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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 56 KB, 1474x1226, howtopissoffsci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9006422 No.9006422 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw unbelievable tier
can you say the same /sci/?

>> No.9006424

Feels good man

>> No.9006427

What are your criteria? Also, these threads are baffling to me. I really don't think much of you as a person, frankly, if you're not on a math or physics research track.

>> No.9006428

Who the fuck made this image? This is unbelievably ass backwards. Materials is both bad and good but you know they do say trust no one not even yourself.

Materials engineering best engineering.

>> No.9006431

i made it
difficulty, usefulness to society, job outlook

>> No.9006433

I switched from Physics to Materials engineering because my family scared me into it with saying Physics wouldn't get me a job. I do want to get a PhD in Condensed Matter Physics though. Hopefully Materials Science and a couple Physics electives helps with that. I don't think I can fit extra math into my schedule so I'll do CBEs. Am I fucked?

>> No.9006434
File: 71 KB, 812x812, awg-headshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beat this: (Not me)

A Physicist called Alexander Wissner-Gross which Triple majored in Physics, Electrical engineering and Mathematics at MIT then got a Ph.D in physics from Harvard


>> No.9006435 [DELETED] 

Feels good man

A EE student

>> No.9006437

I'm not able to look down on any engineering discipline as we are all better than the service jobs that make up the bulk of the population.

Except audio engineers who are 99% "I listen to EDM and wanted to be a DJ".

>> No.9006438

Feels good man

I'm a EE student

>> No.9006440

if you havent already, start networking

>> No.9006441

Enjoy field work, hazardous work, working with carcinogenic substances, working in subbar conditions, working with old dangerous hardware and lots of other countless annoyances. Enjoy being treated like a disposable technician that has to perform work close to miracles and being charged next to nothing for all the pain and hard years, and enjoy being in permanent competition with China and India for the rest of your career unless you succeed in your specialisation gamble and manage to stay relevant for more than 5+ years.

>> No.9006446

Can we just torture to death all non-math majors already? Or at least make math captchas to eliminate threads like these?

>> No.9006449

>Chemical Eng. top tier
Wait really? since when?

>> No.9006452

I disagree with your image my dude
Nirvana Tier:
God Tier:
>Materials Engineering
>Engineering Physics
>Electrical Engineering
>Nuclear Engineering
Great Tier:
>Chemical Engineering
>Biochemical Engineering
>Applied Statistics
>Aeronautical Engineering
Great Tier; Chad edition:
>Mechanical Engineering
Good Tier:
>Mining Engineering
>Geophysical Engineering
>Environmental Engineering (I have Zen bias)
Whatever Tier
>Petroleum Engineering
>Civil Engineering
>Computer Science and/or Engineering
>Humanities Engineering

>> No.9006477

>Chemical "20 thousand jobs" engineering
>Electrical "NEGATIVE JOB GROWTH" engineering
>top of the list
fucking lmao

They are literally the two worst non-meme engineering fields. Chemical is worse, though. No jobs, and the few that are force you to relocate to absolute shitholes.

/sci/ loves to meme on them, but Mechanical and Civil are by far the most versatile, the latter which pretty much GUARANTEES you a job. Undergrad civil engieering is a such a braindead major, though. Here's the run-down for undergrads from an engineer: You want money? Go CS or Computer Engineering. Petroleum is a meme. You want stability? Go mechanical. You want recruiters sucking your cock if you have above a 3.0? Go civil. Do you enjoy the sight of another man stealing your girlfriend right before your eyes, and want to emulate that with job searching? Go biomedical.

>> No.9006479

>tfw my ChemEng department is called Chemical and Environmental Engineering
They offer both majors separately, but it's kind of troubling. Am I fucked, lads?

>> No.9006487
File: 40 KB, 640x427, $$.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jealousy & Butt Hurt is strong with this one.

>being charged next to nothing.

Math PhD $101,000 Mid-career pay
EE BSc $110000 Mid-career pay

>> No.9006518

career wise, software engineering seems to be uncontested in every aspect.

