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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8968706 No.8968706 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that IQ doesn't really matter and you can be a successful scientist even if you are mentally retarded, you only have to be motivated really well?

>> No.8968709


>> No.8968749

No. Scientific research is for 5 sigma and more (depending on field). You will understand this after your first year in grad school. Other people are better off being wagecucks or /biz/men. Of course you can try, but you'll be irrelevant at best. You can still read research and keep somewhat up to date while being wagecuck.

>> No.8968763

There are minor fields that only require 3 sigma or 4 sigma but that is simply because there is not enough 5 sigmas around

>> No.8968783

whats a sigma

>> No.8968883

short-hand notation for summation

>> No.8968920

I doubt it. Successful scientist implies that a university/company is seeing you as an asset and thus invest in you - and that position is given to very few. Loads of highly skilled and intelligent researchers don't get that far, so I don't see how a mentally challenged person ever could. And if, it would just be a charity-stunt than anything else.

However, should a mentally retarded person rock up and beat the shit out of most scientists in terms of skill or research output, that'd be one for the books..

>> No.8968950

I would say that you need decently above average spatial reasoning. But I don't think a high IQ is required for that. From my experience, it's something that can be developed and expanded greatly with some discipline and a few really good general frameworks for mental images.

I know people always like citing things they vaguely have in common with famous scientists to feel better about themselves, but I think Feynman is actually clear evidence of this. For a groundbreaking scientist, his IQ wasn't anything special, but it's clear from his pedagogy that he just developed good, sturdy ways of understanding high level concepts in an intuitive way.

That being said, I don't think a downie is capable of this, nor could any ol' normie. You have to actually care about it and be able to think abstractly -- again, not an ability entirely determined by whatever brain you were born with.

>> No.8968971

Terry Tao would call you a brainlet

>> No.8969114
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I'm not entirely sure why you'd WANT to be one in the first place. Smart people who go through with it are being horribly conned, and it's going to be a terrible loss as time goes on. None of them, overburdened as they often are, fucking reproduce.
If you're actually such a grand fucking genius, do everyone a favor. Settle for being a normie, get a fertile spouse with above-average intelligence, and then pop out fucking 9 of the little bastards.

>> No.8969139
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>implying this isn't an earth shape thread in disguise

>> No.8969149


>> No.8969503

That's cute, but mostly everyone in hep-theory knows that you need 5 sigma or you're bound to be some low-key guy on some other not-so-low-key guy's reference list that is, in turn on reference list of someone significant. And even that takes some luck.
Or you can join the crackpots like Woit or Smolin and be significant there. But, well...

>> No.8969518

he's talking about lower case sigma, standard deviations. iq is normally distributed so below 3 sigma is something like 98% of the population.

>> No.8969519

standard deviation

>> No.8969525

of course though everyone in /sci/ is 5 sigma and is hot shit OP
didn't you know this?
I don't think you have enough sigmas brah!

college kids are so cute

>> No.8969551

There's no 5 sigma here. Dropouts are cute.

>> No.8969597

Retards can at least do Sociology and Pure math that's for sure.

>> No.8969993

>even if you are mentally retarded,
I don't think an adult with the mental age of a 6 year old could be a scientist desu

>> No.8970299

Come on, anon. That's not nice. They can still be a philosopher.

>> No.8970339

Nobody in this thread actually produces good research.

Undergrads are so fucking braindead.

>> No.8970356

Fuck you. I scooped Hořava on my bachelor's.

>> No.8970362
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this meme is supreme

Five deviations up from average IQ would be an IQ of 212

You aren't doing anything productive or contributing to society at that level, you're a savant that's dedicating one's life to memorizing the number and locations of individual grains in a hardwood floor, but can't be bothered to figure out how to take a shit on your own

only 1 in every 3.5 million have reported to be at such a level. There's a lot more successful scientists in the world than that, and the vast majority of them are probably in the 120-140 range. Any higher than that and you may as well spend your days shitposting on an aboriginal curling board, cause your'e not likely to be any kind of success in society let alone the scientific community

>> No.8970387



>> No.8970397
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>> No.8970401

Can you read? I wrote "depending on field". I'm in hep-theory and every single fucking relevant person is 5 sigma. They score 175+ on standardized test (if they even decide to lose their time on that). Look at fucking Witten. Strominger. Polchinski. Cumrun motherfucking Vafa. Even lower-tier stringists are fucking geniuses by the mensa standard. It's not the same for every field. You can be a star in climatology with 120 IQ for example. But how relevant is it really? Climate scientists are worse than CS in terms of jokes on their accounts.
The sad thing is we (string theory) need more people of the Witten calibre to advance further. I was measured at 3 sigma, string theory has been my life since 17 and i fucking don't matter. I did publish several papers that are cited by the geniuses, but that doesn't matter a bit. You realize that when you meet and talk to them. I mean they're nice and motivating, but at the end of the day, you just feel so fucking crushed by their intellect. The paper that took me a year, they would come up with that in few weeks. That's the difference between a low-key 3 sigma like me and them. No amount of work is going to change that, that's just how things are.
Tao is fucking blind if he can't see that or things are just different in math, which i doubt. Just look at Witten, he majored in history and still manages to be the best fucking theorist in century. That's the difference between us and them. We have to give everything to be average at best. I'm sad whenever i remember my friends that envy me, a fucking low-key theorist.

