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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 2.34 MB, 2592x1944, horeseshoe crab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8962292 No.8962292 [Reply] [Original]

>Has stayed practically the same since 400 million years ago
>400 million years ago humans were fish

Why? Are horseshoe crabs perfect so they no longer evolved? What gave the fish enough to reason to evolve into modern humans within that same time frame?

It's almost like evolution is an unproven hypothesis. It's almost like it's a dogma that can't be questioned.

>> No.8962298

6000 years. When you have a robust and comprehensive worldview, you don't have to make up idiotic excuses for why reality doesn't fit your shit worldview.

>> No.8962300

Not in the slightest. They clearly have their abode in a very particular ecological niche and have there not diversified much over the years.

Meanwhile, the species who would become humans were forced to adapt to changing conditions.

This is just basic evolution.

>> No.8962301

FUCK those things.

No I mean for real.

>> No.8962304



It's not a question of being perfect, it's a question of being "good enough". Evolution requires TWO things, a mutation, AND an environmental pressure that makes the mutation beneficial. It's perfectly possible for an animal to "muddle by" with an imperfect arrangement if it lacks either of these requirements, look at the blood vessels in the Giraffe's neck.

>> No.8962311

How would you prepare horseshoe crabs to eat? Would it be just like crab? Would a horseshoecrabcake taste good? How much meat is even on those things?

>> No.8962313

Wow you have completely rebuked my argument with those facts.

Answer another question for me.

Why and how would a successfully asexually reproducing organism develop male/female sexual organs for sexual reproduction?

Even if there is some benefit to sexual reproduction, these simple asexually reproducing organisms did not know of these benefits, and even if they collectively did know, they can't just intentionally trigger the development of something as incredibly complex as a sexual reproduction system.

(Modern scientists today don't know the answer to this question)

God will humble you.

>> No.8962318

>>Has stayed practically the same since 400 million years ago
How do you know?
Only hard parts fossilize
It could have changed internally, and it wouldn't show up

>> No.8962320


>> No.8962324
File: 77 KB, 600x420, hotyeastfucking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are organisms that reproduce both sexually and asexually
There are organisms that grab DNA from the environment, and incorporate it into their genomes
Sexual reproduction evolved in microbes long before animals even existed

>> No.8962327

Literally God of the Gaps.


>> No.8962330

>Implying physical shape is the only thing that evolves.

Biochemistry, behavior, etc. don't fossilize well.

Also, the body proportions HAVE changed over the years, while the basic plan has remained the same.

>> No.8962334

>How would you prepare horseshoe crabs to eat?

Like a crab.

> Would it be just like crab?

Sort of, it is more closely related to spiders.

>Would a horseshoecrabcake taste good?

Depends on the spices.

>How much meat is even on those things?

Not much -- mostly in the legs, which are not very big.

>> No.8962341

>How much meat is even on those things?
Horseshoe crabs haven't evolved because they have no meat, so nothing can eat them.

>> No.8962349

Sexual reproduction causes an organism to adapt about 5% faster which has clear selective value

The solution ALWAYS comes before the problem in evolution, so your statement about not knowing the benefits in advance is retarded

>> No.8962351

Extremely pedantic desperate grasping at straws.

They have stayed PRACTICALLY the same, maybe they had green blood instead of blue blood, I did not say "literally exactly the same".

If you went back in time 400 years ago you would recognize them as horseshoe crabs, you wouldn't look at some fish and say "that's an early human".

I'm aware that I was talking about a microscopic development of sexual reproduction.

It's literally at least 50% less efficient than asexual reproduction, and it's not like they knew any potential benefits of sexual reproduction.

The fact that you believe single-celled organisms accidentally developed into humans is insane. The fact you think creatures accidentally developed sensory organs (like eyes/ears) is insane. God will humble those who have pushed this lie, and silenced those who question this lie. These did not come about by accident.

>> No.8962352

gr8b8m8. Here, have a (You).

>> No.8962355

>The solution always comes before the problem in evolution, because the solution always comes before the problem in evolution

>It's retarded because it's retarded

Yeah I'm not arguing with you.

>> No.8962357
File: 1.36 MB, 200x150, disappointment.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a promising post turns into bait in the last line

>> No.8962362

>God hasn't personally come to you and told you that evolution isn't real
Literally Scientist of the Gaps. Pathetic.

