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8938396 No.8938396[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'd like to clarify upfront that this is NOT a "science vs religion" thread. I'm not asking anybody to prove the validity of one over another.


I've found that I've been hearing a lot of misinformation as to the religious tendencies of "famous" scientists and it piqued my interest if most scientists either have nontraditional religious beliefs or don't have them at all. Einstein, for example, was an agnostic, but didn't believe in a personal God that did not bother with humanity at all and had no plan for them (i.e he did not believe in any sort of afterlife or particular uniqueness about the human conscious and considered anyone that did pretty full of themselves).

However I also hear that a lot European scientists who are considered Christian get dismissed as only being so because the Church would punish them otherwise.

Generally speaking, it seems there's a pretty large spread of faiths among famous scientists.

>> No.8938413

agnostic and atheist are pretty much slurs at this point
I don't bother with this shit at any level anymore, so I picked the nonreligious

>> No.8938420

That's understandable. I don't see why agnosticism would be considerd a slur; isn't it just "I dunno"?

Atheism has gotten a bit of a bad reputation online.

>> No.8938430

I would technically be agnostic, but that's just because I feel it'd be intellectually dishonest to either stick with a religion that I haven't independently thought through the full tenets of or to hold a """""scientific""""" conviction that atheism is the absolute truth.

>> No.8938433

>I don't see why agnosticism would be considerd a slur; isn't it just "I dunno"?
people take it less as "I dunno" and more as "you will never find out so don't bother"

>> No.8938457

I feel like those aren't necessarily exclusive opinions. Agnosticism carries a very wide range of beliefs.

>> No.8938491

I'm surprised by the lack of atheist votes thus far; I always figured /sci/ was full of 'em.

Also to my Abrahamic voters, what is your denomination? If Christian, what do you think of Revelations/the end of the world?

>> No.8938510

>I always figured /sci/ was full of 'em.
on what basis?

>> No.8938514

half the ""people"" on sci are underage. of course they're religious.

>> No.8938528


>> No.8938529


desu I don't want to be lumped together with jewish and islamic people if I'm christian, but belief "systems" could maybe be divided into these categories of whatever, so not too mad.

Anyway, I really do believe. I used to feel like it's just roleplaying, sometimes still do, but it's weird. A lot of things make more sense and most of the arguments against my belief just don't matter at all to me any more. I try to never debate, especially with friends, but a lot of things have proved true to me through belief and the Bible. For example, I recently found out nonbelievers literally mock Jesus and His suffering. I thought it was just a meme believers said to make themselves feel superior to nonbelievers but the things I heard people say and laugh about made me feel sick, but their behaviour is pretty much what the Bible says they will do. It's amazing. I suppose many people here (Europe) simply don't know any believers or know only the stereotypes. It's just sad, really. They can't believe anyone actually has a good heart and has good will towards others, also most other young men around me are just disgusting in their attitudes towards women. You can call me a cuck or whatever but porn has rotted our generations' brains. Other young men openly talk about porn and consume it degenerately, watch it together etc. It also makes their interest in girls completely physical and sexual, with no care for the emotional side AT ALL. Actually, I watch it too, but there is nothing in the whole world that makes me feel worse about myself. Pray for me, please.

Don't start a debate with this post, if it rubs you wrong just ignore it.

>> No.8938535

Agnostic theism is a criminally underrated position.

>> No.8938537

You mean deism?

>> No.8938538

You do realize that absolutely everything you mentioned could have been corrected without indoctrinating people with some middle eastern fairy tale, right?
I mean, the very notion that human beings in their default state require constant threat of eternal damnation to not be cunts to each other is just so self-derogatory it's painful to contemplate.

>> No.8938543

Not all religions threaten eternal damnation though. Or are middle-eastern.

>> No.8938548

the post made it pretty clear it's talking about Christianity

>> No.8938550

I know, but I see a lot of people that are atheist/nonreligious use christianity as the means to discredit all of religion while having an incomplete view of even Christianity.