>> No.9006523

>being a secondrate CE

>> No.9006536
File: 18 KB, 300x250, HtnpzWcPs3-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you enjoy the sight of another man stealing your girlfriend right before your eyes, and want to emulate that with job searching? Go biomedical.

>> No.9006546

I didn't realize biomedical engineering was shit.
God damnit and to think I finally figured out what I wanted to do with my life

>> No.9006554

>Condensed Matter Physics

Just go straight into solid state and whore yourself out to semiconductor industry. holy fuck those people make so much money.

>> No.9006561

>Do you enjoy the sight of another man stealing your girlfriend right before your eyes, and want to emulate that with job searching? Go biomedical.

kek, i don't get it nigger

>> No.9006574

How much

>> No.9006578

what's this based on, employment, salary or importance?

also how is chemical engineering good for any of these things?

>nuclear engineering
good luck getting a job

>> No.9006650

This for grad school maybe, but for just undergrad then op image is alright

>> No.9006736

This is helpful. I can take Ceramics and Electronics Materials Track for my major so I think I can make that work. What higher physics classes will I have to take to make the cut? I'm saying this because engineers are a bit shy of higher physics knowledge sadly.

>> No.9006905

CompEng here aiming for an EE MSc. Feels good to be the master race.

>> No.9006913


>tfw med engi
>tfw already share courses with computer scientists and EEfags

Atleast I am not as retarded as those guys in the social department and actually know something about medicine.

>> No.9006916
File: 287 KB, 1080x1920, EECS master race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9007220

I won't lie, it'll be tougher to find a job, but in 15 years time, it'll be fairly stable

>> No.9007255

What's bad about environmental engineering? I was interested in it since I have an environmental science BS.

>> No.9007269

Biomedical engineering positions will hire EEs and CEs and MEs over your special snowflake BME

>> No.9007277

Actual chemical is the best but not for simply working as chemical engineer

It's the most flexible degree since you're basically required to take all courses in

>material science
>general engineering

If you can't get a job as a chemical engineer then you're welcome in many other fields. Just look at any most job listings, a lot of them list Chem engineering as an acceptable degree.

Even stuff such as the financial sector, medical industry, programming industries, and engineering industries

>> No.9007353

Whats wrong with civil engineering? Is it the brainlet engineering? That's basically what my entire family is studying.

>> No.9007376

Most retarded and inaccurate description of EE I have ever read on even this stupid ass website. Be proud.

>> No.9007422

At my school the degree is ECE so even if the whole electrical thing doesn't work out I can go into CE stuff.

>> No.9007432

What is wrong with engineering physics?

>> No.9007435

Meme degree. I wish this wasn't the case too, because it has a lot of worthwhile and interesting content. But it doesn't look as attractive to employers.

>> No.9007442

Chemical engineer is great all around, and can easily understand and deal with problems of the other engineerings.
Feels good.

And why is materials engineering twice on the list?
And I would change Aerospace with Genetic.

Not really brainlet by definition. But it's a pretty specific engineering, and there are negative stereotypes of the Civil engineers. As you know, a contractor with a diploma.

>> No.9007443

Too late for me. I'm already in the final semesters of the career.

What can I expect? Should I go to a grad school to wash my meme degree?

>> No.9007457

Go on indeed.com and other job hunting sites and look for jobs that you will qualify for. Use that to make a decision.

>> No.9007476

Certainly the most normie engineering degree.

>> No.9007489

it's a jack of all trades degree that doesn't have as much demand as it did and as others do like EE and ME.

>> No.9007503


Wat m8. It has a negative job growth and EE is going to get outsourced or automated soon

>> No.9007505

You're stupid. Put on a trip so I can filter you.

