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8962372 No.8962372 [Reply] [Original]

Biologists and eye experts wanted.

Been having this discussion with a friend.
Can a nearsighted person in a sense see more small details and nuances in an object (say a coin) than someone with 20/20 vision, given the fact that he/she can focus with object closer to their eye?

>> No.8962402

Excuse me, biology and medicine is prohibited here.

This subreddit is reserved for physics and math majors to jerk each other off in peace.

>> No.8962404

well all the sciences spread out from physics right? they should have no problem answering this.

>> No.8962407

Yeah, we can look at objects and stay focused at smaller distances, thus increasing detail resolution. When I want to probe very small stuff, I sometimes remove glasses

>> No.8962434

any articles that confirm? thats my issue here, he wont be convinced by any less, which is acceptable

>> No.8962469

Just like when you become blind, your other sense do not become stronger, you're just more attuned to them.

Similarly just because you lose far sight does not miraculously make near sight suddenly better. There is no reason to assume or believe this.

If anything short sight probably gets worse from your eyes becoming tuned to wearing glasses. As glasses for far sight naturally hinder near sight.

>> No.8962495

if my understanding is correct then i dont think you just lose ur far sight, its rather that your "natural" focus point is further back than normal, and the opposite if your far sighted.

>> No.8963098

probably depends on the severity because i cant see shit without glasses, even when they're super close to my eyes. I am a -5.25 in prescription for reference

>> No.8963142

I was nearsighted for a few months because my vision began to change and my contact prescription was misgiven by a power 0.5 (I'm supposed to be 6.5 always, and it was 6.0).

Simply put, you lose the ability to focus properly. You can still see far away things but it's like you have a dirty lens over your eye clouding it after 100 yards in my case. However what happens is that when things are 12 inches in front of you it's also hard to focus on them. And anything 6 inches or close to your eyes makes you go cross-eyed trying. You have to hold it exactly in between that range to read a book or anything. That's what being nearsighted is.

tl;dr no you don't become a microscope. In fact you become worse.

>> No.8963240

found the meme's

I have severe myopia til -6 and I can see great detail up close

>> No.8963650

>I can see great detail up close
Just like anyone with normal vision, retard.

>> No.8963672

Oh hells yeah. I'm extremely near sighted(-7) and taking off my glasses lets me see small stuff easier. Like I've been able to see some relatively large microorganisms with my naked eyes, no detail though, just dots swimming around.

Also lets me hold my phone right up to my face

>> No.8963690


Yes ofc. A normal person can focus objects down to 250mm (forced) and up to [math]\infty[/math] (relaxed) from the eye, Myopia lowers both limits.

Sauce: I have an optics final tomorrow

>> No.8963793

im myopic, are you telling me i decreased infinity :S

>> No.8963873
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so.. will my myopia decrease with age? since most people get farsighted when they get older, and i guess that could compensate for the defect i already have

>> No.8964004

it can decrease

>> No.8964241

I have the same experience as this anon, however note that this is myopic person with glasses vs. myopic person without glasses, not healthy person vs myopic person.

>> No.8964245

My mom always says it will decrease when you get old, but I think that's weird since the reason old people need reading glasses isn't that they become more farsighted, just that their eye muscles get weaker, isn't it?

>> No.8965715
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>> No.8966034

I had Lasik surgery for my myopia 6 years ago, used to have a -6 on my left eye. I could see closer objects before, at some 3cm from my eyeball, without them getting blurry at all. After surgery, that distance increased and is now 11cm, which means I don't get to see all the detail I used to.
Still it's nice not having to put on my glasses every morning.

>> No.8966079

No it's still a lens dysfunction

>> No.8966647

Tfw -9.0