>> No.8938569

>>8938529 here, just for example you said that eternal damnation is what motivates belief. Well for me I don't even think about hell at all. I'm infinitely more afraid of rejecting God's love and losing my faith. Hell is also another thing I rarely hear actual believers ever talk about, it's weird that it's something nonbelievers lose sleep over more than believers. Not that believers don't lose sleep over sin and sinfulness in their lives, but the concept of hell is less relevant, at least with the people around me.
Also, belief is something that really can't be explained and rationalized. It all makes sense to me and I know I'm not stupid, which is something that intimidates a lot of Atheists as they often feel like religion=dumdum but I kinda disprove that. Wagging my dick around like this isn't cool or impressive but it's just the way my life is

Just putting my thoughts out, I'm sure someone can relate.

>> No.8938571

When Buddhists, Hindus, Shintoists, Rastafarians or whoeverfuckelse religious start elbowing themselves into politics and education, or blowing up scores of people and cutting off heads, believe you me, you will see them mentioned far more often. Until then, we're stuck shittalking Abrahamic offshoots.
By the way, Christianity is a fractured tribalist abomination, that holds no authority on morals in any way, shape, or form. Its factions have proven time and again, that they are owe nothing to the "nonbelievers", in terms of containing its fair share of outright malicious dickbags, who on numerous occasions, used the religion, as a vehicle to further their personal goals, and also commit some of the most fucked up shit in recorded history.
It's nice to be nice, and you don't need god or gods to tell you that.
It should be a natural realization, not a commandment from higher power that waves its fist at you, channeled through other flawed people, who often don't even abide by the rules they preach.

>> No.8938574

Dunno about others but the only natural realization I came to is Jesus

>> No.8938576

mighty large fedora you got there.

>> No.8938578

I ironically believe in Shinto

>> No.8938583

I have been successfully pranked

>> No.8938586

But Anon, some of the worst human atrocities to date were carried out by nonreligious state authorities.

I think it's disingenuous to say "Well people of X faith do bad things and thus that faith is shit" when you could just as reasonably find nonreligious/atheist people that have done awful things and not accept that as proof atheism is shit.

People as a whole have the potential to do good and bad things; most religions (all that I can think of) claim this to be true and seek to help you avoid doing them. Of course that gets misinterpreted sometimes, but I feel like you have to blame the person and not the faith, particularly if the figureheads in that faith preach against doing what that person did.

>> No.8938595

I'm Indian so my father is Buddhist and my mother is Hindu, but religion was never taught in my household so I guess Buddhist.

>> No.8938597

If I believe that we live in a simulated reality, what does that make me?

>> No.8938598


>> No.8938599

I think agnostic? Since you believe in a higher creator power independent of reality.

>> No.8938614

deism should have been included in the poll instead of all those meme ideologies that are gonna get 3 votes between all of them and should have been listed under "other"

>> No.8938621

Yeah that's my bad; or I should've included other. Looks like half the board is nonreligious/atheist and the other half is religious but split.

>> No.8938638

>No "other" category

I have an older mesoamerican religious/philosophical belief system that's largely unknown these days (it's not part of the doctrine to convert others).

>> No.8938656

>I think it's disingenuous to say "Well people of X faith do bad things and thus that faith is shit" when you could just as reasonably find nonreligious/atheist people that have done awful things and not accept that as proof atheism is shit.

Atheism in it's current internet age form is objectively shit. Beyond that it's not a neatly organized group with a clear cut power structure, with a bunch of corrupt shitbags on top, like all three Abrahamic religions.

When your faith draws its essence from scriptures written by human beings centuries ago and direct communication with your deity recorded in those scriptures ceased to exist after their conception, and you have literally no way to confirm any of it, and just believe it, and multitude of leading figures of your faith have been rotten cockends with power to manipulate those scriptures to suit their personal agendas, then what's the fucking point of any of it?

Moreover, the notion that, say Christianity is a correct belief and everything it preaches happened, is so cruel, I don't even have words to describe it.
Consider that - by the time Jesus ran around Israel/Palestine - there were 300 million people on the planet and most of them were fucking dead long before christianity reached their area. It took almost 1500 years for it to reach Americas. Out of estimated ~105 billion people that ever lived, hulking majority were infants, with no way to accept any kind of belief, locked out of heaven in christianity and sentenced for (limited time) hell in buddhism of all things for example.
These religions scream they were made up by people, people who had no goddamn idea about the true scale of the world and human population, centered entirely around their general area, not giving two shits about people on the other side of the world who will live and die in million without being offered a chance for salvation.

>> No.8938659


That just makes you neopagan.

