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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 616 KB, 1024x1024, sqg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8952584 No.8952584 [Reply] [Original]

"Stupid"/Simple/Stupid Question General starts here.

Proper OP pic, OP post and OP fag.

1. Don't ask without having tried
2. Ask for solution, not the answer.
3. See if you can answer any questions while waiting.

>> No.8952588

what course / books should i get for beginner math?

>> No.8952602


>> No.8953752

meme book. couldn't understand from 2 page onwards

>> No.8953766

why are you trying to reformat everything into a cookie-cutter general format for literally no reason you fucking faggot
just use the regular sqt >>8949243

>> No.8953838


sqt failed everybody. It's not just that LITERALLY NOBODY ANSWERS ANYTHING MORE COMPLEX THAN FIRST 10 (MAYBE 11) GRADES EVER, it's that the lazy cunt who creates these threads sucks at his job. It was like a day straight with no sqt.

I'm not OP tho. We'll see how this thread goes.

>> No.8953867

You're confusing me with somebody.

>> No.8953876

honestly, khan academy.

>> No.8953878

> responds to meme with a bigger meme

>> No.8954002

Zorich is not a fucking meme retard.

>> No.8954013

Is the amount of matter infinite within an expanding universe?

>> No.8954017

What's the application of the Bachet weighing problem?

6 months in and still don't know.

>> No.8954022

This one:

http://www.matematica.net/portal/e-books/Graham - Knuth - Patashnik - Concrete Mathematics.pdf

It's a math book for CS guys, or as I say, math for brainlets.

>> No.8954024

If this link don't work, try this one:

>> No.8954026

No, the space between matter just increases.

>> No.8954032

If the space between matter increased we would all be dead.

The amount of matter has little to do with the expansion. It could be infinite or finite. Expansion just means that within any finite region, the density of space is decreasing.

>> No.8954044

> If the space between matter increased we would all be dead.
> The density of space is decreasing

Choose one, friendo.

Should I remind you that density is a quotient between mass and volume?

>> No.8954047

What books do you recommend for GRE preparation?

>> No.8954050

Density is the degree of compactness of something. The density of *matter* is between mass and volume. Space does not have mass, fool.

Expansion does not necessarily increase the space between matter because gravity keeps mass in the same galaxy together.

>> No.8954054

Since a wave-function may have uncertain energy, does that mean that quantum mechanics does not conserve energy?

>> No.8954116

>Since a wave-function may have uncertain energy, does that mean that quantum mechanics does not conserve energy

No energy is always conserved in QM, in interactions the sate collapses so CoE holds.

>> No.8954177

Why, again, do we mandate that a function can have only one output per input? Does it give rise to paradoxes? Is it just axiomatic?

>> No.8954180

>Why, again, do we mandate that a function can have only one output per input?
because it's useful

>Does it give rise to paradoxes?

> Is it just axiomatic?
it's a definition

>> No.8954182

>because it's useful
Could you expound on this point, please?

>> No.8954199

>Could you expound on this point, please?
functions show up in lots of places

like polynomials, exponentials, logarithms, etc.

>> No.8954241

Not OP but it allows for exactness when working e.g. knowing someone is taking the +ve square root where the negative would change the form of the answer. You can have many valued functions but they are typically restricted to a range in which they are injective (one to one) e.g. in complex numbers you can restrict a function to an arbitrary sheaf when moving from around the complex plane.

If you've not done complex numbdrs then you can also think of the inverse trig functions which are many valued but we restrict the range we consider them to make it clear what values are being taken

>> No.8954243

You can surely see how it is more useful to define, for example, [math]\sqrt{x}[/math] as only the positive root, instead of [math]\pm \sqrt{x}[/math], so that when I ask my function what the square root of 4 is, I get 1 unambiguous answer back instead of 2 to decide from

>> No.8954287

Would making a thread about a possible experiment that is sort of /x/ tier still be /sci/ related? I invented a thing called sensomancy and now I want to make sure it's safe. I have test subjects but they seem content to join my discord and say next to nothing or /x/ stuff. I sort of regret recruiting from /x/ and it probably wasn't a good idea for several reasons.

>> No.8954358

Well fuck it then. I'm just going to make the thread. Nevermind, what a waste of time and energy.

>> No.8954367


>> No.8954381

It's too late. Would you be a willing test subject?

>> No.8954382


is that Japan?

>> No.8954390


>> No.8954393

It's a legitimate experiment though. Plus I didn't wanna get banned.

>> No.8954411

Ok sci decide my grad school specialization between: applied electromagnetics/RF circuits, communications, optics/photonics, or signal+image processing/machine learning

Choose for me please i am too indecisive

>> No.8954447

is there a place that lists article titles from scientific journals?

>> No.8954517

Normally I'd pick a random option and add a persuasive argument to boot, despite being just a college dropout who's clearly incompetent, but I'll be nice this time.

Don't give away your power to choose. It's the only meaningful freedom you have, it's the only thing that makes life worthwhile.

Even by giving it away subtly by listening to other people's opinions you're setting yourself up. And you're doing directly.

EVERYBODY is an enemy. Don't add yourself to that list by asking others to decide for you.

>> No.8954539

What kind of math do I need to study to be able to git gud at 2D graphics programming drawing graphs with stuff like Cairo, Skia, etc?

>> No.8956097
File: 26 KB, 729x482, WTF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How the fuck can it possibly be 3 if IT'S BEHIND THE FUCKING MIRROR FFS (that's what sketchmarks are for isn't it?)?!

>> No.8956102

do you not know how mirrors work m8?

>> No.8956112

Well tell me cause to me this makes no fucking sense

>> No.8956121

Is it possible to make a function where phase changes in matter are omits output? Also is it possible for there to be infibite phasechanges with respect to internal energy?

>> No.8956166

A small problem I've been working on for a week, because I'm stupid. Please tell me if you see any flaws in my reasoning.

You have n points on a plane. If you take any 3 of these, they are not aligned ; also two straight lines joining different points are never parallels.

You join all points to one another with straight lines.

In how many points do the lines intersect, except for the n points you have at the beginning ? (we will note this number [math]N[/math])
A bit of space if you want to try it yourself. Since you're not as brainlet as me, you'll figure it out faster.

My reasoning :
For the first points you need to draw [math](n-1)[/math] lines, for the second, [math](n-2)[/math], and so on.

Total number of lines :
[eqn](n-1) + (n-2) + \dots + 1 = \sum\limits_{i=1}^{(n-1)} i = \frac{n(n-1)}{2}[/eqn]

Let's call this number [math]n'[/math].
Since none of the lines are parallel, you have [math]\binom{2}{n'}[/math] points in which the lines intersect.
Out of these points, you have the [math]n[/math] points you had at the beginning. These points account for more than one intersection. Indeed, in each of these points you have [math](n-1)[/math] lines, the point "going to" the other [math](n-1)[/math] points.

So each of those original points account for [math]\binom{2}{n-1}[math] intersection points. We can now conclude that :

[eqn]N = \binom{2}{n'} - n*\binom{2}{n-1}[eqn]

... where [math]n' = \frac{n(n-1)}{2}[/math].

