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File: 151 KB, 1920x1080, pathetic beta nu-male estrogenated millennial cucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8954018 No.8954018[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

20 year old iGen here

What is the scientific reason behind millennials being such a generational failure?

>> No.8954042

baby boomers

>> No.8954126

Fucking baby boomers are the scum of the earth.

>> No.8954138
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>> No.8954349

What people do you consider to be "millenials"?

>> No.8954354

Born 1980-1995

>> No.8954355

Every generation has been berated by those before it and seen by many within it as a let down or failure or garbage that will collapse society.

Usually those predictions are incorrect.

Millenials probably aren't helped by their upbringing but I have no doubt they will do what they must and their kids will be the new failures in 15-20 years

>> No.8954380

I know Vsauce is a mem but
basicly what >>8954355 said

>> No.8954402

>a fucking embryo talking about generational failures
this is my favorite meme

>> No.8954406

What is it with Amerikeks and obsession with generational stereotyping? I swear even Brits aren't as autistic about their social classes.

>> No.8954408

millennials will keep their mouths shut and their head down, they won't bring any major change to society.

that's the difference, boomers were more vocal about things. millennials are more busy with injured dogs and the current state of affairs in syria. they haven't learned how to value their own society up until recently

>> No.8954418

>Born 1980-1995
>people nearing middle age together with recent college graduates
Autism par excellence.

>> No.8954443

Millenial here, my experience

>major unemployment among white collar work, the guys who used to train young staff are paranoid about competition and usually find bullshit ways of keeping you away from getting relevant work experience

>Alternative is going for education, which has become both ridiculously difficult and competitive, with additional pressure from career women

>pHD/pHD + several postdocs is the new entry-level

>leaves an entire generation of men <30 years of age in perpetual adolescence mode as they barely have any responsibilities, competing for resources with the very gender they used to team up

When I was your age (6 years ago), I could not understand all those grown-up men acting like teenagers, now I do. Getting old is a painful, unrewarding and bitter experience...

>> No.8954449

There is some really interesting psychological conditioning behind the recent attachment of cartoons, infantilization, and regression to things that are seen as complex, "adult", or at least serious in a way that implies an effect greater than their immediate area. It is as if everyone has lived in such a derealized state of detachment living vicariously through the symbolic realities of television, video games, movies, etc. that any prospect of a reality that isn't mediated through some kind of human manipulation is unnatural and strange. Facing a reality that hasn't been turned black and white and sugar coated with hints on how you're supposed to interpret it and what opinion to have on it becomes bizarre.
They have to imagine Trump as the villian of a superhero movie because they've rotted their lizard brains on vicarious translations of reality for so long that they've reached a state of complete unconscious derealization, and the only manner they can ground themselves in reality is by applying the nature of manipulation onto their own otherwise free reality. They are purposefully imprisoning themselves in someone else's shallow reality that was only ever created to make some money off of manchildren who need to watch movies about strong men in tights to gain a sense of masculine energy. They've collapsed the entire potentiality of their existence into a small collection of caricatures that are sold in stuffy mall shops smelling of vague stale body odor.

>> No.8954451
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>> No.8954456

I genuinely feel bad for these people whose horizons of existential possibilities starts at 90s Nickelodeon cartoons and ends in completely empty rambling by Mr. Cool Black Science Man about how perspective and morals are just relative because space is big. This extends so far beyond the usual rhetoric of being a slave to consumption -- these people have trapped themselves in their own perceptual hells, building the walls of their own complete alienation happily because it feels safer and easier to live in a 10'x10' cell than face the wide unexplored horizons of potentiality.

>> No.8954476

>pHD/pHD + several postdocs is the new entry-level
What utter bullshit. PhDs are a career handbrake for anything but tech research and academia. Several years of work experience is infinitely more valued nowadays than postgrad education. And that's coming from a country that has an PhD cult.

>> No.8954482

>millenial whining about not having everything easy
wew really made me think there

>> No.8954484

jesus christ do you run a fedora shop

>> No.8954485


Bad parenting.

>> No.8954488

>talking about infantilization and living in someone else's reality while attacking the lowest common denominator and strawmanning with tired stereotypes
That's some top tier satire.

>> No.8954491

>And that's coming from a country that has an PhD cult.
cause and effect
if not every other applicant had a PhD, it would be seen as more valuable

>> No.8954492

well you could say that's true.
parents always parrot those memes of "forgot about family for now, focus on career, move to the big city, explore the world etc" and they don't really adapt their thinking to current times. there is no real education other than conform and stay healthy. if anything conforming to society not what we should be teaching our kids. we should have some subjectivity when it comes to how we see the world and unfortunately most kids that i see are a byproduct of their parents

>> No.8954499

You're just deluding yourself and looking for excuses. Master's is more than enough for most employment. If anything there's plenty of brilliant PhD's that struggle to find employment with no work experience behind them.

>> No.8954501

they blame everyone else and never take responsibility for their actions

>> No.8954545


Just like pretty much everyone else on this planet. My gen is arguably the best educated, most reasonable and modest (no loans, little consumption, no smokers, no excessive drinking or partying, no silly motorbikes, muscle cars, jetskies or whatever, no satanic rock/grunge-bullshit).

We will be remembered as the neo-Biedermeier/romantics, fleeing from public into personal lifes, leaving neither chaos nor ingenuity behind.

>> No.8954565
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>Boomers are more vocal about things
Here we go again, another STACY wants to see the fucking manager.

>> No.8954616

>fat with no tits or hips or ass

lmao asians really are the ugliest race