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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8928433 No.8928433 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8928444

I love these threads

>> No.8928505

No, I will not let

>> No.8928511

If and only if

>> No.8928513


>> No.8928517


>> No.8928518

This completes the proof.

>> No.8928519

>[math]f\left( x \right)[/math] is a function

>> No.8928522

>[math] \mathfrak{Thenceforth} [/math]

>> No.8928532
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>> No.8928536

>Quod erat demonstrandum

>> No.8928537

>as required

>> No.8928538


>> No.8928540

>black square

>> No.8928543

more like
>[math] \square [/math]

>> No.8928561


>> No.8928566

There is literally nothing wrong with any of these.

>> No.8928585


>> No.8928588

the late Paul Sally, who taught in the math department at the University of Chicago for many years, literally signed his proofs with a little pirate face.

>> No.8928593



>> No.8928594

Assume I love these threads.
No, I will not let "if and only if"
>Now, do
Don't. This completes the proof.

f(x) is a function, thenceforth think.
Quod erat demonstrandum, as required.
Furthermore, black square, more like [math]\square[/math].

Hence, there is literally nothing wrong with any of these.
Notice the late Paul Sally, who taught in the math department at the University of Chicago for many years, literally signed his proofs with a little pirate face.

This is remarkably coherent so far.

>> No.8928605

justify these

>> No.8928612

Someone mail this to Wildburger

>> No.8928680
File: 15 KB, 480x534, ooh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking collective poetry

>> No.8928756

Next episode: /sci/ proves P = NP one sentence per post.

>> No.8928791


>> No.8928814


>> No.8928839


>> No.8928874


>> No.8928880


>> No.8928889
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>we can rewrite the above as
>which is true by (1) and (2)
>this implies
>which is a contradiction

>> No.8928904


>> No.8928926

>we see

>> No.8928943

>tfw can't write a proof without using half of these

>> No.8928959
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>it follows

>> No.8928964
File: 59 KB, 342x318, le rigour.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complain about rigor in this thread
>criticize a black woman for the lack thereof in another

Make up your god damn mind /sci/.

>> No.8929031

what's this thread got to do with rigour anon?

>> No.8929219

> [math]\forall[/math]

>> No.8929249

>[math] \Rightarrow [/math]

>> No.8929253

what are you, a rigor lover?

>> No.8929262

Narcissism ruined science

>> No.8929296
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>tfw all proofs in your language use "we", "let's" etc

>> No.8929306

Math was hard enough with just letters and numbers. But now they're adding upside down letters? Fuck that.

>> No.8929526

>criticize a black woman for trying to mix her ideology into mathematics.

>> No.8929573

>the reader

>> No.8930004
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>it is straightforward to check that the following diagram is commutative

>> No.8930008

>by naturality,

>> No.8930015


You should consider suicide instead you faggot math problem

>> No.8930034

>the obvious map

>> No.8930099
File: 71 KB, 584x438, well.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't about farming you dumb dumb

>> No.8930108

dP/dt=baNP - dP

>brainlet report

>> No.8930180

*flashbacks to proof class*
*initiating flight or fight response*

>> No.8930272

god damn it these

>> No.8930435

>or otherwise

>> No.8930442


>> No.8930449

holy fuck

>> No.8930687

>(check this!).

>> No.8930926


>> No.8930969

>tedious but straightforward

>> No.8930997

>":)" to mark a point in a proof.
>more exactly ...
>writing [math]\land,\lor,\exists, \forall,\Rightarrow[/math] during text instead of writing out the words
>obviously ...
>calculate, qed.

>> No.8931066
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>writing ∧,∨,∃,∀,⇒ during text instead of writing out the words
>tfw I like to do this, but my professors don't want it

>> No.8931074

Your professors are correct.

>> No.8931276

This one actually pisses me off too

>> No.8931278

was that necessary?

>> No.8931387

>writing mathematical text using mathematical notation
well that surely sucks

>> No.8931403

Anyone who doesn't use symbolic logic notation is a pleb. It's so crystal clear. I hate it when textbooks dance around it

>> No.8932095
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>As any non brainlet can plainly see,

>> No.8932135

>>tfw I like to do this, but my professors don't want it
My professor is actually doing it himself occasionally.
"That's why /exists...".

>> No.8932137

[math] \forall x \in X, \exists y \in X \ni x = y [/math]

>> No.8932179


>> No.8932206

fuck off cunt i dont want to think

>> No.8932209
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>> No.8932694


>> No.8932719


>> No.8932735

I do this because I get enjoyment out of writing cryptic symbols that plebs don't understand

>> No.8932882


>> No.8933025
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>> No.8933495
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>> No.8933496
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>> No.8933778

i thought it was
quite easily done

>> No.8933796
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i groan whenever i see these