The tests I've done with 3 (N=0), 4 (N=3), 5 (N=15) seems to work.
What do you think ?

>> No.8956168

I fucked up the TeX.
[math]\binom{2}{n-1}[/math] intersection points. We can now conclude that : [eqn]N = \binom{2}{n'} - n*\binom{2}{n-1}[/eqn] ... where [math]n' = \frac{n(n-1)}{2}[/math]

>> No.8956463

Well if we can conclude that, then what's the problem?

>> No.8956467

I was wondering if I did any mistake. Apparently you didn't spot one, so that's all good.

>> No.8956509
File: 10 KB, 325x247, HTF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do we know what those angles in that small rectangle are equal to the left angle of the beige triangle? Makes no fucking sense.

>> No.8956741

nvm figured it out hahaha

>> No.8957880



>> No.8957899

youre going to an all ages stem hall, what would you like to see?

brainstorming right now and Ive got:
>project classes (ham, robotics..)
>software/computer use
it's easy to engage the community for a community garden and hippie shit, but stem is a whole different thing

if you dont want to go in for a class, what would you have available other than free study space and coffee?
also, please note that this space will be available to you 24/7

>> No.8957926


thats just the definition. Its a definition that predates all the set theory and axiom stuff in the early 1900s.

you get one and only one output per input.

>> No.8957927


functions are super useful in computing. If you can verify that a process gets one output for each input, and that the output is consistent, you have a reliable process. unreliable processes cause bugs. The predicate function in logic has similar power. If a propositon is true, its always true, and its never true and false. All reasoning is functional.

>> No.8957951
File: 65 KB, 1131x398, damn_spooky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A non-scientific here.

How can I take away the fear of death from a cosmic event? It really terrifies me.

>> No.8957999

It would be instantaneous and there is literally no conceivable way for us to avoid them. Comfort yourself in knowing that at best it will never happen, as it hasn't happened for thousands of years, and that at worst you won't even have time to realise it happened.

>> No.8958042

Software engineering or computer science?

>> No.8958051

Computer engineer student. I got A in every subject, but failed in maths this year (first year). Should i keep going on with the studies or just quit? I absolutely hate math and it's so hard for me to retain the anything about the subject.

>> No.8959663

How can I get my body to stop producing alcohol dehydrogenase? For... academic purposes.

>> No.8959692

It's a mirror on a plane, not in 3D space, the line from 3 to mirror is best reflected by the line A to mirror, not 1 to mirror as it may be in 3D space.

How can you be this much of a brainlet?

>> No.8959864

Is it like a general rule I've never heard of that the antiderivative of a function of x times a constant is its derivative over the constant? its derivative with respect to the x*constant I mean.

so like
∫f(cx)dx = f'(cx)/c

∫cos(5x)dx = sin(5x)/5
∫e^(2x)dx = e^(2x) /2

totally didn't post this in the dead thread without realizing there was a new one ahhaha

>> No.8959869

you're kind of like me, I just got done with first year too in comp eng. my issue is that I'm really really not good at math even if I want to be, I just can't fucking do it and I know that I need to be good at it.

it's like, programming is what I want to make a living doing and I have the inability to do it because I'll never get a degree because I can't do math

>> No.8959874

>hate math
if you faggets like programming and are bad in math then you obviously dont get what computer scientits/engineers are doing you fricking pricks.
Edsger Dijkstra "programming for a computer scientist is like telescope for astronomy"

>> No.8959876

I get it it's about algorithms and proofs and graph theory and whatever the fuck

I'm saying I'll never be good at it

>> No.8959877

pose y= cx, then express the integral (with the change of domains) in terms of y and dy

>> No.8959976

it's just the definition. without that restriction, youd just have the definition of a relation.
as for the usefulness, and why it deserves its own definition, think of pretty much any theorem or definition in analysis. how would you define the integral of a "function" with 50 odd outputs?

>> No.8959984

how does university grades scaling work? I'm quite confused by the whole thing. An assessment in one of my classes has a massively low average but the professor says not worry because it will be scaled, which I don't understand what she means

>> No.8960278

depends on how autistic your teacher is

>> No.8960536

Can someone help me with figuring out on what should I put emphasis on during my math self study, if my points of interests are geometry and topology? I´m pretty okay with college calculus. Also, some textbook recommendations would be be very nice.

>> No.8960580

Get rich so you can AFFORD self study first.

>> No.8960585

Why is 11, 23, 5 and many others considered prime numbers when you can evenly divide them, for example: you can divide 11 by 2 for an answer of 5.5 and 5 for 2.5. Any answers?

>> No.8960598
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>> No.8960604

What's your question.
T1 does equal T2 for the same string.

>> No.8960612


>> No.8961034


Is it okay to pronounce this "mod n"?

>> No.8961044
File: 24 KB, 460x276, OU-logo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is a degree by the Open University taken seriously by research institutes, universities and employers or would a degree from Bumfuck State University be dozen times more worth?

>> No.8961340

no because it's not clear what set you're taking mod n

I'd call it either Z mod n Z or Z mod n, or in the case you're only looking at the group structure, calling it Cn (the cyclic group of order n)

>> No.8961358

If f(x,y) is an arbitrary binary primitive recursive function, is the unary function d(x) = f(x,x) also primitive recursive?

It feels like it should be but I can't see how to construct the defining equation while ensuring that it has the correct arity.
(I'm using the definition in http://www.logicmatters.net/resources/pdfs/gwt/GWT2f.pdf which essentially states that if f(x) and g(w,u,y) are primitive recursive then so is g(w,f(x),y).)

>> No.8961506

How the fuck do I get a matrix into (Reduced) Row-Echelon Form? Is it literally just guess and check or is there some trick that I'm missing?

>> No.8961511

I usually say "integers mod n" or "Z mod n" or "Z n" (per the common notation [math] \mathbb{Z}_n [/math])

>> No.8961537

>per the common notation

that notation gets confusing when n is prime

>> No.8961721
File: 271 KB, 800x712, ringcity-stanfordtoruscolony-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Length contractions only contract in the direction of movement
>Lorentz transformations map circles/spheres to circles/spheres (Penrose 1958)

How the fuck? If a ship is moving inside a ring from a side to the opposite side, doesn't the ship see the radius in the direction of travel smaller than the orthogonal radius?

>> No.8961754

>tfw /sci/ will have generals now because of this shit
I don't want what happened to /v/ and /int/ to happen here.

>> No.8961755

What's the catch

>> No.8961757

How do I stop feeling emotion like Da Vinci?

>> No.8961761

/v/ and /int/ are usually more focused generals, this is an unfocused general which helps get rid of what would otherwise by hundreds of shit quality threads

>> No.8961780

Since a solenoid is pretty much an electrically controlled switch, you could in theory build a computer out of one, right? Like smaller ones than the one in a car.

Thinking about how to make computers from scratch, seems like a lot less material science required than vacuum tubes or silicone transistors

>> No.8961787
File: 71 KB, 215x626, imdumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ I'll know you'll laugh at me but I need help. I can't for the like of me get excel to turn this into a scatter plot. What's wrong with the order of my data?

