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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8924382 No.8924382 [Reply] [Original]

Philosophy is a joke bruh

>> No.8925398

>Philosophy is a joke bruh

How does our species define truth?

>> No.8925415

With the scientific method you dope. Kek

>> No.8925456

no such thing, at least in an absolute way, so there is no need

>> No.8925463

Astronomy is a joke bruh

PS: you'll never get to time travel and see your dead father again, black "science" man

>> No.8926306

I wonder what kind of crack some of these guys smoke when they think they can just bridge the is-ought gap by just saying "well it's just objectively true"

>> No.8927540

It is though. Name a single thing it has done in the last 40 years.

>> No.8927552

Name a single thing mathematics has done in the last 40 years.

>> No.8927559

Allow you to act like a faggot online.

>> No.8927571

That would be CS

>> No.8927575

You need math for CS anon.
>That wouldn't be math, just physics!

>> No.8927577

Mathematicians trying to steal credit for everyone's while they work on useless problems.

>> No.8927643

Science needs math anon. CS can't exist without it.
>Implying I am a mathematician
>Implying you just aren't a retard

>> No.8927665

You misspelled CE

>> No.8927703

Analytical changed our understanding of knowledge through Gettier cases, had a profound impact on logic through works of Kripke, transformed the linguistic analysis through works of Putnam and Chomsky, massively helped develop new type theories and categorical logic. Continues to be of central importance in a lot of pure math research.

Continental helped us understand the underpinnings of modern world and provided tools to describe the deconstruction processes happening in pomo society as well us radical new outlooks on psychology, sociology and art theory through Heidegger, Lacan, Derrida, Foucault, Deleuze.

In short a lot of interesting things which continue to intrigue people who actually do something besides mindlessly shitposting on a forum for autistic teenagers.

>> No.8927706


>> No.8927719

Honestly conty shit is dumb. More poetry than philosophy.

>> No.8927723

Here's a (you). Maybe read something for a change sometimes.

>> No.8927729

People can dislike continental philosophy and have read some.

>> No.8927740

Not to any substantial amount, no. The whole analytical/continental rivalry is basically non-existant irl even though methodical dichotomy certainly persists. Both have their distinct domains and coexists peacefully with a lot of interdepartmental cross-pollinating. Memeing about either is only good for gathering (you)s on /lit/ by teenage edgelords and philosophy freshmen on their way to dropping out.

>> No.8927755

Think that if you like, but the divide is clear as day. It was much stronger than it is now, but that's only because continental philosophy has fallen out of favor in most academic contexts. Unless you study liberal arts or focus your research on continental philosophy, you won't be citing any papers from that side of the field. Anybody working in fields which do pool from philosophy, most notably cognitive science, will exclusively look at analytic philosophy. But nice ad hom with the edgelord stuff. You really showed me.

>> No.8927799

Continental hasn't fallen out of favor anywhere. The only places it's basically non-existant are USA and Scandinavia, where it was mostly absent in the first place. All the modern social sciences are tightly interweaved with and basically built on top of it.
>Anybody working in fields which do pool from philosophy, most notably cognitive science.
Well if you ignore nearly three dozen fields and think the only ones that 'draw from philosophy' are maths, CS and linguistics then sure.
>Unless you study liberal arts
Brilliant. "Unless you study something that is heavily to do with contphil you're not going to deal with contphil". Also, I'm not very well versed in that terminology, but I think you're using 'liberal arts' wrong, considering it also includes math and natural sciences.
>nice ad hom with the edgelord
Sorry, but you seem the type. I'm working in a major uni with both departments and interact with both on a near-weekly basis. All the memes regurgitated by Wikipedia surfers stopped being funny awhile ago.

>> No.8927804
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>I'm working in a major uni
>not in America

>> No.8927816


Those "useless problems" always turn out to be exactly what you computer scientists and physicists and other STEM folk need.

By the way, CS *is* math, a very specific subset of it.

>> No.8927820


>useless problems

Oh, how naive you are.

That's what was said about problems involving negative numbers. Then prime numbers. Then imaginary numbers. Then knot theory. Then complex analysis.

Educate yourself, fool.

>> No.8927826
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>surely 10 dimensional manifolds and IUTeich will be just as useful as complex numbers

>> No.8927834

That's not the extent of contemporary Pure Mathematics and you better hope that they will be, we're not advancing very far if esoteric and convoluted shit isn't the the the norm for Applied Mathematics.

>> No.8927852
File: 29 KB, 660x574, pepepepepepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're not advancing very far if
>isn't the the the norm for