>> No.8938670

It's not new-age. Nor is it nature based. A closer term would be pagan but even that is awkward given that pagan is a christian term for non-christians and neither I nor my ancestors were christian.

>> No.8938696

I'm a religious biologist, and a deep ecologist(consequentialism). No new age tomfoolery here. Just good ole naturalistic religion

>> No.8938698

Most of the people on /sci/ aren't scientists (very few are) and those that are likely to reply to your poll are even less likely to be science students/scientists. There are lot's of recent migrants from /b/, /pol/, /lit/, /r9k/, reddit, etc. As you can see from the sorry state of the board.

>> No.8938706

>and those that are likely to reply to your poll are even less likely to be science students/scientists

Didn't you just fuck yourself over with that?

>> No.8938708

I fucked your mum. lol

>> No.8938716

Do you find anything that makes you adjust your religious beliefs? I suppose in the softened, modern, secular form of most religions there wouldn't really be any contradictions. Just differing conclusions.

I didn't reply to the poll and I'm not a science student/scientist, at least not formally.

>> No.8938766

Your entire argument about cruelty just shows how little you actually understand about Christianity; people who die without ever knowing God (infants and those who never heard the gospel a.ka those never introduced to Christianity) are not sent to hell.

Also I don't think that is how Buddhism works either but I know it isn't how Christianity works. As far as their locality, you may have a point. I don't know enough religions to know I they have some sort of primal spirituality that they all branch from.

>> No.8938773

>infants and those who never heard the gospel a.ka those never introduced to Christianity) are not sent to hell
no, they are denied heaven, that's what I said, also, nobody went anywhere yet, remember, everyone is supposed to be waiting for final judgement down here

>> No.8938774

Most of us are caught between agnosticism and atheism.

>> No.8938776
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Do you have a moment to spare for our Lord and saviour the Omnissiah?

>> No.8938788
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What about us Christian Agnostics?
You can realize that God's existence is inherently unknowable yet choose to believe anyway. In fact that lack of certainty is what gives your choice value.

Your poll doesn't acknowledge this possibility, even though many of the most important scientists and philosophers have been agnostic deists.

>> No.8938794

Raised catholic

I dont necssarily believe going to church every sunday is a req for a being a good person. 80% of the people in church were there because they "had to"

I dont go to church or participate in religion necessarily, but I hold the belief in God close to me and try to generally be a good person and help others. Im much happier like this.

>> No.8938800

desu this argument is something not even all denominations agree on. What you believe can range from the poor indonesian prehistoric humans going to hell (if you hate everyone who isn't white and live in the US of A) to Jesus preaching to them wherever they are and them having the same choice of belief you have right now.

>> No.8938802

The lukewarm will be spit out. Otherwise you're not wrong on any point.

>> No.8938816

Christian here. I was raised Lutheran, but I'm now leaning towards the Orthodox Catholic church with some reservations about prayers to saints and the use of icons.

As for my /sci/ credentials, I hold undergraduate and graduate STEM degrees from a top-5 US school and have published peer-reviewed works solving open problems in my field.

>> No.8938823

>What is your denomination?
Protestant (Baptists)

>What do you think of Revelations/The end of the world.
I don't really think anything about. If it happens in my lifetime I hope a lot of good people are saved, and I'm not left behind for any reason for that buttfucking.

If it happens, it happens I guess. I don't think its going to happen, but the universe and everything is a mystery with impossible thing so who knows.

>I don't know what to be lumped together with jewish and islamic people.
In the poll we gotta be lumped together due to the fact all three religions share the same God (And a lot of the same prophets/stories), and there is nothing wrong being lumped in with the Jews since Christianity is a split branch of it.

>> No.8938826

What are the chances that most of the religious nuts on this board are Americans?

>> No.8938845

>there is nothing wrong being lumped in with the Jews since Christianity is a split branch of it.
except the part where Jews treat Jesus as a hack who got what he deserved when he got nailed

>> No.8938863

>people who die without ever knowing God (infants and those who never heard the gospel a.ka those never introduced to Christianity) are not sent to hell.

That simple to beat the system? Boy is good ol God one simpleton.

>> No.8938870

Funny thing is that in some Muslim countries there is a larger percentage of people feeling nonreligious than is western countries. It's because you have to do the religionthingies there is an illusion of homogenity. There was a newspaper article about this a whole ago. I'll see if I find a citation.
It's like there was a alcohol expert (not one of the drinking kind) who went to Iran or Saudi-Arabia or whatever to set up a place to help alcoholics. In secret of course because "that shit don't happen here".

