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8979467 No.8979467 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8979473 [DELETED] 

Well, he was an engineer.

He doesn't need to understand relativity to be the best at what he does.

sage: a thread died for this

>> No.8979474

“No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right. A single experiment can prove me wrong.”
No experiment has ever proven relativity wrong. Tesla never even wrote down his theory, so he was wrong from the start.

>> No.8979486
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Tesla was right. Today's physicists dispense with proper philosophical foundations and the result is that they end up producing nonsense.

>> No.8979587

>relativity is just a meme

Explain this, then.


>> No.8979598
File: 64 KB, 371x131, Some_dumbass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm being a retard and nobody can stop me
Or words to that effect. Also pic related.

>Remember to sage

>> No.8979601

U sure it's not just a fat made up story?

>> No.8979608

space isnt curved but its geodesics are

>> No.8980514
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>"equivalent to stating that something can act upon nothing"
I read this in Ken Ham's voice.
My god, was Tesla the brainlet of the late 19th century?

>> No.8980516


He didn't mean anything by it since he never formally tried to disprove it.

>> No.8980526

>the source of all rays we know is always a stream of tangible particles or "corpuscles" rather than waves or vibrations

until we get a proper method of testing for corpuscles this will remain a viable theory

>> No.8980527

Physics/Mathematicians should dwell into hermeticism while they're in college.

>> No.8980746

Hertz called, he said you were a retard.

>> No.8981087

Such as...?

>> No.8981492

Exactly this.

>> No.8982985
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ITT: a bunch of kids who watched a few physics videos and think they know science.
then what was on the paper that the government stole from his lab and rooms after he died?
einstein said the same thing jackass. tesla was talking about the presence of an ether. einstein said there is an ether, just not a luminiferous aether. the michelson morley experiment finding nothing in the 1800s was proof that reletivity was right, now that we have more sensitive devices and found an aether, they just changed it to define gravity waves instead of aether, so when you keep changing the theory to fit the expeiments, the theory is bullshit. there was really nothing new in relativity anyway. they used maxwells and lorentz equations. plus, it was already known that there was a mass-energy equivalence
if you need to ask then its not worth answering
it has been done
not by hertz though(in this context)
try reading about QED or the book "the strange theory of light and matter"

>> No.8982993
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wow, you are an idiot. geodesics are a metaphysical, or mathematical concept. this is exactly what tesla meant in the quote posted above. you dont even know what geodesics are, you retard, but you repeat this to try to sound smart. geodesics cant be curved or even spoken about in a physical sense. it is a "virtual" term which you clearly do not understand. its like saying the path between the answer to 8+3 is curved, jackass

>> No.8982997

Crackpot beliefs. Otherwise, he was great genius

>> No.8982998

Don't mistake a beggar for a king.
Metaphysicist VS Scientist

>> No.8983011

>not by hertz though(in this context)
Hetrz showed that EM waves were indeed waves, as predicted by Maxwell. The Newtonian corpuscle, adhered to by Tesla, was long dead.

>> No.8983032

What's up with this cult of Tesla? It's worse thant the anti-quantum zealotry of pilot wave. He was just an engineer who went crackpot-mode, there are plenty of those around. Even better, there are crackpot physicists that spout nonsense that's actually entertaining and funny, like Smolin, Woit or Hossenfelder.

>> No.8983040


His quotes can be applied to a wide area of quackery, new age woo and conspiracy theories so it makes sense that everyone quotes him. Tesla being a successful inventor helps these theories sound more legit.

>> No.8983041

Hey, I read Lubos' blogs too

>> No.8983042

Words of a (rightfully) skeptical man who, however didn't live to see GPSs

>> No.8983044

Einstein admitted his theory of relativity was wrong when presented with the twin paradox.

>> No.8983050

I don't anymore, too much politics and not enough science. But he's right about those people.

>> No.8983052

Perhaps. I find his less scientific takes interesting too. Are you a physicist?

>> No.8983057
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See pic related

Einstein formulated the theory of special relativity because it was needed to explain observations in nature that made no sense what so ever classically.

The idea that the speed of light is constant wasn't really new, since people had already considered that with the ether theory (which was disproven by the Michelson Morley experiment). But special relativity gets around the idea of a preferred intertial frame of reference with incredibly elegant arguments, and that's why it was successful.

