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8915741 No.8915741 [Reply] [Original]

Musicians and knowledgeable people of /sci , what is your take on the debate on whether instruments should be tuned to 432 Hz or 440 Hz?

>> No.8915750

Why does it matter?

>> No.8915771

It matters a lot in the music community due to how tuning to 440 Hz is the modern standard however 432 Hz stimulates the right brain more, leading to more creativity.

Also the "modern standard" of 440 Hz was suggested by Nazis but that just might be conspiracy hogwash

>> No.8915772

equal temperament ruined music

>> No.8915776

432 Hz tuning "stimulating" the brain more sounds like top tier pseudoscience

>> No.8915801

American is 440
European is 442

The fuck is this 432 bullshit, no one does that. It would make literally any mallet percussion sound fucking retarded as they're all tuned to 442 regardless

>> No.8915809

Is 440 the most mathematically harmonic? I'm wondering what makes us perceive it as more enjoyable

>> No.8915861

supposedly that's what they say about 432 hz, something about the vibrations of the universe? I wouldn't really know, I'm a music major (yikes), not a stem major

>> No.8915866

So then you know there is no debate.

>> No.8915872

>vibrations of the universe
What is, the reason people should learn science Alex?

>> No.8915892

>stimulates the right brain more
Lol get out of here psuedoscience faggot

>> No.8915905

what. the. fuck.

>> No.8916083

It doesn't matter. To most people it will make zero difference. I know some classical musicians who strongly prefer one or the other, but it is because they have "perfect pitch" and have that system down in their head as the "correct" one. A more interesting debate is on the merits of equal-tempered tuning vs other systems of tuning.

>> No.8916146

Does not matter. You play a combination of notes, you never only use A. Musicians know that is debating for the debate not quality of music. Only people with no actual purpose debate for debating. Or law students.

>> No.8916206
File: 26 KB, 455x340, Size_of_intervals_in_D-based_symmetric_Pythagorean_tuning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently its supposed to have regenerative effects on the body if you stand around something producing a 432 frequency and its corresponding frequencies but I haven't seen these claims from any reputable sources.

This isn't a source proving regenerative effects on the body but I just thought it was kind of cool that a natural resonance frequency from Pythagorean frequencies creates these patterns like this.


432 or an A note and its corresponding notes have a ratio of 3:2. Its also known as Pythagorean tuning or "old world tuning". The only thing I know really about the math behind it is that you can divide the frequencies numbers by 2 down until the number is equal to one.

As a person who plays guitar, the only thing I really noticed was the open notes(when your not fretting any of the strings) seem to have more sustain or the notes range out longer. I cant get prefect Pythagorean tuning though since the guitar by design dose not have perfect pitch.

From what I've gathered though the reason why western civilization agreed upon an industry standard was to make it easier on orchestras to tune their instruments. Musicians would come in with their instruments tuned based off of A430 even as high as A470.

Citation needed.

>> No.8916207

Things like instrument choice or recording conditions affect pitch to a far greater degree than tuning or temperament.

>> No.8916217
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>> No.8916329

not using powers of 2

>> No.8916345
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>432 Hz stimulates the right brain more

>> No.8916347
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>432 Hz stimulates the right brain more
do you have any sources to prove this?

>> No.8916415
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OP here, for all I know the whole right brain here could also be pseudoscience but that's what some people choose to believe in.

Also usually in this debate many talk about and use the ideas of Cymatics in order to prove that 432 Hz is better than 440 Hz, citing the way sand or water behaves when exposed to these frequencies.

In the end I'm not arguing for any side I'm just ignorant on the legitimacy on some of these arguments.

>> No.8916742

>432 or an A note and its corresponding notes have a ratio of 3:2. Its also known as Pythagorean tuning or "old world tuning".

what a load of crap. Different tuning systems (be it pyhagorean, equal temperament, meantone, whatever) are only concerned about relative pitch , it doesn't matter where you start - 440, 432 or 420blazeitfagget.

>you can divide the frequencies numbers by 2 down until the number is equal to one.

you can't hear anything below 20 Hz, so why would it matter? All widely used tuning systems everywhere in the world, be it Western Europe, Sub-Sharan Africa or Asia (with the exeption of some experimental electronic music pieces, like Wendy Carlos' Beauty In The Beast) divide by two to get an octave and use it as the fundamental interval.

>> No.8916762

>432 or an A note and its corresponding notes have a ratio of 3:2. Its also known as Pythagorean tuning or "old world tuning"

It doesn't matter where you start, a 3:2 ratio is called a perfect fifth. There is no reason why you couldn't achieve it starting from 440, 470 or 1234 Hz.

You seem to be confusing pitch standard with tuning systems, which are two very different and mostly unrelated things.

>> No.8916773

They're completely and utterly illegitimate

>> No.8916788

the only thing that matters is that one or the other is agreed on. that's it.

>> No.8916796

I'm a pretty dedicated musician and I honestly don't think it matters much, I hear in relative pitch, and for me an instrument can be totally out of tune as long as the strings or valves are tuned to each other. As 440 is the tradition I see no real need to change it.

>> No.8916954

>the modern standard however 432 Hz stimulates the right brain more
You mean your mom.

>> No.8916958

>Apparently its supposed to have regenerative effects on the body if you stand around something producing a 432 frequency and its corresponding frequencies but I haven't seen these claims from any reputable sources.
>Citation needed.
Get a load of this moran.

>> No.8916978
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>caring about tuning when every record is essentially high db whitenoise
Pic related. What everyone blasts their ears with to hide the background sounds, so they can focus on muh music.

>> No.8916982
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Violinist here. I use A415 because it makes the msuic I play sadder.
>432Hz stimulates the fight brain more
Fucking kek'd.

>> No.8916987
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>432 Hz stimulates the right brain more

>> No.8917240

>415 Hz so I sound sadder
Kill yourself

>> No.8917316 [DELETED] 

442 Hz, bitch
>source: semi-professional violinist

>> No.8917333
File: 73 KB, 576x720, 1491865532270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

442 Hz, bitch. It gives the violin a little more brightness and in a violin section, it's close enough that the human ear won't distinguish any different.

source: Semi-professional violinist with perfect pitch

mfw pic related
also you probably suck

>> No.8917341

still me here

also I forgot to add that it literally makes no difference compared to the temperament of the instrument. Retards
>not using Pythagorean temperament for true perfect fifths and harmonic thirds