>> No.8962374

>If you went back in time 400 years ago you would recognize them as horseshoe crabs, you wouldn't look at some fish and say "that's an early human".
I would if I saw it had a radius and an ulna
>it's not like they knew any potential benefits of sexual reproduction
Who is they? The organisms?
>The fact that you believe single-celled organisms accidentally developed into humans is insane.
I don't
There were shitloads of intermediate forms over billions of years

>> No.8962393
File: 56 KB, 640x426, amazing_horseshoe_crabs_with_blue_blood_640_20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you. Horseshoe crab blood is used in the biomedical industry to make sure that IV drugs are safe and don't have bacteria in them

>> No.8962401
File: 57 KB, 564x479, b3c687ff2d1a4b40729b89180dd81902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why? Are horseshoe crabs perfect so they no longer evolved?
Evolution is not about perfection.
>What gave the fish enough to reason to evolve into modern humans within that same time frame?
Evolution is not about reason
>It's almost like evolution is an unproven hypothesis.
Pic related. It is a well proven theory. Some people just don't understand it.
>It's almost like it's a dogma that can't be questioned.
You can question it. Do you doubt that the bull terrier ancestors looked like the dog to the left, and then evolved into the dog to the right?

>> No.8962556
File: 2.13 MB, 2560x3128, Identification.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>practically the same

Meaning not really the same at all, but you can't see the difference because you are a retard.

>> No.8962582


I bet you're one of those retards who claims there's no such thing as a circle.

>> No.8962588
File: 1.99 MB, 500x349, 1428926906580.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they're cute.

>> No.8962603
File: 1.96 MB, 286x400, 1469543267261.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree.

>> No.8962611

Anon, there are no perfect circles in nature.

>> No.8962636


There might be a perfect, as possible given planck length, circle.

But the main construction of circle is an independent human invention that might be con-,per-,or post-current to other forms of intelligence.

But for observation and design purposes, it's useful to have an idealistic construction.

>Why? Are horseshoe crabs perfect so they no longer evolved? What gave the fish enough to reason to evolve into modern humans within that same time frame?

They obviously survived. We don't have the entire record of previous horseshoe crabs. Maybe the structure of their genes allows them to pick and lose traits in accordance with environmental pressures.

Evolution is about surviving within frames of ratios of entropy and order. If your body machine can survive it, with reproductive capabilities intact and with sufficient numbers of opposite genders, then it'll pass on the body machine/phenotypical info encoded in genes.

>Even if there is some benefit to sexual reproduction, these simple asexually reproducing organisms did not know of these benefits, and even if they collectively did know, they can't just intentionally trigger the development of something as incredibly complex as a sexual reproduction system.

You only know time frames of centuries. Even then you probably don't have a proper intuition which can discern the incredible amounts of change.

Life survived 300 millions of snowball earth. How many countless generations is that for microbial species? Can you imagine the vast clash of garbage data with actual structures of order and information?

For one who speaks of God, you have no intuition for how different the maker of Behemoth and Leviathan is from the normal thought process of men thinking in terms of their kids and maybe a few centuries of human generations.

>> No.8962645


Which is why I'd probably be called an Ignostic. The atheist claims against "benevolence" carry the most provincial of thoughts, a total ignorance that pain and suffering can be a path to eventual victory. Maybe even essential to the experience of victory and defeat.

But if you're going to "believe" in God, I hope you saw a burning bush talking to you. Otherwise from the perspective of a logic, you're selectively picking a single psychological profile out of the infinite set of possible deities and the infinite set of consistent and inconsistent action/reward systems.

>> No.8962670
File: 297 KB, 1300x1390, seamless-floral-pattern-red-pink-roses-black-backgro-background-watercolor-vector-illustration-50463092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That red plaid pattern is the meme of Helene's nightgown. This other pattern is the meme of Emily's romper.

>le ebin may mays

>> No.8962677

Why have retards like OP started appearing on /sci/ more lately?

>> No.8963741

No evolutionary pressure.

>> No.8963790

This is some Matrix shit

>> No.8963866

>Has stayed practically the same since 400 million years ago
>400 million years ago humans were fish
> evolution is an unproven hypothesis
All of these are fucking wrong.
1. perfect doesn't exist, nor does purpose or meaning, these are human concepts do not project them on reality, nor does evolution attain 'perfection'
2. it has not and 400 million year isn't long, life has existed for over 4500 million years. In any case there was no pressure for it to change.
3. so a species that has yet to exist was a fish, huh? Also it's not a fucking fish you retard.
4. it's not a hypothesis and it is implicit in all organisms, you can't have an organism without it, the specific resulting abstractions is more debatable

>> No.8964251

That video was extremely unsettling the first time I saw it.

>> No.8964364

uff whats the blue stuff wtf are they doniing???
>in4 its how viagra is made

>> No.8964492

But you would look at a fish and say "That's an early fish."

>> No.8964505

Horseshoe crabs have a copper-based blood, it is blue.

>> No.8964510

>in nature

As opposed to...?

