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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8931097 No.8931097[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any legit scientists, preferably physisists, that believe in Flat Earth?

>> No.8931102

Literally none.

>> No.8931146

no, you can prove the earth is round with literally 5 buck experiments

>> No.8931185

Flat earth isn't even that good of a conspiracy theory.

Occums razor is the main killer on most theories, so they need some reason to ignore the razor or make their version the less ridiculous theory.

For example, the JFK assassination, after the reports about multiple gunmen, the death of the assassin in police custody, and JFKs rhetoric on anti bank, it's now debatable on the origins of the attack.

Flat earth is a joke in comparison.

Astrophysics needs to be faked
Nasa needs to be faked
International pilots and sailors needs to be faked
Satellites needs to be faked
Antennas needs to be faked
Military intelligence needs to be faked
Physics/modern science needs to be faked

So it's stupid how many people you need to watch/bribe. For the next logical question, why pay off and monitor close to millions of people to stop flat earth from leaking? What's to gain?

The main reasons is either just elitists being showy jerks or trying to discredit the bible, which observing the colors of goat offspring after they fuck infront of young birch trees or the lack of a ark style flood in the fossil record could also discredit.

So in short it's not just retarded from a science perspective, it's retarded from a conspiracy theorist perspective.

>> No.8931193

so you're telling me there's a chance

>> No.8931222
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>earth is flat

>> No.8931255

>What's to gain?

They never fucking answer this.

I just don't get how they sell this hot heap of bullshit to themselves.

They genuinely worry me for a plethora of reasons.

>> No.8931266

>Flat Earth
I find it amusing how flat earth retards assume that literally every academic institution on the planet has signed up to the same conspiracy, and that presumably every person who graduates and goes to work in one of the many fields that utilise the "fake" science then has to forget everything to learn the "real" science that makes things actually possible.
And not a single person has come out and revealed this?

>> No.8931269

What's to gain is that the people fanning the flat earth flames are government agents hoping to discredit conspiracy theories as a whole. I don't doubt that there are real flat earthers, but come on... what other explanation is there?

>> No.8931516

I thought the majority of it was LARPing.

>> No.8931520

its always paranoia

you cant prove these people wrong, and if you do you just become part of the scheme.

>> No.8931525

If earth is flat how come you can videocall someone in Australia and see it in real time that it was sunny there while it is night in the US?

>> No.8931542
File: 335 KB, 511x512, main-qimg-4bb95b0783f3aa2ebfac1c2ae7a0b1a7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the sun has the peculiar property of casting both a light and a shadow

>> No.8931546

elephants makes shadow from sun

>> No.8931549

Have you ever seen a lamp shade? It's like that, only half. Also the earth is stationary and the lamp shade rotates.

>> No.8931550

that's not how light works

>> No.8931551

it makes sense if flath earth is convex

>> No.8931556

If everyone accepted that we lived on a flat plane, and you came about saying the Earth was actually round, everyone would view you as nuts. We have all been indoctrinated into believing the Earth is a globe, we don't even trust our own senses anymore.

>> No.8931562

Chose one and only one

>> No.8931748

Why do flat earthers stick to their theory is no scientist agrees to back it up?

>> No.8931795

They say that they are hiding the fact that we are special cause everything revolves around us, that there is a creator and that we have a purpose.

What people never talk about is that this flat earth conspiracy is supported in a great amount by religious people, i would say 95% of them and the remaining 5% is your regular crazy conspiracy theory guy, so this thing is completely irrational from top to bottom.

>> No.8931806


>> No.8931820

youtube/social media has give every crackpot a platform to spread their bullshit. people like OP watch a 40min youtube rant about why the earth is flat then they become a "believer"

>> No.8931842

1) Trolls.
2) People who want to see if anyone really can prove a round Earth on their own (why tho).
3) Truly demented/paranoid people who believe this stuff and are scared.
4) Literal Bible interpreters who somehow believe the translations into English are true to the meaning of the physical descriptions of the geometry of the Earth, rather than metaphors for the vastness of territories. For them, accepting the real-world explanation is terrifying, as it means they will burn in Hell.

Mostly we see #1 here. They're pretty easy to spot - they regularly use insults to provoke responses. They're *trolls*.

>> No.8931848

Oh yeah - then we also have reverse trolls - the ones who antagonize flat-Earthers, and samefag reply with "defenses," starting off a flame war.

>> No.8931864

Maybe the flat earth conspiracy was started and continued on the internet by "the government", but the people you'll come across in real life who believe in this stuff are paranoid Bible thumper backwoods types. If those kinds of people are qualified to become government agents in a vast conspiracy, it means I've been living my whole life wrong and should just give up

>> No.8931978

It's not just the Bible that says the Earth is flat. The Quaran does too. So it's not just biblethumpers. Like every religious Muzzie believes it's flat.

>> No.8931988

How does the atmosphere stay on the disk instead of falling off the sides according to flat earth brainlets?

>> No.8932006

Theoria Apophasis

>> No.8932014


Your felt experience of Astrophysics, NASA, international pilots, satellites, antennas, Military intelligence, Physics/Science, etc. is almost null. Thinking they are "faked" is no more fanciful than thinking they are "real".