>> No.8938993

into the oven you go talmudic khazar

>> No.8939009

what the fuck are you on about?

>> No.8939022

I typically prefer the phrase "nonreligious", but I often say "atheist" to weed out whether certain conversations are going to be a waste of time with someone who's actually asking about religion.

Thankfully, most people don't typically ask about religion.

>> No.8939026

I believe that among all the uncertainty and assumptions of quantum theory

[math] 2\pi+\big(\Phi\pi\big)^3\simeq137 [\math]

can be substituted for the value of the inverse fine structure constant as determined from experiments on Josephson junctions without causing the theoretical framework of narrow parameter tolerances to break down.

>> No.8939027
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Pretty much everything about my social system conflicts with my beliefs.
I don't adjust my beliefs. I go into schizoid withdraw and adjust the world. I try to do my best IRL

>> No.8939036


Biologist and catholic anon here.

>> No.8939129

>grouping Abrahamic together
>having Shinto, Neopagan, and Gnostic at all

Kill yourself

>> No.8939139
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>I always figured /sci/ was full of 'em

Atheism is an opinion, not an intellectual achievement. Autistics who think otherwise are cancer.

>> No.8939158

God is the result of our egocentrism and fear of death. Nothing more. There had been countless numbers of gods doing different things and all of them are dead. As soon as humanity as a species gained consciousness, we started to try to explain the world around us. The things that were beyond our comprehension were godlike, were the attributes of gods (e.g. the lightning). At some point someone has revealed the truth about the feared phenomenon and the gods were "robbed" from their attributes. One by one they fell. And the process continues. Christian, Jews, Muslims... It really doesn't matter. Their god will eventually die as well. Like the gods of Egipt who ruled the universe for how long? 12000 years? God is only an idea. Nothing more. We are not born with the natural need for religion. We can live entire life without knowing that there is something like a god somewhere. We do not have it in our "blood". It is not natural. What is natural is the need to explain our surroundings. In any possible way. When you hit the wall and can't explain what you have witnessed, you create a deity. But there is none. We are alone. We born and we die like all the other living things on this planet. We decompose and we return to the environment. And in few billion years we will all return to the stars. From dust to dust. Literally.

>> No.8939162

I dont actively hold any believe system.
im still looking for useful axioms

>> No.8939184
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Most scientists don't waste their lives autistically screeching over religion.

>> No.8939261

I have a small set of axioms, but I've found they are not sufficient.

>> No.8939305

Not all religions believe in an afterlife/fear death though. Einstein didn't believe in an afterlife but believed in a god.

>> No.8939317
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What about failed biochemists who became failed mechanics who became not-sci-fi authors?

>> No.8939318
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>there's a war on christmas!

>> No.8939447

>Atheism has gotten a bit of a bad reputation online.
Atheism has always had that bad reputation. That's why Huxley invented the word "agnostic" to mean roughly the same thing as "atheist", but to avoid the existing negative connotations.

>> No.8939464

militant agnostics are the worst. People who insist that nobody cannot know nothin.

Most of them are very atheist leaning but they want to be on their "open minded" high horse. But they're only open minded to the most unprovable version of religion, i.e. that there's a God but it's not like you can talk directly to him, he never comes down and smites anybody, and his presence is completely undetectable. That's what agnostics are open minded about. They're not open minded when it comes to the really dumb religious shit, like the people who claim the apocalypse will happen in our lifetimes.

How many agnostics were actually scared the world would end in 2012? Hardly any, because they're not really that open minded when it comes to super retarded shit. They just don't want to come out and say "I don't believe in that stupid shit" because they think that sounds dickish.

>> No.8939486
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>implying I said anything about the "war on Christmas"
>implying Christmas doesn't trigger the fuck out of new atheists

>> No.8939492

Atheist, It's the most honest stance. If I'd want to acknowledge something like god I'd have to acknowledge the possibility of flying invisible space unicorns too.

>> No.8939494

>implying Christmas doesn't trigger the fuck out of new atheists
Not really, no.

>> No.8939511
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explain this autism then

>> No.8939514

Are you from /pol/?

