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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8914306 No.8914306 [Reply] [Original]

It's time we address the education issue going on in America. Why is the US ranked so low in mathematics?

>> No.8914308

Black people and Mexicans bringing the average down.

>> No.8914314

>black and mexican buzzwords

>> No.8914317

Our parents were stupid and nobody ever taught us to love learning.

>> No.8914333

Not him but he's not wrong. You take out black and Latino and we would rank far higher. That's not the problem, however, I don't think there would be such a binary answer at this point the issue is too complex

>> No.8914334
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Reflecting its highly corporate culture, the American system values indoctrination above education. It's less about thinking for yourself and more about being told what to think while telling others what to think, in a cascade type of effect. The SJWs and /pol/ are prime examples of that.

Meanwhile, math is not regurgitating answers; it's using intellectual tools which must be manipulated using independent thought, which the American culture puts low value in. Ergo, low math scores.

>> No.8914353

Was it higher before diversity in our schools?

>> No.8914388

Yes. While it's an objective fact that taking Blacks and Latinos out of the equation would increase test scores drastically, at the time when there were next to no Blacks/Latinos in American education there were also far, far, far fewer people attending school at all and the education system was also very different.

Indeed, the current US education system is geared precisely to take into account said blacks and Latinos (to the detriment of the other students).

>> No.8914404

The truth is racist. Always

>> No.8914405


While technically true, white americans have historically and ARE still below white europeans in math and academia.

>> No.8914634

says the american

>> No.8914639

thats fully false white Americans are today and have always been above euros
Southern Euro countries have like 95 average IQ's
UK/France/Germany/Scandanavia are socialist shitholes, only finnland is higher than the USA

>> No.8914641

Is this how you react whenever you're presented with information you don't like?

>> No.8914678

If you think there is a shortage of people with advanced math skills, then you haven't tried getting a job with a STEM degree in the last five years. There's a huge overabundance of highly skilled graduates making it so that many STEM degree holders either end up unemployed or flipping burgers because there are no jobs in STEM. STEM cheerleaders like OP who insist that *EVERYONE* needs to learn advanced math and science are the source of this problem. OP is just trying to lower wages for his corporate overlords.

>> No.8914716

Because you get what you pay for and in America we pay as little as legally required for the education of our children.

Its a low national priority and the super rich whom the government works on behalf of do not benefit from a well educated poor and working class. An uneducated poor public is less likely to successfully demand political changes they would benefit from.

I wouldn't be surprised to see the American Public Education system get privatized in the next decade and then when the situation gets even worse due to for profit corporations doing as little as possible to educate kids and taking out of the system as much profit as possible... well then the whole government funded education system gets abolished and only the rich can afford to educate their children. Just like in the "good old days".

>> No.8914720

Japanese schools are all about indoctrination and are even more strict than American schools, yet they dominate math scores in global rankings.

>> No.8914736


You some kinda dumb dumb? The US pays more money per child then any other country for education.

>> No.8914741


>The US pays more money per child then any other country for education.

But it's not evenly distributed. There are schools with ridiculous high budgets and schools with ridiculously low budgets.

Schools shouldn't be funded based on Zipcode. Why are Americans so fuck selfish?

>> No.8914745

>plutocrat propaganda
Rush and Hannity would be proud of you.

>> No.8914754

American public education is designed to get graduation numbers up, because that's what gets politicians re-elected as its an easily digestible number.

That means Tayshawn and Ledashya are the bar to set for graduation, not Ming Foo and John Smith.

>> No.8915227

The same holds true for all other East Asian countries

>> No.8915273

For fuck's sake. It's an objective fucking fact. The reasons why are up for debate, but you can't just "GTFO /pol/" facts you don't like.

Is it systematic racism? Cultural? Genetic? All fine questions. But it's not a question that black, and to a lesser extent mestizo students, have poorer math skills.

>> No.8915290

Can anyone confirm this?

So far this guy has said nothing that can be backed up, hence I would usually throw his post into the trash....but I'm curious to see if anyone can back this up with actual data.

>> No.8915296

blacks mexicans and scots-irish
also American math education is bad

but, look at PISA scores of Massachusetts, for example. they are pretty competitive with other advanced countries.

>> No.8915300


because 40% of the country doesn't care for it while whites do

despite massive centralization of K12 education, the DoEd. still has to release students to their parents for at least eighteen hours every day. That means their influence is minimal and as a result nothing will change

>> No.8915347

Pretty sure funding is determined in part based on test scores.

>> No.8915356
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Everyone else in this thread are either high schoolers or college freshmen who have no clue about reality.

>> No.8915365
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Do you understand the concept of references and citations?

Looks like you haven't gotten too far yourself anon.

>> No.8915368

this picture makes me grateful to have gotten the job I did after graduating. BS Civil Engineer isn't glamorous but it's paying the bills. Another 3 months and I can actually get an engineering license! (anticipating pay raise).

>> No.8915761

What the fuck? Why are companies always saying America doesn't have enough STEM people?

