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8945621 No.8945621[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Do they have the capacity to excel at STEM?

Why do they always rank the lowest in all my uni classes?

>> No.8945624

>picture clearly shows a black man excelling at STEM
>still asks the question

>> No.8945627

>>Do they have the capacity to excel at STEM?
Technically their upper limit is within the lower limits for it.

>Why do they always rank the lowest in all my uni classes?
They probably come from nigger areas and are comparatively smart to their peers at home, but didn't realize what they were getting themselves into.
Or because your university needed to meet quotas to maintain funding.

>> No.8945628

>unironically going to a BLACKED university
Are you getting a PhD in cuckoldry, my man?

>> No.8945637
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>Phd in biochemistry at UCLA


>> No.8945638

he's doing such a good job of looking at that test tube. you can tell he's amazing

>> No.8945641

I had a black guy ask me what an oxidation state was once. This was in organic chem.

>> No.8945652

I see what you did there...

>> No.8945654

so that's how they make syzzurp

>> No.8945679

i did that in Ochem at Berkeley and ended up with the 2nd highest grade in the class lmao

>> No.8945683

Lol, I outperformed all of you stupid white boys while cucking you.

>> No.8945686

I thought you worked at the kinoplex!
Robert what are you doing!?
You are NOT qualified to be here!

>> No.8945688


>> No.8945694

Only two black people in my EE classes are African dudes (legit from Africa). Saw one copying homework from Chegg during class once when the homework was due at the beginning of class....It is in midwestern state though but still like 25k students so not too small.

>> No.8945701

Quotas are not a thing

>> No.8945729

>tfw nigger
>tfw only EE to graduate summa
i wonder if any white bois were as butthurt as you

>> No.8945764

I'm black and I'm one of the best students in my comp sci class. I'm not american though, so that might mean something.

>> No.8945767
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This nig........lord have mercy on him.

>> No.8945781

Can you keep these threads on /pol/ and /b/ please. I bet you have a sad life OP

>> No.8945786
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>> No.8945790

Quotas may not be a thing per se, in that nobody is required to have a specific number of minority students. But there's still a huge push for "diversity" and getting underrepresented groups to go to your school. There are a lot of cases where minority students are offered opportunities they wouldn't get if they were fucking cis white males

>> No.8945792

he's making a watermelon.

>> No.8945793

>when the rectangles be super duper thin

>> No.8945796

>"Dear Lordy," thought Tyrone to himself. "This result is unexpected"
>"That's right," says Maury Povich. "You are the father"
>"B-but that baby don't even look like me" stammered Tyrone. "I was 7 thousand percent sure I was not the father"

>> No.8945807


>> No.8945813


dont know how everybody is falling for this bait

>> No.8945841
File: 907 KB, 2598x1228, 1495324475190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The truth isn't "bait".

>> No.8945842

a new variation of my favorite old meme!

>> No.8945863

try being truthful with yourself for one fucking second... don't worry, your normie friends won't find out, this is an anonymous image board

>> No.8945868
File: 14 KB, 388x380, IMG_2203.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I find the original meme?

Are to mods wiping them out the ethernet?

>> No.8945938

Let me let you guys in on a little secret. If you don't use it, you lose it.

My organic chemistry professor told me that he wouldn't teach general chemistry again because he didn't remember it.

>> No.8945958

That's only for the public universities. Private ones are still allowed to suck black cock.

>> No.8946062

>Denied for being too old

That's fucked up.

>> No.8946095
File: 29 KB, 640x519, 148735504616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone else have many negroes in their gen eds but as soon as you got to sophomore level classes they all but disappeared?

>> No.8946114
File: 10 KB, 480x270, 18341667_1872677539666379_5028828732413470411_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is this a meme or do people genuinely think that black people are inferior?
This is 100% unironical. I never thought of anyone as inferior in my whole life.
Thinking that people of a certain group might be influenced into doing some bad shit is okay but to go as far as to think of fellow humans as inferior is beyond me.