>> No.8961790

pls help

>> No.8961821
File: 537 KB, 554x576, 1474388848390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do non-mathematicians fight about the order to list authors on their journal publications? Alphabetical seems so convenient in comparison

>> No.8961906

what was the most difficult concept you have covered in mathematics?

>> No.8961927

Im interestd in learning c++, I have very little knowledge of computer programming and have narrowed my choice of book to two.

The first is c++ primer, and the second is programming -- principles and practice using c++.

They're both advertised as beginner books but I', wondering if anyone here has a recommendation between the two.

>> No.8961935

the Picard-Lefschetz formula

still no idea what that was about

>> No.8961948

An image doesn't really exist. The object is at A and your looking into the mirror from wherever. Where does point A appear to be?

Pro-tip imagine that you don't know its a mirror and think its a window instead.

>> No.8961953

Google 'Gaussian Elimination'

>> No.8961955

Learn python

>> No.8961982
File: 595 KB, 4288x2848, silver-back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it be possible if we transfuse silberback gorrila blood in our bodies (let's say both subjects are highly compatible) to enchance in any way our bodies or mind? (long or short term)
[Memory transference in organ transplant recipients] maybe it could work the same way with blood on a smaller or different level.

>> No.8961994

Embolism due to blood clotting.

>> No.8962004
File: 136 KB, 736x1051, 33dc1c4714999b15de75e9c04f82d2ca[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So there is no way to transfer blood (maybe low ammounts over a period of time or if that not works due to our based immune system a well calculated ammount) from a compatible silverback to a human?
>mfw I will never experience at least a glimpse of Grodd greatness

>> No.8962013

You have to match blood types even with human donors or the results will be fatal. For gorilla's who the fuck knows.

Even if you could you wouldn't absorb special powers. This isn't an anime.

>> No.8962045
File: 24 KB, 621x156, answer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing an exercise in a Serg Lang book, and I'm confused, even if it shows the answer I'm unable to tell how he did it.
>Show that if n is a positive integer at most equal to m, then

[eqn] \binom{m}{n}+ \binom{m}{n-1}= \binom{m+1}{n} [/eqn]

The answer is pic related. I get how he got the LCD and +m!n. The other parts of the answer is leaving me frustrated. How did he get (m-n+1) to be on top of the fraction? How in the world did he turn

pls help a brainlet out

>> No.8962053

>How did he get (m-n+1) to be on top of the fraction?
if you want to add fractions you need a common denominator, in this case it's n!(m-n+1)! as he wrote


m!/[n!(m-n)!] + m!/[(m-n+1)!(n-1)!]
= m!(m-n+1)/[n!(m-n+1)!] + m!*n/[(m-n+1)!n!]

as for the second part

= m![ (m-n+1)+n]
= m![m+1]

>> No.8962069

Ok I get this part, you multiplied n(n-1)! to get n!(m-n+1)! So whatever you do to the bottom, you do to the top so m!n

I DON'T get what you did here, by putting (m-n+1) on the top, that means you did
(m-n+1)(m-n)!n! on the bottom, which would equal [n!(m-n+1)!] ?

>= m![ (m-n+1)+n]
>= m![m+1]
So did you just merge m! and m! together to equal m!? I get how you got rid of the n, since -n+n=0. The m! seems to just disappear out of nowhere.

>> No.8962071

>by putting (m-n+1) on the top, that means you did
>(m-n+1)(m-n)!n! on the bottom
no, you have to do the exact same to the top and bottom to preserve equality

= m!/[n!(m-n)!] * 1
= m!/[n!(m-n)!] * (m-n+1)/(m-n+1)
= m!(m-n+1)/[n!(m-n)!(m-n+1)]

>The m! seems to just disappear out of nowhere.
the m! doesn't disappear, it's still there at the end so I'm not sure what you mean

it's just factoring, ab+ac=a(b+c)

>> No.8962081

>where does point A appear to be?
>from wherever
um, doesn't the first depend on the second?

>> No.8962089

>= m!(m-n+1)/[n!(m-n)!(m-n+1)]
Okay I was with you until this, [n!(m-n)!(m-n+1)] turns to [n!(m-n+1)!]?

>the m! doesn't disappear, it's still there at the end so I'm not sure what you mean
I mean there's two m!
^ ^
The one on the right seems to disappear but the one on the left stays.

>> No.8962098

>Okay I was with you until this, [n!(m-n)!(m-n+1)] turns to [n!(m-n+1)!]?
yes, n! * (n+1) = (n+1)!, this should be clear from the definition of factorial

>The one on the right seems to disappear but the one on the left stays.
like i said, it's just factoring out m!, no disappearing

m!*b + m!*c= m!*(b+c)

>> No.8962100

What mind-altering chemicals should I take to rewire my brain into becoming full-blown gay?
Women are an idiotic waste of time and I'd much rather be sexually attracted to guys.

>> No.8962103

>What mind-altering chemicals should I take to rewire my brain into becoming full-blown gay?

>> No.8962125

Alright got it. Thanks for your time and putting up with me. Appreciate it.

>> No.8962133

acceleration isn't zero

try calculate F for each block (F doesn't equal 0)

>> No.8962223

Mood stabilizers

>> No.8962232

Any sci fags smoke weed?
After living goodie two shoes my whole life I went out on my own and became a big pot head.

Going on 8 months now. Feeling groggy this am. Much slower than I was before.

What are sci-worthy pro's and con's to smoking marijuana?

>> No.8962243

weed is the devil's lettuce

also weed makes you lazy and laziness is bad for being smart

>> No.8962336

That's what I'm trying, but it's so hard. There's not really any rhyme or reason to it, and if I mess up I'll have to start all over.

>> No.8962348

>pick any row whose first entry is non-zero
>divide that row by first entry so that first entry is now 1
>subtract appropriate multiple of that row from every other row so that every other row has a 0 in that spot
>repeat with a row whose first coefficient is 0 and second is non-zero

>> No.8962427

So we've sequenced the human genome, what does that mean? Surely every individual has a different genetic code, is a species' genome an 'average'?

>> No.8962437
File: 6 KB, 622x153, matrix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I think I understand it a little more now.
Pic related was the problem. I started with the matrix on the left, and I ended up with the matrix on the right. Did I make any mistakes?

>> No.8962455
File: 7 KB, 622x153, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can check with wolfram for a final answer


yours isn't in RREF since there are columns with leading ones (i underlined them) that have other non-zero entries (circled) which isn't allowed, go re-read what RREF is exactly

>> No.8962461

I know it wasn't RREF, I just needed to get it into REF.