So to sum up
>I don't understand Einstein's theory and can't be bothered to read about the last 30 years of experimental progress, especially since it's easier to be a faggot and deny modern progress.
That is what Tesla meant.

>> No.8983060

I used to read his political blogs when it was about climate change, there was some scientific insight in those. Not a physicist yet, just got my bachelors and thinking about switching to math for my masters. It's either that or hep-th.

>> No.8983071

Ah, I see. Nice to know another insider's perspective on those three

>> No.8983093

I don't consider myself an insider. I think that privilege comes with PhD. But anyone who went through QM is capable of seeing through the shit these cranks pull.

>> No.8983107

I have some basic knowledge of QM from self study (and Lubos' posts on it helped clarify many doubts) but I don't think I ever read any of their arguments. I should probably try it sometime.

>> No.8983116

If you went through Landau's textbooks on QM, you can see that what they're saying is just wrong (in better case), plain stupid or utter nonsense. I'm pretty sure that's true for their critiques of string theory since they make such trivial mistakes in QM. But i can't comment on that, i'm just reading through a textbook on strings.

>> No.8983150

I was incidentally going through Landau's and Townsend's books last week. I'm only familiar with the first 3 or 4 chapters of Landau though (basics, uncertainty principle, density matrices, harmonic oscillator).

>> No.8983213

>"Space cannot have any properties"
>proceeds to describe one of its properties

>> No.8984136 [DELETED] 

relativity was created to distract form teslas work so that the jews could dead end goy science, while keeping teslas advanced tech.

Samuel clemens is Einstein.... a crisis actor.

>> No.8984280

>The Newtonian corpuscle, adhered to by Tesla,
Fake data anon, Tesla knew about and talked about the wave qualities of EM radiation(standing waves from lightning is one example). Where Tesla differed from his contemporaries is that he believed (rightly so) that EM waves could manifest in both transverse and longitudinal forms.

>> No.8984289

Wrong, in his own words he thought light was some Newtonian particle. They're his own words.
>Longitudinal EM wave
Fuck off your retarded Tesla fag.

>> No.8984311 [DELETED] 

>Fuck off your retarded Tesla fag.

Yeah, jewish scientists would never lie to us!

>> No.8984312

typical post in this thread:
>I can say for sure based on hours of google searching that Einstein was dumb and his theories are wrong because I don't understand them and they aren't mentioned in my bible anywhere.

this thread gave me cancer

>> No.8984317

Typical Teslaposter desu. Worse than frogposting.
Whats a matter goy, Jealous of my Big Jew Intelligence?

>> No.8984323

now you're changing the goal posts anon
>implying we don't use the photon when speaking of a particle of light.
here's a quote from Tesla's Colorado Springs notes
>The discovery of the stationary terrestrial waves... [indicates] that, despite its vast extent, the entire planet can be thrown into resonant vibration like a little tuning fork; that electrical oscillations suited to its physical properties and dimensions pass through it unimpeded, in strict obedience to a simple mathematical law,
In today's terms it's called Schumann resonance.
If you don't understand enough of the physics of EM waves to understand that longitudinal EM waves do indeed exist you're too ignorant to have much of an intelligent discussion on the matter.
from the wiki
> But Maxwell's equations do lead to the appearance of longitudinal waves under some circumstances, for example, in plasma waves or guided waves. Basically distinct from the "free-space" waves, such as those studied by Hertz in his UHF experiments, are Zenneck waves.[11] The longitudinal modes of a resonant cavity are the particular standing wave patterns formed by waves confined in a cavity.

>> No.8984343

>Whats a matter goy, Jealous of my Big Jew Intelligence?

ya'll can't even make a fucking nuke, or afford to fund your own military, you brainlets.

>> No.8985081

I can't make any positive claims about a phenomenon nobody can observe. I can make the null claim that no such paper ever existed.

>> No.8985374

Must be hard not to stay salty when one works in electrolytes.
I think he's right, though. We jumped the gun and started sucking Einstein's dick before substantial evidence is provided about the properties of space.

>> No.8985416

The /pol/ in me knows not to completely trust anyone who is a jew, which einstein is. However, I also know that even people like Isaac Newton have really retarded beliefs despite being geniuses in some areas. Tesla was clearly a genius; I mean, how did he do wireless stuff a hundred years ago? He built a fucking earthquake machine in new york.

