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File: 1.14 MB, 1003x1700, Kylie Jenner before after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8992734 No.8992734 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on the future of cosmetic plastic surgeries?
For now plastic surgeries are kinda easy to spot but in the future they might be less obvious.

I think that every person that gets cosmetic plastic surgeries should have to have a government document with all the details of what they've done and of how they looked before with all the surgeries and photos documented.
And they should also have to let their partner see that document before intentionally having kids so they could approve on it. I wouldn't want my kids to have bad genes.

>> No.8992801

I hate plastic surgery because it fucks with evolution. Though, needing to detect it before breeding is a genetic trait that should be continued. But, it should only be used for accident victims who didn't get mangled from their own stupidity. Like from a meteor strike or something.

>> No.8992819

lmao Kylie Jenner is just a generic white girl she doesn't seven have Armenian blood

>> No.8992893

If they had better reflexes they would have jumped out of the way. Anyone who gets medicine of any kind should be shot for their inferior immune system

>> No.8992903

who cares, just have your kids go through the knife as well

>> No.8992979

>Anyone who gets medicine of any kind should be shot for their inferior immune system

kinda feel bad for agreeing with this.

>> No.8993002

What exactly is wrong with that?

>> No.8993012 [DELETED] 

Plastic surgery should only be allowed for people who are disfigured. There are too many people who are perfectly fine looking who end up ruining themselves with plastic surgeries.

>> No.8993041


SS Manual made it clear that you need to examine a woman's extended family anyway. Only way to get a decent read on her overall fitness.

>> No.8993048

>lmao Kylie Jenner is just a generic white girl she doesn't seven have Armenian blood
>no Armenian blood

>> No.8993053

White people are fucking disgusting. Look at her left and then to the ride. I don't know how she did it, but she got herself a non-white's hips implanted or some shit.

Top kek whitey, your women are garbage.

>> No.8993056

you can tell, show me a girl who looks like the after pic without cosmetic surgery

>> No.8993060

>wide hips don't exist
They do, just not on white women as they are deformed.

>> No.8993064

ok whatever but what about her face?

>> No.8993103

I unironically prefer her pre-surgery face 100x more. Just looks like a porn star now.

>> No.8993357
File: 56 KB, 750x501, 1486265972488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8993369

I sure we can all agree that selecting based on looks is incredibly superficial.
I'd rather we select based on character traits like loyalty and intelligence.

However my dick and pride disagrees with this, everyone wants to have a hot girlfriend and tell his friends about how hot she is.

That's why ugly girls with good character traits have lower sexual market value than stupid bimbos.
With plastic surgery we can cheat our human nature. I think all ugly but nice girls should get plastic surgery.

As for your kids, you already know what to buy them for their 18th birthday.
I hear plastic surgery is one of the most poplar birthday/graduation gifts in South Korea.

That pic is extreme though. Doesn't look anywhere near good.

>> No.8993372

you're barking mad m8

>> No.8993385

At least we're not niggers, nigger.

>> No.8993396
File: 310 KB, 1905x792, cyphersteak1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if it's "real" or not, I'm going to enjoy it the same either way. I've had a minor cosmetic surgery myself (twice, to correct a lazy eye) and the boost to my self confidence was amazing, I have to assume it'd be even more for women who're actually being judged by their looks

>> No.8993415

>it fucks with evolution
Lrn2evolution fgt pls

>> No.8993438


Why don't you capitalize on the fact that you rather select based on a character traits?

>> No.8993469

CRISPR might be a solution to this problem, but until then i don't know how people are gonna deal with this.

You can tell for now but in the future plastic surgeries might get really good and be imperceptible.

Corrective plastic surgeries are different from cosmetic plastic surgeries, you didn't change any of your traits completely, you just corrected an abnormal development in childhood.

>> No.8993478

>le CRISPR meme

>> No.8993496

Think about it.
People are attracted to phenotype, not genotype.

>> No.8993653

Left with a haircut would look better than right

>> No.8993657

The Turks did something right it seems.

>> No.8993664

Well from reading the Kardashians you can tell they are a mess of a family and represent everything wrong with America. The sane voice of the family even went full crazy and cut his dick off.

>> No.8993802


>> No.8993873

Is there even a surgery procedure to give women wider hips and pelvis?

how? wouldn't it be too invasive?

Surely her figure must be natural?
if you just added extentions to the pelvis and it stayed teh same size then the legs would attached to the pelvis in a more narrow position than they would with a naturally big pelvis.

where is the evidence that hip implants are possible? how likely is it that kylie actually had it done?

>> No.8993881

CRISPR is just a step. And the first time we can edit genes of live adult humans effectively

But genetic engineering is hardly a meme you caveman

>> No.8993884

That's where transhumanism comes in.

Abandon our current biology entirely and natural evolution become self-directed evolution, you have no issues anymore

>> No.8993891

I wanted to mention that too.

There ISNT a surgery to increase hip width.

Sorry for the guys being butthurt in this thread but her hip growth was natural and the before picture was BEFORE she completed puberty.

If hip implants were a viable thing, trannies would be getting them in bulk.

And yet there isn't a single one that managed to have such a surgery. I wonder why?


>> No.8993993

You people are retarded, what are fat transplants?

>> No.8994040

Oh for fucks sake. You think a fat graft will change you hip structure and alter how you walk? Do you know shit about human anatomy?

>> No.8994044

>it's possible guyzz, you are stupid
Tell that to trannies that want to widen their hips.
I wonder why noone has done it kek

>> No.8994077

how did her hips get like that?

>> No.8994107


>> No.8994138

how do we reverse the beautification of the female armenian figure?

