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8927202 No.8927202 [Reply] [Original]

Did /sci/ see this woman yet? I'm not smart and don't know much about math, can any math people her tell me if shes talking out of her ass in her thesis?


>> No.8927237

Dear newfag, learn to use the catalog plzthx

>> No.8927253


>> No.8927430

i have really struggled with whether and how to respond to this. The execution of this message was very nice and respectful, and I genuinely appreciate that. The premise, however, is problematic. Maybe not inherently, but within the context of the sexist society we live in. Men are allowed, and often feel compelled, to think out loud at women, to share unsolicited not necessarily informed thoughts at women. (And usually these men, unlike you, don’t even seem to recognize that their thoughts may not be useful.) Women on the other hand aren’t allowed to be as open. So, if you want to not just be respectful, but actually be anti-oppression, it is better (IMO) not to respond to a woman’s work with the types of thoughts that other men pawn off as insights, if you know what i mean. again, i appreciate your honesty, but i feel obligated to point these things out.

>> No.8927491
File: 64 KB, 735x708, piper thesis 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you looked at her thesis?

>> No.8927667

>let it go, let it GOOO
>let this copy pasta die!

>> No.8927669

thats....alot of effort....give ((her)) some credit!!!

>> No.8927679

kek, I figure this is pasta/bait but, men tear each other to shreads constantly, its in our nature. women want to be treated like men now but they cant handle it. some can, of course, but even then theyre bitter about it

>> No.8927734


>> No.8927743

7/10 modest kekkle

>> No.8927822


>> No.8927840



>> No.8927872
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Fuck. Your last racebait hasn't even hit page 3 yet.

What is this obsession you have about black people? Did you get blacked in prison or something?

>> No.8927878
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>> No.8928691

Princeton would like to offer you a PhD

>> No.8928695

>unqualified french major minority person gets a math PhD position in an elite university with no qualifications whatsoever
>becomes a professor with 1 paper and 4 citations, at 1 least made by her husband
>obsession with black people
lol im not even from the US, just stating facts

>> No.8928721

I actually work in academia. In a Spanish language department that is actually much better than the one she attended. I have no clue why Princeton would let her join their Math Grad program, other than for PR reasons. I meet dozens of undergrad Spanish majors every year and the only logical reason any of them could get a Math PhD is if they were some sort of savant. If this were the case, it wouldn't take them 6 years to finish, and they would not end up being essentially a TA in Hawaii.

You know what I see plenty of? African American females that can play the system like they are Jimi Hendrix. They get their degrees by presenting themselves as a constant threat to the department, and we cave because the university would go apoplectic if we got hit with a racism case. I am willing to bet any amount of money this is what we are seeing here: someone who has adapted extremely well to the system we created.

>> No.8928729

I agree. She is shockingly brazen about it too, doing interviews about her thesis and making it so available online. She doesn't need to link her thesis on her website but she does. It's basically daring someone to say something

>> No.8928730

>let's allow black people to occupy positions in prestigious schools without having the proper qualifications
>this is totally not racist against other races, nations or poor working class whites

>> No.8928741

She is basically fighting the final monster of this game called academia: get tenure. Of course, she needs to go balls to the wall here, so just being a threat is not enough, hence the fucking moronic article she wrote.

Think about it. Do you think her department would let her go now? Not renew her contract? Hell, no. Piper Girl here has a very tight grip on their balls now. They might as well offer her tenure right away and get it over with.

1 publication = 1 tenured position. Game Over.

>> No.8928743

apparently, choose 1

>> No.8928746

Well I don't think she has a tenure track job currently and let's all hope it stays that way

>> No.8928753
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>> No.8928755


You misunderstood me. The tenured position is what she is after. Her article is a way to secure her position at her department. What are they going to do when her contract is up? Let her go? No fucking way, because she would go after them for being racist. They are basically stuck with her. And if she wants a tenure track position they are going to have to offer her one.

>> No.8928757
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>> No.8928760

A fields medalist actually read this thesis and thought it was OK

>> No.8928762

is it racist to say someone looks dumb? as in they always have a dumb look on their face that makes them look stupid and that makes it hard to take them serious. based on that picture she looks like she has brain damage.

>> No.8928781


Reminds me of Silvanus Thompson and his Calculus Made Easy.

>> No.8928799

What was their ethnic background and political ideology?

>> No.8928817

Are talking about her advisor or someone who would should not feel embarrassed about the whole thing?

>> No.8928818

some smart people look like mouth-breathing mongs.

>> No.8928819
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>> No.8928823

How can it be so ? Most of what she wrote is high school math.

>> No.8928827

Manjul Bhargava was her supervisor

>> No.8928828

This is hard to read. I'm currently doing my bachelor. I'm probably going to do a double major in math and comp sci, so I've already taken a number of math courses. My question while reading her prologue: What is this "oppressive atmosphere" she's talking about? Is it a black thing? A woman thing? Because there's been a good number of women and minorites in all of my math classes so far, and the atmosphere has been far from oppressive. Maybe it's just different here because I'm what they call a fucking leaf. The only issue I can see any of my profs having with her work is the excess of unscientific writing that has nothing to do with mathematics.

>> No.8928848

Exactly. And he should be embarrasses about allowing her the get her PhD. The fact that it happened should tell you there were other factors in play other than academic excellence.

>> No.8928941
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>> No.8929041
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I just found out that she's giving a talk at my school tomorrow. Should I go listen to it?

>> No.8929043

reads like something by rupi kaur

>> No.8929055

Ask her to state her grievances with something approaching rigor.

>> No.8929057

Do you like wasting your time?

>> No.8929066

Holy fuck, you americans are so lucky.

OF COURSE YOU SHOULD GO. Bring a camera with you and just record it. Post it online, or if they are going to record it and post it themselves then ask them and share with us where they are going to upload it.

>Now she has a story to tell. A story of failure and how sometimes failure is the same as leadership
>a story of failure
>failure is the same as leadership


>> No.8929071

I'm sure she does want one and she hasn't been offered one. I am gravely disappointed that she's made it this far but I'm cautiously optimistic that she won't make it any father. They might keep her in her "temporary"position indefinitely though

>> No.8929074

I would guess he never thought it was ok and just wanted it to be over

>> No.8929075

No video recording is allowed unfortunately. I suspect she knows exactly what would happen if such a video is posted online.

