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File: 26 KB, 754x525, bv9fpsk3-1414040470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8989908 No.8989908[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lol Y-chromosomes. When will they'll learn.
No wonder guys have to go the extra mile for everything they do. Merely overcompensating

>> No.8989909

women are just jelly cus they don't have the y-chromosome

it's like penis envy

>> No.8989915
File: 15 KB, 250x300, 18-emporer-bl-lr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't even need your penis. Like they don't need your Y. Pic related

>> No.8989917

Lol, 2 X chromosomes where one in every cell is inactivated in females. It's like they have less DNA to work with. Merely jealous of our genetic wealth.

>> No.8989922
File: 83 KB, 2000x1561, pepper-robot-2.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me two decades or 3 and I'll have a harem of life-like non-aging obedient sex robots.

Better then the saggy dry vagina OP>>8989908
will be sporting

Have fun with your dildo.

>> No.8989926

Lol. Amount other things women have stronger immune systems and far fewer genetic diseases on account of having a back up copy. Keep your inferior genes

>> No.8989927

It's funny because technology will quite literally make females obsolete. At the same time, no toy will ever make them stop craving men's attention.

>> No.8989933

This. And with the creation of artificial wombs (which just need to be perfected at this point) women will basicaly be obsolete even for breeding.

>> No.8989934

Yeah, but estrogen sucks. Minimal ability to build muscle, bulky mammary glands, fat retention, no facial hair.

>> No.8989939
File: 34 KB, 680x612, 18e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Give me two decades or 3 and I'll have a harem of life-like non-aging obedient sex robots.
Disgusting degenerate. You'll become ostracized as a perverted freak. Where as women can be pasted around the community and be defended for here sluttish behaviour.
X-chrom : 1
Y-chrom : 0

>Better then the saggy dry vagina OP>>8989908 (OP) will be sporting
A girl can always get it tucked and trimmed where as a man will never be able to grow his itty-bitty-teeny-weeny.
X-chrom : 2
Y-chrom : 0

>> No.8989944
File: 156 KB, 900x563, soul_eater_excalibur_baka_by_izanagiservant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's all you guys can say whilst women are still way ahead of you. Men have since the dawn of time been obsolete.
What do you need muscles for in this day and age? Manual slave labour?
Someone's got to feed the baby. Plus its been an effective tool at enslaving men for sometime now and will continue to be as men are weak willed.
>facial hair
>fat retention

Wew lads Y-chroms simply just can't compete. When will they ever learn

>> No.8989946

>Disgusting degenerate. You'll become ostracized as a perverted freak. Where as women can be pasted around the community and be defended for here sluttish behaviour.

In what world do you even live? Women are slut shamed all the time by women and other women. Where as men get high-fived by everyone when they fuck around.
Having sex robots that look indistinguishable from women will be a giant middle finger to feminists and women in general.
It's basicaly like owning sex slaves.

>A girl can always get it tucked and trimmed where as a man will never be able to grow his itty-bitty-teeny-weeny.

Fuctional stem cell penises have already been grown on rabbits, it's only a matter of time until it becomes used a widespread treatment and even cosmetic surgery.

Besides an old ugly man can always buy a hot whore with pocket change. An ugly old woman will never be able to get dicked.

I don't even get your point. A man can be ugly as fuck and old and still be respected by society.
While it's a death sentence for a woman.
While an old woman will be viewed as the smelly cat lady

>> No.8989947
File: 114 KB, 760x805, counter anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Disgusting degenerate. You'll become ostracized as a perverted freak.
>The only reason women won't get ditched entirely is because it's socially unacceptable
Must be a sad existence for them.

>> No.8989951
File: 61 KB, 600x800, 137593505136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides, I'm pretty sure by your avatars that you're trannies.

Go back to /lgbt

>> No.8989952
File: 50 KB, 600x427, 1498016086305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying you aren't just a fat coalburner
Pic related OP's vagina probably

>> No.8989956
File: 654 KB, 1005x677, 1498104990579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'll never past the uncanny valley. Shame...
>talking about the 1%
Shame... So desperate
Bite me ;^P
Oi be nice to your mami
>pic related
Shame... Just shame...

>> No.8989959

Muscles are me aesthetically pleasing. Though not essential. They also display potential physical prowess. Intimidation works.

Breasts, harder to hide in narrower places. Incomveniently vulnerable due to felshiness.

We live in a world where millions wallow in excess. Too much fat has been retained.

Facial hair- I can grow it and you probably can't. HA!

Not to mention, higher bone density, enjoy your osteoporosis.

>> No.8989967

>penis envy
Are you fucking 12? I swear to myself I will cut every testicle on this planet. But not every I dispose of every manchild.

