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File: 91 KB, 600x600, IMG_0869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8989363 No.8989363 [Reply] [Original]

How can anyone even attempt to deny the round earth?

>> No.8989378

Airlines deliberately fly slower, shill.

>> No.8989387

Because it's been scientifically proven that the concept of an round earth is bullshit

>> No.8989408


>> No.8989412

>Airlines deliberately fly slower, shill.
Hence "literal retardation" :^)

>> No.8989423 [DELETED] 

I've been asking for a single reasonable explanation for this ~2 min clip on here for almost a month now, not one has been offered. Closest I got was "I don't see anything"
Cognitive dissonance is a strange thing

>> No.8989424

Then explain why the earth is a flat circle in the picture, dumbass.

>> No.8989431

In the first few clips, I really don't see anything that looks like a harness or wires. There are a few folds of cloth that might hint at that, but it's nowhere nearly doubtful enough to warrant such claims.

The second half is absolute bullshit, though. It's clear that the hand isn't pulling on some unseen wire, but rather that his ring finger is latched onto the pants, his other fingers bending along with it - simple flexor connectedness.

>> No.8989437
File: 48 KB, 441x334, images-69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an argument.

>> No.8989448
File: 130 KB, 423x408, imnotseeingit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please indicate when and where you see a finger making contact with his pants, I'm not seeing it.
Feel free to grab your own screenshot.

Or simply view some of the many nasa anomalies on YT.

>> No.8989461

If people aren't convinced by one "indistinct blur with a circle drawn around it", then they won't be convinced by thirty either.
Why don't you post some actually solid evidence?

>> No.8989501
File: 78 KB, 759x960, abudhabi_to_ftworth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also flat earth emergency landings, search

>> No.8989505
File: 275 KB, 900x600, circumpolar_south_stars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flat earthers are not on the southern hemisphere. If they are, they'd better have a damn good explanation for their stars rotating around a southern point in the sky.

>> No.8989515
File: 213 KB, 1600x800, IMG_0876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like that top image is a projection of a spare onto a rectangle or anything.

>> No.8989517

Fuck, I meant "sphere", not "spare".

>> No.8989525

Learn what a "great circle" is.

>flat earth emergency landings, search

>> No.8989532

You didn't even attempt searching 'flat earth southern stars', did you?
Take your pick



>> No.8989534

They don't explain why the same stars appear near the southern center on different parts of the southern hemisphere. If these explanations are to hold water, the center of rotation should change as you travel laterally along the Earth, but it doesn't. The center stays near the same stars.

>> No.8989541

>the center of rotation should change as you travel laterally along the Earth, but it doesn't. The center stays near the same stars.
Moving east/west on the FE model wouldn't change the center of rotation, nor would it on the GE model. North/south CoR shifting can be explained with perspective, as several videos have demonstrated.

>> No.8989543
File: 269 KB, 1088x2936, ring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I being fucking trolled?

Your video disprooves your entire point. Look at what I've highlighted in motion. Its not even arguable. Its clear as fucking day one of his fingers gets caught.

Your shitty drawing which you've just scribbled over the top so you cannot actually see anything is not helping your case.

>> No.8989547


>> No.8989549

Oh fuck, this is painfully retarded.
Stars travailing across the top of a flat earth wouldn't trace out circular paths around the south-most point on the horizon- they'd travel circular paths around the north celestial pole, just like northern stars (there isn't a difference on a flat earth!). I don't even know where to begin with this - it's just not how perspective works.
And even if it was how perspective works, that's STILL not what we actually see in the southern hemisphere. If you're south of the equator the south celestial pole is above the horizon, not on it.
This person has completely failed to understand both their own model and actual reality.

I'm not going to watch the other videos. Not if they're this stupid.

>> No.8989559

If you can watch through this video and think they did it with harnesses, I'm afraid you actually are retarded

>> No.8989560
File: 56 KB, 750x738, 1497916576259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe they have harnesses on because they are on TV and need to stay still. Good idea I'm. You know Newton's law right? The slightest bump would fuck their shit. I'm it does look like they have harnesses but I don't believe it's to fake zero gravity as much as they are used as anchors.