>> No.8994160

The same people who get it will be the first people lining up to get their baby's DNA fixed once that's a thing.

Cosmetic surgery doesn't stop schoolyard bullying, you four eyed twerp.

>> No.8994165

I think plastic surgery is morally repulsive unless it is done for victims of accidents

>> No.8994235

People will be replacing limbs with cutting edge robotics soon.

who cares about cosmetic surgery you twerp

Morphological freedom should be a human right.

>> No.8994239

I can't wait for the crazies.

>> No.8994269

inb4 we'll see robotic Furries

>> No.8994356

Its called a brazilian buttlift and injections you fucking turbonerds. There are plenty of instagram models that have had this done. Keep in mind her family is absurdly rich so she can afford better work than most

>> No.8994368

>Its called a brazilian buttlift and injections you fucking turbonerds
yeah man i can't believe not everyone has heard of this...

>> No.8994376

Yeah maybe but don't be so sure of it

I just can't stand it because to me it is cheating, your attractiveness is information of the quality of your genes

And what do I know, maybe if plastic surgery becomes more common we'll be seeing second order effects, but that's a bunch of speculation

>> No.8994384
File: 241 KB, 903x677, 96858534ccd116c7163f1dec8f19e3e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good point my bad

>> No.8994391

Why are there so many shitskins and non-English speakers flooding this board recently. How do we fix this problem?

>> No.8994396

What did a white girl do to this guy hahs

>> No.8994397

pretty remarkable

>> No.8994404

Someone get this armenian guy out of here

>> No.8995794


>> No.8997118

>That's where transhumanism comes in.
>you have no issues anymore
You cannot possibly be this naïve

>> No.8997126

From a zero to a hero

>> No.8997571

i'm going to get lots of work done in the future and even im not ugly, i just can't imagine how much work you faggots need.

if you browse this board more than once a month, you need extensive work done.

if you have a STEM degree, you are a lost cause

>> No.8997673

you'd die 'cause of a cold

>> No.8998154

There will be no excuse for the unnatractive stem majors to not get plastic surgery 20 years from now once it starts to look natural.

>> No.8998159

she went from looking white to mexican

>> No.8998165
File: 1.37 MB, 640x640, 1497290692078.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8998169

ill get my ear fix and ride the TRT pony

>> No.8998553

>men are not being judged by their looks

>> No.8999217

you just might be a faggot, son

>> No.8999222

umm you know the immune system get's stronger after a sickness to a cold or flu virus and bacteria right?

>> No.8999223

I actually approve of it solely for the genetics reason... Increasing size of breasts, butts, and lips is highly common among plastic surgery customers, right? And I prefer smaller breasts, butts, and lips (inb4 homo). So maybe if girls with more muted, delicate features are making themselves have exaggerated secondary sexual characteristics, the genes I prefer will be reproduced under the guise of conventional sexiness.

That said, the kind of person who would get cosmetic surgery (barring people with actual deformities) are probably not the kind of person I want progenerating the human species.

Same bro. She was cute. Now she looks... generic.

>> No.8999237
File: 29 KB, 657x527, 19260682_1906476339592854_5588595099385710174_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there's a big future for it with the development of 3D printing and stem cell technology. Why get rhinoplasty when you can just replace the nose outright? This is an industry will be so unimaginably lucrative, especially with an aging population.

Sure, there's problems associated with it. I'm more interested in the development of the science itself, and I don't really care about the psychological or sociological impacts too much. All I look as is the big bucks and the development of scientific knowledge and practices. Eventually I'd like to invest in the field and do business in it. Plus, who wouldn't want to turn themselves into a non-obvious qt 3.14 mental illness trap.

>> No.8999266

Should I get a nose job? I have a huge Jew nose.
On one hand I think it'd be great for my self esteem, but on the other, society looks down on men who get plastic surgery. What to do?

>> No.8999271

>through the knife

>> No.8999272

>tfw you realise he means killing your kids with a machete and not surgery

>> No.8999324

Changing gene expression won't do shit for adult bone structure, adult fat distribution, or any of the other determining factors of external looks.

It's like you people didn't take high school biology, fucking seriously.

>> No.8999381

Not him, but adult fat distribution can probably be changed, if you change the respiration rates of somatic adipose tissue you could lose and gain fat wherever you want. Y
ou might also even be able to stop chondrocytes producing proteins to soften bones, then deform the bones to the desired shape,thoufh that sounds quite dangerous

>> No.8999385

Get a nose job if you aren't actually Jewish. If you are Jewish, leave it be because we need some way to identify you when the time comes.

>> No.8999533

>when the time comes
What did he mean by this?

>> No.9000340

Day of the rope ofc

>> No.9000577

>adult fat distribution can probably be changed, if you change the respiration rates of somatic adipose tissue you could lose and gain fat wherever you want

wasn't aware of that. knew that the generation of WAT was determined by gene expression and endocrine regulation, but I thought that the location of major adipose deposits was more or less fixed by the time you're an adult. I suppose weight loss isn't out of the question, but I thought tissue distribution would be more or less constant - I.e., your body shape is your body shape.

> You might also even be able to stop chondrocytes producing proteins to soften bones, then deform the bones to the desired shape,though that sounds quite dangerous

kinda moves into surgical intervention IMO. Also, how reliably could you switch back on expression to re-harden bones? I know you could, but what kind of reliability are we talking here?

>> No.9001143

I think where your tissue is is fixed, but since you can change that tissues size and make it grow or shrink through differential respiration , your body shape is not your body shape

The bone one was highly hypothetical on my part, I'd expect very low reliability