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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 23 KB, 869x470, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8913970 No.8913970 [Reply] [Original]


See this website's captcha (Quantum Random Bit Generator Service: Sign up)? Why can't /sci/ have these? Here's an example pic if you don't want to click.

Something like this would really take care of most if not all the spam, bots, and brainlet normie bullshit.

>> No.8913972

This needs to be requirement to post on /sci/

>> No.8913993

>I just learned how to do X
>lmao how could dumb brainlets not even know how to do X
Only pseudo-intellectual twats are the ones posting shit like this to stroke their own undeserved egos

>> No.8913997


>> No.8914001

Yeah, slow the board down to a crawl. That will help

>> No.8914008

quality b4 quantity

we want to find the maximum contribution with the minimum shitpost

we want to have an F score that is through the roof, i.e. a high signal to noise ratio in our sample

we want to remove noob

we want brainlets to be BTFO

>> No.8914011

>what is wolfram alpha

>> No.8914013

>I can't do basic math.

>> No.8914023


Someone would just make an automatic solver.

>> No.8914027

/sci/ isn't /math/ though.

>> No.8914048

i can't believe how insecure some people can be.

>> No.8914219

>Implying that people who didn't learn math and science past high school shouldn't be able to post here if they're interested in learning
>implying that wolframalpha doesn't exist to solve these anyways

>> No.8914281

It's Calc I with the partial differential operator to make it look scary.
Anyway, OCR for TeX is stupid easy, so if you decide to stroke your ego with everyone-who-doesn't-know-what-I-learned-this-past-week-is-a-brainlet and replace the Recaptcha with this, I'll just make a bot to spam this board with anti-vax blog posts until you realize your mistake

>> No.8914294

Won't work



>> No.8914310

Considering these can be solved online easily, I suggest calc 1, but in simple word problems form. No spammer will know how to set up the calculations, in order to put them in solvers.

Also "I'm not a robot" should be "I'm not a brainlet".

>> No.8914312

/sci/ is currently /iq/ and /globalwarmingisfake/
No poster on this board worth their salt can't solve elementary integrals.

If we had math captchas all the Crowder and Molyneux fans would disappear and this board would be less shit.

>> No.8914489

Plus it looks like your working while you shit post from work so win win

>> No.8914521


You are the ones that should leave this board, given that you are too stupid to realize that solving these captchas does not require any mathematical knowledge whatsoever.

>> No.8914535

Haha i know calculus im so smart xdd
Fuck off brainlet. This wouldnt solve anything

>> No.8914546

It requires you to understand how to input integral or derivative questions into wolfram correctly at a minimum, which most people don't know how to do without already knowing how to do them in the first place.

>> No.8914566

>what is symbolab

>> No.8914579

People seem to misinterpret the purpose of such a captch system.
It is not to make the people who can solve it feel smart, it is to make sure that the posters have a base level of knowledge and could contribute to the board.
I for one would support what this anon said >>8914310 so that solving the problem would not be a matter of using Wolfram.
I see no logical argument against such a system to ensure that each post has a bass level of understanding before being able to 'contribute' to the board.
This is a science board and the foundation of science is mathematics, having a test of mathematics before posting would be a worthwhile system.

>> No.8914582

>people interested in science and math come instead of "scientifically is white genocide real XD" and "SCI YLYL THREAD"
Oh no, the horror.

>> No.8914585

Science AND math, retard.

>> No.8914589

then fucking learn?????????????/

>> No.8914597

if you can't solve those you probably can't do any science either.


>> No.8914612

If it gets the tards to learn, it's a win/win

>> No.8914620

I absolutely agree with this, and I admit I'd be very curious to see which threads would become more and less common and how the board's political and religious debates would change.

>> No.8914649

kys you fucking autist

>> No.8914662

>damn, now I gotta use wolfram alpha while my 60 second counter resets

>> No.8914670

Well, he has a point. These are the kinds of tasks generally covered in first year college math. Which means damn near everyone with a higher education should be able to do them

>> No.8914707

/sci/ is for both science AND math

>> No.8914711

are there any STEM fields that don't require calculus?

>> No.8914719

>Partial derivative
>1 variable


>> No.8914744

If you cant solve baby's first derivative you don't know shit about science.

>> No.8914752

Yes, It'd be fun.
>implying shitposting brainlets wouldn't just use wolfram alpha anyway
At least it might slow them down though, and if you're making really horrible b8 the effort of going to wolfram alpha might be too great.
There's really nothing negative about it.

>> No.8914755

>can't evaluate a first order derivative
>thinks i'm the one that should kill myself

don't you have an english essay due or something?

>> No.8914758

Shut the fuck up retard.

>> No.8914773


>> No.8914774

it means the same thing. could have written [math]\frac{d}{dx}[/math] or [math]\frac{\partial}{\partial x}[/math] to the same effect with only [math] x [/math] in the expression

>> No.8914784

>most people don't know how to do without already knowing how to do them in the first place.

u w0t m8 ?

with the examples and tips provided you don't even need to know what a derivative is, you just have to be able to type 'derivative of [function] at x=whatever'.