>> No.8939524


>> No.8939532

Hey, we are pretty serious about /government/ endorsement of religion.

Most of us don't give a fuck if we hear someone say "happy Christmas" on the street to us or others, and we frequently say "happy Christmas" ourselves.

Similarly, we don't care about prayer in school, as long as it's not prayer sessions that are led or orchestrated by teachers or administration and so forth. If people want to pray by themselves, or in a particular afterschool group, then go for it.

>> No.8939533

>If I'd want to acknowledge something like string theory I'd have to acknowledge the possibility of flying invisible space unicorns too.

>> No.8939537

that's why me and most physicists don't acknowledge it as anything more than math.

>> No.8939538

I would rather respond to the questions of life with "can't know nuffin" than pretend to know things I don't know in order to be at peace with existence.

>> No.8939540

Why can't a teacher lead a prayer session for whoever wants to join in?

>> No.8939544

Hey! String theory uses complicated looking formulas. Therefore it must be correct!

>> No.8939545

Is this a serious question? I'm just going to give the standard reply, which you should already know.

>> No.8939552

>Attacking open mindedness by confusing it with gullibility
>Strawmanning agnostics as deists

are you like 12?

>> No.8939557

A prayer session would allow a teacher to determine who joins in and who doesn't. This gives the teacher a bias for the rest of the class.

>> No.8939560

>People acknowledging religion is bad
>Acknowledgement is endorsement

And this is why people view you as autistic.

>> No.8939568

Acknowledging is different than endorsing.

I'm not against religious study classes, and in fact one of the things that I really want is mandatory comparative religious classes for all schoolchildren in the United States, starting in elementary, and continuing every year through high school. I very much want it to be acknowledged, and taught. However, I don't want it to be endorsed.

PS: I recognize the difficulty in the current cultural climate to have a comparative religion class without endorsement, but that's only because many teachers are bad-faith actors who would use the opportunity to proselytize.

>> No.8939603

Doesnt atheist just mean "I lack all religious faith" ? How is that a slur?

>> No.8939606

>Einstein was an agnostic

Wrong he was a deist

>> No.8939612
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That's just being nonreligious. Atheists spend their lives and money being butthurt over being dragged to church in childhood.

>> No.8939618

I just remember him specifically saying he isn't an atheist but he especially didn't believe in Christianity or life after death.

But at the same time he believed past, present, and future were an illusion, so maybe he figured he was always alive dead and unborn simultaneously.

>> No.8939644

God speaks through random numbers.

>> No.8939923

> it piqued my interest if most scientists either have nontraditional religious beliefs or don't have them at all.
Taking /sci/ as a representative sample of scientists is not a very good way to answer this question. Look for actual scientific polls of scientists.

>> No.8940036
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It creates factions among students. Kids who avoid prayer to be cool, kids who join in to fit in, kids who bully other kids based on their decision, etc.. It also creates a bad dynamic between the teacher and students as it may affect the way the teacher treats certain groups of students, even possibly at a subconscious level.

It literally is of no benefit to anyone involved.

Not only that but if it's while the teacher is on the clock then that's valuable school time being wasted, time that taxpayers of many different beliefs paid for. If a teacher leads a prayer group on their own time outside of school there could still be a conflict of interest where certain students may join in order to get preferential treatment or more access to the teacher.

There is also the possibility of it inviting more religious discourse into the classroom. For instance if the course covers the theory of evolution then students may feel it is appropriate to ask how this relates to other religious beliefs. Moreover if the teacher refuses to answer their questions or is otherwise unable to it may make the students feel the teacher is a hypocrite, or worse they've been placed into a position where they're forced to teach material they do not themselves believe to have merit in truth.

>> No.8940038


/sci/ is mostly undergraduate STEM students and pop-science fucktards who come to /sci/ thinking they're hanging out with scientists.

>> No.8940051
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There isn't a standard interpretation for those terms, how they are viewed will vary by context, region, and community. It is disingenuous to claim otherwise.

That said, I do think there is value in recognizing the difference between those who just happen to not be religious (e.g. raised without religion and not really interested in them) and those who believe with conviction that no religions are true. Moreover one should also be aware of the difference between those who believe with conviction that no religions are true and also believe that it is good and meaningful to coexist with the religious beliefs of others vs those who think religious beliefs are a dangerous and destructive forces in society.