>> No.8929078


just raise your hand and start going off on her whole career, starting from being admitted to Princeton with basically no math background

>> No.8929079

ITT : Mad hominems by brainlets who can't actually comprehend her paper and thus diss her writing style because that's the only part of it they understand :^)

>> No.8929082

Cucked piggot

>> No.8929087
File: 230 KB, 1000x625, 6972873_trumpmur_1000x625[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, so alpha :^)

>> No.8929091

God damn it

>> No.8929101

We are laughing because she is disrespectful of the discipline and the style of writing which characterize it, and the inability of Princeton to do anything about it, thus letting their reputation go to ruin. Her justification for being disrespectful is literally muh white males.

>> No.8929108

fair enough, but the thread's question was about proofreading her thesis, which nobody in this thread actually did.

>> No.8929110
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Such mathematical grace

>> No.8929121

Did I read all 139 pages? No, but I read a few. I skipped around to see if it was all written in that style. As far as I could see, it is.

And there's no reason to read all of it. I doubt anyone on earth read all of it. Why would you do that to yourself? It's clearly garbage.

>> No.8929128

Record the sound with your phone or something

>> No.8929130

I think it's a given the math is sound, since she co-authored a paper with another mathematician based on this research. The backlash is really about her total disregard for respecting the style and seriousness of a PhD thesis. And her only reason appears to be white males. That's all fine for a blog, but we didn't expect it to be in a PhD thesis. And from Princeton to accept it. What a joke.

>> No.8929133

I will try.

>> No.8929138

I'm sure the paper she coauthored with Bhargava is legit, as it was accepted to a good peer reviewed journal.

Her thesis is a bloated 139 version of that 12 page paper, and that isn't OK. Even if we let her slide on the "writing style", a thesis is supposed to contain more than 12 pages of real information. You aren't supposed to make it 10 times longer with your "writing style".

Also I'm not scouring through 139 pages trying to find the 12 pages worth of real content.

>> No.8929146
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>mfw I expected an actual screenshot

>> No.8929185

Why? WHY? Why do they believe there's some nefarious filter set in place to keep women out of science? Is that the case in the US? There are a number of incentives to encourage women to get into trades and STEM fields here.
This reminds of two feminist women at my university. One is doing a BA in psych and gender studies, and the other was doing criminology, but then switched to gender studies (I guess because the subject became too difficult for her). Nobody has forced them to pick these majors; they've done so of their own free will. There are so many other things worth studying, but this is what they've chosen. The only thing holding them back is their lack of either ability or interest.

>> No.8929193

>Why? WHY? Why do they believe there's some nefarious filter set in place to keep women out of science?
Protip: they don't care. It's just anti-male. Logically, "not enough women in engineering" must mean "too many women in field X" but they never, ever say this. Why? Because they don't give a shit about this issue at all, they just want to destroy male spaces.

>> No.8929194

We actively encourage all underrepresented groups to go into STEM in the US. Apparently we do it the point where incompetent retards can get a PhD from Princeton. And they still whine.

>> No.8929197

Women aren't oppressed, they're simply insecure. Just read anything this math PhD writes, and you'll quickly see that what she describes as oppression by the math community is little more than her own insecurity when faced with her gross incompetence in mathematics. Feminism today, rather than empowering women, simply encourages these types of insecurities, making women act like a bunch of victims. The same can be said about any leftists rhetoric on race.

>> No.8929216 [DELETED] 

This desu. The female to male ratio of nurses is way worse than engineering. I think it's like 98 to 1. Yet no initiatives to get more male nurses (we need them, many incompetent nurses), no male scholarships for nursing.

>> No.8929220
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>M is a metaphor.
>Stretched out s for funky sum.
why is this allowed?

>> No.8929222

Yeah. What other reason could there be, really? I guess I just get a bit naive at times because I expect even them to explain their reasoning, but these ideologues have none.

>> No.8929224

>black person robs and kills
>call them a dindu nigger
>black person submits a math thesis
>call them a dindu nigger

>> No.8929229


>> No.8929240

when it comes to research, she indeed dindu nuffin

>> No.8929251

I don't know how she got in the program to begin with, but my guess is her husband played a major role in her finishing her PhD. Her job at Hawaii stinks to high heaven of spousal hiring. But then, why the fucking articles and talking appearances? Why not just be happy with being a Temp? As long as hubby is in the department, her job is pretty secure. Because she wants more. Trust me, I know the type. The ones I encountered don't just want to pass the class, they want an A.

>> No.8929256

Do you have a PDF of the journal paper?

And if you already have a fields medal or are that established in your field, they will just accept your shit anywhere man

>> No.8929258


Kinda wanna see a whole math paper written like this.

>> No.8929261

she obviously has some mental problems to keep doing this to herself. Also you really have to wonder how happy their marriage can possibly be, even if he's the biggest cuck in the world.

>> No.8929265

Here's the arxiv version. https://arxiv.org/abs/1309.2025

Good news my friend. She wrote her whole thesis like this:

>> No.8929275

why is the guys name first? that implies he did the real work, unless the convention is different in math

>> No.8929277

yeah in math it's always alphabetical by last name. there's no "first author" etc

>> No.8929280

It is not uncommon for guys like this to be totally subservient to the first woman that actually paid any attention to them. If I were him, I would actually be worried that if she ever got a tenured position, he probably has outlived his usefulness.

>> No.8929292

People who defend her thesis: explain what exactly is graduate level about her work. I doubt any of you have even passed calculus in high school.

>> No.8929297

she is kinda right if you have no knowledge of a subject and you read it the whole thing is googble de goop and won't make sense and you will not enjoy it cos you don't understand it

>> No.8929299

Maybe, I can't imagine what it's like to be him. But obviously he doesn't actually listen to her bullshit, or else he would quit his job. Maybe she tells him she doesn't really mean it or whatever.

Actually if he's totally cucked maybe he consciously keeps his job merely as a way to support her because she's a woman of color. In all likelihood they couldn't support their family if he quit his job, even if she kept her current one.

>> No.8929303

record yourself asking her some easy, grad level math questions. post it on the internet. she's a disgrace to black and female mathematicians everywhere who did actual, good work in math

>> No.8929305
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Then why is she doing a phd in maths?

>> No.8929307

That's why people who don't know math should read a basic math book and not a Princeton PhD thesis about cutting edge research that is the culmination of years and years of a very talented person's work.

Also, implying her thesis wasn't gobbledy gook anyways

>> No.8929314

This is what will happen if you let in outsiders, they will challenge the norms because it isn't their norms. Reminds me of 50's Britain where wearing anything other than a grey suit was taboo until black immigrants showed up and didn't give a fuck with their brightly coloured African prints. I don't see why this is a bad thing. The core of it was publishable so it wasn't bullshit. If letting in minorities leads to less stuffy academic writing then I'm all for it.

>> No.8929315

>hey guys i don't rly know maths but i have studied french and im a black woman, can you admit me in your top-5 math department?