>> No.8915799

I won't deny the average race IQ statistics, but I think racial minorities have a lot of potential if their youth would just start taking education seriously. The very core of this problem in my opinion is not the school system nor genetic differences but cultural differences. No one can deny that the US would rank far higher if it wasn't for inner city populace bringing down the average, but there's no inherent difference (or very little) between the people who grow up in poor and rich neighborhoods aside from their surroundings. As kids they see very different examples of what status and success mean.
Anyway, the situation is more difficult than just throwing more government money at public schools. In my opinion we need to start seriously introducing alternative options for education like apprenticeship and private tutoring.

>> No.8915820

>everyone is desperate for a job
>will accept any wage no matter how shitty
Isn't it obvious? Why do you think engineers, supposedly one of the more employable STEM majors, make less than schoolteachers?

>> No.8915825

They're boosting supply so they can pay less.

>> No.8915830

>waaah reality is mean!

>> No.8915942


>using iq

Stop being a retard and actually follow global academic test rankings and historical publishing.

>> No.8915986

>source: my ass
>tfw social "scientists", architects, pre-med bio/chem majors, and "IT" monkeys count as "STEM"
listen nignog, STEM is a bullshit meme, may as well go full retard and make it STEAM

the ones complaining about their job hunt are the ones with the environmental science degree or the 2.0 GPA meme CS codemonkey degrees, inflating the "STEM" stats

the only ones that actually count are actual researchers among the pure sciences, mathematicians, and engineers

>> No.8916000

They're trying to drive down supply. Nobody in STEM has ever bought that nonsense. It's a line to push more h1b's

>> No.8916007

>latinos and blacks tend to be in poorer economic conditions
>must be their race

>> No.8916010

>all these oral spouts
>no citations

Why do you think America is a shit as it is anon. Just look at this thread.

>> No.8916023

>t. fresh out of the high school guidance counselor's office

>> No.8916033

Parents have gotten worse. The most important factor for educational outcomes for children is the parent's involvement.

There is also a large mental health crisis in the country; both a real one that has undermined student performance, and a fake one that has us medicating kids and pretending like that will fix it.

Also, sports has taken over both secondary and post secondary education.

>> No.8916037

Apparently long division isn't even being taught anymore. How are students supposed to understand what division even means if they don't actually work through problems and see the nitty gritty details of what's really happening when you divide numbers?

>> No.8916089

mexicans are like 70% spanish (that would be 100IQ) and 30% nat. american(lowest estimate for them i've seen is about 93 - from a /pol/ tier source)
I'm sorry, but even from a /pol/ point of view mexicans should do just fine

>> No.8916097
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Anti-intellectualism and its glorification.

>> No.8916115


>> No.8916166

I've heard terrible things about "common core" but I'm not from the US so I don't know how bad it really is. Does anyone have any experiences with the system that they can describe?

>> No.8916170

>how are students supposed to understand what multiplication is without sigma notation

>> No.8916205

Have a read.


>> No.8916220

Don't derail the thread fag

>> No.8916222

There's the $64,000 question though.

If it's cultural - who's responsibility is it to fix the problems with the culture? The schools? They're struggling enough as it is to just get kids through high school, you can't expect them to also be responsible for correcting an entire culture. The parents? Their lack of involvement is part of why the culture is in the shitty spot it's in already. The government? Should it really be the job of the federal government to babysit an entire ethnic group?

And if it's genetic - that opens up a whole Pandora's Box of legal, ethical, and social issues.

>> No.8916254

"Common core" is an education system right? How is that a derailment in a thread about low standards of education?

>> No.8916277

High school is a joke
Middle school is a train wreck

>> No.8916282

It's not a derailment, he's just an underage troll and you can tell by his ready use of insults.

I wonder if other countries that rank higher in math bother telling students where all these formulae are applied, maybe getting higher student engagement. I recall high school math as just endless obscure problems and formulas with nothing to ground it in reality. What are these math equations for, what do they do? No teacher would ever say, and it all seemed like endless busywork that had no real world application.

At least with something like science or biology, a student can see how that knowledge can be applied to real life. But math? Who cares, just do the work or fail.

>> No.8916285

Who said it ranked low?
The fact that you give no source tells something about your bad education. As per PISA 2015 results, the US ranked average, which is good. Though it was a bit low in maths. But...
"small differences between countries and over time may be statistically insignificant." Let's focus on what you do with an education rather than getting a ranking.

>> No.8916590

>Why is the US ranked so low in mathematics?

Liberal progressives hate math.
They are unable to stand up in class and declare themselves anti-homophobic, against the patriarchy, pro-Immigration, Muslim loving,

Math does not allow them to EXPRESS how they FEEL!
Math only has one answer, they can not argue for many possible answers.
Math is BINARY (right or wrong)... where is the spectrum of correctness!!!!

>> No.8917273

public schools suck at teaching math and the kids who go there come from families that cant afford better schools.The only kids I see that are good at math have parents who are teachers who actually value education or the kids have a form of autism.

>> No.8917564
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>> No.8917581
File: 59 KB, 728x546, aid2598748-v4-728px-Cope-With-Math-Phobia-Step-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anti-Intellectualism and our degenerate society as a whole.

People are proud to be bad at math etc.