Perhaps it may be valuable to observe those who have converted to atheism from a religion separately from those who were never religious. Specifically because many who convert to atheism do so on the grounds that they or others have been wronged by religion and thus their approach to religion tends to be much more polarized than those who just think that shit is dumb.

tl;dr: Just like religious people and their labels, you will find a great deal of diversity within them and should therefore be careful not to paint them all with the same brush.

video related: not typical religious folk

>> No.8940224


way to be random internet dude, you actually grouped those the way that most everyone with half a brain and any understanding of the three actually sees them.

>> No.8940233
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if by "agnostics" you mean "does not positively believe in god but not sure"

thats an atheist

your poll is shit

>> No.8940235 [DELETED] 

>three don't actually sees them

>> No.8940236

>doesn't know what the word "Gnostic" means

Stop parroting crap from reddit.

>> No.8940238


all three are the exact fucking same if you actually understood anything about their cosmology and history you'd know they are the same god with minor bullshit disagreements over who was or wasn't a prophet or incarnation of the same primary deity all three share in common.

>> No.8940242


>> No.8940245

>It creates factions among students

They already exist regardless.

>Not only that but if it's while the teacher is on the clock then that's valuable school time being wasted

Most school time is wasted anyway.

>> No.8940248

I am a non-religious gnostc atheist. What should I pick?

>> No.8940250

>all three are the exact fucking same

And next you're going to say that Mormonism is the exact fucking same as Christianity.

>> No.8940252

Not too proud to admit I can't figure out what reddit is or how the site works.
Otherwise, I think "you're retarded" is as much of a reply as you're worth.

>> No.8940254

for all intents and purposes... yeah exactly the same. from the perspective of someone looking in on these theistic religions from an objective detached perspective they are practically all identical.

>> No.8940257

You clearly don't know anything that you're talking about.

>> No.8940259

literally the same god with a minor disagreement over whether or not this person or another was or wasn't a prophet.

for all intents and purposes... identical.

>> No.8940260
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>> No.8940266

Literally, you are talking out of your ass. I get you don't like going to church but that doesn't mean you should accept everything disparaging about religion you hear on face value.

This is Mormon "cosmology":

>> No.8940269
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>> No.8940270

>implying that is any less rational/believable that the old testament bullshit fairy tales all three religions hold in common.

>> No.8940274
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>> No.8940276

If I called the holocaust an irrational bullshit fairy tale, would you stop believing it?

>> No.8940278

I'm not discussing truth value, I'm discussing similarity since you said:

>all three are the exact fucking same if you actually understood anything about their cosmology and history

>> No.8940280

call it whatever *you* want to call it. I don't care what you call it I care what facts are available for scrutinizing and what truth those facts impart.

>> No.8940284

yeah, let's make a confusing mess out of two binary distinctions for no reason but obfuscation and identitiy politics. Fuck off.

You're not helping, but I don't think you're trying to.

>> No.8940287

>implying an appreciable difference in the cosmology of Mormonism and general Christianity

yeah okay like anyone who knows better thinks it makes a difference.

>> No.8940288

Mormonism is just as much a part of Christianity as Rastafarianism.

>> No.8940289

>things are already bad
>that means it's okay to make them worse
kys yourself

>> No.8940291

>let's make a confusing mess out of two binary distinctions

>implying a false dichotomy
>implying there aren't degrees of belief in everything

>obfuscation and identitiy politics

Are you just saying trendy buzz words?

>> No.8940298

>>things are already bad
>>that means it's okay to make them worse
literally libertarianism in a nutshell

>> No.8940299

>All "facts" are made up by (the jews) and can't be trusted
>All "facts" are made up by christfags and can't be trusted

>> No.8940300

pro tip: if it's made up it's probably not a fact

>> No.8940301

>Every planet has it's own Mormon god, there are an infinite number of planets, and the universe has always existed
>The universe was created by one god who rules over all

Yeah, they are totally the same thing.

>> No.8940302

You would first have to point out what's so irrational about it.
Austrian Chaplin spends two decades flaying his arms on a podium, screeching that Jews are a menace and a plague, that needs to be rid off, passes legislation that targets them, organizes fucking state sanctioned pogrom, and then he supposedly gives them summer resort vacation in Poland, in the middle of a fucking war against whole fucking world?
Give me a fucking break.