>> No.8929318

Her thesis is just a version of a paper she and her supervisor wrote in 'layman's terms'.

>> No.8929325

>Real Life, Single Lady of Arts in Oppression
grew human in own body
>gave birth to new human with own body
>created milk with own body to sustain new human
>survived pregnancy, labor, and infant care related misogyny

This is so incredibly cringeworthy

>> No.8929328

Oooh, you better believe that she has an answer ready if someone asks her why her husband does not quit his job. Probably along the lines that hubby got liberated when she did. Sort of a transitive property of liberation. You don't shit where you eat.

That is why she is very careful to address her comments to academia in general. She is not going to alienate 75% of her department.

>> No.8929331

The core of it was 12 pages worth of real mathematical content. I don't care so much about the style, I care about the fact that she added over 100 pages of padding to lengthen her thesis and obscure the fact that it should have been 12 pages long.

Most theses in math are three-four papers that you just mash into one thesis. It's not one 12 page paper

She can say "muh style" all she wants but the fact is her thesis didn't contain nearly as much original research as any respectable math thesis should.

>> No.8929340

How many pages is the average thesis? I'm sure I've seen /sci/ gush over "geniuses" who proved some new theorem on one page so idk why /sci/ is now saying short is bad.

>> No.8929343

This is so fucking crazy. Look at her response to Joshua's questions (in the comments). She brushes them off as being oppressive! She doesn't even answer them like a real math PhD graduate would. Holy fuck, Princeton, you fucked up. Never in my life have I encountered a minority who doesn't deserve their degree. This is the first time I've seen someone who actually passed grad school from PC bullshit.


>> No.8929344

>The black woman is oppressing the white male

>> No.8929348

the number of pages is irrelevant. to compete a fucking PhD thesis you need to publish at least 3 papers. she barely wrote one

>> No.8929361
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>mfw this bait took more effort to defend her than she put in to defend her own knowledge

>> No.8929362

My thesis was 90 pages. About 100 is common. There's no real length requirement but the general impression is that if it's super short it better be groundbreaking.

John Nash (beautiful mind guy) had a 26 page thesis, but he was John fucking Nash. He wasn't a bum who got into Princeton with no background in math, hated math, didn't want to talk about math, and never wrote another paper after his thesis. Nash's thesis was groundbreaking, shockingly short (which was allowed because of how good it was), and even if you want to compare the length, it was over twice as long as Piper's paper.

>> No.8929375


>> No.8929378

John Nash was a retarded white male. she is a black woman that faces daily oppression and microaggressions from dickheads like you. white boys literally enslaved and genocided whole races and act offended when a black person joins their nerd club

>> No.8929384
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>> No.8929387

how dare you assume my gender and race, I am a 12th generation trans racial native american, that means I'm far more oppressed than you are for being invisible to society. Hope you enjoy your cis gendered vagina you cisbastard

>> No.8929390
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>> No.8929400

Ok well maybe /sci/ has a point but all of you don't have to turn this into a race or gender thing. There are black female mathematicians out there who write non-weird theseses (thesii??)

>> No.8929403
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>> No.8929408

Anyone who thinks this is a race/gender thing is wrong, this is about this one person and all her SJW supporters who submitted a terrible thesis and who has never answered any high level math question from people who asked her.

She was the one who turned this into a race/gender thing by saying white men should step down from tenure positions. Other black/female mathematicians don't do this.

>> No.8929410

Well, not really. If there were enough potential Black female mathematicians, they wouldn't be forced to take this one, whose knowledge of math is clearly not worth a BA.


>> No.8929414

Considering the fact that her blog post (about how white men should all quit their jobs as professors) is the reason she's getting so much attention recently, it's kind of hard not to make it a race or gender thing.

It also makes it hard to ignore the likelihood that she only got a phd because of her race and gender.

>> No.8929415

>Anyone who thinks this is a race/gender thing is wrong
do you honestly believe that a white woman or an indian man would be able to get into Princeton with her qualifications?

>> No.8929418

Plus she's a terrible role model for younger black and/or female mathematicians. Affirmitive action has the argument that minorities should get into high level positions to inspire others and change the system. She's changing the system in a terrible way by not knowing any actual math, only parroting a single 12 page paper she 'co-wrote'. She's a plague for minority groups.

>> No.8929419

I worded it too broadly. The poster I was quoted was saying that /sci/ was hating on female black mathematicians, I meant to say that this is about hating on them, it's just about this one person using her status as one to fuck everything up

>> No.8929422

*not about hating them
*the poster that I quoted

>> No.8929423

That's a really good example that shows how horrible she is at explaining things.

She really has no natural teaching ability whatsoever. And yet, she's on the faculty of a university, assumedly teaching classes. How horrifying.

It's like all she can do is just recite the notation that's used, without conveying what any of it really means, or how to think about it, or how it can be a useful tool to solve problems.

Contrast that to this guy, who is a master at talking about what the underlying meaning is:


>> No.8929426
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>> No.8929427
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>> No.8929433

Then why Princeton recruited this black woman and not a
>black female mathematicians out there who write non-weird theseses

After all, Princeton is not a shitty university, it can get the best out of the BA students across America and elsewhere

>> No.8929442

>who has never answered any high level math question from people who asked her.

My god, is that really true? I thought all PhDs (at respected institutions like Princeton) were required to do an oral dissertation defense, where several members of the department ask them questions. If she couldn't answer any of their questions, then that means that SJWism has infected academia so badly that multiple members of Princeton's math department put their own reputations in serious jeopardy by "approving" a candidate who couldn't answer a single question. That shows the tremendous, horrible pressure that they're now under. And the fact that they haven't gone public with the pressures they faced shows how fearful they are of their jobs -- and that EVEN WITH TENURE (which supposedly means that can't be fired) they now fear for their jobs if they don't rubber-stamp someone who can't answer any questions during their dissertation defense.

Holy shit, what a clusterfucked mess. Those poor fuckers.

>> No.8929451

I mean, did you ever see Terence Tao's quals? He didn't do too great of a job but was still put forward. Princeton's main hoop to jump through is getting in.

>> No.8929463

I'm not looking at this situation with the primary goal of shaming Princeton for graduating her (although that's a noble goal).

Maybe for all Princeton knew, she really contributed to her paper and wrote a reasonable thesis (usually nobody reads the thesis, not even the committee).

But even if we forgive Princeton, she still fucking exists and has a job, and a blog on the AMS website. We can't change the past, and Princeton can't revoke her degree. I'm more concerned with her ongoing employment and "political activities".

>> No.8929478

I appreciate this genre of humor.