>> No.8962474

This is actually a very good question, both tensions have the same absolute values only if the string is ideal. Consider the case where you have the two different masses held by the same string, only that instead of a pulley you have the two masses moving alongside the x axis with the string in between experiencing a tension [math]\vec{T_{1}}=-T_{1} \hat{x}[/math] because of [math]m_{1}[/math] and [math]\vec{T_{2}}=T_{2} \hat{x}[/math] because of [math]m_{2}[/math] (on the right side of the string). Since under this cases we assume the string is inextensible and has no mass, we can use Newton's second law as
[eqn] m \vec{a}=0 \vec{a}=0=(-T_{1}+T_2) \hat{x}[/eqn]
and therefore
Now for the tricky part: in your problem, instead of taking a typical cartesian coordinate system, you can take a system [math]\textbf{following the string }[/math]. This is something typically done with problems with pulleys and inclined planes, and can be done here. The thing is, if you accept your coordinate system can move around following the string (it can be a little hard to grasp at first) you can reduce part of the problem to the one I have stated before. Then, you can successfully state that [math]T_{1}=T_{2}[/math]. I know this isn't a rigorous proof or something, but at least is better than having to accept such a fact just 'cause.

>> No.8962589
File: 16 KB, 220x150, 220px-Plane_mirror.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See how the rays appear to be coming from A'. That is the image of A and it appears to be coming from the other side of the mirror. It doesn't matter where the observer is.

>> No.8962614
File: 16 KB, 220x150, 220px-Plane_mirror.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this is a little better, and not more confusing.

>> No.8962675


What is the significance of long dividing an integer by a complex number?

I have recently read about base -1+i. Apparently all complex numbers and integers are representable in this base. To convert a number to base -1+i (which is binary with different place values), you divide out -1+i until you get a remainder of 0 or 1. You stop when it terminates and it evenly divides.

>> No.8962767

One more thing, does each matrix have only 1 unique RREF? I just tried it with another problem and I'm pretty sure I did it right, but I checked it on my calculator and the answer is slightly different.

>> No.8962931

Anyone know how to do this

>> No.8962956

It's been a while since I've done a problem like this, but I believe coefficient of friction is just arctan(angle), so arctan(pi/3) = .808.
I'm not really sure about part b, but you'll probably want to use moment of inertia. Moment of inertia of a hoop about it's center is I = MR^2. Then you might use the relationship between torque and moment of inertia to find the angular acceleration.

t. no idea what I'm talking about.

>> No.8963064

Say I have the equation aN+c=S, where N is the set of natural numbers, a is a natural number, and c is a natural number. Does the resulting set S always contain an infinite number of primes, regardless of what values are chosen for a and c?

>> No.8963193

No. It is always conserved you just can't know what it is exactly. That might sound wrong, but it turns out that if energy wasn't conserved then the model wouldn't work at all actually. So even though it's uncertain we can know things like that because there would be no reason to take any of it seriously otherwise.

>> No.8963210


>> No.8963214

>does each matrix have only 1 unique RREF?

>> No.8963224
File: 22 KB, 943x545, beamerposter_wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Latex, beamer] guys help me please, I'm using beamerposter to make a poster and I get this strange line at the top of my block. Also, when I disable the rounded corners (rounded=false), the entire title turns into the color of the line. How can I remove it?

>> No.8963284

I failed a class for the first time in university. I thought I could do it, I thought it'd be easier. I feel like a brainlet.

>> No.8963340


>> No.8963398

If smooth muscles can't be consciously controlled, and the muscles used in childbirth are all smooth muscles, what is the meaning of telling a woman to "push" during childbirth?
Is it not asinine to tell a woman to do something that she physically can't do?

>> No.8963580

this is a stupid QUESTIONS thread, not a stupid people thread

>> No.8963588

What is the evolutionary advantage of blood cells being made in the bone instead of some other organ?

Is there a place online to discuss number sequences?

>> No.8963589 [DELETED] 

Did I make any errors here? sorry for shit formatting


assuming the box has area 1.

>> No.8963599

How do I use Eulers formula? I didn't understand it. What is the purpose

>> No.8963601

You have more bones than organs in your body. If one organ made blood cells and that organ failed, you die.
If every bone makes blood cells and one bone fails you don't die.

>> No.8963605


Yeah, but could you say that about every organ which has a critical function it only does. (e.g. the heart, kidneys)

Also there are other "organs" that are widespread throughout the body, skin for example. So why didn't another organ (It can be a new one) that was situated throughout the body develop that only dealt with creating red blood cells?

>> No.8963609

Because god made it so

>> No.8963667


>> No.8963773

do gas clouds in space also expand with the space or do they stay the same size like stars and planets?

>> No.8964071

where do i start with complex analysis? do i need to know a bit of topology beforehand?

>> No.8964080

>where do i start with complex analysis?
any complex textbook

>do i need to know a bit of topology beforehand?
only basics like open, closed, compact sets

>> No.8964151

Hey /sqt/, Im looking to get into plasma physics a little more, as well as learn some more about electrical and optical properties of materials as it relates to plasma like states. With that, what are some good textbooks for learning more about electrical and plasma systems? I have a decent working knowledge on it (taken a couple basic physics courses and one solid state one) but would like to build on it. I would prefer if it doesnt rely too heavily on external experience, thoush some basic things that are expected is fine.

>> No.8964166

>what is gravity

>> No.8964353

Can I learn classical mechanics so that I can pass a course on it in 5 days?

I know how to derive the Euler-Lagrange equation from an action but that's about it.

>> No.8964412

How do i express x^2 + y^2 = 100 in R^3 (3D)?

Since z doesnt exist, how do i convert it to cylindrical coordinates and spherical coordinates?

My instinct tells me a 3D plot of it will be a hollow cylinder, but i cant create a function that includes z which creates a hollow cylinder.

What am i doing wrong?

>> No.8964456

What mathematical trick do I have to use to find the pattern here?

{ "Rank 991", 46891700 },
{ "Rank 992", 46964850 },
{ "Rank 993", 47038050 },
{ "Rank 994", 47111300 },
{ "Rank 995", 47184600 },
{ "Rank 996", 47257950 },
{ "Rank 997", 47331350 },
{ "Rank 998", 47404800 },
{ "Rank 999", 47478300 },

Please explain me so I can do it alone next time.

>> No.8964466

Plot it?

>> No.8964467

It is a hollow cyl

>> No.8964516
File: 2.49 MB, 4128x2322, 20170608_144028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything special about the point where f(x) = integral [0, x] (f(x))? I realize e has this property but I'm wondering about other functions. I also feel like an increasing function should generally have exactly 1 such point but don't know how to show that,
Didn't get an answer in the last one. Thanks!

>> No.8964518

since z = 0, how do i express this in cylindrical and spherical coordinates?

>> No.8964536
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this picture is the wrong problem sorry. The right side should be the same function as the one being integrated.

>> No.8964606

if f(x)= ax^n then int f(x) = ax^(n+1)/(n+1) so the special point is at x=n+1

also notice that when this point exists for a function, it's also a special point for any multiple of the function

i.e. if g(z)=int g(z) and f(x)= c*g(x) for some constant c then
f(z) = c*g(z)= c*int g(z) = int c*g(z)=int f(z)

>> No.8964644

also some increasing functions have more than one

consider f(x)=2x-6
then int f(x) = int 2x-6= x^2-6x
and 2x-6=x^2-6x has two positive roots 4 + sqrt(10) and 4-sqrt(10)

>> No.8964672

Which course should I choose for the next semester? Advanced linear algebra, advanced geometry, differential geometry or circuits analysis (I'm in a physics degree).