One belief I have that sounds like a crackpot theory is that his idea for the flying stove is what ufo's actually are. When he died, the fbi confiscated all his notes, and then ufo's become a thing. So if they actually do exist in some way (I've never seen one), they're probably the US-made government craft.

>> No.8985423

>the properties of space.
and there's the rub anon, I'm just an educated electron pusher who has learned that much of we're taught is misrepresented. I graduated as an EE and it wasn't until a decade later while in the broadcast industry I found that the amplifiers worked on principles that vindicated Tesla's wireless power transmission statements. I'd long known of his genius in his designs of alternators / motors. The flow of magnetic energy in his designs demonstrated deep understanding.
I do not profess to understand GR, SR, string theory or any of the rest of the mathematical hand waving I've seen over the years. I'm not stupid, and when an experimentally verifiable unifying theory comes out I might take the trouble to learn it, meanwhile I'll agree with the engineer who's designs work.

>> No.8985437
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>the amplifiers worked on principles that vindicated Tesla's wireless power transmission statements.

you do realize you will need to explain this heresy don't you?

>> No.8986187

>you do realize you will need to explain this heresy don't you?
please investigate the principles of operation behind the common TWT (traveling wave tube). You'll find some concepts best explained by Chu and the paper "Field Theory of Traveling Wave Tubes"
Then please explore the principles of operation of the Klystron. Note the similarities and differences and then you will realize how they apply to Wardenclyffe's intended operation.

>> No.8986201

sorry, forgot to mention a little known property of quenched spark gaps driving resonant circuits. By adjusting the timing of the spark gap with regards to the resonant frequency and quenching alternate half cycles you can impart incredibly large DC potentials to the system. This relates to the mechanism at Wardenclyffe, in the modern amplifiers the flow of DC current and it's interaction with a nearly standing wave (frequency not quite perfect for the resonance).

>> No.8986209

so if you can transmit non-negligible power wirelessly over meaningful distances why hasn't anyone done so?

or is it more likely that its a bunch of psudo-science tin-foil hat quackery?

>> No.8986306

>why hasn't anyone done so?
I understand your skepticism anon, I really do. I will answer by saying;
If it's possible to make a fission bomb why don't more people do it?
The answer to both is because of several things.
1. scale, some processes are either vastly more difficult or impossible to scale down beyond a certain point.
2. expense, both of these projects require a big investment.
3. governments not giving you permission.
The Plekhanov brothers tried to demonstrate the principles a couple of years back, it looks like they got bought out and subverted.
Be honest, can you see any of the current power producers / distributors being open minded about worldwide distribution when anyone could cobble together a small receiver that couldn't be billed?
So there are many plausible reasons why it hasn't been done, be a skeptic if you want but I know the physics behind this stuff and it will work as Tesla described it.
A good explanation from the Plekanov brother's project. It's the archived version before they got bought out and buried the info.

I'll leave you with another crackpot thought anon, what do you know about soliton waves? their discovery and unique properties? would an EM soliton be considered a photon?

>> No.8986319


Things can always be billed.

>> No.8986708

>Things can always be billed.
how would you bill for air consumption? How's that TV tax thing work for the UK? If you didn't need to put an antenna up to receive there would be no visible way to know if the occupant of a particular house was watching TV.
Your argument is void.

>> No.8986773


>how would you bill for air consumption?


>How's that TV tax thing work for the UK? If you didn't need to put an antenna up to receive there would be no visible way to know if the occupant of a particular house was watching TV.

Plenty of countries have to pay mandatory fees/taxes for television programs.

The internet is free yet you still pay for it. People will always find a way to tax you.

>> No.8986777


>> No.8987336

Something that I never understood about the 1905 relativity paper:

When the paper begins with its attempts to define simultaneity, it starts off with a Galilean c+v equation. How'd he start from a Galilean equation and end up with the Lorentz transformations?

>> No.8987361
File: 155 KB, 570x319, Wireless-Charging-Stanford-570x319[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These guys are trying.

>By eliminating the radio frequency component of the wireless transmitter and replacing it with a commercially available voltage amplifier and feedback resistor, the pair was able to create a device that automatically determines the correct frequency needed for different distances.

>> No.8987374


Science is the beggar in that analogy

>> No.8987390

It means the jew was wrong.

>> No.8987394

he's right. the way most physicists use relativity is to make approximations. it's not analytical.

>> No.8987477

i think it's an underdog kind of thing where people identify with him because they're outcasts and they're up against "the system"