>> No.8929484

I wonder how many laypeople read this and now understand integration

>> No.8929486

"Real Life, Single Lady of Arts in Oppression
grew human in own body
gave birth to new human with own body
created milk with own body to sustain new human
survived pregnancy, labor, and infant care related misogyny"

why is she talking like a fucking robot?

>> No.8929493

> The funkiness comes in when you try to add up infinitely many values (more than that, really)

Really? "More than" infinitely many values? Seriously? "More than that"????

What does she mean by "more than that"? For example, is she alluding to the idea that infinity plus 1 is somehow "more than" infinity, or something like that?

Or is she actually talking about the Cantorian transfinite cardinalities (aleph0, aleph1, etc.), and the fact that aleph2 is provably greater than aleph1? Is that what she means by something that is "more than" infinity? Is she seriously suggesting that the cardinality of the continuum is somehow being exceeded while taking a simple integral?

Or, maybe -- just maybe -- does she not even know what the fuck she's talking about?

>> No.8929497

>professor Piper Harron

>> No.8929501

anon, we don't write like that to be stuffy. you are misunderstanding the point of the conventional mathematical writing style.

>> No.8929502

nice assburgers

>> No.8929507

They aren't suffering any pressure, this happened like a year ago. Academia is a fucking joke, every idiot has a PhD nowadays.

>> No.8929508

> Chicken got me like
I lost it right there.

>> No.8929598

>Did /sci/ see this woman yet?
Yeah, it's old news, we saw it last year when a couple science magazines talked about it. Where did you learn about her?

>> No.8929650

how could one fail to understand integration before this

>> No.8929655

7 years of graduate school down the drain!!

>> No.8929672

>Where did you learn about her?
i have really struggled with whether and how to respond to this. The execution of this message was very nice and respectful, and I genuinely appreciate that. The premise, however, is problematic. Maybe not inherently, but within the context of the sexist society we live in. Men are allowed, and often feel compelled, to think out loud at women, to share unsolicited not necessarily informed thoughts at women. (And usually these men, unlike you, don’t even seem to recognize that their thoughts may not be useful.) Women on the other hand aren’t allowed to be as open. So, if you want to not just be respectful, but actually be anti-oppression, it is better (IMO) not to respond to a woman’s work with the types of thoughts that other men pawn off as insights, if you know what i mean. again, i appreciate your honesty, but i feel obligated to point these things out.

>> No.8929679

is this a meme now?

>> No.8929682


how thin are the rectangles?


>> No.8929683


she doesn't understand it either. she flatly admits it. she also flatly admits that this paper is just a fluffed up version of a 12 page paper she was a co-author of in the introduction.

it is a disgrace to Princeton.

>> No.8929685


the absurdity of this actually made me chuckle quietly to myself.

>> No.8929745
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Well she got a job

>> No.8929749

Spousal hiring. Depend on it

>> No.8929772

hello jew

>> No.8929781

Should I just kill myself tonight? Is there any point anymore?

>> No.8929787

which sucks, because even if this is old news, it's been buried, and someone like her has been able to infect academia without punishment. It's so obvious that this will do much more harm than good for minority mathematicians. Hopefully she gains no more supporters and people can see through her bullshit

I just want her to give decent responses to questions she's been asked. I don't care if she does it in a mature way or inserts SJW rhetoric. Just give SOME sort of response that shows you know what you're talking about and you're not just parroting stuff you've memorized. She has to prove she knows what she's talking about!

>> No.8929791

Know that she has little power over things. Math is still full of stuffy, conservative assholes who don't take idiots lightly. Americans may have been pushed over but those cold ass Russians sure won't be. There's absolutely no way she'll get past them if her influence spreads further in the math world.

>> No.8929796

it means that she hasn't answered questions in the video or in the blog post sufficiently enough. we don't know what happened in her oral defense obviously. But her approach to avoid questions is shameful of someone with a math PhD, especially since those weren't even hard questions

>> No.8929802

Yeah, imagine if a bunch of people in the Mathematical Community of Hungary or Iran read this.

>> No.8929909
File: 494 KB, 863x621, dont_beg_the_NIH_for_funding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

senpai just get a postdoc with the 5+ publications from you grad school years. While at that postdoc, and the two that follow, publish in high impact journals, so you can work at a junior/community college for less than a 7-11 cashier.

>> No.8929919

Use your intelligence to live without paying taxes.

>> No.8929949

>no way she'll get past them if her influence spreads further in the math world
tell that to the tenure committee made up of people from different departments that have fuck all to do with real science
>strong black independent women
>Tenure approved

>> No.8929950

Why is it always a Quadroon?

>> No.8929952
File: 650 KB, 598x444, eurobeat intensifies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so sick of this retarded progressive left bullshit infecting academia. I used to naively think academics were people with pure scientific goals, but it's all politics, just like everything else. Most researchers are a bunch of fucking hacks. REEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.8929954

Fuck you, Dude. That book is fucking amazing, nothing like this shitty, forced, poorly written thesis.

>> No.8929965

From what I understand, her idea of "oppressive atmosphere", are mathematicians talking in mathematical terms in general conversation. Since she doesn't understand math, and has a victim complex, she believes they're doing it just to spite her.

>> No.8929966

It's not like she's the first person on earth to think that academics use retarded jargon just to keep out normies. But she's probably the first person to have a husband working under a top ten mathematicians while getting a PhD under a Fields medalist to say so.

Which is really saying something.

About her.

>> No.8929972

Is it saying that she's nothing but a hack fraud who only got a PhD from Princeton because of gibsmedats?

>> No.8929976
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>I'm so sick of this retarded progressive left bullshit infecting academia.
Join the club
>I used to naively think academics were people with pure scientific goals, but it's all politics, just like everything else.
Most are but politics come up, especially with grant writing.
>Most researchers are a bunch of fucking hacks.
Some but not all. You have to understand the unfortunate state of "publish or perish."

Also, consider how popular culture is fucking things up.

>he/she/Xi/Xir/attack helicopter/BRRRRAAAAAAPPPPP said something I don't like/agree with
>go to social media and fuck the dean's inbox up
>twatter mob FTW
This is why some academics have been more reserved about expressing controversial views. For example, consider "A defense of transracialism" and the shit storm that article has caused. Seriously senpai, look it up.

>> No.8929977

Probably not a fraud in the sense that she doesn't understand ANYTHING about this, but a fraud in the sense that her efforts were likely not up to PhD level at an elite university.

I mean look at Anita's Master's thesis. It's basically no better, but you have already yielded your expectations for other degrees. Unfortunately you can't just isolate mathematics from gender studies, once you allow it. The entire degree pool is tainted, which is the point. r-strategists can't compete, but they can destroy institutions which foster competition. Once they got into sociology, it was already over, you just thought there was a chance because the body wasn't flyblown, but it was already dead.