>> No.9007524

I switched from turd pushing to anal caving major myself

>> No.9007715

>software engineer
>good tier

>> No.9007733

>social engineering

>> No.9007736

>tfw molecular biology major
Will probably try to go to med school or an hero myself desu

>> No.9007840

Sorry to break it to you, but medicine is a meme and has been for a long time. It'd be worth it if the process to become a doctor isn't as soul crushing as a lifetime of wageslaving.

For the first few years, you'll get a bachelors and probably will be stuck with a bunch of retarded premeds that you're going to compete with to get into med school. Hanging around retards is bad since you have nobody to talk to aside from mentally unstable people who've been helicoptered by their parents into getting an MD. Hanging around people as smart as you is bad because of competition. Pre-med competitive antics are annoying as fuck, like when they sabotage each others labs and grades. You'll have to study for a host of test like the MCAT and get recommendation letters from everyone you know and worry about leadership and extracurriculars and showing passion for the poor. Good luck with writing an essay that isn't cliche'd. In the end, most of you won't even get in.

If you made it in, congratulations, you have 4 more years of memorizing ass. Done? OK just do some residency for 3 to 7 years depending on how retarded you are. Then congrats you are officially a doctor at 30 years old. And you have a fuckton of debt.

Now during your practice you realize you live in a country where people like to fuck you over by suing you for retarded shit. So half your salary goes to legal expenses. Let's not forget Obama trying to fuck you over as well. Whatever money you make, you won't get time to spend it since your constantly on call and have to wake up at 2 am to save someone's dick. Want to have fun? Sorry, you're bound by medical ethics and shit that essentially means you can't even talk to your patients like a normal fucking human being.

So essentially the system is set up so you can't be a doctor if you want money and stability. You must legitimately hate yourself and/or have a messiah complex, and if you don't already have a gaping anus, you'll get one.

>> No.9007865

>God teir
>petroleum engineering

Petroleum engineering isn't even engineering. They're maybe highly specialized technicians but nothing more.

>> No.9007902 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 640x427, Petroleum-engineering-degree-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>highly specialized technicians
Aka the most paid STEM field.

Petroleum Engineering BSc
$96700 starting $172000 mid career pay

Mathematics PhD
$85700 starting $101000 mid carreer pay
$96700 $172000 mid career pay

Are You Mad Meth Boi?

>Source: www.payscale.com

>> No.9007909
File: 15 KB, 640x427, Petroleum-engineering-degree-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>highly specialized technicians
Aka the most paid STEM field.

Petroleum Engineering BSc
$96700 starting $172000 mid career pay

Mathematics PhD
$85700 starting $101000 mid career pay

Are You Mad Meth Boi? Meth Boi can not even compete!

>Source: www.payscale.com

>> No.9007912

Petroleum engineering is a stubbornly persistent meme

>> No.9007930

i started at 85k$ base salary with another 15k$ available in bonuses with just a bachelors in engineering. the PhD's i work with are clearing 200k$ to 225k$

>> No.9007936

What do you study? Materials,EE..?

>> No.9007942

Mech E. graduated with a whopping 3.0 GPA

>> No.9008087

where do you work in semiconductor industry? im getting PHD in ECE soon and wanna make a lot of money. seems like most companies would pay me like 90k to 110k (not like thats much in most tech cities anyway)

>> No.9008095

>90k to 110k
>not like thats much
Buddy you need to take a step back and appreciate what you have in life.

>> No.9008426

Do you know this from personal experience?

>> No.9008785
File: 122 KB, 1024x768, sewage worker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's bad about environmental engineering?

Shitty Low Pay, Job prospects & Low Demand. So Don't fall for the "Profession of Future" Memes.

Extremely Easy Math Requirements that makes Math Majors cringe, much easier than CS, at same tier as Biology & Business.

Sewers / Sewage / Wastewater & Waste management are Literally Shitty Specializations of it, which you will literally deal with Shit in your daily job

>> No.9008788
File: 56 KB, 408x491, 1498980574863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>different tiers of engineering
It's like arguing about who's the strongest in kindergarten.

