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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8969191 No.8969191 [Reply] [Original]

why are there no rival species to humans?

>> No.8969192

How do you know there isn't?

>> No.8969194

I have exaimed all of them

>> No.8969195

We killed and ate them.

>> No.8969197

There are but those white skinned motherfuckers have integrated into society, I guess. And that's fine, there is nothing wrong with having second class citizens providing us with service and giving us their women.

That said, those fucking white devils were not that well behaved before. Took a long fucking time to domesticate them.

>> No.8969216

pretty sure niggers were the slaves, not white people, nigger.

>> No.8969221


>> No.8969227

it is called "top of the foodchain" ... it occurs in several straights of the chain, but the human tops them all by his improved brain funktion and some other morphological develepments.

we competed a long time with other animals to get where we are now. It took us approx. 1 billion Years of constant struggle and adaptation. It is a timespan so hard to imagine that some people just can not face the given facts, witch is a pitty. Not to imagine how long life itself took to evolve from some RNA molekules, formed by attracting through Van-der-Walls force and chemic equality in solutions to real DNA in eucaryots. Energetic flow is the key. Driven by the sun and plants as the general energy source for all life on earth. leaving aside some bacteria in the deepsee or some hot springs.

>> No.8969244

There were. We won.

>> No.8969253 [DELETED] 
File: 151 KB, 1600x1600, 425452354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rival species to humans are chinks!!!
go back to China!!!

>> No.8969310


Shut the fuck up and turn off your tripcode faggot. Nobody cares about your safe conventional bland opinion just becasue you put a trip on. Go die in a fire.

>> No.8969319 [DELETED] 


this is your contribution to science :D

maybe you are wrong here^^

i am sorry for your pathetic mode of expression :/ (it means the way you talk) hang in there :*

>> No.8969438

Were the Neanderthals a rival species?

>> No.8969452


>> No.8970168


>> No.8970174
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>no rival species

>apes can literally rip your face off

I think they'd have a good chance if they weren't such lazy motherfuckers.

>> No.8970193

>apes can literally rip your face off
and we can literally erase their species in an afternoon if we wanted
that's why we are where we are

>> No.8970261

We killed and/or had sex with all of them

>> No.8970270

How screwed would we be if women were attracted to apes?

>> No.8970316

The women would be screwed

>> No.8970324
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>> No.8970371

What about the niggers?

>> No.8970422
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>> No.8970510

We're the only species dumb enough to fall for the "society" meme.

>> No.8970516

that's assuming we are actually a byproduct of evolution

>> No.8970520

thanks for pointing out where the edges are

>> No.8970530
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No we're not you fucking idiot.

>> No.8970631

We keep those in cages for our amusement. Let that sink in.

>> No.8970634

the maneating tigers of india were the last rivals to humans
we just got too good at killing shit

>> No.8970637

Because we use tools like a motherfucker

>> No.8970640

They're called women.

>> No.8970645
File: 25 KB, 579x329, 1491912002870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't be serio- Wait, This is bait, isn't it?

>> No.8970715

Because rivals are not actual entities

>> No.8970721
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>"Top of the foodchain"
this is what brainlets actually believe
-ecosystem scientist

>> No.8970724
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that's an A+ wojak friend

>> No.8970729

just because bugs eat us when we die doesn't mean we can't fuck absolutely everything in out and sideways

>> No.8970731

Not anymore white boy, now go back to work, my welfare won't pay for itself.

>> No.8970735

my sides have disintegrated

>> No.8970736

What are jews?

>> No.8970798

because this isn't a fantasy world

>> No.8970834

It's not much of a rival species, but we are on par with intelligence with a different species. Dolphins and whales are in some ways equally and in some ways more intelligent than us, as they have a universal language. Whales and dolphins would probably rule, but us lucky humans have hands, therefore we do.

>> No.8970917

They died.

>> No.8970938
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>Dolphins and whales are in some ways equally and in some ways more intelligent than us, as they have a universal language.

>> No.8970952

For the same reason why there are so many other things inherit to humans that are not inherit to other creatures.... It's God's way of telling us we are special.

>> No.8970976

Because we fucked/killed them out of existence

>> No.8970979


We got to this point by wiping them all out, either through conquest or assimilation.

>> No.8970986
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>>8969191 >>8970174 >>8970371 >>8970645 >>8970979

>> No.8970998

Average /pol/ poster IQ: 50

>> No.8971003


>> No.8971104

It seems that other than one supposed instance from a parrot, no non-human organism has ever asked an existential question. What's stopping them, especially with how smart some species apparently are?

>> No.8971191

Nice argument there you subhuman nigger...

>> No.8971195

whites have higher IQ than you globally. go check out the IQ scores

>> No.8971257

Earth has room for everyone and we can all live together in harmony.

But stay the fuck out of our niche or we kill every motherfucking last one of you.

>> No.8971278

Lots of retarded evolution counterposting tonight... What does it mean?

>> No.8971346

Insects are everywhere and would easily survive almost anything.
They aren't a single species, but anyway one of the most successful lifeforms of this planet.

>> No.8971353

Like news hosts?

>> No.8971356

We hit the lottery and have evolved to the point of sentience.
The only rival we have is ourselves really.

>> No.8971486

Is it just me or are the /pol/ false flags becoming increasingly less subtle. Step up your game, I'm almost offended.

>> No.8971503

/pol/ is never subtle.

>> No.8971536

insects ain't got shit on bacteriae and archebacteriae

>> No.8971546

humans are rival species to humans

>> No.8972157

Don't forget fucked them

>> No.8972166

Source for Koko having such a high IQ? She/he never ever even asked a question in its entire life. A mental feat humans achieve after a couple of years. Koko was retarded.

>> No.8972168

Loads of animals are sentient. You might wanna brush up on your definitions.

>> No.8972300


>> No.8972484

>Asking a /pol/tard for a source.