>> No.8940304


>> No.8940305

There are varying degrees of certainty, but not belief. You either believe something is true, or you don't. "I'm not sure" means you don't believe it, but don't have high certainty.
Are you this easily bamboozeled in general?

>> No.8940309

>American bigots spend two decades flaying their arms, screeching that Japs and Chinks are a menace and a plague, that needs to be rid off, passes legislation that targets them, and then they supposedly gives them summer resort vacation in Utah internment camps, in the middle of a fucking war against whole fucking world?
>Give me a fucking break.

Never forget the 6 million Japanese holocaust victims.

>> No.8940310

>There are varying degrees of certainty, but not belief. You either believe something is true, or you don't.

Certainty is belief in truth.

>> No.8940314

stupid fuck

>> No.8940315

>Butthurt because his argument is weak as fuck

>> No.8940318

>Austrian Chaplin

> looking in on these theistic religions from an objective detached perspective they are practically all identical
seems like they are very similar to most creation myths, anthropomorphized creating intelligence made all things and we know this from a holy book.
whether there are planet-gods or angels or jhinns or one hell or nine doesn't change all that much

>> No.8940327
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>Are you just saying trendy buzz words?
>Certainty is belief in truth.

I'd say we're done.

>> No.8940332

Someone carve this post in stone. You will never read truer words.

>> No.8940334

You fucking faggot, when did United States persecute and incarcerate Japanese years before there was any war with Japan? When did United States organized a crackdown on Japanese, where they arrested tens of thousands, ransacked their houses, burned down 1,000 of their churches and outright murdered scores of them YEARS before the war with Japan?
How the fuck does Hitler cracking down on Jews and later sending them to prison camps, while annexing Austria, Czechoslovakia, half of Poland, going to war with France, Britain, Soviet Union, and later United States correlates with United States arresting Japanese after being attacked and going to war with Japan.

What the fuck is your logic?

>> No.8940337

What he was does not mean shit. Evidence is the only thing that matters. And the aggregate, grand, sum total of evidence for every god ever fabricated is zero. point. zero.

>> No.8940339

>anthropomorphized creating intelligence

Abrahamic God isn't anthropomorphized. Do you even know anything?

>> No.8940344

>circumstantial evidence

>> No.8940348

Which one are you hoping is not horseshit? Either way, I've got bad news for you.

>> No.8940352

Roman Catholic, although I have mixed feelings about the current pope. I am not very conservative but he just rubs me the wrong way constantly.

While the 2nd coming should be a thing (assuming some form of Christianity is correct) Revelations is obviously a highly symbolic piece that although the general idea is correct for a potential second coming (after period of increasing evil Jesus comes to save the good and rectify the general situation) it is obviously highly figurative and not a percise thing to determine the exact future events. There has been many different interpretations of what it represents, such as representing the history of the world, events of 1st century Rome (Rome being evil because it persecuted Christians at this point), or just as a general story of the struggle between good and bad.

>> No.8940355

>I know absolutely nothing about them
>But I know they are horseshit

The cognitive dissonance of atheists is amazing.

>> No.8940358

You dodged the question, as theists always do. If I were a thinking theist (kek) I would ask myself why I spent my life dodging questions, rather than answering them directly.

>> No.8940361

>thinking theist (kek)

Because no one with opinions different from your is ever thinking (kek)

>> No.8940364
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>and The Lord created Man in his own image

>> No.8940374

Failed to answer the question again.

You have the ***founder of the universe*** on your side and yet you are running away from questions on an anonymous website.

Exactly how pathetic is your favourite god?

>> No.8940380

I used to say Agnostic, but then I read about Gnosticism and it sounded cool so I'm a believer.

All hail the Demiurge

>> No.8940388

Why did you put 'Abrahamic' instead of separating Christianity, Judaism and Islam? I don't believe in God but I do believe in the virtues and morality that the New Testament teaches which are pretty different from what the Quran teaches so to put them in the same category makes no sense and it would be of interest in this particular thread.

>> No.8940765
File: 267 KB, 1032x774, konata_wall___test_v101_by_xnekomatax-d4nji3y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gnostics don't worship the Demiurge, dumbass. He's the closest Gnosticism has to a "Devil", since he is the guardian of this physical world and stands in the way of the immaterial world and true knowledge.

Back to reading you go.