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8917549 No.8917549[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

if it is show me some definitive proof...
It's been over a 100 years and no new species have evolved, what gives?
You don't just go from a dinosaur to a bird...

>> No.8917604
File: 140 KB, 500x486, 1.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>evolution is fake

>> No.8917620
File: 92 KB, 468x563, IMG_2760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pop-science is a modern day religion to many young people
>man made global warming is highly suspect, see data manipulation
>college can be stupid and a waste of time, depends what you're doing there
Evolution is real but your picture is also retarded

>> No.8917625
File: 3.68 MB, 5760x3840, IMG_3257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also you showed zero proof, which is what OP was asking for

>> No.8917666

>It's been over a 100 years and no new species have evolved, what gives?You don't just go from a dinosaur to a bird...

its been 65,000,000 years since the extinction event that nearly wiped out the dinosaurs and you are convinced evolution is fake because you haven't seen a species change enough for you to notice in the last 100 years?

that's the problem with people, they expect to be able to physically walk outside their home and watch a species evolve in front of their eyes.

If you had the slightest conception of what geological time scales are like and the rate of actual speciation then you wouldn't be convinced evolution is fake.

you want evidence? its out there for you to read about. I'm not spoon feeding you answers just to have you kick back at me with your theist cosmological propaganda.

you're also retarded

>> No.8917669

dont even have to try and out brainlets these days. They juet out themselves as being morons.

>> No.8917684

Weak ass b8.

>> No.8917761

On the incredibly unlikely chance you are this stupid, i'm going to indulge you.

Observe the domestic dog. We did that. Evolution is constantly happening and whether the pressures put on reproductive choices are artificial or natural, they tend to favor certain results that adapt over those that don't. In this case, the selective pressures are our choices of which traits should be favored. This is how evolution can create a chihuahua from a wolf. If those selective pressures weren't us trying to make toy-sized wolves, but were nature leaving all but the tallest wolves, the average wolf would grow taller, maybe be more prone to hip dysplasia, require more protein, shit fattier waste, and overall interact with its environment differently, changing selective pressures on other organisms which would then adapt or die.

Yes, evolution is a constant fact of nature, however charles darwin's theory that man and apes share an ancestor is not a fact, but just the most obvious interpretation of and likely conclusion from the limited data at hand.

Go read books now and develop skills or insights, you worthless fucking troll.

>> No.8917795

>dog was a dog
>dog is still a dog
Wow it's literally nothing.

But just tell me how whales evolved from land animals instead. If a bear-like creature were to start to evolve into a marine creature it would have to begin losing its feet which would leave it vulnerable to predators.

Oh and an another thing. If changes 'constantly happen' why don't we have a bunch of useless body parts which don't serve any purpose but weren't really impeding so much that those who had it had to die? Like why don't humans have horns or a tail?

>> No.8917804
File: 203 KB, 500x694, perish like a dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur a rly gud one. ur trying 2 bait me into saying 'appendix' and u wuld be right about me taking it.

heres ur (you)

>> No.8917827

Evolutions is real. It just isn't necessarily the answer to the origin of all life.

here's an example: E-coli evolved the ability to digest citrate


>> No.8917860

>The Banana

>> No.8917871
File: 124 KB, 700x700, Ignore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sage and ignore.

Rhagoletis pomonella, the apple maggot. Currently undergoing sympatric speciation into a hawthorn-feeding species (ancestral condition) and an apple-feeding species.

>> No.8918015

You have to be baiting.
Oh and don't forget pseudogenes.

>> No.8918251

>Observe the domestic dog

How long do we have to observe it before it turns into not a god?

>> No.8918252


What would cladograms look like if these definitions of speciation were applied to all animals?