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8966239 No.8966239 [Reply] [Original]

Is this book scientifically legit /sci/? (How To Win Friends and Influence People) I grew up very isolated and have poor social skills, I need something to help set me on the right track. I have literally 0 friends right now

>> No.8966244

I go through difficult math textbooks so there needs to be a reliable guide about having friends I can follow.

>> No.8966251

>Getting a fucking book for socializing

Thats exactly why you are a faggot, socializing its forged by sole practice, Chad doesnt read books on "socializing" he goes to parties.

>> No.8966312

I believe that after studying enough theory one should be able to trick people into thinking you're a sociable human being

>> No.8966489

You can't cure autism through studying trust me I tried.

Just pursue your academic interests and forget about roasties.

>> No.8966504

Both So True.
I have read this, this doesn't actually make one an extrovert fag but indeed tells you how to make you look as one to others without actually being one. And that's a great skill actually.
Also, socialising is okay tier. But it doesn't lead to anything worth, rather stick and read something more academic.

>> No.8966506

Even if the theory is good and you learn it, you still need to apply it in real life interactions...

>> No.8966512

They should had changed the book to, " How to win friends and manipulate people."

>> No.8966539
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It is legit and I read it. Have you ever encountered anoying sales people? This is basically what you would become if you were to follow this stuff.
Why do you need social skills? To acquire friends? For job?
Reevaluate your life, would you have many superficial friends or just one or two, who accept you as you are? Do you feel, you could bullshit people just for you own gains or would you rather be honest and true, not giving a shit how you look in the eyes of other?
This is your choice, the fact is, that media perpetuates this fake over the top friendliness. That is just a facade of shallow people.

>> No.8966582

it's ok-ish, kinda on the manipulative side of what once been called 'having good manners'. it's a good start nevertheless. there's a truckload of etuiquette manuals from the 19 century worth checking, first example: https://archive.org/details/gentlemensbookof00hartrich

good news is that most people don't give fuck about these things, failing to cultivate them (especially those who think they have social skills), ending up being absolutely terrible at it, so like with everything else it's totally possible to outwork the 90-95% of population. and it totally pays to

just don't expect instant results, the process takes a few years. mostly it's about dropping the pre-existing assumptions about what social skills is, social hierarchy etc

also, Groundhog Day is real.

>> No.8967956

Reading through this now, and it's already helped me start a couple of conversations with coworkers I've never really talked to

Don't want to make friends, just want to make sure I don't get passed over for promotions

>> No.8968121

More like
>How to Be a Doormat and Suck Up to People
I hate nyself for reading that book

>> No.8968134

>poor social skills
suck it kid. you will never be good at this. you're like a manlet wanting to be a NBA player, you just don't have the genes for it.
Speaking from experience here, I wasted years trying to improve my social skills because I fell for the neuroplasticity meme and all it gave me was anxiety and depression.

Just accept that part of yourself, and you'll be happier than most people out there.

>> No.8968310

It's not about "roasties", I don't care about women, I just want to make friends and be more attractive (in a broader sense).

I will, obviously. I need a starting point, not a crutch

For making friends and connections, I guess. I genuinely don't want to be a manipulative phony, but I do want to be appealing to people.

I actually used to be a very extroverted kid, I'm a semi-autist right now because I had to spend a significant part of my life in terrible circumstances that led to isolation, that led to stunted development of my social skills. I have been working on them blindly so far, I've made some progress but I need proper guidance.

>> No.8968316

thats literally what PUA fags are doing. its the same kind of stuff marketing firms use except on a smaller scale.

>> No.8968322

try models by mark manson or whatever the fuck his name is.

but yeah, take everything with a pinch of salt because this shit is really stupid sometimes.

>> No.8968328

>I actually used to be a very extroverted kid, I'm a semi-autist right now because I had to spend a significant part of my life in terrible circumstances that led to isolation, that led to stunted development of my social skills. I have been working on them blindly so far, I've made some progress but I need proper guidance.

This is what happened to me when I started going to highschool. Went from having many friends to hardly any at all.
Believe me if I tell you that you wont improve much.

But if it's just stunted or underdeveloped social skills not actual autism or something then you should still be able to learn how to read social cues, how social interactions work and how to survive in them, often better than "naturals" who go by instinct.

However, surviving those interactions is probably the best you'll get. It helped me get through job interviews.
Not saying you shouldn't read up on some of those books or PUA stuff, but keep your expectations realistic.