>> No.9008800

Maybe I should stick to my plan of either horticulture/plant science or water quality management (mostly lake testing, limnology).

>> No.9008809
File: 185 KB, 2560x1440, aHNyJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9008740 >>9006916 >>9008805
EECS MasterRace

EE is said to have 0% Core job growth
However EE can work in any Computer Related Jobs from Hardware to Software

Computer Jobs will have a Huge Growth next years & pay much more than Math.
"Autistic Math Majors are Screeching*

You can also steal Biomedical Engineering Jobs >>9007269

If you specialize in Controls/Robotics/ Automation you will able to do Mechanical Engineering type Jobs

And if you can also specialize in Physics for MicroElectronic / Semiconductor Industry.
& be able to jump to Applied Physics PhD in Graduate School in fields as Condensate matter/ Soild Physics, Nanotechnology, Optics/Photonics, Quantum Computation & Quantum / Electromagnetic Field Theory.

or do Graduate Research in Applied Math (Graduate Level Control Engineering is a very Mathematical Field)

& Graduate Research in Artificial Intelligence using Math & Computer Science Skills with concepts from Neurology.

>>9006422 >>9006487 >>9006438

>> No.9009013
File: 29 KB, 660x574, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Engineering fucking sucks dude. Software Engineering is the only cool engineering. Everything else sucks dick and isn't worth the money at all.

>> No.9009015

I took your guys' advice and chose mechanical instead of aerospace. Currently a freshman
Gib advice on how to maximise career gainz

>> No.9009045

@lmaoing at you

Money is in med,MBAs and CS. Software engineering is second rate CS anyways

>> No.9009051

t. pure Meth addict

>> No.9009055

>all engineering is software engineering

>> No.9009063

I know. I'm saying that people here who oogle at the money don't realize that engineer jobs FUCKING SUCK outside of SE and are absolutely not worth the money.

>> No.9009103

Pls respond

>> No.9009122

Mechanical Engineering is the most versatile engineering field. You can jump ship to other fields very easily because mech is the back bone to them all. Also with Mech you can become a Petroleum Engineer, the highest paid engineer around, probably the higest paid STEM job around.

>> No.9009127

I had been thinking to get a job on an oil rig or in the oil sector in the beginning to get the experience and good pay then shift since those should carry over too. Not in it just for the money tho. I like aero stuff too so will get a master's later

>> No.9009138

>contractor with a diploma

boi you don't know what civil is and you need to stop talking like you do

>> No.9009530
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>> No.9009586

I highly recommend incoming freshmen to NOT take STEM.

>> No.9009619

>incoming freshmen


>paying for an education

Ur a cog in the machine

>> No.9009654

>getting an education

Enjoy the brainwashing, buddy.

>> No.9009658
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>> No.9009753

>too dumb for STEM


>> No.9009833
File: 22 KB, 419x313, 1496650890059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>biomedical engineering
>shit tier

Pic related. Also, explain.

>> No.9009836

>tfw I'm in too meme too even be in a meme chart
Feels mechatronics man
Going to switch to EE though

>> No.9009852

Medical devices jobs go to EEs
Medical machine jobs go to MechEs
Medical production jobs go to ChemEs

Why hire someone who only took watered down versions of the above?

>> No.9009855

Are you Mexican?My cousin in Mexico is studying that.
From what I saw its not too popular in the US

>> No.9009861

high school teachers in europe maybe

>> No.9009890

very small industry for biomedical engineers thus very competitive. the pay is also on the lower end as far as engineering goes. i would say it's the engineering major that requires grad school the most, which kind of defeats the purpose of getting an engineering degree. the ones that get squeezed out of industry go get a masters or work in consultation.

>> No.9009925

No 100% arian europoor
At my university mechatronics is actually more popular than EE, but then again it's not offered at many unis

>> No.9009960

Oh hey I have a slightly related question. If my degree requires I take a year of a second language, should I do spanish or chinese?

