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File: 19 KB, 484x346, ThisWillKillUsAll.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8957900 No.8957900[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Reversing pic related is the only way to stop climate change, solar panels won't do shit. Think of all the pollution and CO2 a billion more 70 IQ africans will produce. The have to be sterilized,

Prove me wrong
>Pro-tip: you can't

>> No.8957906

They'll stop having babies in a generation or two just like everyone else.

>> No.8957909

>stop having babies
pick one

>> No.8957916

African people produced considerably less pollution per capita. The real cause of climate change is western europe and the us's wasteful energy inefficient lifestyles.

>> No.8957922

You have a point, but you should know that it takes energy to keep warm when its 20 below freezing...

therefore bringing in millions of people from the tropics every year to maintain "economic growth" is total madness, especially if you claim to want to fight climate change.

>> No.8957923
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Yes, if only we were more like the africans and their love of the environment

>> No.8957932

Yes if only we didn't accept migrants and let the europe population die like japan, oh wait climato-evangelist are the one pushing for immigration.

>> No.8957944

So you are in favor of accepting migrants.
And you don't think climate change is real.

Do I have that right?

>> No.8957955

How about we take immigrants and also get our energy from non-polluting methods? I'm in favor of some nuclear plants as a stop-gap until solar/wind/others take over.

>> No.8957959

How about we stick our dicks into electrical sockets just to see how it feels?

>> No.8957961

>therefore bringing in millions of people from the tropics every year to maintain "economic growth" is total madness
There are many other reasons why bringing in people for economic growth is retarded.

>> No.8957964
File: 7 KB, 400x222, CC_global carbon cycle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only way

nature still drains 11+6 Gton/year so cutting emissions below 17 would help

>> No.8957965

There are also many reasons why it actually does simulate economic growth.

>> No.8957966

such as

>> No.8957970

growth growth
economic growth
you better believe
its good for you
its good for me
la de du
lets get some
economic growth

>> No.8957974

Read all of these:

>> No.8957982

I was considering western Europe, who doesnt use a green card vet system to pick out the good guys and uses illegals for the shitty labour.q

>> No.8957991

Before hitting this anon's site consider the following:

The field of economics (and more generally, capitalism) is specifically designed to maximize the consumption of resources for the greatest number of people possible in the shortest amount of time, which is exactly the opposite of what we want to do to reduce the effects of climate change and non-renewable resource depletion.

>> No.8957992

Gotcha, I'm more familiar with the US, but I'm pretty sure immigration has been found to stimulate the economy in Europe too. European nations absolutely have vetting as though, don't pretend it doesn't exist. And the USA also has plenty of illegals too. The articles show how illegal immigration doesn't hurt the economy in the US either.

>> No.8957997

And I'll add that the "competitive spirit" that economists so cherish, is literally just a race to consume the most first.

Economics is a religion - the antithesis of science; the religion of consume.

>> No.8958002

Africa doesn't pollute with co2

Currently it's china us eu India Russia japan

>> No.8958023

The recent immigration waves have little to no vetting. They toss their identification papers and then all say the same story (they are taught) that they are 17 year old syrians that fled from the war. Finding out from which country they did come is almost impossible. Also the country they came from wants them gone and wont take them back. After all if they dont succeed they dont fuck up their own country, if they succeed they send money back. If they get a pass to stay they get benefits. If they get refused they either walk to another country and redo the asylum process, or they just become illegal aliens. Nobody wants to step on the plane and go back after paying a bunch of money to get into europe.

In america the greencard system makes sure that the people that will be a net benefit get in while people that cost money get prevented entry. For shitty jobs they use illegal immigrants, they are still valuable since they dont use up any benefits.

In europe however there is a lot bigger welfare system. If you work minimum wage you are costing the government money. You just get that many benefits. The only way the system can survive is because the rich people fund it, so for every few people born as minimum wage worker someone intelligent is born who makes a lot of money.

The Africans meanwhile are functionally illiterate, have a different culture, dont speak the language, and if they have some kind of education it is terrible compared to western education. Except for physical strength, they are on equal footing with 9 year old native children.