>> No.8989564

Alright, I could see how this explains the harness away
...Now there's just the clips of stiff, springy, long hair in space
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHAjavfgvEsand ...And the spacewalk bubbles
Then the whole "NASA is a hoax" conspiracy theories can be put to rest

>> No.8989572

>You know Newton's law right? The slightest bump would fuck their shit.
Nah, they're actually holding onto the floor with their feet.
The ISS has short handles on the walls for grabbing onto, and astronauts shove their feet through them when they want to anchor themselves in place without needing to use their hands. You can actually see the handles in >>8989448 's video, and in a few places you can even see astronauts with their feet through them (I saw it at 7:50 and 8:10).

>> No.8989573

>Am I being fucking trolled?
Flat Earth is 99% satire, 1% attempts to make ad bucks on Youtube.
The genuine science-deniers are too busy defending a literal interpretation of the Book of Genesis.
I'm still not sure about the "free energy" crowd, but I think it's 5% con artists and 95% gullible fools.

>> No.8989588

Less than perfectly clean, wavy/curly hair is not going to flow like silky straight asian hair.

Also, the 'hair change' is a perspective change from front on, to angled downward.

Fuck you are retarded.

>> No.8989597 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 650x650, AY_018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>8989532 >>8989534 >>8989541 >>8989549

How do Flat-Earthers explain that the stars rotate around the poles clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere but anti-clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere?

How do explain constellations that are only visible in North, but our of Field of vision in South. & Vice-Versa?

There are Thousands of Astronomers (Professionals & Amateurs) living on South (Australia, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, New Zealand), all agree that the Earth is round.

Never seen any Australian that believe in Flat-Earth.


>> No.8989601


The Free Energy crowd is mostly "I'm a genius and they're out to get me and my theories in order for them to continue to tax electricity".

>> No.8989614

Flat-earthers are high school dropouts who think they can compensate by being overly sceptical and question EVERYTHING. You need something in your life to not feel entirely shit about your retardation. Good thing is, in my experience many conspiracists realize at a certain point that they're full of shit. Unfortunately at the same time one person overcomes his stupid views, there are two people who just learn about what the flat earth society is and get proselytized.

There is only one option: educate people and better do it good.

>> No.8989619 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 650x650, AY_018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>8989532 >>8989534 >>8989541 >>8989549

How do Flat-Earthers explain that the stars rotate around the poles clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere but anti-clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere?

How do explain constellations that are only visible in North, but not visible in South because they are out of Field of vision .

& Vice-Versa (constellations only visible in South, but not in North)

There are Thousands of Astronomers (Professionals & Amateurs) living on South (Australia, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, New Zealand), all agree that the Earth is round.

Never seen any Australian that believe in Flat-Earth.


>> No.8989626
File: 51 KB, 650x650, AY_018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>8989532 >>8989534 >>8989541 >>8989549

How do Flat-Earthers explain that the stars rotate around the poles clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere but anti-clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere?

How do explain constellations that are only visible in North, but not visible in South because they are out of Field of vision .

& Vice-Versa (constellations only visible in South, but not in North)

There are Thousands of Astronomers (Professionals & Amateurs) living on South (Australia, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, New Zealand), all agree that the Earth is round.

I Never had seen any Australian that believe in Flat-Earth.


>> No.8989629 [DELETED] 


>> No.8989633

The fuck? Hairspray isn't some magical antigravity potion, look at how her hair bounces, it's obviously not under a gravitational pull

>> No.8989664

It would help if you actually watched a video from one of the posts you're 'asking' this question to, as it addresses the question >>8989532

Never seen this copy pasta before... Good work, nasa

So you think the hair looks totally natural as it should in 0G, which would look similar to how hair moves suspended under water, but with even less motion... Right.
Guess you don't feel like even touching the spacewalk bubbles. That's fine, I'm sure it's just lens flare or a water bottle leak.
Thanks for contributing

>> No.8989671

Still waiting for flattards to give us some equations to work with like Newton and Einstein did.