>> No.8970413

IQ is not a static innate metric

It's a statistical assessment based on a test in which your performance can vary greatly, and comparing that score to everyone else's score.

>> No.8970424

IQ matters but you might still become a scientist regardless.
Follow your dreams. What's the worst that could happen? You end up a lab tech as opposed to a cashier?

>> No.8970428

fuck off to >>>/pol/
there are some niggers that are capable of basic cerebral function like getting a PhD in astrophysics

>> No.8970434

>study psychology
>IQ is +2SD from mean
Will I get anywhere sci?


>> No.8970438

2 sigma in psychology? that's a waste of resources

>> No.8970483
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what's sad is that your misinterpreting pretension and entitlement for sheer intellectual force. You feel stupid around those people because they intend to make you feel stupid, belittling your worth with their authority

The dirty little secret is that those people, the people you hold in such high esteem, are no better than the bulk of their peers. They're smart sure, maybe even gifted, but then again so are countless other people

the real difference is luck and political will. They find themselves where they are because they played the game of the ivory tower and had enough luck to get to play in the first place. A man with the brilliance of Newton dies in the gutter everyday, they simply weren't given the advantages to ascend where they are today.

If you're a 3 Sigma, you're roughly equivalent to Einstein on the test (purported IQ 160). The real difference is that you were not given the advantages Einstein was

>> No.8970508

>PhD in astrophysics
Who? Neil Degrasse Tyson?
"Tyson was born in Manhattan as the second of three children, into a family living in the Bronx.[3] His mother, Sunchita Maria (née Feliciano) Tyson, was a gerontologist for the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, and is of Puerto Rican descent.[4] His African-American father, Cyril deGrasse Tyson (1927–2016), "
So 50% puerto rican and his father, being an african-american would have if we go on the average, 20% white genes in him, maybe even more.
"tudies have shown that the ancestry of the average Puerto Rican (including all races) is about 64% European, 21% West and North African (including Canary Islander Guanche), and 15% Taino/Amerindian, with European ancestry strongest on the west side of the island and West African ancestry strongest on the east side, and consistent levels of Taino ancestry throughout the island."
Neil Degrasse Tyson might be 70% white.

>> No.8970529

Good job, you got played.
I'd go so far even as to say that IQ isn't even relevant.

>> No.8970533

Luck plays a role, sure- when it comes to 'i was first' it plays a big role. But fuck, man. As we're typing our shitpost, i'm (and 2 others) working on a paper with one of those named. I'm in fucking awe. That guy amounts to basically 80% of the work. If he wasn't here, it would take us so much fucking time to go through the calculations. He just seems to know. It's fucking depressing if you think you're hot shit (as i did in grad school). What does it matter that i scooped some low-key theorist while undergrad? Nothing at all. These guys are beyond. They have god-like intuitions. I only ever felt like that when confronted with them, it's soul-crushing, but at the same time it's just so educational. Every chance i have, i try to debate them and present them with some challenge because, their minute insight amounts to months of my research. It's just inexplicable how terrifyingly, overwhelmingly, inconcievably smart they are. Really, it scares the shit out of me. I just sketched my one year worth of research, and i gave it all i had, and he just grasped it like it was nothing. Things he didn't know. Things he never thought about. After the conference, he came to me and proposed several ideas building-up on my research and i had trouble parsing it. I'm supposed to be at the edge.
No, you won't know how terrifying their intellect is unless you get to work with them. It reminds me of my first time i drank a shitload of coffee. It's like you meet the devil, except it's also a god and you feel so fucking small. It destroys your ego, which is not a bad thing if you think you're hot shit (like i did few years back).
No i don't specifically mean him. I met a few nigro phenomenologists that are quite good. They have it quite hard, i have you know.

>> No.8970546

nigger I've pulled in more weight than you ever will with your pathetic millennial ass
I know scientists too and their jobs are suck shit
enjoy working in a mouse house faggot

>> No.8970553

Cute. I too pulled in some weight, so to speak. As for scientists and their (our) jobs, it depends on what you want out of life. Some are okay with being a name on someone's reference list. Some are not and, if they are not 175+, they'd better get their ass to rentek or some such instead of being a bitch to some 5 sigma alpha male. Unless that's what they want, of course.

>> No.8970554

that cute bro my dick is like 9 inches long

>> No.8970559

Wew, lad. My dick like 17cm long. You got me there bro, sure relevant to fucking brain power, you know. But yeah, me a dicklet. Still got some 7 papers under muh BELT! You know?
PS: wanna fuck my wife?

>> No.8970570
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is this why I keep coming here, or is this why I shouldn't keep coming here?

>> No.8970588

Sorry bro, just the /gif/ or whatever leaking. I swear i'm smart when i don't drink.
For real though, technically she's still just a gf.
PS: don't worry, she's clean. I think.

>> No.8970591

just top yourself cunt there's an excess of you just with anyone else
can you believe working with someone like you? listen to yourself you dick
holier than thou cocksucker
get cancer
you and people in IT are HUMAN SHIT

>> No.8970597

Sorry, your englandick is too advanced for my brain. Could you rephrase in standard english?

>> No.8970847

Glad to see Maths and Physics researchers getting BTFO, thinking they can produce anything meaningful. Should have gone for CS/Engineering like all the normal people, buddy.

>> No.8971149

Don't sweat it, pajeet. Math and Physics is going stronger than ever, it's just that not everyone can do it. Those who can't can still go to CS/Eng and do great things there.