>> No.8964676

advanced lin alg if you haven't done quantum yet and aren't that comfortable with lin alg

diff geo if you haven't taken general relativity yet

what's advanced geometry?

>> No.8964681
File: 674 KB, 2048x1310, 1488638845232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the best things I can do to make myself stand out when applying for medical schools? Obviously excluding GPA and MCAT scores.

>> No.8965033

thanks! Are there any applications for these points that you know of?

>> No.8965045

Link to the course descriptions

>> No.8965049

>Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ by Stroustrup (Written by the creator of C++. An excellent introduction to programming and to C++)
>C++ Primer by Lippman, Lajoie, and Moo (Works as ... a first book on C++ with some prior programming experience)

>> No.8965054
File: 13 KB, 804x215, keiawd283210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proving that the wavefunctions Ae^(inx) and Be^(imx) are orthogonal when n!=m, I'm too rusty on my Calculus to remember how to integrate this

>> No.8965063

literally trivial, why are you studying wavefunctions when you can't integrate exponentials?

>> No.8965066

nope but there might be

if you consider functions that are both increasing and positive on [0, infinity) you might be able to have a unique point but i'm not sure

>> No.8965073

Forgive me for not remembering what identity I should be using to deal with the imaginary part

>> No.8965077

integral of e^ax is e^(ax)/a for all complex numbers a

>> No.8965084

a non-zero of course

>> No.8965094

>Matrix Algebra
>Vector Calculus
Calculus of Several Variables by Lang
>Geometric Algebra and Calculus
Linear and Geometric Algebra by Alan Macdonald
Vector and Geometric Calculus by Alan Macdonald
A Transition to Advanced Mathematics by Smith, Eggen, and St. Andre
>Group Theory
Groups and Symmetry by Armstrong
Visual Group Theory by Carter
>Linear Algebra
Linear Algebra by Shilov (Dover Book)
Linear Algebra by Hoffman and Kunze
>Modern Geometry
Geometry by Brannan
>Curves and Surfaces
Pressley's Elementary Differential Geometry
do Carmo's Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces (Dover Books)
Zorich's Mathematical Analysis I && II
Principles of Topology (Dover Books) by Croom
Elementary Topology (Dover Books) by Gemignani
>Linear Algebra and Geometry
Linear Algebra and Geometry by Kostrikin and Manin
Linear Algebra and Geometry by Shafarevich and Remizov

>> No.8965106

I have 55kg and 180cm. I wanna know if I can carry on my arms a 60kg girl? I tried to ask on /fit/ but it seems to be a more physics/math question to me

>> No.8965156

Whats your SPD? You probably will need at least a SPD of 2 or more

>> No.8965170

What is SPD? Sorry

>> No.8965172

Scoops Per Day.

>> No.8965176

Currently none. If so, I cant do it, right?

>> No.8965179

Afraid not Anon, you should never be at a SPD of 0, bare minimum is 1.

>> No.8965188

Thanks but, why taking it improves my capacity of carrying her? I mean, im also not doing any lifting,etc.

>> No.8965283

Does time exist in a four dimensional way the same way that other space dimensions exist.
I mean, the way I see it, every instant in time of this Universe is actually a "frame" of the Universe in that given instant, and there is an infinite number of those frames, as there is an infinite amount of instants. Think of it like one of those old movie rolls that are made of a quick succession of pictures. What happens when you pile up hundreds of two dimensional pictures one over the other? They start looking more and more like a cube right? So couldn't each instant in this 3D universe actually be just a picture that is piled up infinitely forming a 4 dimensional thing called spacetime?

>> No.8965285

time to put down the bong

>> No.8965292

I don't use drugs, however, I must warn you I am on the spectrum, and have HS level education. My question was serious. The way I see it time is actually a collection of "Universes" "paused" in infinitely distinct instants. The same way a lot of 2D pictures that are shown in a certain fashion cause the feeling of time to someone watching a movie, and the same way if those pictures are piled up they'll look more 3D than 2D, it's how I perceive time as a whole. That is to say tomorrow already happened, tomorrow has always happened, and will always have happened. It happened at the same time as both the beginning and end of "time".

>> No.8965300

No, space increases everywhere, but gravity is so strong, that its only relevant at the big scale, where relatively there is far more space than matter than in the small scale.

>> No.8965360

I'm a black-haired Asian, but every now and then, I find a red hair on my head/face.

Is there any reason why this would happen? I don't want to jump to any conclusions with my ancestry (that's a copout response and it's farfetched anyway), and I'm genuinely curious as to why my hair would be any other color.

>> No.8965453

Algebra Chapter 0

>> No.8965554

If I made a function that takes two variables (a,b) and returns one if a is divisible by b and 0 if not, is there a way to use that function to create another function that lists the factors of a?

>> No.8965651

[math]b^{f(a,b)} [/math], will do the trick, to get it into a list, all you need to do is take all values [math]b = 1, 2, \dots , \frac{a}{2} [/math], and get rid of all the excess 1s. In a programming setting, it means running a forloop and testing for the values [math]b^{f(a,b)} [/math] for the aforementioned values of [math]b[/math], if you encounter something other than 1, add it to your growing list.

>> No.8965656

you're getting raped in your sleep by a qt ginger
occam's razor

>> No.8965671

return not (a modulo b)

for (b=2 to a/2)
-if f(a,b)
--return list(b).append(factor(a/b))
-end if
end for
return list(a)

>> No.8965672
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As a student I would like to ask

Why are exams so much more difficult than the homework and lesson examples in math?
Whatever math class I ever took - the final exam was on a whole different level.
I don't know if it's a German thing or if it's everywhere like that.

If so, what does it take to 'master' final exams?

>> No.8965732
File: 23 KB, 625x106, 356yegdfvbcfb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can the sum of a series be estimated using an integral. How is this move legitimate?

>> No.8965744

Indef integrals are actually just series, so what you're seeing is just an analysis theorem that they didn't explain.

>> No.8965746

At this point just kys.. improve the gene pool

>> No.8965750

You will be if you stop being a faggot and use different strategies to learn.

>> No.8965751

Because both ends are attached by a pully you moron.

>> No.8965752

Tensor products (not the faggoty analysis kind)

>> No.8965796 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 1211x648, wtf22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this an error in the book?

isnt that supposed to be sqrt(2) / 2 ????

the angle is sin(45) . am I stupid?

>> No.8966019
File: 22 KB, 299x400, 2055886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing pic related and answering all odd numbered questions. However the book contains answers for even and odd questions in the review sections. Does this mean I have to do ALL the review questions or can I just do all the odd numbered ones? If I do all questions that's like 100 review questions per section. Hope this makes sense

>> No.8966073

Do you need any experience to get into undergrad research? Two different professors at my uni are looking for undergrads for their group and the topics sound interesting (photonics and electromagnetics), but I havent taken classes on either yet. Im about to be a junior and will be taking an electromagnetics related class in the fall. Do they care about this at all or do they just accept people with interest in the topic? Btw there is no "application", just have to email the dudes a resume

>> No.8966075

>Do you need any experience to get into undergrad research?
yes, you should at least a PhD, a few letters of reference, a few years of experience working in the field and be willing to work for no pay at the start to prove your worth

>> No.8966128

thanks mate

>> No.8966167

is there a way to do it with less computing power

>> No.8966171

I just mean like do you typically need certain courses before they let you in

>> No.8966222

How do you master a subject in University?
Basically that you are guaranteed to pass this class with a good grade.