>> No.8989674
File: 50 KB, 640x864, GKNAerospace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all agree that the Earth is round
No argument there.

Not a fan of triangle earth theory

>> No.8989693
File: 1.47 MB, 2048x2048, sexsphere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you can watch through the film Gravity and think they didn't use harnesses and special effects, likewise

The cross necklace was a nice touch to really sell it though

>> No.8989697

>It would help if you actually watched a video from one of the posts you're 'asking' this question to, as it addresses the question >>8989532
Have YOU watched those videos? They answer nothing, and demonstrate a massive lack of comprehension on the author's part.

>So you think the hair looks totally natural as it should in 0G, which would look similar to how hair moves suspended under water, but with even less motion... Right.
If the ISS is fake, then how the hell do you know what hair in 0g looks like? That argument makes no sense.

>Guess you don't feel like even touching the spacewalk bubbles.
That's been discussed a hundred times.
They're lose material on the ISS kicked up during an EVA. That's why they don't all go in the same direction.

>> No.8989722

One can understand the theory enough to know what it should look like, suspension in a fluid is the closest and easiest comparison. Wave a ribbon around in water, as the base snakes around, the end of the ribbon will remain mostly stationary until it is pulled taught, obviously not completely, as it still falls albeit slowly.
There's no explaining why nasa's "0G hair" moves physically identically to permed up hair on earth; snappily, without even momentary delay or suspension of strands.

>lose material
>random water bubbles in space
You tried xD

>> No.8989730

>One can understand the theory enough to know what it should look like, suspension in a fluid is the closest and easiest comparison.

Do you? What are you qualifications?

>> No.8989738

Water, being more dense than air, has higher inertia than air. Therefore, it takes more energy to accelerate. As in, hair passes through air far more easily than water because water is heavy and hair is weak.

So in water, the energy that would go into moving the hair very quickly gets absorbed by the water, resulting in no air movement.

Also, you are neglecting a major difference between water and air: static electricity. In air, especially dry air, static can make hair stand up even to the force of gravity. Now let's consider that static might still be possible on a spaceship that cannot possibly be grounded...

>> No.8989740

>Wave a ribbon around in water, as the base snakes around, the end of the ribbon will remain mostly stationary until it is pulled taught,
Hair, especially curly hair, behaves pretty differently to a ribbon.

>You tried xD

>> No.8989744

>not under a gravitational pull
You mean "in free fall"

>> No.8989749

This. I want to see a flattard predict the upcoming solar eclipse. Don't even care if they aren't as accurate as the flat model, which can be used to know where you need to stand on the order of inches to see totality vs non-totality. If the flat earth model can at least tell me what states totality will pass through that would already be a huge step in the right direction.

>> No.8989768
File: 107 KB, 350x150, photo-rel_architect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After much consideration I have had an epiphany on the subject of flat earthers, and since im in a cheerful mood I will elucidate the matter for you all.

Some people just do not possess the intellectual capacity to comprehend the spherical earth. The intellectual capacity for abstract thought is not inherently uniformly gifted to all humans. It has arisen in humans as an advantageous capacity that facilitates increased reproductive likelihood and survival generally. This capacity for extreme abstractive comprehension, when absent or deficient, leads to an insistence on the readily and directly perceivable being the likeliest resolution to any query.

to paraphrase in terms more readily comprehensible to the likely reader. Some people are just too stupid to be able to understand abstractions beyond certain complexity thresholds.

>> No.8989781

I wish we could educate them somehow, it's so sad to watch them struggle with what are basic concepts to others. They just supplement their confusion with fairy tales which causes even more harm.

>> No.8989808
File: 16 KB, 250x250, you dumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8989935

Strange isn't it, how the burden of evidence could possibly still be on GE model despite years of carefully crafted, compelling formulas, footage and authoritative consensus to the contrary, the heathens.
...Yet another 'southern stars' explanation.