Also, you second question is nonsensical. Evidence of a flat Earth is just as plentiful as evidence of a round Earth in the marketplace of Information, as is evidence of a torus Earth or a hypercube Earth or whatever. You're attached to the round model because it's the only sanctioned one. Had the flat model been the only sanctioned model instead, empirical evidence of any curvature would be hand-waved away with the same empty numerobabble used to dismiss empirical evidence of flatness.

>> No.8932022

Although there are many, MANY, experiments that can be performed to disprove flat earth and maybe someone doesn't want to believe a particular experiment because they're a dipshit anyone, ANYONE who has taken and passed Calc III should know, understand, and comprehend that the earth is not flat.

I'm pretty sure just about every single scientist that could be considered an "authority" must take or have taken calc III at some point therefore it should be impossible for a scientist or engineer to seriously consider the earth to be anything other than spherical.

>> No.8932033

It's not calc3, it's about the sheer scale of the conspiracy required

Also, there's good old Coriolis force

>> No.8932038

>board called /sci/
>internet discourse morbidly obsessed with "fallacies"
>proudly posts an appeal to authority in and of itself

At least you're honest with yourself and acknowledge someone or something else dictates your thinking.

>> No.8932046


There's no conspiracy. Adepts of the flat model have just as much evidence as adepts of the round model. Flat Earth people agree with you in that this is too big to hide, that the Government's best efforts have failed, and that they have all the evidence they need.

>> No.8932047

There are experimental proofs the earth is round and spinning

Shoot a projectile from a cannon with an high enough angle and a good enough velocity. You'll see that the projectile does not follow a straight line.

This force is also, by the way, why one side (the one on the right) of train tracks worn out faster than the other.

>> No.8932050

Why does the governement sends people on a space station to take picture of the Earth though


>> No.8932052

The question is, why attempt to hide it at all?
Why chance to the heliocentric model?
Why have people found out about it just in the last hundred years and become so vocal about it?

>> No.8932055

still waiting for an answer from one of the flatards currently posting ITT

>> No.8932089


The Phenomenal World is a circus.

>> No.8932132

>Your felt experience Physics/Science is almost null

I work in physics research so this isn't true

>> No.8932472


>> No.8932478


Here. It stands to reason other vids of boats failing to fall below the horizon result from the boats being very tall and part of the boat actually having fallen below the horizon but it being unnoticeable because of the uniformity of the hull

>> No.8932490

>empirical evidence of flatness
you just reminded me of my ex

>> No.8932500

I don't understand the no curvature argument, if earth was flat you would still be able to see curvature of the circle in space.

>> No.8932520

I have a bunch of friends who work with things like cellular antennas and satellite systems. The cellular antenna guy is even working on a project to place antennas on mountains in order for the signals to broadcast from a higher point.

But I guess he's just an actor paid by the reptilians.

>> No.8932573

A lampshade or spot light sun would appear very different in the sky from what we actually see on a regular basis.

Also what mechanism could there be to keep the Sun circling in a path above a flat earth?

>> No.8932593

What are seasons?

>> No.8932702

Google 'mount rainier shadow' and you'll see that the pictures there are impossible to work on a flat disk.

Also, on a flat disk, with the Earth 25,000 miles in diameter and the Sun 3000 miles up, the Sun would never 'set', even if you were on one side of the Antarctic 'wall' and the sun was directly above the other side of the wall of the disk. Their math doesn't add up.

Sorry, for a flat Earth to work, you need to throw out the laws of physics, gravity, and half of all mathematics.

>> No.8932711

None of the flat earthers really believe it, they're just being contrarian for funzies and being a flat earther is the ultimate contrarianism.

>> No.8932729

Yes, genuinely you're a brainlet if you cannot grasp that our reality may indeed be a 3d projection on lower spatial dimensions

I.e the Earth may indeed technically be flat

Holographic Principle holds something noteworthy in my eyes

>> No.8932768

Pretty much this.
I can see how someone would have something to gain from killing the president or faking a terrorist attack or a moon landing. But what's to gain from hiding the shape of the earth? If you want to control people, wouldn't it be way easier to pretend to be a ruler chosen by god rather than making up a bunch of shit to deny god?

>> No.8932775

I think it all started out as a joke, people pretending to be retarded but eventually people who are actually retarded joined in and though they found a place to stay.
Just like /b/

>> No.8932825

your naivety about human stupidity is endearing

>> No.8932845

Convex =/= flat

>> No.8932852

They don't just go there to take pictures you fucking tard, it is a zero gravity research laboratory where they look at how we can prepare to move humans in space

>> No.8932883

I occasionally pretend to argue for flat earth just for (you)s and keks, and I tend to imagine I'm not the only one. The real idiots are the ones who attempt to argue with them other than to entertain themselves.

>> No.8932986

That's pretty close to the truth, as I recall a bunch of atheists ironically-shitposted about the flat earth to ridicule young-earth creationists and their complete denial of reality.

But then actual retards showed up and thought they were in good company.