanks man! And good luck to you too

>> No.9011382

Every doctor I've met, aside from the odd surgeon, has been an utter moron.
As in, I, only with a passing interesting in medicine know more than most of them and have to correct for their errors (just so they don't get in trouble and fired).
They do nothing but memorise and reuse another persons analytics just because it loosely fits symptoms.
They're akin to undergraduates plugging and chugging.

>> No.9011405

>Money is all that matters.
When the world goes to shit, which it will and even billionaires in their bunkers are fucked.
The engineers and the scientist will be the ones to save themselves and those around them.
Money isn't everything you moron and when cryptocurrency replaces reserve/central banking, those hucksters are really going to go the dirt (like they should).

>> No.9011539

Wasnt steve ballmer (microsoft) also a Harvard Math major? I dont think he dropped out though

>> No.9011643

I too browse HN

>> No.9011648

Isn't the the equivalent of
>le smart but lazy XXXDDDD

Why don't you become a doctor then?

>> No.9011658

Joke's on you i'm studying music

>> No.9011692

>Be a doctor
>Work in the hospital ER removing bizarre shit from people's assholes for 12 hours every day
>Guy wearing some lame "Trust me I'm a scientist" T-shirt and an awful neckbeard walks in
>Has some rash under his armpits, looks mildly infected
>"I'm going to write you a prescription for an antifungal..."
>"Excuse me sir but I have a passing knowledge of medicine and I know that my rash isn't a fungal infection but rather a skin condition, likely contact dermatitis, that could be cleared up with some simple steroids."
>"Yes this is likely to be dermatitis but I just want to make sure we clear up any infection first."
>Patient has this smug fucking look on his face
>"I'm curious Doctor, where did you study medicine?"
>"Pitt. Now I'm going to need you to take this prescription and..."
>"Oh that's nice, I studied PHYSICS at the University of Michigan."
>Tell him I have another patient I need to go see.
>Nurse tells me later that the patient told her that he thought I was incompetent and would probably be fired if it wasn't for his knowledge of medicine.
>Test comes back, somehow the dumb fuck got athlete's foot in his armpit.

>> No.9011693

>Why did you choose STEM over easier and monetarily better fields?

Good question. As for the answer, there is a simple and a complicated answer.

Simple answer: I found out I was good at math as a kid, then as an adult I found out people paid middle class wages to mathematicians. Therefore, I will become a mathematician.

Complicated answer: Sure, I could be more than middle class if I went into medicine or law or business but the thing is that is that in those fields, I would actually need to work.

Sure, you can be someone who "loves the business of business" (as so many businessmen like to say) but at the end of the day, business is not completely about being creative and executing great ideas to then see some numbers grow. You will eventually need to settle things in court, do vicious competition with other companies and sacrifice a lot of your well being for the well being of your company.

The same goes to law and medicine. There is no field in which you can completely indulge in for fun other than mathematics. Therefore, I chose mathematics.

Eventually everyone needs to make a list of everything they value

>love, money, territory, popularity, fame, time, health, happiness

And order it to your tastes, and then depending on how high money is in it, you choose what you become.