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8950886 No.8950886 [Reply] [Original]

Health, mentally and physically.
Does fapping increase or decrease mental ability?
What is the best fap routine?
Is it bad for you and you should just quit?

Bonus if cited sources

>> No.8950894

fap = good (especially for your prostate)
porn = bad

>> No.8950906

its good for your physical health but if you fap like 4 times a day (basically being addictive) is bad for your mental health

>> No.8950920

too much is bad for everything (physical and mental

>> No.8951550

ITT: personal opinions.

>> No.8952134
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>Is fapping bad for you
>Health, mentally and physically
>Does fapping increase or decrease mental ability?
>What is the best fap routine?
Treating your normally, using lotion/lube, don't force yourself not to cum, don't do any extreme shit, etc.
>Is it bad for you and you should just quit?
No and no
>Bonus if cited sources
Here ya go
You can fap 4+ times a day and physically and mentally fine

>> No.8952189
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t. wanker

I used to do it every day and stopping (although very hard) is one of the best things happened in my life. OP please try it yourself.

>> No.8952193

fapping decreases sexual tension in your body and relives stress overall

it is bad if it discourages you to chase females, which is natural. but in todays political climate fapping might be better

>> No.8952659

Op here, the reason I started this thread is a "smart" communities perception on it.

I want to try not fapping and see if anything is different.

How can I make this easier for me? Do you have any tips? I've tried it before and failed many times

>> No.8952680

personally i find less mental fog going several days without fapping compared to the day after fapping, less social anxiety and clearer communication ability

>> No.8952699

Personally I become a complete Neanderthal if I do not get sexual relief regularly.
Unless you are asexual you are not healthy if you do not masturbate. If and when you have the urge, you need to address it.

>> No.8952735

oh well I'm asexual and somewhat non-binary. So sexual urges really do get in my way.

>> No.8952753 [DELETED] 

I feel the best while slowly decreasing my fapping frequency, but I usually indulge again once I'm around week intervals and then have to start over
I don't think it actually affects me that much though, the main issue is when I do it really frequently I want more and start resorting to porn, which does have a notable affect on my head

>> No.8952757

I feel the best while slowly decreasing my fapping frequency, but I usually indulge again once I'm around week intervals and then have to start over
I don't think it actually affects me that much though, the main issue is when I do it really frequently I want more and start resorting to porn, which does have a notable effect on my head

>> No.8952814

>somewhat non binary

>> No.8952830
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How do you faggots even become addicted to wanking?

I fap only after several days have passed since the last fap, as I become extremely horny.
I need to fap once in a couple of days because I start having wet dreams and inevitably jizz in my underwear while sleeping.
Also, the more time passes since the last fap, the better will this one feel.
I don't watch regular porn that much though, I usually fap to doujins or still images that I have a particular interest in.
There's just not a lot of porn that I like.

>> No.8952867

>I fap only after several days have passed since the last fap, as I become extremely horny.

This means you have low testosterone and low sperm production. Your genes are completely deteriorated and I wouldn't be surprised if you were inbred. You are the last generation of your family line because I assume you are 18-20 so when you are 30 your balls will be as a dry as a grandpa's.

>I need to fap once in a couple of days because I start having wet dreams and inevitably jizz in my underwear while sleeping.

Another clear sign of a weak penis.

>I usually fap to doujins or still images that I have a particular interest in.

Well, at least you are doing one thing right.

Meanwhile, I masturbate at least 3 times a day because I am in my prime. My genes are top tier and my body knows it, so my body wants me to spray my cum all over the world, and I will!

>> No.8952922

>This means you have low testosterone and low sperm production.
I might have lower testosterone, or maybe I'm just not a jock.
>Your genes are completely deteriorated
How is this related to low testosterone?
>I wouldn't be surprised if you were inbred
I'm not.

I am generally pretty healthy (I think), even though I live an unhealthy life style (coca cola, junk food and sitting at the computer all day with little exposure to sunlight and an irregular sleep cycle).
But maybe that's just because I'm 20.

>> No.8952933

could be me

>> No.8952945
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>I want to try not fapping and see if anything is different.
I don't know what there's to it since I'm into mathematics and not biology.
What I know is that people sense that there's something going on with you.
Keep a strict diet, exercise, study/work like a madman (life devoid of pleasure if they're not the direct result of your hard work) and you'll reach your God-like self.
Stuff like meditation works because you will become more focused and in control of yourself and people will like it.
>How can I make this easier for me? Do you have any tips? I've tried it before and failed many times
Yes, keep trying.
You'll build pressure and you'll increase your streaks.
Flat-lines are a godsend.
Read all the positive accounts over at /r/NoFap.

>> No.8952951

>tfw you just got finished cumming inside your girlfriend after making her dress up as a school girl

feels good man

>> No.8952964
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>> No.8952966

You already got BTFO on /fit/ just stop shilling already, cuck.

