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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 45 KB, 418x460, 18951015_309119739525280_327271685673851082_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8963868 No.8963868[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

flat earther here

explain this.

>> No.8963871

That's a lot of time spent on paint for a simple b8

>> No.8963875

Mauritius/Madagascar are poor shithole.

>> No.8963877

I am simply using science to argue that the earth is flat. There is no single scientific evidence suggesting otherwise.

>> No.8963899


>> No.8963902

>Straight lines
>On a sphere
Wew lad.

>> No.8963903

Just in case you aren't baiting



>> No.8963906

we have already tried every possible logical argument with these people. Just stop replying to round earthers and maybe they'll go away

>> No.8963913

Fuck you. YOU are the ones who are UNREASONABLE and won't listen to any ARGUMENTS.

>> No.8963915

> there's really two of us here!

>> No.8963918

Taking the b8 this hard.

>> No.8963929

What bait? There's no bait. The Earth is a BALL and ONLY a ball. There's NO OTHER shape the Earth could be.

>> No.8963932

So if the planet was scaled to a basketball, and we put a regular ant on there, how many storeys tall would the ant end up you reckon?

>> No.8963933

Why does spherical trig work perfectly when modelled on a spherical Earth? Derp

>> No.8963937

Oblate Spheroid ya mean

>> No.8963951

wow, you sound like a religitard now.
>You must have blind faith in my round earth God or else! You will believe in no other shapes but round!
I want to believe that deep down you still have a soul, but if you do you need to wake up because right now you're just a dead eyed shill

>> No.8963960

Why does the lower map appear squashed vertically?

>> No.8963966

That's what it really looks like. It appears "squashed" to you because you've been assimilated to believe that a crude and artificial projection of the continents onto the surface of a sphere is reality.

>> No.8963973

12,742 km
23.44 cm
//1cmx100x1000x1000x23.44 -> 23,440km

~1mm, 2.5mm x ~50,000? no, 50,000,000?
~5m tall and up to 12m long?

5km tall and 12km long

>> No.8963990

How many people fly from Johannesburg to Perth? This is a question of economics. Dubai is the hub of international air travel

>> No.8964052
File: 181 KB, 900x900, 900px-Azimuthal_equidistant_projection_SW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's what it really looks like
Citation needed

Seriously though, the circles of latitude look slightly elliptical in that graphic

Pic related it's the polar projection that flat earthers commonly use.

>> No.8964064

>Hong Kong, Dubai or Malaysia

Major hubs for Asian airlines... who would have suspected flights would pass through them?

But what flights do that have layovers is not relevant -- those routings are dictated by economics of where airlines have facilities and how they deploy their fleet of planes. What path do any direct flights between Johannesburg and Perth take?

>Hint: What is a Great Circle route?

Also, why the fucking Hell would you stop and refuel in Madagascar. Look at your map, note distances involved... it makes no sense.

>> No.8964067


Obvious samfagging is obvious.

>> No.8964069
File: 322 KB, 1883x880, flat eartheres cant google 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


at least come up with better bait.


>> No.8964083
File: 225 KB, 1241x1387, fa76a7c8e71e4e20a0cdbc8ac245b5bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain Foucault pendulum then

Also, image

>> No.8964092
File: 35 KB, 668x208, Schermata 2017-06-08 alle 18.08.44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur gay

>> No.8964095

Do you know how planes work?

The Airline needs to transport people from johannesburg to dubai and from johannesburg to perth.

What do you think sounds better?
Use 2 planes which are both half full and fly from johannesburg to both perth and dubai, making hundreds of thousands in losses for all the empty seats.
Have one full plane from johannesburg to dubai and one full plane from dubai to perth.

Obviously the logistics are a lot more complicated then this, but it should be OBVIOUS that airlines want to have as few different routes as possible.

Also both these flights are probably by emirates, meaning their home port is dubai, so most of their flights are either from dubai or to dubai.

It is a lot more efficient to have few routes with a lot of passengers then many routes with few passengers.

Aside from that, you are using a non-distance preserving map to show distance, which is COMPLETELY retarded, but ill let that slide.

>> No.8964101
File: 4 KB, 425x126, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop impersonating me

>> No.8964106
File: 29 KB, 340x370, capt32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8964109

Look at what airports in Johannesburg, Dubai and Perth look like.

Look at what airports in Mauritius and Madagascar look like.