>> No.8930260

>It's basically daring someone to say something

and all we see is a bunch of nerds on 4chan whining about it like the little bitches they are, heh

>> No.8930321

I believe she's probably been told she sucks in person before. That's probably part of why she's so mad

>> No.8930327

She looks like the product of second generation Affirmative Action. She's probably been brought up by her parents in the belief that she is owed everything she wants, and anyone who denies her wishes is a racist, misogynistic hater. And she has seen it work since childhood. In this sense, she is impervious to any outside comment or criticism.

>> No.8930378

Maybe in burgerlandia. Try to submit this as your thesis in france or russia and you'll get laughed out of uni. There are still places with academic standards you know.

>> No.8930382

>survived external and internalized misogyny
>survived external and internalized racism
>survived pervasive and internalized cult of genius mythology
>grew human in own body
>Denied Awards and Recognition

wew lad

>> No.8930385

She would literally be the king of shitposters on this board.

>> No.8930387

Last thread about this you wrote an essay about how people criticizing her are just larping brainlets.
Thanks for cementing further that you have nothing to say besides your forced meme word that literally nobody else is EVER going to use.

>> No.8930393
File: 52 KB, 500x700, Step up nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not smart and don't know much about math, can any math people her tell me if shes talking out of her ass in her thesis?
tl;dr: I'm a retard but I'm trying to validate my opinions on someone who has a PhD. in mathematics so that I can draw generalizations about a group I know little or nothing about.

kek yourself b4 you rek yourself

>> No.8930395

Please sir, stop arguing with autistic children on this uzbeki yak-milking forum. Thank you

>> No.8930439

Why did I read this in Walken's voice?

>> No.8930448

For how long have you been defending pseuds, you absolute disgrace?

>> No.8930463

Oh geeze, another one. Please understand that not everything is motivated by race you imbecile

>> No.8930593

that wasn't me you fucking retard, the only reason you think it was me is because I said "piggot". I believe Piper is a fraud. I just like to say "piggot" because it's cool, and it's a portmanteau of "pig" and "faggot" meaning "pig-faggot".

>> No.8930617

At first I was turned off by her work. Then as I read more I thought she was absolutely brilliant. She could out shitpost any of us on this board.

>> No.8930927

>I just like to say "piggot" because it's cool
get a load of this guy

>> No.8930943

shes not a fraud, just a woman

>> No.8931062
File: 79 KB, 558x880, JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did she just laysplain at me?

>> No.8931067

gg no re from now on say whatever you like
we'll give you some sort right to speak freely
I know it's never been done before but bear with me

>> No.8931071

>shes not a fraud, just a nigger

FTFY. No white woman could get away with shit like this, yet we have this coon, that nigger who wrote BLACK LIVES MATTER a thousand times and got accepted to Harvard, and that other coon who submitted a rap song for his thesis and graduated cum laude.

>> No.8931080

>that nigger who wrote BLACK LIVES MATTER a thousand times and got accepted to Harvard
It was an Indian kid who got into Stanford.

>> No.8931083


Only because the admissions committee thought he was a nigger. Liberals are racist as fuck, they couldn't imagine a non-nigger using a nigger activism slogan.

>> No.8931089

$Y=\lambda f.\ (\lambda x.\ f(xx))(\lambda x.\ f(xx))$

>> No.8931091

[eqn]Y=\lambda f.\ (\lambda x.\ f(xx))(\lambda x.\ f(xx))[/eqn]

>> No.8931112
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>d variable
>picture or word problem
>super duper

i rest my case

>> No.8931117
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>A fields medalist actually read this thesis and thought it was OK
no that's what he was pressured to say by the militant left, otherwise it would be off to the gallows, professionally, and personally, as militarised internet trolls would hunt him down and try to ruin his life

>> No.8931131

I think it's more likely her advisor Bhargava is himself super liberal and really wanted to be able to say this SJW was his student.

He didn't have to take her as a student. He wasn't the only option. I doubt the department singled him out and told him he had to take her. I think he wanted to. He had to know what he was doing.

>> No.8931136

"yeah so like, you can use this thang called the computa to get on the black twitter, which is - wait for it - a part of this BIGGER thing called the INTERNET! yeah got lots of hoes on black twitter, why would someone who's not black be interested in the internet? well, i'm pretty weird because i'm more obsessed with injecting my identity into my phd thesis than getting something respectable done with it sooooo....

>> No.8931159


>sometimes failure is the same as leadership

Sounds like our president.

>> No.8931172


There is a long-standing, serious, and real push to recruit politically active minorities in PhD programs.

It's part of why qualifying exams were originally done away with.

>> No.8931179

i didn't even realize she was black. don't you think this would still get attention here if it was a white male? we call out jacob barnett daily on his bullshit too.
you really need to stop giving people free passes based on their race/gender.

>> No.8931267
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>> No.8931285

two sides of the same coin

>> No.8931298

These people might avoid attention, except they actively seek it out.

Jacob Barnett's mom went to the media telling them all about her genius son. If she hadn't, then he would have stayed just another autistic kid.

Piper Harron went out and got attention by posting this blog about how white men should quit our jobs. The attention she's getting is inextricably linked to the fact that she's a black woman, because that's how she chose to go out and get attention.

If she had gotten attention a different way then we'd still be talking about how she's a fraud.

>> No.8931335

I just sat through her talk, she's currently taking questions. Surprisingly the only thing about math in her talk was about how she was bad at it. The entire thing was just the usual leftist bullshit and how much of a victim of discrimination she is. I guess I was optimistic to think it would involve actual math.

>> No.8931337

you gotta ask yourself though: would a white man ever get a Math PhD title writing that thesis? Maybe if he was friends with the director of the school or some other corrupt nepotist shenanigans, otherwise the answer is no.

>> No.8931338

Kek an old math faculty dude got the fuck out the moment she started taking questions

>> No.8931341

ask why is she bad at math
will she blame the patriarchy

>> No.8931343

Too late, it's over now and I'm too much of a coward to ask anything like that. There's even a cop in the room.

>> No.8931347


>> No.8931350

the cop would arrest you if you hurt her feelings

>> No.8931379
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>> No.8931380

lol that guy is a fag

>> No.8931436

Did you at least record that shit so we can meme the fuck out of it?

>> No.8931445

Surprised they didn't have Stalin's "applause buzzer" to let the SJWs know when it's safe to stop applauding such a brave crusader:

>> No.8931446

Did anyone even look at her PhD thing? What the fuck is the "weedscape" section about?

>> No.8931463
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The funky summation of smoking a blunt.

