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8982139 No.8982139 [Reply] [Original]

how likely is height growth, shoulder width growth and penis growth after 18?

also how detrimental can dieting before 18 be?

>> No.8982145

You probably only have a few years left to promote the best environment and solidify any gains that your genes will allow. A regimented schedule could theoretically get you some marginal gains but you have to be disciplined, you have to be smart, and you have to be lucky. Nobody here can tell you when your growth plates have ossified, and nobody has a scientifically proven way (other than speculative broscience) of how to do it.

>> No.8982147

Not likely. Youre staying a manlet, dicklet, and shoulderlet for the rest of your life :^)

But seriously, go to >>>/r9k/ so you can go cry about your non problems or something. Dumb thread

>> No.8982151

>being a manlet AND a brainlet
Life sure did not go easy on you OP.

>> No.8982154

nah bro i think r9k is where you belong

>> No.8982160

>penile growth after 18
apparently, you can gain length with extenders, jokes aside. Look for Penile Augmenttion, Springer.
Girth however can't be modified as of today sadly
>tfw 7''x4.5'' pencil dick

>> No.8982163

you have worse things to worry about than your pencil dick, like your balding and your STEM degree (total turn off).

>> No.8982171
File: 553 KB, 2560x2489, sadfroge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t-thanks for putting me in perspective

>> No.8982211

To be clear, it is very difficult for a woman to create characteristics on a man wrt a promise of good sex.
The size of the cock matters to women through
-the small size, which clearly no woman loves
-the thick cock, which women loves
A woman also knows that men loving to perform, men love be complimented on their performances as well as to hear that they have bigger cocks than her previous lovers
-the long cocks, which women loves to think that they could handle and seems exotic, but are good for oral and anal

The clues coming with a man about financial wealth and tastes are more deterministic about the quality and quantity of entertainment and pleasures not directly related to sex, than the size of the cock, because the size is clearly and advantage, but there is no evidence, through the size, about the ability of the man to make the woman cum without effort.

So yeah. women have easier access to sex, but most men are not much endowed and even the few who have thick cocks do not perform well, in short or mid term, because they think a fat cock is enough. Thank god for women
-that most women get orgasms from their clitoris
-that most men, irrespective of their physique or social background, love to eat pussy [but men are so stupid that they being by eating pussy, instead of finishing by it]

so what do women rely on to be as sure as possible that the beta will make them cum? they rely on
-what the man brags about [but men easily distort the truth on their abilities to please women, in bed or not]
-what other women fucked by the guy say about the guy. this is why women talk about sex between them. they want to know if the provider that they have is indeed acceptable.

>> No.8982296

can't believe i just read that entire autism

>> No.8982297

There is a procedure for girth
Some sort of collagen injection iirc

>> No.8982301

i have 14cm penis but honestly i wouldnt risk injecting shit in my dick, i rather have a small dick than have a non functioning one and i should be thankful that i don't have a micro penis, that is when life is truly unfair.

>> No.8982307


So,,, Strictly technically speaking, could a baby inseminate a woman to give birth to another baby?
and if not what is the minimum age for procreation then???????????

>> No.8982318
File: 9 KB, 267x181, CNsj6jjUcAAK7QP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all a chode needs to gain lengtih is to buy a 300$ stretcher
>a pencil dick however has to spend thousands on a dangerous and experimental surgical procedure
heh i guess i wasn't meant to win at life...

>> No.8982327

stretcher doesnt work you low iq subhuman

>> No.8982359

last chapter.

>> No.8982367

blood flow is temporary you fucking negroid nigger

>> No.8982441


>> No.8982931

I've heard promising things about daily bathmate use. Jelqing for girth is kinda risky and tedious but the bathmate seems like it would work.
>tfw slightly above average shoulders but big ass neck so shoulders look small

>> No.8982970

plastics and some pesticides decrease testosterone, so stop consuming stuff touched by that shit and maybe dick will grow a bit. woman clit will grow if she take testosterone.

>> No.8983330

>height growth, shoulder width growth, and penis growth after 18
unlikely, but possible
>dieting before 18
good for obvious fatty, bad for others

>> No.8983483

>dieting before 18
My friends honestly thought my parents had me on a diet when I was in high school since I ate a fruit/vegetable with every meal. I just thought it was common since. They used to make fun of me, but now a days I am by far the healthiest when I see them so I guess the jokes on them. Still I hate that they had their lives ruined by shorty parents who wouldn't serve them nutritional meals because it takes more time than microwaving crap

>> No.8985142

not likely
there are people who develop late, but you'd know if that was you by now

your best bet is to get rich and get some scientists to try using stem cells on you or something. That sounds like a joke, but it's not. I mean, they can regrow teeth now (2 different ways, actually), so a dick shouldn't be too hard (no pun intended).

>> No.8986067

Shoulder growth is still possible. The others though probably not.