Stronger immune system my fucking ass. If females go through the army then they can't make children anymore. Constant ovulation for no reason, like anyone is going to have 12 kids in 12 months, it's not even possible.

Genetic wealth my dick, males have a 90% more chance of psychosis, sociopathy and ruining the decent 2 X dual power in favor of sabotaging their children with the Y garbage. Can you find water with that Y stick, you faggot?

You're both weak willed, over emotional, faking/hypocritical, dumb as fuck pieces of shits.
You're equally garbage.

I can't wait to create my own gender where reproduction is done through eggs.

>> No.8989974

> wants to go back to egg-laying.
We evolved away from that shit for a reason.

>> No.8989975
File: 1.88 MB, 335x536, b104d959dc3b7e02ac6befece00c81d52d723bd89caebf5233168f4bcb29e72a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muscles are me aesthetically pleasing. Though not essential. They also display potential physical prowess. Intimidation works.
Again why do women need muscles? Let alone anyone other than to overcompensate for teeny-weeny
>Breasts, harder to hide in narrower places. Incomveniently vulnerable due to felshiness.
That's why God gave us men to boss around as slaves
>We live in a world where millions wallow in excess. Too much fat has been retained.
I know right. So much excess that millions die every year of starvation. For know I'll enjoy plump bum pic related for reference
>Facial hair- I can grow it and you probably can't. HA!
What are hormone pills?
>Not to mention, higher bone density, enjoy your osteoporosis.
Women will enjoy their increased longevity. Enjoy dying young cuck.

>> No.8989982

Why live so long you can't stand up? Longevity doesn't always mean that you age more slowly, it means that you spend more time degrading into a blind, deaf, lame, and toothless husk.

>> No.8989983
File: 188 KB, 650x650, yourightnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They'll never past the uncanny valley. Shame...

Machines will likely be indistinguishable from human beings by the end of the century.
And you think they won't even cosmeticaly look human....

>pic related is you

Why do you gloat superiority for being a woman? What difference does gender make? You're likely without value as a human being

also this anon is right.

Gender and Sex is retarded. You should focus on not being a brainlet and furthering the human race as we reach into transhuman territory.

Intelligent machines will and should replace us as the next "evolutionary" step of humans.
Humans will upgrade their genome and biology eventualy. Machine hybrids are a likely outcome for us. Eventualy all of our minds will partialy be linked trough the internet as well and we'll slowly become more machine than man.

The humans mind and body is weak and frail in its current condition.

Arguing that you're better than someone for being born a different sex shows there's something wrong with us.

>> No.8989984

Edit: forgot to add senile to the list.

>> No.8989989

Machines are cold and lifeless. Blood is thicker than motor oil.

>> No.8989991

Isn't it weird that dilods are also invented by men?

>> No.8989995

What relevance does that have?

>> No.8990001

Screw machines. There is no reason to have artificially enervated art on the same tier as that of Rembrandt. I realize change happens, but machines are not living. If conversion happens, humanity will cease to exist, replaced by electrical facsimiles of ourselves.

>> No.8990002
File: 41 KB, 575x324, 1497362735237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>constant ovulations
I'm sorry God made women so efficient. Women are suppose to be popping out babies like a tennis ball machine dude to proto-mans weak inability to protect the herd. So we needed reinforcements. You can thank us later
>your both weak willed etc....
Can't say I disagree but it makes me wonder where your allegiance lies. You transitioning?
Its so you guys can look after women longer to show your appreciation for their long hard service to holding the family unit together through blood, sweat and tears...
>machines looking like humans
Wishful thinking lad.
>why gloat superiority?
Because I just want to see if you can deny it
>Machines are cold and lifeless. Blood is thicker than motor oil.
>blood thicker than motor oil
I think that's a fallacy
>invented by cucks

Blah blah I'm a guy BTW;^) I'd post dick but my bellyfat is to big to see it.

>> No.8990006

Forgot to quote you

>> No.8990010

Fuck that. I don't appreciate the little old lady at the market, I care about my grandmother, not some stranger. Aging sucks.

>> No.8990011


>Genetic wealth my dick, males have a 90% more chance of psychosis, sociopathy

But also 90% more chance of being a genius. There is just more variability in males. Thats why it is males that both wage wars/violence but also push humanity forward.

>> No.8990043

I understand you point. But define "living".
If you studied cells you'd just see that they're nothing more than complex molecular machine.
There's no reason artificial machines won't eventualy reach the same complexity.

If you think I mean that we'll become clunky robots you're mistaken. We'll change, but we won't downgrade to tosters.

Besides the "Human brain project" is an ongoing project on the scale of the "Human genome project".