>> No.8952967
File: 130 KB, 500x405, prolactin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a sneaking suspicion that while repeated orgasm isn't bad for your health it is bad for your intelligence

>> No.8952977

Facts making you.butthurt nowhere near means I got BTFO. Stay mad

>> No.8952979

>shuts down sexual desire

I guess I'm desensitized to prolactin because I'm ready to go again in as little as 30 minutes

>> No.8952998

Do you think it's a problem for you OP?

>> No.8952999

A lot of times you can physically take it too far. I've jerked off 6+ times plenty of times and sometimes I had a pain in my dick and it felt like I had to pee for like 6 hours. Obviously it goes away, but it's annoying.

>> No.8953178

Does fapping really reduce testosterone?

>> No.8953534

>as little as 30 minutes

>> No.8953546


>> No.8953989


>> No.8954166


>> No.8954203

I think there are bad porn habits and bad fapping habits.

I believe browsing through many different females in extreme situations without feeling an emotional and social connection makes you complacent and socially inept.

I believe porn on the whole is bad for your abiltiy to visualize, plan and think forward. That seems to be true for me.

According to some website, simulated intercourse is bad. According to me there's a more general problem where you put pressure on the base on penis when fapping. To keep it hard and perhaps for other reasons I don't know.

Here's the site:

>> No.8954335

I think it could be due to a lot of stress.

>> No.8954361
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What about cheesecake? It's hard to browse 4chan without getting derailed by it every once and a while.

>> No.8954368

It could fuck your mental reward system, but maybe removing the need for chasing pussy it isnt always bad though.

>> No.8954459


>> No.8954637

You might be right.

>> No.8955072

I find that the longer I go without masturbating or fucking, the higher my sex drive, and therefore the more likely I am to be distracted by women and ogle them in passing. I'm also more likely (or at least have a strong compulsion to) to seek out a penetration station of elation but this is problematic for me as I never quite grasped how flirting works and I'm deathly afraid of social rejection. This means I get anxious which increases my likelihood of raining spaghetti. It's also an issue because I already have a girlfriend in the first place.

It's best if I cum at least twice a week. I don't get distracted by my desire to sheath my meat sword that way and I'm less anxious too. Plus, fapping too frequently ruins the quality of phallus stabbing time anyways.

>> No.8955174

I am a KV and sometimes i feel like fapping makes me feel worse because it's just a reminder that I don't have a good enough charisma or confidence to actually have sex

>> No.8955222
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>> No.8955306

If you fap too much you become a trap

>> No.8955738

Op here again

I feel that I have way too sexualized thoughts, that like every girl I meet I think of having sex with.

I also feel pretty desensitized. Like I'm ok with some gay stuff and I'm not fazed by it. I won't seek it out but I wouldn't be turned off. I will often think of sex a lot during the day. When I get a boner in public, I kinda don't really care if others see it and sometimes it's hard for me to get it down again.

I don't know whether this is porn or hormones or whatever, but I'm going to stop fapping and see if it gets any better

>> No.8955742

as a chronic masturbator I can tell you one thing, fapping too much can make your dick hurt

>> No.8957259


my dick bleeds and has fucking scabs on it

i only fap every other day


>> No.8957578

>penetration station of elation
oh i see, you have autism

>> No.8957584

Are you sure you're on the right board? You know, with that quality post of yours.

>> No.8957590

When does dopamine return to normal?

>> No.8958066

>shuts down sexual desire
That's a meme

>> No.8958138

no it's not, the correlation goes both ways with dopamine inhibiting prolactin but prolactin as well as oxytocin are virtually useless to males which leads me to question if women experience this in a different way

personal opinion: i thought it was just the porn and i could still fap like twice a day if i just used my imagination or went for instagram photos or some shit. i might be imagining it to some degree but i definitely have reduced, almost non-existent drive to do anything after fapping, even on the next day. mental fog is also an issue.

i'm on the same boat basically, i think once or twice a week would be optimal

>> No.8958150

autists out

>> No.8958318
File: 309 KB, 1158x1064, FIT_future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am generally healthy
>even though I live an unhealthy lifestyle
>I'm just not a jock
You are not healthy mate. If you are not at least 12-18(maybe up to 20)% bodyfat, eat clean and exercise daily, you are not healthy.
Low test is not a meme, it makes you a man, happy healthy and want to do shit. Go lift, stop being a cuck, stop watching anime.

>> No.8959636

i suffered a detached retina at the age of 25yo

>> No.8959660

> best post on this thread
>cucks still hate you.

>> No.8959732

I think you might have an STI
Either that or you're grabbing your dick too hard
Doesnt sound right man

>> No.8959741

It's not bad for you assuming you mix it up a little. Go lefty. Use a lotion. Hump a pillow. Don't just deathgrip or you will cause yourself ED issues.