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File: 1.12 MB, 2736x929, Venus_Earth_and_Mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8921469 No.8921469 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that Venus Earth and Mars are all warming at a similar rate?

>> No.8921484

where the FUCK did you get that?

>> No.8921485
File: 140 KB, 500x486, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>global warming hoax
score one point

>> No.8921486

That isn't an answer

>> No.8921505

How scientific

>> No.8921515
File: 1.65 MB, 376x200, 200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you knew what I know you'd think it was retarded too.

>> No.8921519

I just want to know if this came from your own head or if you read it somewhere

>> No.8921585

I read it on national geographic and a few other places awhile ago

>> No.8921592

Source of gtfo.

>> No.8921598

I still haven't gotten an answer to my question though... All I've gotten are memes and shit throwing, why the hostility?

>> No.8921700
File: 1.58 MB, 516x283, 1486348165430.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I will bite.
Venus is a tad smaller than Earth, it's 1/3 closer to the sun and her atmosphere is a goddamn hell, with 90 earth's atmospheres of pressure and ~500°C on the surface, also her day lasts something like 243 earth days. Mars is half the size of the Earth, it's more than 1/3 further from the sun than the Earth and it doesn't have an atmosphere worth talking about, with temperatures ranging from -160°C to 20°C on a good day, which BTW lasts about 40 minutes longer than ours.
Neither of these two has majority of the surface covered in water and life, Venus is upside down, while Mars has 25° tilt to earth's 23° and seasons like Earth, except no chicks, bunnies and fallen leaves.

Now tell me if it's reasonable to say these three could be "warming up at similar rates"

>> No.8921721

That is a very long-winded way to say "I don't know."

It would be interesting to know whether and to what extent they are warming --might help to understand whether and to what extent solar changes are contributing to warming trends.

Not OP, but I recall reading a few years back that there was evidence of a warming trend on Mars; I had never seen anything mentioning Venus.

I have no source for that, I am not claiming it is true -- like OP, I am interested in hearing from anybody who DOES know something about it.

>> No.8921733

>That is a very long-winded way to say "I don't know."
you are a fucking idiot who just made me waste my fucking time trying to tell you there is no way in satan's fiery dickhole they warm up at the same rate

>> No.8921743

Is it possible that aliens are warming up all 3 planets with their ray beams?

I'm not saying they are, but I'm very interested in knowing. It would contribute to our understanding of ayy lmao weaponry.

>> No.8921768

So you don't know then

>> No.8921772

Only the Earth is the one warming up and that's entirely because of industrialization and human pollution.

Give few decades and we'll catch up to Venus.

All thanks to dumbos who not only don't understand science, but actively oppose it because the local pastor tells them climate change is satanic lie and they'll burn in hell if they believe it.

Kind of ironic you know, Venus, Hell, yeah.

Humanity deserves it for being so simple minded.

>> No.8921776

Because you haven't presented a source.

>> No.8921800
File: 130 KB, 441x640, goat castle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody here even has the grace to fucking google. Good job.

>> No.8921892

>ask a question

I asked for a reason...

>> No.8922058
File: 40 KB, 400x316, prove it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8922827


A simple google search will yield you answer
>Recent comparisons of global snap-shots of Mars' surface taken by the Viking and Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) cameras have been used to suggest that Mars has darkened, and hence has warmed, between the 1970's and 1990's. While this conclusion is not supported by more quantitative analysis of albedo data, the idea of Martian darkening and warming has found its way into the terrestrial climate change debate. Through blogs and other opinion pieces it has been used, both amusingly and disturbingly, to argue that Mars' apparent natural warming should alleviate our concerns about anthropomorphic climate change on Earth. Relating planetary research results to terrestrial analogs is instructive and promotes public understanding, but this example provides a cautionary tale of misinterpretation in this age of politicized science. The dust cycle is the dominant short-term component of the Martian climate. The atmosphere is strongly forced via dust's modification of atmospheric radiative heating rates


> Overall, the major story that albedo has to tell is one of major dust storms and recovery from them - not of secular changes - and that the changes are mostly cyclic such that surfaces tend to return to their pre-storm albedos. We speculate that this system of fine balances is dynamically controlled, such that interannual occurrence of dust storms and the partial dust coating of the surface should be robust against the expected large changes of orbital parameters throughout Martian geological history.

>> No.8922840

>Global Warming is an Illuminati hoax to cover up the extraterrestrial microwave weapon attack on the planet.
Aliens are going to cook us alive and the globalist elites are just going to let it happen.

>> No.8922846


>> No.8922851

You don't know then

>> No.8922890

It's wrong.
We got way more data on Earth. But as far as we know average temperature on all planets in our solar system did not change much recently. With one exception, Earth.

>> No.8922906

This right xD

>> No.8924776

>scaling Mars to have the same diameter as Earth and Venus

why do this

>> No.8924897
File: 47 KB, 693x475, 20k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of this alarmist

>> No.8924920

There are some issues with your graph buddy:

1. Central Greenland is not the globe
2. The ice core your graph is made from, GISP2, does not show temperature past 1855 (the y axis is false)
3. Present global warming started after 1855

>> No.8924966


>> No.8925424

>being this buttmad
next time dont try to answer a question you dont know the answer to

>> No.8925500


>> No.8925981

that's not me but I'm going to go right ahead and tell you fucking kill yourself too

>> No.8926924

answer the question with at least some kind of ellaboration or kindly fuck off back to /b/

>> No.8927008

>Is it true

>> No.8927063

>not supported by more quantitative analysis of albedo data
thank Mr.Simple Google