>> No.8931483
File: 33 KB, 954x116, holy fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read pic. What the fuck is this shit???

>> No.8931488

>What the fuck is this shit???
PhD from Princeton level research, apparently.

>> No.8931491

>math is the sort of thing that makes me feel like the interpretation button in my brain is broken

>> No.8931493


>> No.8931501

Because their agenda will fall apart if they acknowledge that women are inherently worse at Math and logic.

>> No.8931504
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>> No.8931657

She litterally wrote :
"Oh, I guess I should tell you math papers generally don’t have what you or I might call a
“conclusion.” They just sort of stop"
At the end.
I mean, what is the last time you read a paper which just ends with "well, this is over now", no summary, no discussion of future problems / research directions ?

>> No.8931671
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>> No.8931685


The race/gender component of this story doesn't necessarily have to be about putting down her race or gender, but rather highlighting the fact that we are facing the ultimate conclusion of a PC culture gone mad on college campuses

You don't have to go waving your hands about everything that may appear racially threatening, at some point you can defend academic integrity first

I don't think there is a universe where a white male would be afforded this kind of leeway

>> No.8931744

I have the recording on my phone. Suggestions on how to post it? It's just an hour long audio file and I don't want to use YouTube with my account since I wasn't supposed to be recording.

>> No.8931755


>> No.8931786

Please post. Did her 'I'm bad at math' spiel' have any good points? Did she say anything thoughtful about how math pedagogy could be improved? Did she explain how math mathematics currently pushes out who ever she thinks it does and back up her claim with an argument that had substance? Or was it just vague arguments against some perceived male/white/cis hegemony

>> No.8931798

Just make a sock-puppet youtube account

>> No.8931811


This interview is insane. I'm surprised the interviewer didn't push her harder on some issues.

>> No.8931825

I'm not surprised. The left is just one big circle jerk out of which you'll be kicked if you dare question anybody's feefees.

>> No.8931838

I guess so. I don't care too much for the left or the right but I cannot stand intellectual dishonesty and blatant idiocy. Apologies to Ms. Harron's feels.

>> No.8931839

>and the dvariable doesn't really do much more than name the variable

>> No.8931846

I don't really know how true this really is, but I've often found that women love to be the victim.

>> No.8931851

>M is a metaphor
What is this supposed to mean?

>> No.8931852

Holy cow, post it.

>> No.8931861

Compress it and see if it's lower than 75 mib, if so, use pomf.cat

>> No.8931896

Tell us as soon as you upload it. It's likely that jewtube will take it down almost immediatly

>> No.8931914

Because of... the pauses

>> No.8931920

>using limits to determine area under a curve
damn nigga just use the fundamental theorem of calculus n shiiet aint nunbuddy gots time fo dat limit when n->infinity booshiet n shiet u feel me

>> No.8931921

Can't do PhD level math at an ivy level university? Must be racism.

>> No.8931929

>tfw sums are not funky

anybody else suffering from uptight and stiff sums?

>> No.8931932

lmao so basically:
>My goal here is to write this shit out for the lowest common denominator

>> No.8931943

Well let's look at the silver lining here guys, now we can all say that we know more math than a math PhD

>> No.8931980
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>I think Princeton accepted me because they thought I might be a genius
She admits that she isn't all that smart herself, how could she even come to this conclusion?

>> No.8931983

Alright guys, sorry it took so long, I was at the gym getting /fit/. Here is the link to the soundcloud.
Something to note is that she literally was just reading straight from a script the entire time as if it's the first time she's seen the speech. Several times during talk she lost her place in her stack of papers and just decided to skip entire parts of the talk.

>> No.8931994

Without cheats like this, organisations like "association for women in maths" would have no reason to exist. Someones paycheck depends on this sheboons charade

>> No.8931996

Oh, God. I don't like using the word 'cringe', but holy living fuck that was cringe.

>> No.8931997

Are you going to tell the aadministration about how unprofessional it was and that they should do some screening before letting anyone come to talk

>> No.8932000

I like to think I'm not racist or sexist but I have zero interest in reading the article due to the picture.

>> No.8932063

Felt bad for laughing at this

She sounds like a cunt, but at least she knows her maths. She studied at Pricetown, after all.

>> No.8932064


>> No.8932073

Yeah, I've taken a look at her thesis and it's... weird. Maybe she's trying to make her work more accessible ? Maybe stern formalism is a tool of the whiteriarchy ? I don't know.

Also, I'm a white gay man. Will Pricetown hand me over a phD too ?

>> No.8932091

>[Editor’s note: The author throws in many phrases that seem to indicate uncertainty; please know that this
does not represent mathematical uncertainty, but is meant to relay the following to student readers: 1) you are not expected to understand every word as you read it, 2) you can successfully use math before you’ve
successfully understood it, and 3) it has to be okay to be honest about your understanding. The author
refused to sacrifice these messages or what she called her “integrity” for the sake of what we saw as very
important mathematical credibility.]
God damm it

>> No.8932099
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>you can successfully use math before you’ve successfully understood it

>> No.8932176

That's what engineers do

>> No.8932183

So we can all agree that engineers are overqualified for a Princeton Maths PhD?

>> No.8932188


>white man

bad news for you kiddo

>> No.8932193

she has a psychological condition characterised by arrogance

>> No.8932195

oh i get it, it's a PhD thesis about what math is for people who've never taken a first semester undergraduate course in math

>> No.8932198

What's that from

>> No.8932200

is a rotating disc a linear transformation?

>> No.8932203

dude that's general knowledge of all likers of math

>> No.8932207
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>they will challenge the norms because it isn't their norms

>> No.8932211

no, the best shitposting has subtly

t. aussie

>> No.8932217 [DELETED] 



>> No.8932218

that was retarded

>> No.8932221

Her thesis, end of part 1.
The thing itself appears serious, and, strangely enough, well-structured (each chapter is about one part of the big theorem she's trying to prove). It's just that doesn't use the usual autism and uses her own brand instead.

I don't know enough about number theory to see if it's serious or not.

>> No.8932222

i turned it off when she said "i am a revolutionary" as if that's a good thing

>> No.8932260


>> No.8932270


This is one of the longest and more intricate cons I've ever seen in the academic field from an individual with no discernible talent.

Hats off, ShaNiqua

>> No.8932346

>she isn't all that smart herself
Perhaps that. Still, I'd love to know what her statement of purpose said and what her application was like.

>> No.8932349


>> No.8932399

>I'm surprised the interviewer didn't push her harder on some issues.
>surprised the media didn't counter its own narrative
You have to be 18+ to post here, even on blue boards.

>> No.8932404

I've known some high school kids that are now overqualified based on the Harron measure.