What in the...? I thought stars were other suns... Then why are their different shapes and colors? How is this lens blur?!

>> No.8989953

Do not feed flat earth troll posters.
Report, hide and move on.

>> No.8990003

Please get some understanding about how the equidistant projection works, before posting about it. Thanks

>> No.8990013

Taut and taught are two different words.

Ha, you will never recover from a quibbling that fierce!

>> No.8990039
File: 1.61 MB, 1476x4736, What Communists believe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people respond to this shit? It's pervasive anti-science that's flooding the minds of stupid people

It just goes to show how easy the masses of people are convinced by retarded ideas

>> No.8990071

It's not retardation, it's active stupidity. Retards just sit there and potato, flat earthers actively spew their bullshit everywhere.

>> No.8990078

why do you people waste your time talking with literal retards? you're never gonna convince them of anything

>> No.8990094
File: 55 KB, 497x750, coolfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>by my own indoctelligence, I am enlightened in this moment, for I alone have comprehended abstractions you could never even fathom; 7 billion ape creatures evolved from vast negative antimatter pressure imploding through nonintelligent, yet (un)fortunate reactions, into a spinning ball hurdling through the cosmos with the grace of scientismic theory, without cause. I shall recognize no skepticism of authority. By flat earth debunked videos, shall I be set free.

>> No.8990115

That's nice, so you believe you're intellectually superior and your opponents must be mentally deficient? Good to know.

Should be easy then to explain why all amateur footage of stars and planets, through telephoto lens and telescope, look nothing like the 'composites' from official nasa releases.

Don't rush and embarrass yourself like >>8989697 calling what's obviously bubbles 'space debris'

>> No.8990170
File: 100 KB, 517x515, flat-earth-map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not understanding their explanations then. If the center of rotation is defined by the far side from the north pole, then the far side is going to change at different latitudes. How do you explain that the furthest star seen from Australia is the same furthest star seen from South America? The flat-Earth model contends that Earth isn't rotating, so how do two opposite ends of the Earth see the same stars?

I mean, It'd be neat if it worked in the classical sense, but with this problem standing, you'd need space itself to be curved inward. A flat earth but in a round universe with 4 or more macroscopic spatial dimensions.

>> No.8990173

>the far side is going to change at different

>> No.8990332

>Good work, nasa
Do flat-eathers think that NASA is the only space program in existence? It's the only one I hear them talk about. You guys realise that their's also Roscosmos, ESA, CSA, JAXA and many other national space programs that also
"believe" the Earth is round. Not to mention for-profit companies like SpaceX. Are all of these organisations also part of the "round earth conspiracy"?

>> No.8990473

interesting how all space agencies have very similar design elements, all include a chevron, or ^, in some form.
>round earth
at least we know you're juss havin a giggle now... stay square my freend

>> No.8990486
File: 22 KB, 590x495, 1497283730271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an argument, try again

>> No.8990495
File: 32 KB, 316x316, Centre_national_d'études_spatiales_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all include a chevron, or ^, in some form
Like a vector or a rocket going up?
Where is the chevron, dipshit?

>> No.8990499

Can anyone disprove dinosaur-shaped Earth theory? Seems pretty solid to me.

>> No.8990515

There's at least 9 rounded chevrons in that image, not counting A's, or a chevron with a line in the middle.
Thanks for sharing

>> No.8990517

Is there a shape that can't be decomposed into some number of chevrons, especially if we allow "rounded chevrons"?

>> No.8990523


>> No.8990527

Infinitely many overlapping chevrons on their sides.

>> No.8990540

Daily reminder to sage and report these shitty threads

>> No.8991188

This sentence is too poorly structured to be that of an intelligent being.

>> No.8991190
File: 10 KB, 225x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not the earth isnt round, like a cirlce its just that it is on a plane. its a little round but its mostly flat

>> No.8991340

Ah the evolution of ideas.
Another 30 years and the flattards will be saying it's a half sphere, or a cyllinder, maybe a giant bulled shaped body fired from the gun of a massive godship.