>> No.8964117

10 seconds of googling found:

A direct flight from Johannesburg to Perth on South African Airlines

A flight from Johannesburg to Perth on Air Mauritius with an overnight layover on Mauritius

A flight from Johannesburg to Perth on Singapore Airlines with a layover in Singapore

Now please delete your garbage thread

>> No.8964118

>There is no single scientific evidence suggesting otherwise.

You mean, except for the tens of thousands of photographs of the Earth taken from the various space vehicles that have been launched from Earth.

Or, except for the fact that all satellites are steered using mathematical models that are based on spherical models of the Earth.

Or, except for all the experiments that demonstrate how tall ships disappear below the horizon as they sail away from shore, exactly as predicted by mathematical models based on the Earth being a sphere with a circumference of 40 Mm.

Or, in other words, once you discard all scientific evidence for a spherical* Earth, then there is no remaining scientific evidence for a spherical Earth.

The discarding of such volumes of evidence being, of course, the result of a massive conspiracy conducted by thousands of people, all independently deciding to join the conspiracy, all with the malicious intent to conceal the scientific truth.

(* within 1% error of being a perfect sphere)

>> No.8964133


>> No.8964135

Reminds me of the other map, about Antarctica-crossing routes, where we are supposed to be surprised that there are no direct flights from the Falkland Islands to Tasmania. Here is a picture of the airport in the Falkland Islands.

Meanwhile, something under 3,000 people live on the Falkland Islands. Even if we gave them an adequate airport, and every fucking one of them wanted to make an annual trip to Tasmania for some reason, that would justify only 10-15 flights a year. If a still stupidly high 10% of them wanted to make the trip each year, that would only create demand for 1 or 2 flights.

Can't understand why no airline is rushing to create that route.


>> No.8964137
File: 304 KB, 638x426, flat nonsense port stanley airport.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well fuck, forgot the picture of the huge international airport in the Falklands...

Here 'tis.

>> No.8964199

I swear I'm a totally different fag

>> No.8964333

>believing in nasajew

>> No.8964372

Probably because the route is not popular, so getting a connecting flight in Dubai, one of the most busy airports, is more likely than getting a connecting flight in Madagascar.

>> No.8964389

Nice bait, now go fuck yourself

>> No.8964399

Thats actually hilarious

>> No.8964423
File: 104 KB, 650x488, crepuscular1606_650x488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Eratosthenes knew nothing about light refraction from the sun 93 million miles away,

>Eratosthenes did not know of the outer atmosphere of the Earth to account for this non existent refraction when he developed his method of calculating the circumference of the Earth using sunlight and two sticks.

>What would be the resulting circumference of the Earth if Eratosthenes corrected for refraction which was discovered much later?

>Why do we still use the Eratosthenes expirement as proof the Earth is curved, when he wasn't accounting for refracted light which is used as proof the sun isn't far away?

> What is the real circumference of the Earth when the geometry doesn't work in detecting a curve on the horizon 25,000 miles?

>If the Earth is an Oblate spheroid shouldn't there be less pictures of the Earth from space looking like a perfect sphere?
The crazy thing about ballheads is they know the obvious repercussions of learning the earth is flat and they resort to childish projections and ad hominems to avoid this knowledge..

In their minds is the idea of a flat disk with water running over the edge of it in space or some other nonsense they were taught to laugh at as children when also being taught of christopher columbus discovering the Earth is round.

>The Earth is flat,
>the sun and moon are close
>eclipses are caused by the black sun of mythology and legend.
>there is an ice wall
>there is a dome
>the stars do not change
>gravity does not exist.
>NASA lies

>> No.8964443
File: 49 KB, 640x394, John Thor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must say I do love that ballearthers never argue with NASA pictures of earth from space anymore because they get btfo everytime they look for a non cgi image

>> No.8964445
File: 616 KB, 959x639, tumblr_n9isemFTOF1somrqjo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8964465

cool pic.

>> No.8964470
File: 132 KB, 728x546, 117-ways-to-pass-the-earth-science-regents-7-728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8964489

thanks lori

>> No.8964491

>NASA pictures
No, flat earthers just reflexively declare them fake without any confirming evidence, and despite the overwhelming logistical problem of producing hundreds of thousands of photorealistic images year after year.

And how flat earthers regularly forget that there are multiple space agencies around the world, including JAX Japan, Russia's Roscosmos State Corporation, and Europe's ESA.

Also for some reason they can't produce a single photo confirming flat earth from a high altitude.