>How do you know it's a Harron subset?
It's dense in the reals

>> No.8932405

>Sounds like our president.
sounds like any leader of anything ever.

>> No.8932449

How is math racist when black people invented it?

>> No.8932454

Euclid was greek...

>> No.8932458

Euclid stole that knowledge from the Kangz. Learn your goddamn history.

>> No.8932464

Oh sorry, DATS RIGT.

>> No.8932468

Euclid didn't exist

>> No.8932473


>> No.8932541
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Has anyone noticed that she looks like clock boy?

>> No.8932544

There's scientists, then there's REAL scientists!

>> No.8932577


The problem is not quality, its quantity. Her entire thesis is one 12 page paper fluffed to 139 pages by using an unprofessional style. I have never, until now, heard of anyone getting a PhD based on a single paper.

>> No.8932707

And look at how fucking long it took her just to come up with that single paper, even with all the help in the world from a Fields medalist, ghostwriting, plagiarism, you name it. She idled at Princeton for like a decade doing nothing.

Must be nice. Some say women have life on "easy mode" - well, better invent "piper mode" as the English language doesn't have a strong enough term for the shit she pulled off.

>> No.8932723

if you read the interview linked about her description of that 1 paper makes it pretty obvious that the advisor did the whole thing

>> No.8932754

Lol I am a chemist and that shit is trivial even to me

>> No.8932774

You realize what she's posted on her site isn't her actual thesis, right? She's purposely dumbed it down for the purpose of what I assume is to become the black math woman.

>> No.8932780
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>Euclid stole that knowledge from the Kangz. Learn your goddamn history.
Science says otherwise. Just this week we learned that the Greeks are the true KANGZ. So you need to learn your history Jamal!

>> No.8932831


>> No.8932855


ancient Egyptians were already doing trigonometry and they were obviously black

>> No.8932873

Except for the DNA evidence we have you're absolutely correct.

>> No.8932909



>> No.8933290

holy shit guys i just realized the 'supremum' ive been calculated is a white supremacist ideology embedded in math OMG Spread the Word!!!

>> No.8933349
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Okay, since this thread is still here I will leave you Anons something that really bugged me the last time that I saw one of her lectures yesterday.

I can overlook the fact that this woman is a product of social justice, and outwardly feminist and immediately presents a politicized aura around her, but the one thing that really grinds my gears on this person is her lack of professionalism.

When I read through her thesis, something that is always apparent to me is that while she may be some sort of competent in getting the message of her thesis through, I notice that she does not do so very formally.

Maybe it is because of the fact that she is a intersectional feminist, (((anti-racist))) "professor" of mathematics at the university of Hawaii of all places, but I notice that she is very unprofessional in her thought process, i.e. the method with which she conveys her ideas is either convoluted, detrimental to the focus of the paper, or outright inappropriate to include in a mathematics doctoral thesis.

Also, when I listen to her talks, she is NOT self assertive. She presents herself in a gentle light, and speaks in soft tones, which is expected of a woman but not of a supposed professor that is supposed to be giving a god damned lecture.

If you are giving a lecture you are supposed to be assertive, speaking directly to the audience in clear lashes of the tongue, moving and presenting with confidence which is something that evidently from the body language of this woman she was not prepared for, which is embarrassing for someone of her stature.

>> No.8933386

>outright inappropriate to include in a mathematics doctoral thesis
That's the fucking point - she wanted to write a thesis in her own special, original way.

>> No.8933389
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Frankly people like this woman need to be purged from STEM.

It is the reason why even my own tech teacher has begun using the acronym STEAM.

With STEAM, the cult of social justice attempts to inject the "Arts" into STEM, without realizing that "art" is already in STEM, but it is not the "art" that they know.

The "art" of STEM is the "art" of the mind, the "art" of perception, the capability of the human mind to witness to the world and strive to understand it not through emotions or philosophical drivel but by cold calculation and quantification.

The "art" of the Arts is the "art" of the heart, the "art" of feelings, a perception of subjectivity, not objectivity, laden in the emotional and not the factual.

What the cult of social justice aims to do with STEAM is to legitimize their doctrine of feelings, their delusions of oppression, not just to bring forth upon themselves a dynasty of power, but to enslave and exterminate reason out of a world where only they can exist.

Do not take this woman as a fool, do not look at her as you would look an impressive monkey, but rather look at her as an agent of the evil that threatens to undermine decades of progress in the name of their ascension.

Folks like her need to be wiped out, swept clean, with their character assassinated, their image erased, their books burned and their graves unmarked and cared by none, with the only monument laden in their wake not to their greatness but to their sins.

>> No.8933392

>she wanted to write a thesis in her own special, original way

And that is the fucking point. Math is not a field where that is proper form. She instead should have gone for an Education PhD and try to make her thesis a reflection of her innovative ways of conveying math to the masses.

>> No.8933396
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>be born and raised in Brazil
>study my ass off because it's the only way out
>drop memengineering to become a pure mathematician
>study even more
>time to go for a masters or even a phd
>dream about doing this in a developed country
>see thread
>read thread
>mfw a fields medalist helped her with this

M-m-maybe Russia is the place for a monkey like me.

>> No.8933397

Real female mathematicians speak in the same autistic and mechanical way the males do. Good speakers are a bit less autistic but the subject is math so if it's fully neurotypical you're doing it wrong.

Also real female mathematicians are waaay too autistic and preoccupied with actual math to even think about gender issues in math, except once in a while

>> No.8933406

She'd fail at that too. If you tell a calculus student an Integral is a funky sum they're not going to know what you're talking about. Zero laymen read her thesis and understood it

>> No.8933420

>Real female mathematicians speak in the same autistic and mechanical way the males do



>> No.8933426

Her mathematical work is actually alright.
You can sperg out about the form, but the substance works.

She wanted it to be more accessible. Why not ? The proofs are here, it is structured, and she advises professors to read an abriged version. You should criticise her over the rest of her ideology, mainly her refusal/denial of meritocracy.

>> No.8933433

Success is not the point here. At least, as an Education thesis, she would have given it an appropriate shape.

If I play basketball with my hands, I can at least be considered a shitty basketball player. If I play it with my feet, I am not a basketball player at all. My hurt feelings notwithstanding.

>> No.8933443
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PhD is serious business. If I was one of the professors evaluating her presentation, I'd chuckle holding my sides, then I'd get up and leave in the middle of the presentation because God I don't deserve this.

I think it's noble for someone to explain the subject the best way possible, so the masses would get the intuition easier, but do this somewhere else goddamnit. Write a book, give lectures, go to TED or whatever, but the way this was written is pretty offensive in my point of view.

SJW's are going too far.