Polish workers that got access to the Dutch market due the EU came to the Netherlands looking for work. They got that, however even among that group the labor rate dropped over time.

For the source, I can give it to you but I doubt you know dutch. But it was a dutch mathematician and antropologist

>> No.8958043

Whatever dude. Here, watch some Kurzgesagt:

>> No.8958050

Jesus what a bunch of bullshit.

>they are syrian refugees
this is not what happened, germany told people to come in, and a lot of africans also went to europe lying about being syrians.
>citizens were helping out the refugees
a small group did that, most people didnt give a fuck or at least made sure no refugees came to their town
>4% isnt a problem
somebody please drop this guy in a parisian suburb
>syrians are well educated
except a syrian docterate is shit compared to western standards
>people start working
no they dont, my aunt works in the refugee services and says they are told lies. They are first forced to do an integration test, langauge and culture stuff. Then they expect to be given a job which pays well so they can start sending money home. In reality they just end up living of benefits.

As for the second video. The african continent will first overpopulate immensely before leveling out, that burst of population will force migration as they just suffer massive famines.

>> No.8958056

Okay then. Just FYI, that all sounds like conspiracy theory bullshit.

>> No.8958072

What is conspiracy theory bullshit?

>people are not just syrians
This is a dutch quality newspaper, pretty left and pro immigration
>Het verschil met de Balkanroute is dat de meeste bootvluchtelingen die op Italië koersen economische vluchtelingen lijken te zijn, vooral uit Nigeria maar ook uit het veilige Ghana, Senegal en Ivoorkust. De Italiaanse premier Renzi bezocht diverse Afrikaanse landen om terugkeerakkoorden te sluiten
The difference with the Balkanroute is that most of the boat refugees that go to Italy are economic refugees, most of them coming from Nigeria, Ghana, Senegal and ivory coast. The italian prime minister Renzi went to several african countries to try and make return accords.

>citizens were helping out refugees
In France 35% of the people voted on Le Pen even though they hate her, because they hate refugees more, in the Netherlands the PVV (anti immigrant party) won seats even though they had a terrible campaign and get locked out of any coalition

The muslims are generating problems. Turkish mosques get their money and teachings directly from the Turkish ministry of religion and with the whole coup thing they swore allegiance to Turkey, even though they live in western countries for generations.

>minimum wage doesnt earn money
How is this a conspiracy, this is something you can calculate. In fact, most refugee institutions refuse to do it because "its inhumane and ethically wrong". They know the result would be negative and would make it more difficult to maintain a pro migration course of action.

Just think about it, if immigrants are really positive for europe, why would Merkel go to Turkey to pay erdogan (who she has issues with) money to keep the immigrants there. Why were there no sanctions against eastern european countries that build a wall to keep them at bay?

>> No.8958412

The problem with Africa is international finance and "free trade", not Africans.
Anarchism is the only hope
Stop supporting economic colonialism and become a dissenter. Also, you need to unironically check your privilege.

>> No.8958549
File: 472 KB, 1000x1333, samuel-l-jackson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> The have to be sterilized,
Who's going to do it? Eurofags? Please. You can't even defend yourselves against - well, yourselves.

The Amerifats? Even if they could get their fat asses off of a chair long enough to push a button, they don't give a fuck about any country that doesn't have oil.

Solve your own debt crisis in Greece before you poke your nose into anyone else' business. That shouldn't be so hard for you to do, what with your high and mighty IQ scores. Right?

>> No.8958575

> Just think about it, if immigrants are really positive for europe, why would Merkel go to Turkey to pay erdogan (who she has issues with) money to keep the immigrants there. Why were there no sanctions against eastern european countries that build a wall to keep them at bay?

Not him but this argument doesn't hold water. Of course the immigration on this scale is an economic burden now but with a rapidly ageing population more people are needed to offset the decline. In a decade or so this will start paying off. Of course, integration is a massive issue but even with poor integration there is a net economic benefit

>> No.8958585

Forgot to add, the Erdogan deal was IMO a combination of two major factors: a strain on the German state services that can only accommodate so many at a time coupled with a backlash of the electorate that feels uneasy about the whole thing. This was further compounded by a lack of a EU-wide accommodation policy meaning all future refugees would end up in Germany that wouldn't be able to cope with it.