This is progress.

>> No.8991377

How do thou ride thee horse over the ocean?

>> No.8991515

why would the people who made the logos go out of there way to have similar design elements if they wanted to hide the fact that they are all run by the same people?

>> No.8993302

The trajectories don't even match, the original doesn't cross Greenland and the points of entry and exit from continental airspace are different. Whoever made this just drew a straight line between the 2 places on a flat earth map and called it a suspicious "coincidence"

>> No.8993621

>actually enjoying being cucked by trump
man you trumpcucks sure do like that saggy cock huh?

>> No.8993669

Why do they fly over the arctic circle instead of flying right through the Atlantic?

>> No.8993760

because it's the shortest possible route

>> No.8993812
File: 28 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about concave Earth? I'm pretty sure this is satire , but people probably believe in this too

>> No.8993850

back to r/thedonald

>> No.8993976
File: 93 KB, 750x449, 18ghdx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, we've said it's flat for thousands of years, and that is obviously correct. the problem is youve been trained to not trust your senses

>> No.8994294
File: 25 KB, 335x268, 1487134407455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8994300

No one itt can disprove the dino earth shaped theory with any kind of rigor.

>> No.8994317

inb4 time flows differently at different latitudes.

>> No.8994328
File: 15 KB, 550x309, Suez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Senses are useless without a modicum of a brain to go with them.

>> No.8994358

Planes are not real man.
It's the universal truth, because I've never been on one, nor do I trust people telling me they have.
Therefore, it's a conspiracy to make you believe air travel is possible.
Wake up people, you're being brainwashed

>> No.8994476


funny thing is that you can't get rid of "Trump is a racist" and "Trump went bankrupt", it's true

>> No.8994495
File: 212 KB, 1170x680, IMG_0771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its funny how your own evidence disproves flat earth theory. My sides are in orbit.

>> No.8994931

That's an easy one OP. Those flights simply do not exist. Bam. Flat Earth proven.

>> No.8994983

(Citation needed)

>> No.8994990

all of them used imagination, except NASA, which used cameras.

>> No.8994994

So how did I stumble onto /x/?

>> No.8994995

As a kiwifag I can tell you there are plenty of flights from Auckland to LA and they're experimenting with Auckland to Santiago

>> No.8995039
File: 35 KB, 236x666, 331ce5e7ea921de7f3a82498bf92c2e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything on camera is real

>> No.8995161

>horizon rises with imperceptible

Its like you don't understand the very essence of subtlety. There can't be a subtle indiscernible curve. There can't be an imperceptible tilt in the angle of your vision. You are children.

>> No.8995786
File: 109 KB, 960x880, 1488749208091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like youre the one using your imagination

>> No.8995824

Your image proves the Earth is round. Try again.

>> No.8995842
File: 1.52 MB, 1920x1080, flat earth 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. Clearly the earth is round. Just look at the edge and how it curves in a circular shape.
>inb4 muh fisheye lens
nice try flat tards
pic related, you can see for yourself.

>> No.8996000

You retard, there's an image at 10,000 with a curvature more severe than at 30,000. Retards that use gopros on balloons with fish eye lenses are the real idiots, they only stoke the surprisingly large fire of flat earthers.

>> No.8996037

Not considering different lenses. The one at 100ft shouldn't even show any actual curvature

>> No.8996042

>didn't even get the joke
flat earth brainlets, everyone

>> No.8996071

>plane in foreground blatantly warped from a fisheye lens, was likely employed to show the whole length of the plane in one shot
>33,000 ft altitude plane clearly not shot through a fisheye lens

>> No.8996176
File: 358 KB, 950x783, 1488749432801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just look at the edge

>> No.8996185
File: 192 KB, 960x1052, 1495415228918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8996200

These bait threads were funny maybe the first 3 times.

Now they're just obnoxious.

>> No.8996218


People are just bored I guess.

>> No.8996264

next time try to keep the angle of the camera constant ;)