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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 70 KB, 500x202, podesta_nye_pizza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8976484 No.8976484[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8976485

Bill Nye the Science Guy? Yes, it is.
Bill Nye Saves the World? Hell, no.

>> No.8976487
File: 376 KB, 732x440, 1493843208647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly Bill Nye seems like a pretty chill dude. Would be neat to talk to him about his solar sail satellite over a couple of beers.

The problem comes in when the chip in his brain activates and he goes full political b.s.

>> No.8976995
File: 127 KB, 500x566, bill-nye-the-liberal-agenda-guy-bill-nye-the-sellout-20089957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8977002

Bill Nye the "fucking kids in the ass" guy

>> No.8977231

I..Is that real, OP?

>> No.8977262
File: 845 KB, 500x352, billn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Young bill nye is cool, his show isnt preachy, and they dont ram POLLUTION IS EVIL WRITE TO YOUR PRESIDENT TODAY AND TELL HIM HES DUMB all the time. Plus its got that 90s wacky sound effects / camera edits / music stuff which is pretty nice

>> No.8977334

Bill was my hero as a kid, which makes this all the more sad for me

>> No.8977349

I never liked that smug prick to be quite honest.

>> No.8977358
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>Bill was my hero as a kid, which makes this all the more sad for me

>> No.8977382

It wasn't Bill you liked, it was the editing that made Bill likeable.

Bill is one of these people who doesn't really care about science. They are using science for attention. They use it as an identity to appear interesting, intelligent and respected because their own personality is not good enough.

>> No.8977552

holy shit

>> No.8977555

bill nye the good goy guy

>> No.8977571
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>> No.8977621

Are you saying I shouldve watched Beakmans World instead?

>> No.8978555

>safe for your kids?
>implying /sci/ has kids
gtfo normie

>> No.8978670
File: 464 KB, 592x687, pedosta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't find it on his twatter. Maybe it's this message in pic related (original) someone edited.


Wouldn't be surprised if John and Bill had some pizza and hotdogs together and now they're blackmailing him.

>> No.8978675
File: 100 KB, 566x690, obama_pizza_hotdogs_stratfor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These people are really obsessed about pizzas and hot-dogs, aren't they?

>> No.8978816

>Is Bill Nye safe for your kids?

If your kids are not binary then yes.

>> No.8978834

Good. I couldn't stand having a binary child. How fucking boring ugh

>> No.8978914

You enter your son's room and you find him watching Bill Nye's new show, what do you do?

>> No.8978934

>not having quantum children

>> No.8978936

Who writes pizza with capital P?

Unless they refer to a person as Pizza

And the person would be a little child

>> No.8978987

That's a big child

>> No.8979005

>letting children listen to engineers

>> No.8979031
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>> No.8979033
File: 603 KB, 3333x2500, reason trannies are rising in numbers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's simply accelerating the sexual freedom in western society

>> No.8979058

He is advocating that children become gay transexuals.

So no.

>> No.8979098

Natural selection, ugly boy. I might fuck you though if you make a nice trap

>> No.8979101

You fucking son of a bitch that chart doesn't include those who became wizards D:<

>> No.8979458

>That struggling breathlessness
This is why you need to pre-record when dancing, people.

>> No.8979532

>[Nye] was married to his fiancée of five months, musician Blair Tindall, on February 3, 2006.
>The ceremony was performed by Rick Warren at The Entertainment Gathering at the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles. Yo-Yo Ma provided the music.
>Nye left the relationship seven weeks later when the marriage license was declared invalid. >In 2007, Nye received a protective order against Tindall after an incident in which she came onto his property and used herbicide to damage his garden.
what the literal fuck, how do you have a blow out wedding and end it a month and a half later? then she gets back at him by using non-organic materials on his garden... holy fuck

>> No.8979578

He isn't. He's saying that there are gay transexuals and you should accept that.

>> No.8979607

>white people

>> No.8979664

wouldn't quantum children be the binary ones? only able to jump between a finite number of states (i.e. boy and girl) instead of having an infinite spectrum of possible values?

>> No.8979681

>want out of a marriage
>license miraculously declared invalid
was he really so lucky?

>> No.8979766

yeah but he's also trying to make children become them. Nothing wrong with that though.
I like trans traps

>> No.8980031

>/pol/ is still crying.

>> No.8980405

no, he's saying that "normal" people should accept that other people have different tastes.
they should accept, that they aren't the majority (there is no "normal") and that there's a whole range of flavours
they should just go with it and indulge in lgbtq... group sex with all kinds of people all the time


>> No.8980408

so are people that expected fun science and not political agenda

>> No.8980447

Just because science goes against your personal opinion doesn't make it political agenda.

>> No.8980452

i agree, but have you seen the show? There are some segments, that truly have absolutely nothing to do with science and are just literal propaganda

>> No.8980454


>> No.8980457

Bill the "Definitely going to Hell" guy

>> No.8980481

>cos my sex junk, is so oh-oho-oh

Need I say more?

>> No.8980548



show me the science in those vids and show me it isn't propaganda

>> No.8980562

There's some crazy shit in there yeah

>> No.8980572

For you

>> No.8980921

I'm a chemicals engineering major but had to take one course in biology recently.

The professor seemed somewhat liberal and used Bill nye a lot just to summarize topics.

When Bill nyes new show hit he said no more Bill nye was "lost" and he wouldn't show anymore.

Was nice to see a professor with a brain for once

>> No.8980969
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>> No.8980973
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>> No.8980988

you stormfags are cancer.
You're just like ISIS

>> No.8980994

cant believe that antifa is on /sci/
Greetings Comrade

>> No.8981002

We don't like your kind around here brainlet

>> No.8981008
File: 53 KB, 587x293, lynn btfo being racist in his IQ surveys discarding high black IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh IQ graphs
>muk kekistan

>> No.8981014

>>muk kekistan
youre on the wrong website.
r/the_don is this way.

>> No.8981027
File: 115 KB, 786x630, alt-right kekistani warrior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't notice your brothers and sisters using kekistani flags?

>> No.8981048

hurr every conservative is a 14 year old.
and btw you're outdated as fuck. /pol/ stoped with the kekistan shit months ago.
that crap is exclusive to reddit fags.
no need to thank me for enlightning you

>> No.8981419

/pol/ pumped and dumped kekistanis and then threw them at the side of the road?

Not surprised

>> No.8981428

but I thought kekistan was born on /pol/

>> No.8981430
File: 42 KB, 600x631, kekfugees welcome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah they were.
Now /pol/ pretends that they've got nothing to do with them

>> No.8981436
File: 110 KB, 960x558, changingthefaceofcoding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8981463

brings a new meaning to "degeneracy of the spectrum"

>> No.8981611

I think that it is pretty obvious that its mostly reddit and shareblue shilling...

>> No.8982118

Yep, pol is still crying about a 5 mins segment. Reminds me of that time those retards tried to boycott a Tarantino movie.