>> No.8946119

>I never thought of anyone as inferior in my whole life.

Then you're naive, uninformed, or brainwashed.

>> No.8946122

I do think they are inferior, I don't know what the "cause" is, but most blacks I've met have been complete mongs. Even the ones at college.

>> No.8946131
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Don't you think it might be because of the way they grew up, their role models or the people they were surrounded with? There must be an explanation as we know for a fact that they're humans and some of them are intelligent.

>> No.8946136
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>we know for a fact that they're humans

>> No.8946142

>There must be an explanation as we know for a fact that they're humans and some of them are intelligent.
Most are just biologically stupid. The few ones who are intelligent are stuck in a culture of idiocy.

>> No.8946169

because the average white person is smarter than 80% of all blacks

>> No.8946326

>Is this a meme or do people genuinely think that black people are inferior?
you're a fucking moron. your school and teachers failed you. you failed yourself for not doing any research on your own. you're an all-around a failure.

>> No.8946358
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>> No.8946518

You haven't thought that because you've been indoctrinated to be egalitarian. It is a fact of life that there are those that are superior or inferior to you, and most niggers sure as hell are inferior to you, assuming you are white/asian/jew with avg IQ for each race.
>fellow humans
I never get why people actually feel kinship with humanity in general. I get with your community, with your nation/race, but humanity is too broad a group to do such a thing with. It is even more ironic, since the one's who tell you to feel kinship with niggers lambast you for feeling kinship with your own nation/race, even though you have MUCH more in common with the latter group than with the former.

>> No.8946521

Robert knows all, fool. He is the Ultra-Nigger
And you better thank him, he's making a superior crab leg dipping sauce in that pic

>> No.8946523

Racial genetics is /sci/ence

>> No.8946578

>I never get why people actually feel kinship with humanity in general. I get with your community, with your nation/race, but humanity is too broad a group to do such a thing with.
It's really not.

And what if your community is diverse?

>> No.8946625

>source:the college board

it doesn't collect scores by race and income
can i see an actual report that contains this chart

>> No.8946629

Remember that the IQ curve is still a curve, and thus despite the majority of the population sitting firmly in the 85 range, there are still a tiny percent that can far surpass that.

>> No.8946645

I'm black, I'm on track for a 2:1 in MechE in a red brick uni. Not gonna lie I'm hoping that I get hired to fill racial quotas.

>tfw not a girl that could earn £28k starting with a 2:2 in engineering

>> No.8946727

I was just being an edgelord

>> No.8946736


We talking about women or niggers?

>> No.8946912

>Not gonna lie I'm hoping that I get hired to fill racial quotas.
As much as I hate AA, I really can't blame you for taking advantage of it.

As long as you actually do your job well. Exploiting a shitty system is one thing, but screwing over your coworkers is just shitty.

>> No.8946917

>I'm black
Why would you do that to yourself?

>> No.8946959

They are not. Refer to experiments with mice raised in stimulating vs non stimulating environments.


>> No.8946962

>he doesn't want to live life on Donte must die mode

Fucking pansy
T-thanks you too, I'll make you proud anon

>> No.8946984
File: 267 KB, 498x446, 1491583247061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you guys care about them so much to the point that you'll take every opportunity to label them as inferior to you? IT sounds like your clamoring for acceptance of some sort. If someone sucks at something, why would you go out of your way to brag about being better than them at it? How much of your self worth do you place on your race?

>> No.8947222

He finally isolated Kfcium Diwatermelonate salt.

>> No.8947494

t. Finland

>> No.8947510

Except that this equality has an effect on us. When we are all assumed to be equal then any consistent difference in success must be attributed to racism instead of the general ability of that population.

>> No.8947515

reminder the current record for most efficient grätzel solar cell is held by a blackie

>> No.8947527

> When we are all assumed to be equal then any consistent difference in success must be attributed to racism instead of the general ability of that population


>> No.8947546

The narrative being pushed is that all humans from all genetic groups must have equal intelligence, and saying otherwise is considered taboo. Under this assumption the lack of success by those of African descent (or other racial groups ) must be the result of systematic discrimination and racism committed by whites.