>> No.8964523


>> No.8964624
File: 2 KB, 104x124, 1485648003906s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be sponge
>want diversified tissues
>can't bud if diversified tissues, need alternative form of reproduction
>enter gametes

>> No.8964629

One of the first things I learned in Bio was that there are always exceptions to the rules.

>> No.8964729


That's not very nice. :<

Poor crabbo. ;w;

>> No.8964764

what they do with horse shoe crab blood?

>> No.8964825

jesus that pic is depressing

>> No.8964846

Dog Breeding is a fucking awful institution. Modern societies like the American Kennel Club serve only to take functional, healthy dog breeds and fucking ruin them. The AKC took the German Shepherd working dog, for example, and turned it into an anxiety-filled wreck with severe hip dysplasia.

>> No.8964848

Here you go

>> No.8964850

>This is just basic evolution.
You're a faggot, that is just basic fact.

>> No.8964922

Sexual reproduction produces more variation in offspring than producing clones. When there is more variation, it is more likely that some of the offspring will survive, if the environment changes.

Organisms do not need to "know" the benefits of each strategy. It's only a matter of creating more viable offspring. In time, natural selection weeds out the bad strategies.

>> No.8964929


Literally the AKC is just peak American degeneracy and shouldn't be used as a strike against pure breeds in general.

>> No.8964972

Its almost like evolution doesn't apply to every organism and evolution only seeks to balance the creatures as they exist at the moment so if adaptations are not needed they won't get any.

But that being said and all memes aside, you make a good point because mutations are also a gigantic fueling factor behind evolution and mutations are supposed to exist in every single generation. Not even cells perfectly obey replication. So why does this ugly crab get to be immune to change. My hypothesis. They are our creators.

>> No.8964990


>> No.8965011

Explain why evolution never nerfed humas.

>> No.8965028

It's almost like evolution is total bullshit some faggot made up 150 years ago.

>> No.8965038


I know this is a bait thread but local maximum != global maximum. They're stuck on their local plateau.

>> No.8965110

So how do you explain the fossil record? Though it's more like snapshots of different eras rather than a continuous record, you can still see a trend of organisms constantly changing and adopting new forms.

It's either evolution is for the most part true and life changes over time, or new species have just spontaneously arisen and then disappeared.

>> No.8965180


>> No.8965355

it's "immune to change" because its environmental niche is, apparently, extremely niche. any noteable change probably makes it worse.

>> No.8965374

>So how do you explain the fossil record?

Lining up the fossils of two similar looking animals from different time periods isn't proof that one evolved into the other.

The fossil record is also incredibly broken, and it ALWAYS will be, Darwin himself said it will ALWAYS be incomplete.

>> No.8965391

So what's your explanation for the vastly different array of organisms found and dated to disparate eras?

If organisms don't change over time, then why are we only finding- for example- skeletons of dinosaurs from the Mesozoic era, and skeletons of mammals from the Cenozoic era?

Were both forms of life present during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic? If so, why are there no mammalian fossils from the Mesozoic era, or dinosaur fossils from the Cenozoic era? If not, then where did the mammals come from?

Going back even further, how do you explain the sudden increase in biodiversity when you look at fossils from the Cambrian era?

Do you really believe that life is static? That organisms and/or environments have remained constant across the billion-year history of the Earth?

>> No.8965545

I believe in micro-evolution but not macro-evoluton.

God created a system that is mostly automated and requires no manual intervention by him, micro-evolution is a part of that.

One exception is manual intervention for the creation of new animals.

>> No.8965702

Do you accept speciation?

>> No.8965711

Lmao babby's first b8 and you're all taking it

>> No.8965714

>no longer evolved
Everything is evolving constantly, there is no end product in natural selection. It's almost like you're a degenerate retard with no understanding of science or the natural world.
>sage your shitty b8

>> No.8965717


>> No.8965797

we cheated with our giant brains and long distance running

>> No.8965947

>humans were fish
Lrn2biology fgt pls

>> No.8966122

their blue copper blood is beautiful

>> No.8967459

He came from /pol/

Are you interested in the facts, or are you just here to fuck shit up?
These are actually interesting topics, stop acting so argumentative.

>> No.8967931

>in4 its how viagra is made
brainlets are cute

>> No.8968428

>It's almost like evolution is an unproven hypothesis. It's almost like it's a dogma that can't be questioned.

The thing with "almost" is that it means "not quite". You just have to make a bit more effort.

Evolution takes place when it is driven. And horseshoe crabs and a few other special (alligators?) remain unchanged because
- they have a form that works
- they dominate their niche
- nobody else is fit for that niche
So they remain the way they are.