>> No.8933452

Her "style" is at least partially a ploy to turn 12 pages into 139

>> No.8933471


yes, and thats why we have 1 + 2 + 3 + 4.. = -1/12, because its more 'accessible'

and pseudo science weve seen all day, because they refuse to study statistics

>> No.8933480

>Math is not a field where that is proper form.
t. fedora tipping piggot

come back when you have a fields , silly nigger.

>> No.8933509


Sure thing Jamal. It's not like anybody in math has advanced society.

>> No.8933525

This, I'd rather read a dry rigorous text than some incoherent "sum of da rectanglez yo" type bullshit

>> No.8933536

>He didn't understand the post he replied to

>> No.8933540

What some people fail to realize is that rigorous terminology and dry explanations are there because of the need for univocal interpretation. Anyone that reads your text needs to understand precisely what you are trying to say, especially at high levels of complexity. Otherwise, it becomes literature.

>> No.8933723

Not him but…Agreed. What bothered me was in her Laysplanation she neglected to define what she meant by terms like field or degree. It's very duplicitous to complain that math edges people out because of rarified/esoteric language (a fair complaint) and then not clearly explain yourself.

>> No.8933736

what is a piggot?

>> No.8933752

It's a combinord.

>> No.8933754

>she was Manjul's first student
I guess he won't be taking another one any time soon after this shit show.

>> No.8933805

I hope your optimism is gone once the SJWs permeate to academia and destroy the last remnants of white high culture. I hope you are happy.

>> No.8933897

I imagine he was fresh to advising and thought she might have some interesting ideas or insight. His jaw must have hit the floor when he saw the crap she produced. She complained that Princeton's academic freedom was oppressive. I can just as easily see her saying that a program with too much structure is oppressive. It's not clear what her complaints are and she'll just accuse you of being male if you ask her to articulate.

>> No.8933907

it's a portmanteau of "pig" and "faggot". It means "pig-faggot"

>> No.8933913

he probably just learned that it is very unwise to advise Oppressed Minorities or women. if I ever become a professor I will never advise a black or a woman. it is just too risky and there's no shortage of talented male students.

>> No.8933932

the advisor became the laughing stock of the department, right?

>> No.8933951

he has a fields medal so "no"

>> No.8933992

Are you joking. He's a Fields medalist.

>> No.8934096

He shouldn't be permitted to coast through such a monumental fuckup on that basis. Awards can lose authority if you go far enough off the rails. For example, the Nobel laureate Brian Josephson FRS (professor emeritus of physics at Cambridge, Josephson Effect named after him) believes in the supernatural, ESP, homeopathy, and fuck knows what else.

The scientific community does not automatically defer to Josephson because of his Nobel, as his quirky pseudo- beliefs modify things (not that he's necessarily wrong, but it's an example of authority in context of later behavior).

Fields medal or not, making a mockery of math like this deserves ridicule and he did enable her bizarre piece of performance art.

>> No.8934114

I don't really think Josephson is a parallel at all to this situation. On one hand, Harron enabled somebody wholly unqualified to waste space and academic resources, whereas Josephson simply believes in things you think are wacky while still being productive.

>> No.8934146

The point is that such credentials are not absolute, and the community that awards them can later revise the standing of an awardee if their later acts, for whatever reason, are problematic.

I'm actually a skeptic of the fedora-tier skeptics who automatically slam anyone like Josephson that "goes off the reservation" of established wisdom.

Anyway, I surely agree that the Fields medalist in question is, indeed, guilty of a greater sin than pseudoscience as what he's enabled is not even trying to find truth, but just make a fucking mockery of math instead.

>> No.8934181

Why is /sci/ whining about this one shitty thesis? A ton of shitty, poorly-written theses accepted every year. Obsessing over this one because it was published by a black woman is only supporting her argument.

>> No.8934199

That's what I've come to realize about math texts is that they're not written in an exciting and casual manner because everything needs to be defined precisely and clearly. Maybe biology or sociology books can afford to be less rigorous because rules and definitions aren't as much of a mainstay in those fields.

>> No.8934202

You obviously failed to read that actual material in question. This is not a "shitty thesis". This is a piece of work that was never in the game to even be considered a math thesis at a low-tier school in the first place (to say nothing of Princeton). "Not even wrong" is an expression which comes to mind.

The grade school level confused interjections scattered throughout don't help things one bit. There are mathematically literate blacks who could have did a respectable job, but the fact that such bullshit was chosen for Princeton speaks volumes.

The person in question is a horrible human being also - ungrateful, a walking cliché of SJW pastiche with a chip on her shoulder the size of Manhattan. Any desire to cut her a break for trying her best evaporates when this fucking entitlement rears its head.

>> No.8934260

I admit I only glanced over it----I can't stand how it's written either----but it seems that you've failed to grasp the purpose of the the thesis. There's a hint in the title: "The Equidistribution of Lattice Shapes of Rings of
Integers of Cubic, Quartic, and Quintic Number Fields: an Artist’s Rendering"

>> No.8934266

Also, as others have noted, her advisor seems to have done most (all?) of the work for her. When put on the spot, she has yet to demonstrate knowledge consonant with having a math PhD (see her evasion in a blog reply that was math specific, unconvincing rehearsed "lectures" videoed).

It's just an odd case all around.

>> No.8934350

>muh based black women!
>civic nationalism not ethnic nationalism, blacks trannies and minorities can do math too just like white americans. MAGA

Go back to the_donald faggot

>> No.8934493

1 + 2 + 3 + 4.. = -1/12 is not rigorous. Her work is rigorous.

>> No.8934500

>With STEAM, the cult of social justice attempts to inject the "Arts" into STEM, without realizing that "art" is already in STEM, but it is not the "art" that they know.
"We want all the reputation and respectability from the sciences but without having all the responsibility and precision of the sciences".

>> No.8934508

>You obviously failed to read that actual material in question. This is not a "shitty thesis". This is a piece of work that was never in the game to even be considered a math thesis at a low-tier school in the first place (to say nothing of Princeton). "Not even wrong" is an expression which comes to mind.
You forgot to say that this erupted not only because of all what you said. It was because, in top of that shit, she published a post in the AMS blog saying that all cis white math professors should resign from their jobs to "include more minorities" (like her).

>> No.8934810
File: 469 KB, 480x228, Obe0ooA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8935322
File: 25 KB, 679x185, Addendum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I can just ask that you please get out of my way"
Piper "you hate me because I'm black" Harron

>> No.8935356

>abriged version
meaning that 12 pages article written by that fields medal guy. so she admits that all the work she put in writting her thesis was adding comic strips, songs about oppressed minority wymin and trying to informally explain somebody else's works