>> No.8947552

And what exactly is your definition of intelligence?

>> No.8947561

Well for now we will say it is the ability to perform cognitive tasks and abstraction, with higher intelligence being able to perform more complicated and abstract tasks. The best measure of this we currently have is IQ (I recognize it is not a perfect system)

>> No.8947569

>Ability to perform cognitive tasks and abstraction
What your defining sounds like comprehension and performing a set of actions to achieve something.

>best measure of this we currently have is IQ
How can you measure what has not legitimately been defined? ergo "Intelligence"

If your referring to everyone not being on the same foot in terms of general knowledge of basic subjects, then I could see where your coming from somewhat.

>> No.8948550

>most blacks I've met have been complete mongs. Even the ones at college.
confirmation bias

>> No.8950287

It is. What are the bonds connecting a German to a Tutsi? The only bond I imagine you could come up with is "Le we're all hooman n shieeet" but that does not mean ANYTHING outside of taxonomy.

>> No.8950295

A tiny bit yes, but when you accept a population of niggers into your country, you accept ALL the curve into the country. Especially when you allow dinky migrant rafts to swarm across the Mediterranean. Thus, you will overwhelmingly deal with brain-dead niggers.
And if your argument for accepting niggers is that some are smart, why not just have whites, since the mean intelligence for whites is so much higher than for niggers? Just sacrifice the few smart niggers so you don't have to deal with the stupid majority.

>> No.8950339

Why not just get rid of everyone who isn't Asian or Jewish while we are at it?

>> No.8950387

Because whites have contributed the most to this world.

>> No.8950417

The Asians and Jews can just improve upon what they already contributed, and introduce new innovations. We don't need any third wheels.

>> No.8950434

I think its funny that real Africans do really well in class while "African-Americans" Do poorly in class. Those African immigrants can end up being pretty damn sharp

>> No.8950443

>Says whitebois
>Claims to know sorcery

>> No.8950466


This is fake

>> No.8950486

>wanting to make a brainlet proud
pretty big chance the guy you're replying to is an entitled brainlet white boy with a 2.9 gpa blaming everything but himself for his problems.

>> No.8950496


niggers are retarded subhuman trash

>> No.8950763

>blacks behavior
>Not a genetic trait

ok kiddo

>> No.8951557

They rank the lowest because they have the lowest entry standards.

>> No.8951589


>> No.8951673

Don't worry about it. Don't change how you think or your interactions with people. It's not a big deal.
But yeah, it's hard to see it any other way at this point.

>> No.8951679

You ever try talking to a black person? You can bond over plenty of things. Video games, sports, anime, dragon dildos, etc.

>> No.8952120

Man you're fucking autistic, you don't know what connects humans together? We're the same fuckin species we share many similarities you goddamn baboon

>> No.8952141

I am black and I am excelling in my STEM classes so I would say yes.

>> No.8952467

Black anon with a 3.7 GPA about to transfer, how likely am I to get into a good school?

>> No.8952479

>Calling others autistic
Thank you for proving my point by the way, that you can only come up with the taxonomic similarities between races. Do you really fucking think being in the same species has EVER enticed us to cooperation? Do you think the Mongols cared that the people they slaughtered were human? No, they simply desired to live according to the Mongol way of living. It is in fact the opposite that is true: being the same species instead encourages us to compete with other groups for dominance of humanity and the world.

>> No.8952491

You think these things can create cooperation, and thus civilization? These are hobbies, not culture.
No matter your childish view on what can make populations bond (dragon dildos? No one talks about these outside 4chan), population WILL self-segregate, because intra-group bonds are infinitely stronger than inter-group bonds. Tell me please, what is the human identity? I could tell you what the Chinese identity is, or the German identity, or the Bourne identity, but what is it for ALL humanity together?