Thus you can see that it does not disprove the hypothesis.

Also your "unproven hypothesis" is an admission you have absolutely no idea how science works. And that like about dogma is embarrassing. You should be grateful this is an anonymous board.

>> No.8969388

>restating his question and calling it an answer
Evolutionists are narrow-minded dogmatists.

>> No.8969395


>> No.8969666

Define, please.

Also: got something better than evolution that satisfies the requirements of the scientific process?

>> No.8969682

LAL endotoxin assay. Downside cross reacts to beta glucans, but better than killing dozens of rabbits.

>> No.8970725

noun. 1. a person who asserts his or her opinions in an unduly positive or arrogant manner; a dogmatic person. 2. a person who lays down dogmas.

God made the universe.

>> No.8970740

There is no God.

>> No.8970758

It's an anomaly among plenty of other examples of evolution scientists have observed. I'm sorry that you feel evolution seems like it is unquestionable, but unlike the bible, there is a reasonable amount of data to believe the claims made be evolutionary study. Maybe people are dogmatic about it because the people offering counter evidence brainlet trolls?

>> No.8970767

roaches didn't evolve because they had adapted perfectly to every environment

>> No.8970783

they aren't permanently harmed and are released back into the environment. I think they even get crab cookies.
did you even read the post?
Horseshoe crab blood is used in the biomedical industry to make sure that IV drugs are safe and don't have bacteria in them

>> No.8970791

Prove it.

>> No.8970801

prove there is a god.

>> No.8970806

Which god? There are thousands, and all with zero supporting evidence.

Also, you really are wasting your time shilling for your favourite god on /sci/. Much of /sci/ actually has an education. Empty minds are more profitable for your business.

Back to /b/ with you.

>> No.8970809

the burden of proof is on you for proving a god exists.

>> No.8970810

meant to reply to

>> No.8970813

If he had said "there is no tooth fairy/easter bunny/vampires/etc", you would not have asked for proof. Your favourite god, whichever one it is, can be equally dismissed.

>> No.8970835

The Abrahamic God, which accounts for over 90% of all religious people.

No other God is taken seriously by any major group.

How new are you to 4chan? You reek of teenbro and reddit.

>> No.8970842

>No other God is taken seriously by any major group.

The degree to which any god is taken seriously by any group, in any era, is irrelevant.

The only thing that matters is evidence. Your favourite god comes with the same amount of supporting evidence as Barraiya, the Australian Aboriginal god who it is said invented the first vagina.

The same amount. Zero. How embarrassing for your "omnipotent" god.

>> No.8971270

>humans were fish

Go back and review natural selection before you spew any more nonsense.

>> No.8971276

You're not serious, right?

>> No.8971341

Yes, it's probably perfect for it's environment

There is no universal perfection all organisms are striving to achieve. 'Perfection' means the organism is adapting to survive in its environment. If it's not broke, it's doesn't need a lot of improvements. Occassionally a better model would come along.

Mutations can cause organisms to adapt to NEW environments, thus creating new species.

>> No.8971357

>typical burger intellectual thread
>Know nothing about biologie but try to argue against evolution
>A world full of examples for living beings that have adapted to their environment

>> No.8971479

babby discovered the horseshoe crab

>> No.8971598
File: 43 KB, 500x294, 1465996586680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8971607

Agreed. The bull terrier on the left has such a dignified look. Are bull terriers that look like that still preserved somewhere?
>anxiety-filled wreck
Tell us more. How did it happen? Were they bread for vigilance or something?

>> No.8971980


>Has stayed practically the same

So ur agreeing that they have changed
So ur saying they evolved


>> No.8972079

Lower case it and pluralise it. Always remind the crazies that there are thousands and don't give it any undeserved respect by capitalising it.

>> No.8973529

bumping for an answer to >>8971607

>> No.8973640

Who keeps bumping this shitty bait thread?

>> No.8973714
File: 127 KB, 513x960, Char-Ma’s_The_Chosen_One.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>anxiety-filled wreck
>Tell us more. How did it happen? Were they bread for vigilance or something?
German Shepherds became very popular so the demand soared and standards were lowered to meet this supply.

Secondly the ruling bodies had a strange view on what this dog "should" look like, and felt that a specific profile was the bees knees. trouble is, this profile was associated with a weakness: hip dysplasia.

This is the fate of popular dogs.

My family instead brought a dog of a more uncommon type with a reputation of being somewhat demanding (an understatement). Pic. related.

>> No.8973796
File: 13 KB, 350x315, concern59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend interned at a place that farms horseshoe crab blood
>mfw they quote the spongebob "technique, technique" line if you fuck up your aseptic technique and contaminate the blood