>> No.8964509
File: 160 KB, 832x598, 3c39d7b82ea40b01e95696c2db91fc99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Bible is a dumb book

>> No.8964512
File: 52 KB, 736x570, ed388d6c725b925b999c2412ee232153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the overwhelming logistical problem of producing hundreds of thousands of photorealistic images year after year.

>that's funny flat earthers don't have that problem and never claimed to go to space

>with billions of dollars a year in tax money and thousands of sattelites

>satellites launched in 1970's has wifi capable of sending hd pictures of pluto in 2016

>men get to moon 7 times in 69 with less processing power than a gameboy, but can't today for reason.

>NASA "lost" most proof of moon landing such as telemetry data, video archives, and original designs for spacecraft and lunar module.

>sketchy interviews of buzz aldrin and neil armstrong

>mysterious deaths over 60 years

>> No.8964515
File: 81 KB, 640x427, DISTANCEISTS BTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8964522

>the bible is a book compiled by men, therefore we should listen to men who think they're smarter than everyone because they are scientists not simply priests.

Origin of Species is a dumb book

>> No.8964535
File: 94 KB, 863x542, everest flat earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ball earthers would rather be blind than accept the earth isn't a ball which would mean they're WRONG which to them is worse than death because mommy told them they were smart, and they were good boy who listened to their teachers and did their homework like they were told without questioning the supporting evidence of what they were fed.

>> No.8964539

yeah kinda

>> No.8964544
File: 85 KB, 638x442, cosmos-02-flat-earth-to-sphere-12-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now today..we can zoom in and see the ships with todays telescopes and camera.
Shows no curvature.
U can find many videos of this on YouTube but u know..followers of NASA and mainstream science has to come up with b.s.

>> No.8964549

>still doesn't argue with NASA photos, despite undying belief in nasa

>thinks global space agencies aren't tightly controlled by military, even private ones.

>thinks global propaganda isn't possible post coldwar

>> No.8964552


>> No.8964554

How dare you insult the origin of species you dumb prick!!

>> No.8964555

I have a better video


>> No.8964556
File: 15 KB, 550x309, Suez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>banks of canal don't appear to converge to point on horizon

Oh would you look at that, its not flat after all

>> No.8964562

So what you're saying is Russian Hackers are the key to breaking the global propaganda?

>> No.8964564
File: 127 KB, 638x442, cosmos-01-ancient-concepts-19-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8964568

This guy looks like he's 3 less shaves away from becoming MC Ride

>> No.8964572

Well... yeah

>> No.8964573
File: 982 KB, 374x210, 1454089414255.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe whichever side has the video with the most views

>> No.8964576
File: 95 KB, 638x442, cosmos-01-ancient-concepts-7-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8964577


>> No.8964580
File: 79 KB, 711x664, evolution.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who cares what I say about it, not like it's the bible?

There are no transitional species and Darwin himself states his entire theory rests on the hope they would be found by future generations which hasn't happened except the counless fakes of human ancestors and companies in China and Canada that manufacture dinosaur bones.

I feel like public education and science tv shows fucked up our brains as children when we though we were learning.

>> No.8964581
File: 120 KB, 684x1024, 0f7466572a7db8eede826eab7dc55d93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can the Earth be flat if Gensokyo is real?

>> No.8964582

Why does NASA lie?

What justifies the expense?

Would the world remaining flat have had any real, noticeable impact on history, accounting for such a conspiracy to "keep the people down"? When has the curvature of the earth ever truly effected international or intranational relations?

Why would NASA go to the expense of faking all this data and photos and perpetuating all these lies, when they could easily have simply never been put in place and it would have allowed for cheaper pacification of the populous?

Your statements do not make internal sense.

>> No.8964583
File: 77 KB, 638x442, cosmos-01-ancient-concepts-8-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8964586

red sea and Mediterranean connected by Suez canal which runs on a datum line with no locks creating effectively a continuation of the two seas.

>> No.8964588
File: 13 KB, 320x240, 1454684377979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>companies in China and Canada that manufacture dinosaur bones.
Why haven't I heard about this before? I've always wanted to build my own dinosaur skeleton.
Got any links?

>> No.8964592

so what?

>> No.8964595

Earth is not a ball, is like a ball, more likely like a potato.

>> No.8964599

>Why does NASA lie?
Why do bears shit in the woods?

>> No.8964600

It's not that hard.
It's complete opposite from the bible.
Scripture in the bible talks about the earth does not move..
That the dirt..the soil...the land..is the earth. The large waters are seas and that's it.
Nothing about a ball spinning around in space. Doesn't say that the land and seas together is the planet earth.
NASA astronauts are freemason/illuminati
They are for Lucifer.
They want complete control over man.
I don't get how u don't get that.
It's simple man.