>> No.8966224

Cylindrical: r=10
Spherical: r=10*cot(φ)

>> No.8966226
File: 227 KB, 1300x866, 17288861-Eye-surgery-set-set-of-surgical-instrument-on-sterile-table-Stock-Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you sterilize a surgical set at home?
I was thinking of soaking the kit in bleach for 10 minutes then putting it in oven on 200C for 60 minutes.

>> No.8966229

putting it into the dishwasher with standard cleaning and a subsequent 30 min bath in some store-bought liquid desinfectant should do the trick.

>> No.8966233

How many cells are there in a 1 mm cubic piece of tissue? A million?

>> No.8966241
File: 7 KB, 500x384, download.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

showing an initiative for getting things done and seeking out work to improve yourself. volunteer work always looks good for reference! veterinary volunteer or pet shelter volunteer work is (almost??) always available and very low stress if you have no experience working in human healthcare or hospice.

>> No.8966250

>How can you sterilize a surgical set at home?
Strictly speaking, I don't think you can - the over itself isn't sanitary. >>8966229 might do the trick.

Don't do surgery at home, anon

>> No.8966268

you have to be more specific about the type of tissue.
"How big is a cell?
There is not one single answer to this question. Why? Cell size varies depending on where it comes from and what it does. This means that a bacterial cell is samller than an animal cell, a human red blood cell is smaller than a human nerve cell and all of these are smaller than the single-celled, 15cm long ostrich egg!" ~ http://www.lsu.edu/science/soar/files/how_big_is_a_cell.pdf

>> No.8966274

Will washing with a teeth brush then soaking in Chloroxylenol do the trick?
>the oven itself isn't sanitary
I realize that.
>Don't do surgery at home, anon
I just use it to suture wounds, and the toothed forceps gets bloody sometimes.

>> No.8966299

it might be a german thing. at my uni the homework is far harder than the exams, which is the best way around i think.
do you have access to your uni's past papers? if not, other universities' papers can be helpful to practice on, especially unis ranked higher than yours.
for my maths exams www.maths.cam.ac.uk/undergrad/pastpapers has been invaluable

>> No.8966335

you didnt answer my question for shit yo. i didnt ask for a piece of ostrich egg. tell me about solid lung or gut tissue or maybe even a tumor.

>> No.8966338

Will washing with a teeth brush
yes but with soap
> then soaking in Chloroxylenol
just use some sagrotan or even desderman, or 80% alcohol, maybe with little detergent added.

>> No.8966341


>> No.8966344

you not have free will or something? do however many questions you want

>> No.8966349

Just got a C in microeconomics. Am I fucked? Business Finance/Accounting here.

>> No.8966350

dude she can support the process with her voluntarily-controlled muscles

>> No.8966354

dude they are made in fetal liver first when you are unborn
but the liver is used for some other stuff later

>> No.8966359 [DELETED] 

>What are sci-worthy pro's
you get to know what it is and it helps you understand neuroscience and society
> and con's to smoking marijuana?
everything, litraly everything with mj is bad for you if used regularly for longer periods

>> No.8966366 [DELETED] 

>What are sci-worthy pro's
you get to know what it is and having experienced its effects once or twice helps you understand some advanced neuroscience and the drug's role in society
> and con's to smoking marijuana?
everything, litraly everything with mj is bad for you if used regularly for longer periods

>> No.8966369

>What are sci-worthy pro's
you get to know what it is and having experienced its effects once or twice helps you understand some advanced neuroscience and the drug's role in society
> and con's to smoking marijuana?
everything, litraly everything with mj is bad for you if used regularly, for longer periods, or in the young brain

>> No.8966378

?Linear motion is absolute but rotational not.

>> No.8966737

What level of math do I need to start studying real analysis?

>> No.8966743
File: 54 KB, 848x844, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to analyze the dynamics of the function [math]f(x)=\frac{4}{\pi}\arctan x[/math] under iterated function composition.

First, I want to find the fixed points, i.e. where [math]f(x)=x[/math].

Just looking at the function (and knowing from experience that [math]\tan(\frac{\pi}{4})=1[/math] and [math]\tan(-\frac{\pi}{4})=-1[/math]), it seems obvious that the only fixed points are -1, 0 and 1.

But is there an elegant way to argue analytically why these are the only solutions other than "look at the graph"?

>> No.8966825

you could do something like playing around with derivatives to look for any fixed points in-between fixed points you already know, the main idea i guess is considering how many times you have f'(x)=1, since if f(x) > x and f'(x) > 1 on an interval then there can't be any fixed points, similarly if f(x) < x and f'(x) <1 on an interval there can't be any fixed points there

let g(x)=x, then g'(x)=1 and f'(x)= 4/(pi (1+x^2))

we have f'(-1) = 2/pi < 1 = g'(-1) so you know g(x) > f(x) in a small neighbourhood to the right of -1

taking this further since f'(x)<g'(x) on the interval (-1, -sqrt(4/pi -1))there's no fixed points in that interval

since f'(x)>1 on (-sqrt(4/pi-1),sqrt(4/pi-1)) there's at most one fixed point there ( which you already know is x=0)

similar argument as before gives no fixed points in (sqrt(4/pi-1),1)

hopefully that makes some sense

>> No.8966893
File: 262 KB, 1332x1426, Screen Shot 2017-06-09 at 2.51.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I desperately need help. I have a final in forty minutes and don't completely understand how transistors work.

In pic related, why would there be no current everywhere (except [math]I_3[/math], but I understand why I3 would be -5mA)?

Throwing this out there because I need all the help I can get:
I understand how "not" logic gates work, but how do NAND gates work? How does putting two PMOSes in parallel and two NMOSes in series give you NAND?

>> No.8966902
File: 288 KB, 2262x1492, Screen Shot 2017-06-09 at 2.59.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the NAND gate I'm talking about

>> No.8966923

Because the gate looks exactly like the diagram shows. It's not connected to anything so no current can flow (besides capacitive leakage) so i1 & i2 & i4 & i5 are open. i6 has no current because on the left is 5V and on the top right is 5V so the voltage across the resistor is 0V.

>> No.8966931

N-types turn on with positive voltage
P-types turn on with negative voltage

If both A&B are true/high/positive then both NMOS turn on connecting the output to false/low/negative aka not (A and B == true).

If either A or B are false/low/negative then the corresponding PMOS turns on connecting the output to true/high/positive and one of the series NMOS turns off disconnecting the output from the false/low/negative.

>> No.8966955
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>> No.8967039

Yeah that sounds reasonable, thanks for the help.

>> No.8967090
File: 4 KB, 478x210, A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every element of C is mapped to by at least one element of A
>no two elements of A map to the same element of C

So the composition is bijective, which implies the first function is injective, right? Except clearly it's not. Where's the flaw?

