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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 44 KB, 600x223, CSxavwHWEAA8lp2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8915855 No.8915855[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Black anon here with a 3.5 GPA that is going to transfer soon. Honestly, how does my race effect my chances of getting accepted to a university?

>> No.8915867

It increases your chances. You deserve that spot more than some privileged white boi whose ancestors enslaved your people and inflict institutional racism on them to this day. All those times you've been followed around the store or heard the car doors lock as you walk down the sidewalk? Yeah, the admissions office knows you deserve a spot in college. Party hard, study harder homie.

>> No.8915886

You deserve it because you're a shit skin

>> No.8915888


>> No.8915890


>> No.8915899
File: 36 KB, 1119x253, Davis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So do most schools actually make it an important factor?
Here is a cap from UC Davis's Population biology program that talk about how they care a lot about diversity.

>> No.8915907

seems like they're just covering their ass in case of sjws

>> No.8915908

go to /pol/


>> No.8915912

But he's not asking a political question.
>Using sage as a downvote

>> No.8915944
File: 53 KB, 811x427, 1439233303122-1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your acceptance rate for university is artificially raised because if it wasn't then you would cry racism since so few blacks would get in otherwise.
Your test scores are generally the same way, marginally, but otherwise you will have no issue getting in since being a US minority is easy mode as far as the government is concerned. A black female applying for a university gets all the gibs.

>> No.8915949
File: 392 KB, 451x619, 1474262257189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not even white or American. But what this anon said actually sounds kind of... reasonable?

Were you memeing anon? Your stuff kind of convinced me.

>> No.8915956
File: 126 KB, 1286x383, medschool[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8915961

white male here with 4.0 gpa, transferring this year. Got denied from Berkeley and UCLA - retarded hispanic I know got into both with shit grades, girl I know got into Berkeley for math with a 3.5. You're near the top of the victim ladder. With a 3.5 you should apply to all the ivy schools, not even joking.

>> No.8915962

Such bullshit. Fuck niggers and their gibsmedats.

>> No.8915966

back to /pol/ with this garbage

we have these threads literally every day

you people seriously have some mental disorder where you forget everything every 24 hours

>> No.8915968

I browse /sci/ almost every day and this is actually one of the threads I don't see often. /pol/ makes anti global warming threads.

>> No.8915972

There are race bait threads every single day where they post pseudoscience/misrepresented data or garbage like crime rates and SAT scores

>> No.8915977


Maybe they wrote better essays and/or had more interesting extracurricular activities. GPA isn't the only thing that universities look at.