>> No.8964603
File: 318 KB, 903x458, coke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every link was a previously missing link

Your argument can ultimately never be satisfied because you can always just say "there's a missing link" until the perfectly preserved fossil of every single individual that's ever existed all the way back to the first cell is lined up in order

Also your image is wrong

>> No.8964605

it ain't both, m8.
Freemasons fear the illuminati like jews fear the samurai.

>> No.8964608

>what is the jet stream

>> No.8964609

He got killed by Raiden.

>> No.8964615

I'm just saying its a very good example against flat earth. It will never change elevation, its about as flat as it gets so the only explanation for the drop-off is the natural curvature of the earth.

>> No.8964616

No. That's b.s.
Devil has many faces and many names.
All the world's space program symbol is pretty similar. Especially the choice of color.
Red and blue is Lucifers color too

>> No.8964617

>NASA astronauts are freemason/illuminati

>They are for Lucifer.
What evidence?

>They want complete control over man.
Coming from a religious person? That's a joke.

>> No.8964620
File: 481 KB, 980x618, albert-pike-adonay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8964622

>That's b.s.
Man, you can fuck off.
You're like one of those Tumblr fucks that thinks the whole world can live in peace and harmony.
Infighting is everywhere, my man.
That pic's as fake as any of NASA's, my dude.

>> No.8964630

How about u just take the time and study the sign and symbol of freemasonry for a start and connect the dots on ur own.
Or is researching to difficult for u?
Confucius once stated that signs and symbols run the world not laws.
He knew.

>> No.8964631

Oh I believe the earth is a globe. Its just there is no argument for some ideological rift between Freemasons and Illuminati.

>> No.8964634

Why does NASA lie?
money and power as scientific authority, same reason they made another starwars trilogy.

it's all programming..

>What justifies the expense?

billions of dollars annually in taxpayer revenue and the adoring worship of all who never realize Nasa literally means "to decieve" in hebrew.

>Would the world remaining flat have had any real, noticeable impact on history,

yes, we'd all be measuring and fully aware of the Aether. And post WWII would be very different if people understood the science that created the atomic bomb as established by Einstein was fake, and much of what they believed about nuclear radiation and nuclear weapons was cold war propaganda designed to instill a constant state of fear of enemy, to keep the economy going.

Which is why a president was shot when trying to tell the world about it,then we went to Vietnam, while going to space at the same time.

too much was happening to question it completely at that time.

after 50 years, the evidence piled up

I can tell you the ramifications of a flat earth are immense, especially in science.

>Why would NASA go to the expense of faking all this data and photos and perpetuating all these lies, when they could easily have simply never been put in place and it would have allowed for cheaper pacification of the populous?

While simultaneously pushing the new age movement where men think science will solve all health and environmental problems and fix the world creating a godlike mankind with ai transcended humans who are actually compliant taxpayers for generations to come being fed with textbooks and movies confirming to children your lies about space.

Pirates were a problem that meant global governance to protect empires by sea ever since phoenicians..

>Your statements do not make internal sense.
I can understand this view as you do not yet percieve of the dominant PARADIGM

>> No.8964639
File: 20 KB, 401x376, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is no argument for some ideological rift between Freemasons and Illuminati.
There is. You just have to pin point the connections very carefully.
It all starts with a flower.
>The small blue forget-me-not flower was first used by the Grand Lodge Zur Sonne, in 1926, as a Masonic emblem at the annual convention in Bremen, Germany. In 1938 a forget-me-not badge—made by the same factory as the Masonic badge—was chosen for the annual Nazi Party Winterhilfswerk, the annual charity drive of the National Socialist People's Welfare, the welfare branch of the Nazi party. This coincidence enabled Freemasons to wear the forget-me-not badge as a secret sign of membership.
Follow the trail from there...

>> No.8964643
File: 167 KB, 680x545, 1 DzQMc09riBbBApLg7eOgAQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay, that explains everything

>> No.8964646

>Nasa literally means "to decieve" in hebrew.

>> No.8964649

So ignorant man

>> No.8964652

You're literally kidding ourself if you don't know Albert Pike and the Illuminti aren't one and the same.

that's just proof you did no research .

>> No.8964655

ignorant man
ignorant man
doing the things that an ignorant can
what's he like?
it's not important
ignorant man

>> No.8964658

And be lied to by the jewish media?
No thank you, man.