>> No.8967091

the composition isn't defined since you didn't define a function from B to C since you didn't say where 2 goes

>> No.8967151

i'm still confused :(

how does plotting x^2 + y^2 = 25 in R^3 work when there is no z component?

it's a hollow cylinder, but there is no z in the equation.

i'm confused how this works.

also in R3 how do i make a xyz equation to create a hollow cylinder like the xy one does?

>> No.8967157

there's no z, so as long as x^2 + y^2 = 25 then any z value works

>> No.8967166

How did they weigh the earth?

>> No.8967173

so it is just a circle with a radius of 5 at every point on the z axis?

and how do i express this in spherical component?

i do x^2 + y^2 = 25
x = Psin(phi)cos(theta)
y = Psin(phi)sin(theta)
z = Pcos(phi) but doesnt exist

so [Psin(phi)cos(theta)]^2 + [Psin(phi)sin(theta)]^2 = 25
and [Psin(phi)]^2 = 25
Psin(phi) = 5

this is the best i can do

>> No.8967179

>so it is just a circle with a radius of 5 at every point on the z axis?

>> No.8967180

Hey, I am in Electrical Engineering and I am applying for grad school. My overall GPA is 3.7 and my department GPA is 3.75. I took my GRE and I got weird results. I am in the 93rd percentile in writing and a 92nd percentile in the verbal part. That is pretty good but I am in the 55th percentile in the quantitative part, which is awful for an EE. I chose not to send this out the scores to schools I was eyeballing, as I sure as shit don't qualify based on my math score.

Should I retake the test? Does my very high verbal and writing score count for anything? Does my GPA weigh more than my GRE math score by a good margin?

>> No.8967352

How do you compile TeX files? I've used LaTeX for years (granted, without much knowledge as to the inner workings), but I'm working with a manuscript that just uses straight TeX, and normal compiling methods just throw a bunch of errors (I just need to make minor edits so I don't need to become an expect, just to be able to compile the damn thing).

>> No.8967384

Weight of the Earth doesn't really make sense. Weight is dependent on gravity. If you weighed yourself on Earth and then on Mars, and then again on the Moon you'd have a bunch of different weights. You mean mass.

Mass is the amount of stuff that composes something. Your mass doesn't change based on what planet your on, but your mass multiplied by gravity is your weight. I get the confusion though. Both mass and weight are measured in kilograms, but they mean different things.

But to answer your original question, they used the equation for gravitational forces to determine Earth's mass based on the amount of gravity it has.


>> No.8967391

A solid understanding of calculus really. Download some books on calculus and real analysis and if you don't understand something, try looking it up somewhere else or in another book.

>> No.8967467

i'm not an EE, but for any kind of applications/grad stuff, you want to be well-rounded

the thing is there are probably people applying who got 90s in all 3, or 80s in 2 and 90s in quant, or 60s in 2 and 90s in quant, etc.

i cant say whether or not to retake it, but if you give them this result, it could be used against you, likely more often than it could be used to help you (since quant is big for stem)

>> No.8967476

You need mathematical maturity. It shouldn't be your first proof based class nor your second.

>> No.8967494
File: 36 KB, 800x600, whathappen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hypothetical situation.
= A diver is put into huge water ball. The ball is placed on a slope 1000m high.

What would happen to the diver? Would he remain stationary while the ball is rolling down or would the water that has contact with the balls surface slowly start stirring the water inside the balloon thus making the diver spin too?

>> No.8967498

What evidence is there, at all, for String Theory?

>> No.8967515
File: 341 KB, 634x875, 1457459652101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

string theory can't be wrong if it's too expensive to test

>> No.8967661

Yeah, reading around I might have to. I may get a grant that will pay for tuition and books in grad school but only if I go to my safety school. My safety school already told me I am in no matter what my GRE says. I have already taken 2 grad classes already and will have 3 more before I graduate, if that counts for something since I got A's in both of the grad classes that I have already taken.

I was right not to send my scores out if I want to get in a better school. Apparently no one gives a shit about a high writing and verbal score. My quantitative score will send my application straight into the garbage.

>> No.8967664

The diver would start spinning too.

>> No.8967670

If I bachelor in both Computer Science and Civil Engineering what kind of specialized industry can I join? Something that only someone with those two could do very well.

>> No.8967685

>Computer Science

Literally a brainlet degree.

>> No.8967688

Thanks you must be feeling really edgy now but can you please answer the question

>> No.8967707
File: 835 B, 68x34, maff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a mathlet, why can't pic related be simplified to r + s ?

>> No.8967711

because r^2+s^2 =/= (r+s)^2

>> No.8967715


CS is as difficult as a business major.

>> No.8967716

Tell me what [math](r+s)^2[/math] is equal to

>> No.8967723

They score higher on standardized tests than business and tend to make more money.

>> No.8967731

None, though there are reasons to study it, namely it has produced many tools for physicists and mathematicians to use and has spawned off fields of study independent of string theory, frankly its a treasure trove of interesting ideas and useful constructs. There has been work done however to see if any consistent unified theory must be a string theory, and it actually has been proved that in certain models (models mind you that don't reflect our universe) string theory is the only possible unified theory of physics, and as such considering it's vast applications to physics coupled with it, in some cases, being literally the only possible theory, people have strong suspicion that it's true, though again, this is not evidence.

>> No.8967734

>you not have free will or something?
do not utter those words on this board

>> No.8967738

True, free will doesn't exist as it is all biological.

>> No.8967859

Any R users here?
Can I do some type of try/catch or try/except mechanisms in R?
I want to try and do something like this:
try (my_function())
if successful, continue
if not successful, do something else

Sorry for the shitty pseudocode, I'm obviously not big on these things.

>> No.8967940

> Both mass and weight are measured in kilograms
Mass is measured in kilograms, weight is measured in Newtons.

The confusion seems to arise from measuring weight (spring balances and load cells measure force) then converting the result to a mass based upon g=9.81 m/s^2.

>> No.8967961

>how much do you weigh?
432 N

>> No.8967980

Which to specialize in grad school if end goal is research/development in industry or national lab? Narrowed options to: electromagnetics/rf circuits or optics/photonics

>> No.8968017

If you're currently taking an undergrad, ask some of your professors. If you're not even taking an undergrad yet, take physics and then ask some of your professors.

>> No.8968042

How bad is a BCS in an Ivy League if I'm thinking of working in the industry? Not necessarily Google and Facebook, but at least non startup companies, working in the IT department of well established companies. Can I expect a 80k> income? I know CS in an Ivy is not CMU but how is it for getting a job?

>> No.8968048 [DELETED] 
File: 855 KB, 1920x1080, 1492453372891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

entry level astronomy for 16yo, where to start, very interested but do not want to be overwhelmed

>> No.8968050

Watch short YouTube videos on "time dilation" as you wait for a proper response.

>> No.8968112

underage b&

>> No.8968116

>that the lazy cunt who creates these threads sucks at his job
It's not like they're paying him

>implying this is in any way different

>It was like a day straight with no sqt.
Oh no, what ever shall we do?