>> No.9009961


>> No.9009966

>low pay

they have the most overinflated salary out of all the engineers (besides petroleum) in america
the only issue is that most people working in biomedical are ME/EE not biomemeical engiqueers

>> No.9009971

when you're rich do you want to be able to communicate with your house service?
or do you want to learn chinese and gain access to an actual scientific database and use this to become rich enough that you can speak to your house service in english?

>> No.9009975

why is biomolecular engineering so low?

Biomolecular engineers and genetic engineers can largely get a lot of the same jobs, or at least the demand for both are tightly linked.

>> No.9009977

Consider going to a real school

>> No.9009984

Chinese. Why?

Hispanics will fuck up your designs accidentally.

Chinese will fuck up your design on purpose, and pretend like they didn't understand your english.

>> No.9009986

No engineering program requires this unless this is a shit school. Engineering has way too many classes for it to require a 2nd language. In fact in my school because Engineering is so STEM heavy with the other sciences as requirements it's the only degree program that does not need a 2nd language. Even pure math fags need to take a 2nd language as a requirement.

>> No.9010093
File: 596 KB, 1106x1158, sci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you make tiers for different flavors of shit?

>> No.9010102

not in canada and certainly not in the united states. maybe you're referring to a south american country that i don't know the statistics of?

>> No.9010147

Last recession businessmen and lawyers had to stoop to uber and pizza delivery for employment.

>> No.9010174

>college orientatin
>biomed is filled with women who barely scraped through high school
>electrical is literally me and another asian kid who came with two laptops in his backpack
feels good

>> No.9010452

Biomedical is so popular at my uni no idea why. Yeah and it's got half girls. Truly a meme.

>> No.9010463

Why are the chinks like this? Fucking snakes I swear

>> No.9010464


>> No.9010466

What about architectural engineering?

>> No.9010526

Learn Chinese my dude. It is very useful later on, especially if you manage to make some sort of your own company or something similar.

>> No.9010543

internships, internships, internships. make sure you get SOMETHING under your belt your first summer. even if its some rinky dink 12$/hr bullshit at a machine shop or HVAC company. you leverage your earlier internships to get the better internships in your junior/senior year. yes, you need an internship to get an internship nowadays. especially if you are gunning for a fortune 500.

skip buying that 1/8th of weed, 30 rack of beer, or Steam game and buy a damn student membership to ASME. its good toilet reading and they invite you to networking events. for that matter, subscribe to a bunch of industry magazines.

get down into your schools machine shop and start making shit. build something cool to put in your portfolio. your tuition is paying for those machines, so if you aren't using them, you aren't getting your money's worth.

>> No.9010553

it's unelievably retarded to have chem eng over ok tier

>> No.9010594
File: 946 KB, 1400x5552, dont learn mandarin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say it depends on where you are. SF/PNW, probably Chinese. FL/Southern border you'll probably benefit from Spanish more.

>> No.9010631
File: 18 KB, 400x400, j1f9DiJi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9006422 >>9008788 >>9009530 >>9009658 >>9010093 >>9010147


Bill Gates -> Harvard Math Major DroupOut-> Computer Engineer -> $86.7 billion in wealth -> Owns Microsoft.

Jeff Bezos -> EE & CS at Princeton -> $75.2 billion in wealth -> Owns Amazon & Blue Origin

Carlos Slim -> Mexican Civil Engineer -> $61.3 billion in wealth -> Owns Large Telecom Companies in Latin America

Mark Zuckerberg -> Harvard CS Major DroupOut -> $59.5 billion in wealth -> Owns Facebook

Larry Ellison -> CS Major DroupOut-> $55 billion in wealth -> Owns Oracle

Michael Bloomberg -> Jonh Hopkins EE + Harvard MBA -> $46.8 billion in wealth

Charles Koch -> MIT MSc in Chemical & Nuclear Engineering -> $48 billion in wealth

David Koch -> MIT MSc in Chemical Engineering -> $48 billion in wealth



>> No.9010745

>Machine shop or hvac
How do I find those in my area? And what kind of a job will I get as a fresher won't they need skilled technicians at least?

