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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8940093 No.8940093[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>god isnt rea-


>"But when you look at CMB map, you also see that the structure that is observed, is in fact, in a weird way, correlated with the plane of the earth around the sun. Is this Copernicus coming back to haunt us? That's crazy. We're looking out at the whole universe. There's no way there should be a correlation of structure with our motion of the earth around the sun — the plane of the earth around the sun — the ecliptic. That would say we are truly the center of the universe."

where were you when atheists got btfo?

>> No.8940094

Another term to add to the filter list.

>> No.8940095

I want to lick her cunny.

>> No.8940098

t. butthurt ath*ist

>> No.8940099

kek go back to red[math][/math]dit

>> No.8940102

Actually that would help this board out a lot in edition to IQ and brainlet

>> No.8940107
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>god is real

score one point off this retard

>> No.8940123

so when god finally reveals himself to everyone in the world at once there will be two types of reasons

one will be to immediately bow down

the other will be to ask "what are you?" or maybe even "prove it"

>> No.8940129

>reddit comics

not an argument

>> No.8940131

>magic is real
Also fuck summer

>> No.8940134

not an argument

>> No.8940139

But hurling insults is the only arguments atheists have.

>> No.8940141

not an argument

also not an argument

>> No.8940142

>implying any argument that god is real isn't complete bullshit to anyone who knows enough about things.

>> No.8940152

>The existence of god is impossible

If you don't want to go to church, then just don't go. You don't need to cling to retarded arguments to justify it.

>> No.8940154

>not an argument god exists
>came to a science board and being this butt hurt about people not believing fairy tales

>> No.8940156

>the universe was created by magic which has since stopped working and can no longer be observed because reasons
>the universe is governed by physical laws
Hmm, tough choice.

>> No.8940160

>expecting /sci/ to be your super secret internet atheist hideout
>>>/reddit/ is that way

>> No.8940161 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 600x600, EpBkdh2G06o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to church faggot

>> No.8940163

Religion vs. science threads are against the rules. Enjoy your ban, newfag.

>> No.8940164

>>the program was created by magical programming which has since stopped happening and can no longer be observed because reasons
>>the program is governed by code instructions
>Hmm, tough choice.

It's almost like calling things magic isn't an argument.

>> No.8940165
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>thinking people who know better wont call you out for your bullshit

>> No.8940168

Where have I said anything of the sort? Atheist circle jerks have no place on /sci/.

>> No.8940169
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>Not one fedora tipper can give a reasonable explanation for the solar system being the literal center of the universe
C'mon guys. Shouldn't there be a reasonable, natural, explanation for the extremely strange fact we're at the exact center of the cosmos?

>> No.8940172

literally every point in the universe is the center of the universe from that points perspective.

nice try theist, your trivia might impress the uneducated at Sunday school but not anyone who knows better.

>> No.8940173

When you call people out for bullshit you need to use arguments to describe how it's bullshit, not name calling.

Sadly, new atheists can't tell the difference.

>> No.8940174

this is the worst article i've seen on wikipedia. what's it trying to say?

>> No.8940177

>came here asserting the existence of a thing, god, and now wants that assertion disproven.

not a very clever theist we have here. he doesn't even understand that its not everyone else's job to disprove whatever random fantasy pops into his little brain.

>> No.8940180

Nice try but we're talking about the CMB which shows the entire universe, not just the observable portion we can see today

>> No.8940182

>not even knowing how stupid you just sounded.

go learn more retard.

>> No.8940183 [DELETED] 

>implying I'm arguing for theism

Just because you find an argument crap doesn't mean you support to converse.

>> No.8940185

What's the difference between the entire universe and the observable portion?

>> No.8940187

>implying I'm arguing for theism

Just because you find an argument crap doesn't mean you support the converse.

>> No.8940193

The observable portion is the area of the universe in which light has had enough time to reach us. This volume is called the Hubble volume. The CMB shows the universe in it's entirety 400,000 years after the big bang.

>> No.8940196

>implying the absence of belief in a thing is belief

theists... am I right fellas? its amazing the shit they pick up at Sunday school.

>> No.8940202

What are you on about?

>> No.8940204

>The CMB shows the universe in it's entirety
How does that work?

>> No.8940225

The universe was ~1100 times smaller back then. Remember that the entire universe was created from a space smaller than an atom. Being able to see everything within the universe was possible all the way up to around a million years.

>> No.8940306

>he thinks he knows more than actual astrophysicists

>> No.8940311

actual astrophysicist would tell you the same thing you fucking mongrel

>> No.8940319

Did you read the article?

>"That's crazy. We're looking out at the whole universe. There's no way there should be a correlation of structure with our motion of the earth around the sun — the plane of the earth around the sun — the ecliptic. That would say we are truly the center of the universe"

If the answer was just the fact we're always at the center of the observable universe why would it shock actual astrophysicists to the point they're saying it's "crazy" and that it implies we're at the center of the universe (not just the observable universe).

>> No.8940343

I never had sex.

>> No.8940571

typical atheist

>> No.8940695

hmm dude, but how about real arguments atheist do have?

>> No.8940730

>the entire universe was created from a space smaller than an atom

isn't the big bang just a hypothesis? it's unproven just like God

>> No.8940731
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You mean attacking strawmen?