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File: 27 KB, 624x351, Somatic nuclear cell transfer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9009133 No.9009133 [Reply] [Original]

Explain to a layman the different ways an animal can be cloned. Is there anything besides somatic nuclear cell transfer?

>> No.9010445
File: 74 KB, 620x363, nanotech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9011353

Nobody has any knowledge on this subject?

>> No.9012702

biology isn't -really- science, amirite?

>> No.9012704

I do, but typing a paragraph on how to clone when the recipient of the information most likely isnt at a level to understand some of it or they would have just looked up a textbook explanation, doesnt seem to inviting to me.

>> No.9012706

You could fully sequence the dna of an organism, manufacture the full genome in a chemical factory then implant the synthesised dna in a host cell

>> No.9012736

pretty sure the most advanced genome we've completely synthesized so far is yeast

>> No.9012737

yup, even then it's only about halfway done

>> No.9013070

That's the problem though. Doesn't the host cell have to be from the same species? The Pyrenean ibex was resurrected with an egg cell from the same species, but the only live birth lasted 7 minutes.