>> No.9010750


And they'll all be dead within the next hundred years. Every single one of them.

>> No.9010847

And you too. But they will be remembered in the next hundred years, and you won't.

>> No.9010863


This is wholly irrelevant.

Everything is destroyed, and all are the same in the end. Nobody actually "wins" by reproducing, or by being remembered a bit longer.

There is no meaningful refutation of this, by the way. Just a sort of flagellation.

>> No.9010869

find a better school holy shit
where do you live?

>> No.9010873

>I'm just going to downplay their success by bringing up muh nihilism. this will maek me feel better

>> No.9010877

most shops can barely afford the CAD/CAM system they have, let alone the tits software packages you have access to at your school. you HAVE been dicking around with Solidworks/proE right? RIGHT?

that alone can get your foot in the door. most of these shops are taking half retarded high school kids anyways and would be more than happy to abuse a semi educated college kid for a summer. just google some shops in your neighborhood and send a resume around, or better yet just call them.

>> No.9010992

Yeah I do know solideorks and have made some shit. Sounds like a good idea. Will I have to work with lathes and drills?

>> No.9011005

>find a better school holy shit

But the guy which posted >>9010174 & the Asian Guy could be easily the top of the entire University or Class
(Top 5%, Latin Honors like Summa Cum Laude etc)

Which is better? Being the Top of a Low/Mid Tier Uni? Or be the Bottom of a Top Tier Uni?

>> No.9011013

Being bottom in top tier uni. If you go into low tier than your application might be discarded on the spot

>> No.9011014

>Look at my cherrypicked examples!

>> No.9011070

True but if you think you are anything like anyone on that list you are "delusional".

>> No.9011110
File: 225 KB, 775x583, considerthesister.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So anons, Im rolling for electric engineering this fall and these are the masters I can study towards.

Grads/Masters, undergrads arent worth mentioning desu.

>Embedded systems
>Bioimagining and measuring
>Power electronics
>Power grids and markets
>wireless communications

In all honesty, biomed seems like shit job wise and power stuff doesnt interest me at.

As a EE, will I get fucked if I graduate as a Masters in Embedded systems,wireless communications or electronics? I know CS majors get paid a fuckload more and are probably in higher demand as well. Wouldnt they do my job better in those fields except electronics?

I did hear embedded systems engineers can make a killing but statistics dont support it

adv wont know shit

>> No.9011112
File: 6 KB, 225x225, eecs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not (Double Major in) Both?


It's easy to double major in both because there are a lot of shared classes/courses/credits/requirements between these 2 majors .

>> No.9011119

Cant I just do a minor in the other?

>> No.9011121
File: 20 KB, 360x240, 240_F_132313471_bRT3p8Ib5tXkFzajXv97VxjAHM5YXOoz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes you can.

>> No.9011143
File: 61 KB, 482x427, IMG_1143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good field to switch to from computer/software engineering

>> No.9011193

By the way, what would be the best coupled with that?

>> No.9011231

>tfw electrical & electronic and loving it for the most part
>tfw secretly want to do audio engineering and work with or design audio hardware

What's wrong with a secondary in audio engineering if you've already covered EE?

>> No.9011233

I don't personally believe that. I'm just daying that that's the common stereotype.

Like saying that all people who live in the countryside are rednecks.

I respect Civil Engineers for what they are and what they do.

>> No.9011243

Compare NJIT to Stevens ( one of the best engineering schools on the planet), the NJIT engie grads not only find a job quicker but for higher pay. Stevens tuition is also double that of NJIt's. School names mean shit in engineering desu.

>> No.9011400

I'm a ChemE and want to be a rapper. Just keep that shit as a hobby

>> No.9012722

where is the quadruple major consisting of physics, astronomy, chemistry, & geology a.k.a. Physic?

>> No.9012731

you nihilist saps are so pathetic, it's kinda laughable

>> No.9012735


See it flagellate.