>> No.8958624

If you want to use foreign immigrants to keep the demographic young youre going to have a bad time. The amount of people you would have to accept would be massive. South korea ran the numbers and they would end up with 4 billion (!) people to maintain their current age gradient. I dont think its even physically possible to put so many there. Shipping elderly people to africa would be a million times more effective.

>. In a decade or so this will start paying off.
In the netherlands we have immigrants for multiple generations and they still arent paying off. A decade would be extremely unlikely. Can you educate, teach a foreign language and instill cultural values in a multimillion demographic of 20somethings that have no education, lived in a different, tribal, collectivist culture in a decade? Assimilating a small group is possible since you can break them up and surround them by a bunch of people that force them to change. If an entire city block is immigrant they just stick with their roots.
And even then they shouldnt just be educated, some of them should be intelligent enough to do higher education, because just doing manual labor isnt enough to fund themselves.


This is a report of th CPB (central plan bureau, a dutch government funded research centre that runs the numbers on policies and gives advice).

Their TL;DR: Mass immigration is not a solution for the aging population problem. Also for the job market no positive results will be found. But a limited immigration of people with skills the current demographic lacks the economy will benefit. Which is basically the American green card system.

While im highly educated and can just live in an allwhite neighbourhood, I still dont like immigration because I think the lower educated populace, who is already strung out, will suffer.

>> No.8958637

Yup, this. Come on other guy, diplomacy is complicated. It's not about immigration either being "positive" or "negative." You have to stop thinking in extremes like this. There are both positives and negatives at any given moment depending on a vast number of variables. Plus there's factors like good will, maintaining relations, humanitarian decisions, etc.

>> No.8958660
File: 32 KB, 441x636, WTF_Were_They_Thinking_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OR build the Great European Wall to keep out the African horde.

>> No.8958663

Its just that the positives presented are false. Sure, you can take them in for good will/humanitarian reasons, but just say so. Say: "we take in 2mil people because they are worse off than we". Because what we do now (letting them in, moving them around, not telling them whether we will kick them out again or let them stay indefinitely) is not nice either.

Ignoring immigrants and letting them settle has been tried before, and its results are terrible for everyone involved.

>> No.8958688

>Its just that the positives presented are false. Sure, you can take them in for good will/humanitarian reasons, but just say so.

Aaaaand we're back to square one.

Hey, did you know immigration can have positive economic effects?
Push for large-scale immigration policy that can accommodate the influx. It will benefit everybody if there is cooperation and sharing of the burden.

>> No.8958697

>>Aaaaand we're back to square one.
No we are not.

>Hey, did you know immigration can have positive economic effects?
How does that relate to taking in people out of kindness.

Its this simple
>hey guys we take in people out of kindness, we calculated we can take in this amount
>hey guys we take in a few intelligent immigrants and the rest we kick out because they are useless fuck humanity
>hey guys we take in this amount of immigrants since that will have a net positive effect on economics, using these numbers
what we have now is
>we dont have numbers but we think it will have a positive effect so we kind of let them come in but not safely and its also inhumane if we dont let them in and we dont really have a policy and just pray it works out

>> No.8958899
File: 339 KB, 965x1465, the population pill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antinatalists BTFO


>> No.8958918

They at least need to be contained in their own nations, without aid. And to all other breeding-like-rabbits-welfare leeches, I'm sorry but you have to go back.

>> No.8958921

We just shoot the Left and then not only would our own consumption of resources drop significantly, we wouldn't have any non European immigrants to deal with either.

>> No.8958925
File: 12 KB, 259x194, shittystrawman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bringing in millions of people from the tropics every year to maintain "economic growth"

>> No.8958943

of course, this is obvious

the issue is CO2 emissions

>> No.8958950

Pssh nothin personnel kid.

>> No.8958988

/sci/ needs mods.

>> No.8959536
File: 877 KB, 960x720, moral decay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