>> No.8964661
File: 402 KB, 800x3784, FRUITS ARE FLAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8964664

Well damn man. If u were researching for something and say the source could be from Australia.
Are u going to be like oh hell no Australia
Get that outta here.
It's pretty stupid anon

>> No.8964665

>Albert Pike
For starters, Albert was six feet tall, and I'm pretty sure anyone in the illuminati is a manlet.

>> No.8964667

>now arguing arguing about jews and their lies

>> No.8964670

Anon man, Anon man
Anon man hates ignorant man
They have a fight, Anon wins
Anon man

>> No.8964674

>not arguing about arguing about arguing about arguing about jews and their lies
If your arguments are not encased within at least 4 layers, don't even bother getting out of bed in the morning.

>> No.8964677

Are u proud of this person, globe tards?
Does he speak for all of u???

>> No.8964680

Flat-earth man, Flat-earth man
Size of the entire Flat-earth man
Usually mean to smaller man
Flat-earth man

>> No.8964683

>real meaning

That's kinda cool, but actually even more 'almost too much to be a coincidence'.

>> No.8964684
File: 137 KB, 1000x600, The-Story-of-your-Spiritual-Enslavement-Flat-Earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you're saying the earth is a closed system holding all the water in like a fruit with a barrier keeping the so called vacuum of space separated from the earth?

>comparing apples and oranges by comparing fruit to celestial bodies

mfw you have to angle your camera to get a flat look surface on the avocado, but can't do the same with the earth to get a curve

>> No.8964686


I'm very ashamed of "you" anon. Fuck off back to utube.

>> No.8964688

Yeah, yeah, I know. What a tragedy.

>> No.8964694

no you accepted that nasa is (((Hebrew))) but now you're debating the meaning, which requires us to refer to lying jews to prove to you that jews are lying in (((NASA)))

and the word was Nasha which means to beguile/decieve also too close for coincidence.

>> No.8964699
File: 212 KB, 1268x1695, 1496223464004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so you're saying the earth is a closed system holding all the water in like a fruit with a barrier keeping the so called vacuum of space separated from the earth?
I can't even begin to fathom the mental map of the world of the person behind this post. Hold up and I will briefly explain how the world works through the magic of paint.

>> No.8964700

>What a tragedy
>Implying you've even heard about the tragedy of darth plagueis the wise

>> No.8964701

Sabali, Sabali, Sabali, kagni ni kêra môgô

Huh, we born not knowing, are we born knowing all?
We growing wiser, are we just growing tall?
Can you read thoughts, can you read palms?
Huh, can you predict the future, can you see storms, coming?

The earth was flat if you went too far you would fall off
Now the earth is round if the shape change again
Everybody woulda start laugh
The average man can't prove of most of the things
That he chooses to speak of

And still won't research
And find out the root of the truth that you seek of
Scholars teach in Universities
And claim that they're smart and cunning

Tell them find a cure when we sneeze
And that's when their nose start running
And the rich get stitched up, when we get cut
Man a heal dem broken bones in the bush with the wed mud

Can you read signs, can you read stars?
Can you make peace, can you fight war?
Can you milk cows, even though you drive cars
Huh, can you survive, against all odds, now?

>> No.8964707
File: 12 KB, 700x420, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only counted 3.2 layers.
Better luck next time.

>> No.8964709
File: 108 KB, 940x705, made_in_canada_dinosaurs_20150719-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh no, my problem is the abundance of admitted fakes which you just say are wrong without researching them.
I wouldn't know

>> No.8964710

That's sad m8.

>> No.8964713

>an m followed by an 8 without a space
What did he mean by this?

>> No.8964715

you can't argue any of the other points or the original point that globeers don't even bother using NASA pics of earth from space. So you argue the semantics of hebrew.

>> No.8964718

>I wouldn't know
That's useless then.
What's the point of knowing that there are companies which manufacture dinosaur bones if you don't even know which ones they are?

>> No.8964720

>open /sci/
>First thing i see is this
Why do i even come back anymore

>> No.8964721

We'll never know. It's never been seen before.
No types like. No one ever.

>> No.8964723
File: 2.79 MB, 1920x2240, 7e0270a31c646ce3a3e852baf05ce6ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trolls trolling trolls because somehow that's fun.

>> No.8964725

>argue the semantics of hebrew
It's pronounced pedantics
and anyway i don't care about the hebrews so much as the he-jews.
The only -brew I care about is a stone-cold-brew.