>> No.9012747

He's not wrong, if your motivation is fueled by pride and not by a simple desire to improve the world then you're doing it wrong nobody will still give a shit about you

>bill gates
A lucky thief
>jeff bezos
>carlos slim
>marl zuckerberg
Irrelevant in a few years
>larry ellison
>michael bloomberg
>charles koch
>david koch

>> No.9012752

So the same reasons why you guys think biomedical engineering is not worth it also apply to mechatronics engineering right?

>> No.9012770

I have a question, fuck /adv/ they're nice but useless when it comes to this stuff:

Is bioinformatics just a meme? Biotechnology, synthetic biology, and computer science are what I'm passionate about (and skilled at), so it seems right up my alley. It looks like it pays much better than actual biotech research work, which is also a big plus.

>> No.9012813
File: 31 KB, 615x375, kochbrothers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charles Koch & David Koch, the Koch Brothers own the largest Chemical Industry Corporation in the World, Koch Industries

Koch Industries the second-largest privately owned company in the United States (with 2013 revenues of $115 billion)


>> No.9012839

Yea and I still don't give a shit, so much for your theory and values. This just means that a regular person will care even less than I do

>> No.9012845

I can't tell if you're being ironic, trolling, or if you just live under a fucking rock. How have you not at least heard of half those people?

>> No.9012856

What an unfortunate last name.

>> No.9012860

Why exactly should I?
Who owns Amazon or Oracle doesn't interest or benefit me in any way and it doesn't make a good conversation topic

>> No.9012862

Are they jews?

>> No.9012912

>Physics wouldn't get me a job
Is this true?

>> No.9012949

>nobody will give a shit about you
Well sonny, welcome to life, you do what you do for yourself and for your family eventually this has a positive impact on other people and later society in general. But giving a shit what other think of you? That's how kids think.

>> No.9012953

we call them poor or second class citizen. At least scientists are respected


>> No.9012964

I don't understand your post , I'm in am agreement with you but you don't seem to undersrand that

>> No.9012969

I thought you were being a nihilist and misread your post.

>> No.9012975

Yea I replied to the nihilist post, but was actually trying to reply to that convo that happened before it here >>9010847

>> No.9013146

>>tfw unbelievable tier
As in impossible to believe? Sure. I cannot believe that either.

>> No.9013198

You sure as hell won't be working in the field if that is what you are asking. There are only 16,000 who work in it compared to engineering fields that have hundreds of thousands.

>> No.9013259
File: 7 KB, 224x225, 1499100867306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're saying nobody knows them or cares because you don't know them? You must be super special then. Even if many people do not care, businesses do. Even if they don't, I don't see how this is relevant to their success in any way.

>> No.9013281

Not my point, learn to read

>> No.9013307

>Not my point, learn to read
Then explain it you fag, because that's all you said based off your post

>> No.9013316

Do an experiment, walk up to random people and ask them who owns Amazon or Oracle
Not to mention that this whole argument was about the relevance of those people after their death

>> No.9013345

>Do an experiment, walk up to random people and ask them who owns Amazon or Oracle

Why does this matter? If I walk up to 100 random people, a few will know the answer. If I walk up to 100 random people and say your name, chances are nobody will know, not one. Nobody besides your friends and family will recognize you, and they'll forget. Not everyone remembers other people of the past, but they still exist in thoughts and on pages of books. People 100 years from now will probably read about Gates, Buffet, [insert other people] and try to learn from them, just as people are doing currently

>> No.9013353

Bumping to get actual advice

>> No.9013517


>> No.9013528

He said engineering not technician.

>> No.9013539

>implying a freshman could score an engineering internship that involved actual engineering in any significant way
It's better than nothing

>> No.9013878

those jobs are labor intensive. basically only can be done by an undergrad during the summmer which begs the question, why isn't the undergrad taking summer courses to speed up shit?

>> No.9013916

is Mathematical Engineering a thing anywhere else?