>> No.8968120

what is the best 'online course' website? I have free time but struggle to teach myself with textbooks and really need structure and direction that a course offers. I tried edx but it feels a bit too unorganized and you can only go as fast as they put out the material. Ideas?

>> No.8968128


>> No.8968131

why would you wanna do something like that on R? It's specifically for statistics, I can't think of anything that would require that.

>> No.8968218


>> No.8968261

how do I find the indefinite integral of something like x^7 * (1-x)^10

no idea where to even start

I mean obviously besides multiplying out (1-x)^10

>> No.8968263


>> No.8968270

that's the only way?

>> No.8968271

probably not, but it's an easy way

>> No.8968312

Doing exercises and got to this.
>a)Find a positive rational number, expressed as a decimal, whose square approximates 2 up to 3 decimals
>b)Same question, but with 4 decimal accuracy instead
I don't understand the question lads, what does he mean by this?

>> No.8968314

also make the substitution u = 1-x so you only have to apply the binomial theorem to 8 terms

>> No.8968315

What kind of exercises is this? My gut reaction is that they want you to truncate [math]\sqrt{2}[\math] to a few decimal places, but that just seems weird.

>> No.8968333

Looked at the answers to see what he wanted me to do, all it says is the answer to
>b)Same question, but with 4 decimal accuracy instead
is, a=1.4141

>> No.8968394

The question is literally "Write [math]\sqrt{2}[/math] to 4 decimal places".

>> No.8968434

Guys, how do I calculate the flow rate between two containers of gas with different pressures, taking into account the surface of the opening between them? I need to make a very simplified simulation of air pressure equalization.

>> No.8968447

Why is it 1.4141 instead of 1.4142?

>> No.8968452
File: 91 KB, 720x715, IMG_20170610_111200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, so I don't know if u guys answer biology questions but an acquaintance of mine posted this picture of her new nephew . And I was wondering can humans this eye color? Or is it like cats and the eye color changes?

>> No.8968461

we evolved a sense of cuteness so we would want to protect our chil-

>> No.8968467

ok i'm so confused right now.
i live in a student dorm and we have these laundry machines that take 2€ coins.
my mom gave me 50€ worth of 2€ coins so i have enough to wash.
but now i'm thinking i already used up about half of them.
wait a second, half of them? wouldn't that be 25€? wtf? that's not divisible by 2.
i'm literally so confused right now, please help me. how can i have spent half of the 50€ when that's impossible to do with 2€ coins

>> No.8968477

You didnt spend 25. A dollar went missing somewhere.

>> No.8968507


My classmates are fucking annoying, they are always asking me things like i'm the teacher. How can i stop helping them without looking like a dick? I can't tell them to fuck off because we have to do some projects together

>> No.8968513

>How can i stop helping them without looking like a dick?
grow some balls

> I can't tell them to fuck off because we have to do some projects together
stop helping them unless it's for a project

>> No.8968538

dude wtf? you gotta help the community out and make sure everyone understands the material. you can't just let them study on their own, they're clearly too dumb for that. they NEED you.

>> No.8968850

tell em you'll explain over some beers, make some friends you autist

>> No.8968877

What is the difference between calculus and analysis?
I read "calculus is analysis without proofs", so students of calc 1-4 just do computations of problems without any proofs nor knowing what all those calculations built on? Why not start with calculus AND proofs and have a fundament to build on?

>> No.8968895

The "resistance" of a pipe depends upon more than just its diameter. Length, friction and drag coefficient all affect it.

>> No.8968901
File: 108 KB, 640x640, nomizi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calc 4

>> No.8968919

I have no clue how "far" calc goes, I am from the land where the rapefugees come to.
But I didn't get a answer to my question

>> No.8968927

Well, ok it seems because in HS most don't learn a lot of analysis/calc and then at least for 2 courses you learn to diff and integrate 1-n dimensional functions. makes kinda sense; "we" only learnd that for 1D -> 1D in HS

>> No.8968979
File: 47 KB, 692x631, Game_theory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is /sci/'s opinion of pic related?

>> No.8969065

Never heard of that in particular, but the game theory course I took in uni was one of the best courses I've ever taken.

>> No.8969071

is University of Rochester actually the best university to go to for MS/PhD if I want a career in optics or is it just a meme? Many say that it is the best for optics, but would a MS/PhD in EE with a focus on optics/photonics at a top school like UMich get me the same or better opportunities?

>> No.8969129

What's more efficient, given the same surface area, and ruling out initial cost, photovoltaic solar cells, or mirrors and some kind of thermodinamic engine like a Stirling

>> No.8969166
File: 7 KB, 224x222, Screenshot 2017-06-10 at 8.31.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I find the radius of the circle? The big square has a side length of 3 and the small one has a side length of 1

>> No.8969170

prove that top right corner is congruent to the square in the corner

then find radius

>> No.8969179

ill do you one better: use highschool trig to find this one out

draw a 1:3 ratio from the small square to big square

find area of circle
find area of square

use trig

>> No.8969185

The question doesn't imply that there is only one correct answer

>> No.8969224

So wouldn't 4 decimal places be 1.4142 as suppose to 1.4141?

>> No.8969289

>a)Find a positive rational number, expressed as a decimal, whose square approximates 2 up to 3 decimals
>b)Same question, but with 4 decimal accuracy instead

[math]1.4141^2 = 1.99967881[/math]
[math]1.4142^2 = 1.99996164[/math]

Rounding them both to 4 decimal places gives the same answer, 2

>> No.8969338

Are there limits to how many minors I can get? I mean, for example, is it possible to get a bachelor in , say, physics, with three different minors each in math, biology and chemistry?

>> No.8969341

depends on the school

>> No.8969396

If gravity is real how are we standing up

>> No.8969402

Assuming the matrix I −M is invertible, find an expression for v given that
v = Mv + w.

>> No.8969405

seriously can't get it? just pretend they're all numbers instead of matrices or vectors

>> No.8969408

I happen to be retarded I think.

>> No.8969422

Just think of M(v) as a vector as well.
v - M(v) = w
I_m(v) - M(v) = w
(I_m - M)(v) = w
v = w (I_m - M)^(-1)

>> No.8969427

I dont get matrices either. Like I understand if it asks me 'find the rref of this' but when it comes to these 'conceptual questions' I just blank

>> No.8969432


>> No.8969657

Bump limit reached
New thread here >>8969578

>> No.8970073

> 312
Pathetic ploy of sqt-retard to confuse people with samefagging. Yet another proof that he's not doing it to help people, he's in it FOR FAME. Fucking petty.

>> No.8970109

Two bodies - the first weighing 50 grams and the second weighs 100 g - thread bound and lying on a smooth horizontal surface. What is the largest horizontal force can pull the first body without tearing the thread apart? The thread stands 6 N of tension.


>> No.8970476
File: 128 KB, 1200x600, 1497210425788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could nuclear fusion potentially cause an extinction level event?

>> No.8970556

Is the biological species concept the most applicable way to define species? If si, at what point does a species diverge into two in the context of the differences between their genomes? Is there a specific locus or chromosome in which this reproductive isolation is accelerated?

>> No.8971025

the bump limit is 310
