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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9007527 No.9007527 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not one (just a lurker), but don't they study the same maths and whatnot? Is the highest they go Differential Equations and some Quantum Mechanics? Why do physicsfags & mathfags hate them?

>> No.9007532

They are enthralled in the appeal to nature fallancy and get their jimmies rustled when work perceived easier provides more dosh

Its envy

>> No.9007538

The math is not the same. Math needed for physics is much more difficult.
But i dont get the envy to

>> No.9007583

>Math needed for physics is much more difficult.

>> No.9007589

Probably because engineers aren't scientists.

>> No.9007601

They make more money and it's obvious that their work is useful (producing somehing that has an use in the real world)

A lot of "pure math" and modern physics is completely detached from the reality and so those fags feel useless on top of being poor

>> No.9007612

So it's just a bunch of brainlets who are not smart enough to revolutionize physics through pure math, and they don't make tons of cash because they're "useless", so they take their agression on the branch that gets money and fame while changing the world by building cool shit?


>> No.9007613

>Probably because engineers aren't scientists.
Define both terms

Because I see a lot of electrical engineers at my uni and they are most certainly doing what is essentially research in applied physics

>> No.9007637

It's a question of semantics, but what do you consider research? If an engineer is tasked with solved a problem (such as increasing the efficiency of a system) you could argue that he's doing research. But in my mind research needs to be published in order to be considered truly science. If he's employed by a company and the results of his research are being kept behind locked doors, I don't think that's truly science.

>> No.9008429

i was talking about my uni

and yes, that's what i mean by research. publications

it's not even a top uni man, and there's 3 guys in the EE department in the field of photonics / semiconductor materials who have 10k+ citations each and h-indexes >40

>> No.9008440

engineers make money by applying the work mathematicians and physicists dedicate their lives to. engineers don't care and have no appreciation for this. to make matters worse, they enjoy and partake in homosexual acts

>> No.9009201

I've always said electrical engineering is the closest thing to physics.
It's really one of the best fields if you don't want to be stuck on one side or the other.

>> No.9009207
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Because engineers are gay and this is a Christian board

>> No.9009209

Physicsfags and mathfags are mad over our success because we twist their inane bullshit equations and theories into something applicable in real life and make money because of it.

They're mad because we bend the real world to our very will while they're trapped in an endless cycle of papers and testing

They're mad because we are everything they will never be.

>> No.9009223

Because an Engineer is the modern day liberal arts. You must be proficient in all of the sciences to be an engineer while pure meth addicts only live in their math containment zone. Plus you have business people on your back all day with deadlines and to cut down costs according to real world market conditions ( which requires an engineer to know about economics to begin with).

>> No.9009228
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>>9007527 >>9007589 >>9009207 >>9008740

>>9006916 EECS MasterRace

EE is said to have 0% Core job growth
However EE can work in any Computer Related Jobs from Hardware to Software

Computer Jobs will have a Huge Growth next years & pay much more than Meth.
*Autistic Pure Meth Fags are Screeching*

You can also steal Biomedical Engineering Jobs >>9007269

If you specialize in Controls/Robotics/ Automation you will able to do Mechanical Engineering type Jobs

And if you can also specialize in Physics for MicroElectronic / Semiconductor Industry.
& be able to jump to Applied Physics PhD in Graduate School in fields as Condensate matter/ Soild Physics, Nanotechnology, Optics/Photonics, Quantum Computation & Quantum / Electromagnetic Field Theory.

or do Graduate Research in Applied Math (Graduate Level Control Engineering is a very Mathematical Field)

& Graduate Research in Artificial Intelligence using Math& Computer Science Skills with concepts from Neurology.

EECS can work also in Chemical Process Control as Petroleum Engineer for the Chemical & Oil Industry.

>>9006422 >>9006487 >>9006438

>> No.9009301

Because math majors view engies as "chads" for some reason despite engineering students busting their ass off more than any major. It's basically /r9k/ here.

>> No.9010858

So it's just... envy?
Can you expand on this?

>> No.9010859

Electricity won't matter after the EMPs go off in WW3 (AD 2021)

>> No.9010875


we just don't have time to post on sci all day. so this place is just majority science people that are jealous of engineers.

truth is that its much harder to get a engineering degree. after that you can work as a scientist if you want. The job title "engineer" does not mean much.

>> No.9010893

>what are EMP shields