We're mapping out every single connection in the brain so we can study it thoroughly. The mind isn't magical either, and an artificial mind would theoreticaly not be out inferior.

>machines looking like humans
>Wishful thinking lad.

It's childlike thinking if you believe that they wont eventualy. We're not in a technological stagnation you brainlet.

>> No.8990044

*not be out inferior

>> No.8990046

You honestly think I would want my thoughts electronically accessible to anybody else?

>> No.8990055

I don't believe that we'll become clunky, but I do find your belief that, singularity being the only option, extremely objectionable. Machines were created to do work, under human control, why should they be anything more than that? Why should we become "them"?

>> No.8990060
File: 23 KB, 852x480, projecting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eventualy all of our minds will partialy be linked trough the internet as well
wtf is this 'eventualy'? we been avatar-style spirited linked since <strike>1996</strike>eternity
>The humans mind and body is weak and frail in its current condition.
< dis b U

>> No.8990073

That's what I mean. Her progeny owe her
Genius is a social construct. I'm saying that cause most woman just assume their role and end up not achieving as much

>> No.8990075

>we been avatar-style spirited linked since
Proof? if not go back to /x

We'll have to deal with those issues as a society later on. I believe everyone has the right to choose what he wants for himself. If someone wants to stay a human he should be protected and given the means to live.

And I don't believe that anyone that wants to become more should be forbidden to do so.

But humans would really be like animals compared to these "people" with an intelligence 100 times greater than our own.

Look we evolved this far. Our neo-cortex became larger and we became more intelligent.
Why stop here though? Why stagnate? We should only seek to improve.

>> No.8990084

>men were created to do work, under womens control, why should they be anything more than that?

>> No.8990089

I assumed that we were now discussing transhumanism

>> No.8990105

except women only use 1 X, the other is inactive

men use X+Y

>> No.8990107

does the feminine y chromosome exist?
Could it explain why trannies and traps exist?

>> No.8990118
File: 985 KB, 406x720, 1497971763017.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See >>8989926
Hey. Yeah never know. But its most likely mental disorder
> I assumed that we were now discussing transhumanism
No ones stopping you.

>> No.8990124
File: 198 KB, 500x357, zhwdA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Through sheer random assortment, an adult male may never pass on his Y chromosome if he only has female offspring. Thus, although a male may have a well adapted Y chromosome free of excessive mutation, it may never make it in to the next gene pool.
So even if they wish to produce they is a 50/50 chance a males genes won't be past on and merely his own mothers genes only will pass. Can't a guy catch a break.
Teeny-weenies .how can they even compete

>> No.8990135

The poster who claimed that humanity must evolve beyond its current state was responsible for sidetraking this thread. I can't even tell you what you want.

>> No.8990141

plus woman have the advantage of ever male almost immediately liking them cause boobs and vagina
and still they are inferior to men in most aspects

>> No.8990147

So can we admit we all have our certain areas of specialism and are equal?
Just wanted to see what you boffins think. Wanted to see how sexist your reactions would be. You guys seem alright

>> No.8990158

I admit that I have my own biases, and they're not always right, but all humans are deserving of the same base dignity for being human. I also recognize individuality as being extremely important. I'm petty, but I also wanted to be civil. You probably know very well about the rest of this site's boards.

>> No.8990175

Edit: I am actually inclined towards the arts. I come here for the chaos.

>> No.8990206

goddamn this is 4chan stop acting like an adult

>> No.8990226
File: 494 KB, 245x136, fOH8FYO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8990322

where are the mods?

>> No.8990344

Hahaha this sites own sense of individuality is what keeps me coming back

>> No.8990394
File: 71 KB, 854x327, Artificial womb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Everything you have posted is pseudo-science combined with ignorance.I am sure you got these "facts" from the new york times and dubious "experts".
However you are right on something.
Although they may not look like it,women are incredibly smart animals,definitely the smartest after dolphins.

>> No.8990427

People with downs syndrome have more chromosomes.

Maybe having less genetic information is better?

>> No.8990440

Pseudoscience? Have you even bothered to look it up? I'm sorry I didn't bother saucing anything but it all true ya Dingus.
That artificial 'womb' looks disgusting and unnatural. These guys need to stop asking the question whether if they can do something. And rather should they be doing something.
Agreed. Some worms have over a 100 chromosome for God knows what and they seem to do a good job of surviving.
Though man and female chromosomes are within the natural order. Downies are abominations

>> No.8990613

We could have society without women, but 'society' without men is simply unthinkable.

>> No.8990635

>So even if they wish to produce they is a 50/50 chance a males genes won't be past on

>implying that people only have two chromosomes
>implying that even if that were the case, the Y chromosome wouldn't just be his father's gene

>> No.8990659

You're a guy, aren't you