>> No.8952509


110% since they let niggers in on affirmative action, not merit

>> No.8952511


>genetics, world history, current events

>> No.8952520

There are interracial friendships in the world believe it or not.

>> No.8952538

Because youve met two nigs and then just watched other black people in fear because your a fucking pussy and fucking retarded. Really...every one of them youve ever met. Some of you need to look at yourselves, realized your brainwashed, and have missed a lot of world interactions because your closed and retarded as thoughts. But you probably dont say anything on campus and pretend like you have no problem. Help the world and swallow a 10 mm please

>> No.8952541

You failed. Pygmalion effect. See if that doesnt change hiw you see education from kindergarten to now and helps explain. You have failed. Open yohr fucking eyes. Or I can skull fuck them open for you.

>> No.8952545

>Not sure if getting meme'd or the entire 4chan community is actually racist af

>> No.8952548

Where do you get that from. Just because you think some dumb shit up doesnt mean that its true humanity is to big. How about juat spreads love to all humans no matter how many there are you dumb fucking idiot. How do people like you find ankther dumb as mate, have a kid, and teach them dumbshit but words like egaltarian so they dont sound like theyre missing a chromosome. Youd probably spend your time in your "superior" white heaven sucking ronald reagans dick....oh and last point, youre a fucking idiot

>> No.8952554

Has a real source ever been found for >>8946358

>> No.8952559

Taxonony, and proteomics are the same. How about Dna, chromosomes, the fact black and white can fuck and produce fertile offspring. There are slight difference between races but thats like calling dogs niggers because some have brindle fur...and species are competing with anything alive the same time you are so yes we are competing because resources are finite....I hope you catch aides from your wife fucking an italian stripper in montana, with yo punk ass>>8952491

>> No.8952566

Video gaming is a whole culture in itself so your already wrong. And hobbies are culture are they not. If everyones hobby is yoga, then isnt yoga part of the culture, like in India. Stick your dick in a garbage disposler and hopefully its destroyed but probably not with your clit dick

>> No.8952571


You seem surprised, lol. Racism can only end after achievement, intelligence and crime rate differences between races truly disappear. There differences cry for an explanation and biological explanation is a possibility, despite some people pretending that it is magically not the case for ideological reasons.

>> No.8952576

>You seem surprised, lol. Racism can only end after achievement, intelligence and crime rate differences between races truly disappear.

Why? The difference between races on those criteria are relatively minimal and such things exist in all races

So you are saying it's not crime that's the problem, but race - what % of the race you dislike the most is criminals

>> No.8952577


>There are slight difference between races but thats like calling dogs niggers because some have brindle fur

Different dog breeds can have very different intelligence and behavior despite being same species and able to produce fertile offspring. Same thing applies to humans to a certain degree.

>> No.8952579

>Same thing applies to humans to a certain degree.
Races are not breeds, so no

What are the human races anyway

>> No.8952581

Exactly so why call some of them niggers. You got the point without getting the point. Good try though, lets try for a little more than surface level analysis before you waste mine and your time. Maybe the first thought in your head needs elaboration

>> No.8952605


>> No.8952609

If you had a choice between a Japanese doctor or a black doctor, both who graduated from the same school, who would you pick to give you the best odds?

>> No.8952615

If you had a choice between a Japanese doctor or a white doctor or a black doctor, both who graduated from the same school, who would you pick to give you the best odds?

>> No.8952622

Japanese. Why?

>> No.8952635

You actually check the school?

I check reviews online, that's all. Then I try them out and see if it works. You can always switch doctors. I've had bad white doctors.

>> No.8952687

Chromosomes and the ability to produce fertile offspring are enough to ensure cooperation?
>with yo punk ass
Please nigger, try to speak like you're not a mong

>> No.8952694

No hobbies are not culture you fucking idiot. I bet you believe that culture can be summed up by food clothing and music.
Now ask yourself, if a society were created around videogaming, what would it look like, how would it function? Videogaming a consumerist hobby, you cannot base your culture off of purchases