>> No.8964730

There's already like 5 flat earth threads

>> No.8964731

I wonder if ppl know if the current so called jews are not even the real Jews.
And I wonder if they will really look into it or not...probably not.

>> No.8964733

It's globbers.
Like in Jobberman

>> No.8964737

Because they shut them down very quickly after each project/ dino discovery



but heres the ones I do know of.

>> No.8964738

we already know that the people on the phone calling up about your PPI are the only true jews nowadays.

>> No.8964741

because NASA isn't to be trusted, and that makes people who are reliant on appeals to authority to sound smart nervous.

>> No.8964742

Time to buy me a raptor skeleton.

>> No.8964751


>> No.8964766
File: 139 KB, 755x642, za warudo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is generally accepted as being how the world is
If you'd like I can answer any questions you may have about the particular parts of it

>> No.8964768

there ya go. as long as you know evolution depends on the faking of fossils by established academics

>> No.8964770

>the abundance of admitted fakes which you just say are wrong without researching them
Which you say are right (correct? true? what's the word for a genuine fake) with an equal lack of research.
Your evidence is an image macro with no citations.

>> No.8964771

So we evolve because of fake fossils?

>> No.8964777
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We evolve so that the fake fossils will eventually become real

>> No.8964784

>Create fake fossils with wings and gills
>Eventually we will evolve to fly and breath underwater

>> No.8964785


>> No.8964786
File: 45 KB, 982x636, yEABSCz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me a picture of the horizon curving or a picture of the earth from space that isn't a fish eye lense or nasa cgi and i'll shut up.

the point being this is the evidence often demanded of flat earthers to prove it flat and when we show you flat horizons from every possible angle, you say it's dumb optical illusion and post an illustration.

>no ball earther can do the same showing a curve
>claims to see curve in planes or boats going over the horizon, which is false.
>claims men went to the moon

>still believes he knows what the inside of the Earth is like despite humans digging only 8 miles max, leaving the rest to theory and speculation.

>> No.8964794

Debunk these first, then we shall grant you access to the mysterious unedited pictures you speak of.

>> No.8964799

Debunk the videos?
They're fake and gay.
Now give me a picture

>> No.8964813

debunk this one video of former president walking in on NASA faking zero gravity with a gridded blue screen



>> No.8964816

prove that the 2011 Tucson shooting was fake.

>> No.8964827

Rubber Bullets.

>> No.8964837


oh please, she's literally actng trying not to go full retard.

>> No.8964839

I posted in the replies links, examples, and sites where you can buy the fake fossils they use in museums.

you just keep saying no.

the fact is fossils don't even exist. They are not bone turned to stone.

scientists have put them in acid and discovered to their shock and horror ...blood vessels


>> No.8964841

not all planes are certified for extended flight over water

>> No.8964844

still waiting for non cgi pics of earth from space

still waiting for pics of horizon curving

ball earthers can't even keep up with their own bulshit and are now asking for more evidence of other unrelated government lies

>> No.8964857

>people engaging obvious trolls in a serious conversation
you fags must be very bored or very autistic

>> No.8964882

you would find it interesting her entire platform was gun control

>> No.8964889

sane policy that insane americans are only opposed to out of paranoia

>> No.8964897

You never debunked the videos (>>8964794)

>> No.8964912

Doesn't that prove the exact opposite?

>> No.8964969

Went to far then this makes no sense.

>> No.8964983

Yea why would a plane want to avoid flying over a large body of water for 9 hours. And why would they make a refueling and passenger stop at Dubai while they avoid that 9 hour flight? I think they're hiding something.

>> No.8965021

my videos debunk your videos and neither of us feel like watching all of eachother videos... I have a video with 200 proofs earth is not a spinning ball. and I know youre not gonna watch it.

>> No.8965022

none of it makes sense, because scientists lie for grant money.

>> No.8965078

nice try OP

>> No.8965177
File: 7 KB, 381x131, different fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look retard I could sit here proving you wrong about literally everything you believe in, but let's try to stay on topic in this thread.

The fact that you're wrong about this doesn't even matter. Let's get back to you being wrong about the shape of the earth.

>> No.8965287

>ESA used a grid as a background somewhere, so everything NASA does is fake.
You're a complete moron.

>> No.8965450

This would actually be a fun way to construct a world view.

>> No.8965455

This is b8

>> No.8965458

Is there a way of getting decent statistics out of Youtube? I'd be curious to see what kind of videos tend to get the most views.