>> No.8914803

The board was fine when it was a slow crawl just a couple years ago.

>> No.8914823

Indeed it will. I'm not sure why you think it wouldn't. /b/ speeds =/= good

>> No.8914825
File: 34 KB, 476x640, 1494539948027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>math is hard
>people who can do math are showoffs
>you can't stop me from shitposting

>> No.8914831

Something most normies have never heard of let alone be able to use.

>quality b4 quantity


>> No.8914835
File: 42 KB, 407x450, 1492916916100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll just make a bot to spam this board with anti-vax blog posts until you realize your mistake

Someone has already beat you to it.

>> No.8914836

>effort of going to wolfram alpha toi great
>not having at least three tabs of wolfram alpha open at any given time

>> No.8914841

Nobody could post. This board is filled with reatards.

>> No.8914847
File: 45 KB, 480x960, 1493925388202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks shitposting normies even care to learn the most basic thing and not that they just want their stupid sex question answered

Did we ever have a science-based captcha of any kind? I only remember the math ones for a short time. It was a good time.

You should know basic math if you are 18 years old or older.

Back when the original math captchas were around there were people dedicated to teach other people how to get through them.

>> No.8914889
File: 6 KB, 294x172, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lads, we've been requesting a maths captcha for years here

the moderators dont give a flying fuck

>> No.8914927

They did at one time, but I don't think any of the staff from when we had math captchas are still staff today.

>> No.8914956

That's high school math. It won't even prevent underage. It will only inflate their ego even more. Now people who post here will think they are mentally superior to others for knowing basic calculus. This is the dumbest idea I've seen on /sci/ this whole month.

>> No.8915031

wouldn't be surprised If you've only been here a month.

>> No.8915050

I'm usually on /b/ and /v/. Couldn't take them anymore. So here I am.

>> No.8915153

Please post this on /qa/. This would be a serious improvement for the board. We can finally get rid of flat earth niggers and have proper IQ threads and actual discussions on the differences between races without bleeding-heart liberal redditors and rabid /pol/tards.

>> No.8915221


another problem is that captchas should be something that is hard for computers, but easy for humans to solve. Calculus is the exact opposite. Expect a shitload of spambots.

>> No.8915426

This is true

>> No.8915449

>partial derivatives are basic math lel

back to 9gag with you

>> No.8915455

Back to >>>/r/eddit with you rulecuck.

>> No.8915456

how about a picture of a calc problem? or how about /sci/ word problem?

>> No.8915466

Nigger I am not about to spend five minutes solving a captcha to post about cells and why I love them. Fuck you autist.

>> No.8915482

>make your own imageboard
>math captcha on science board

nothing is stopping you

>> No.8915496

Honestly just try it. There are very few disadvantages other than posting taking a bit longer, which isnt a big deal, and potentially is can improve the quality of the board.

Try it for a weekend and see how it goes.

>> No.8915759

>Something most normies have never heard of let alone be able to use.
You're delusional. Anyone in highschool and beyond at the very least has heard of wolfram alpha.

>> No.8915764

who the fuck is going to take hundreds of pictures of calc problems?

>> No.8915826

>math captcha on /sci/
>install gentoo captcha on /g/
>autism test on /r9k/
>canadians and australians IP blocked on /pol/
4chan finally made great again

>> No.8915835
File: 17 KB, 278x97, captcha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>pic related

>> No.8916736

>derivative of cos()
> 5 minutes

why did /pol/ take this board over? what happened?

>> No.8916744

At least format it the way people actually use it.

>> No.8916745


>> No.8916755

>no more generals on /int/

>> No.8917139

You don't need to replace google recaptcha. You can add this as a second captcha.

Also, you dont' need to even use calculus. There's a shit load of math out there. Just an example in the OP doesn't mean you are only allowed to use that, brainlet.

>> No.8917147

1/69 posts ITT are paid for.

I rarely ever see that on any board except when someone wants to make a point about captcha.

>> No.8917210

If you replied or thoguht of replying "wolfram alpha" you are a brainlet.
The point is the racial IQ faggots don't know how to use that software anyways

>> No.8917241

None of that looks hard desu
I'd have to look up what the backward six in the far left was, but part of me thinks you could just simplify that to 1/X, I can't really remember. How do you graduate high school without knowing absolute value and trig?

>> No.8917245

if you want this then just go to 2(4)chan. don't ruin my board fucking idiots

>> No.8917249
File: 22 KB, 701x211, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have earned /sci/ posting privileges

>> No.8917253

honeslty they'd be less tedious than the current captchas

>> No.8917288

> How do you graduate high school without knowing absolute value

apparently you did.

>> No.8917299

>not realizing that f(x,y) = x is a two variable function.

How many times have you failed Calc 3?

>> No.8917321

go into options and turn on legacy captcha under "quotes and replying"

>> No.8917334


>> No.8917504

Keep recaptcha and add math captcha.

>> No.8917507

That's not absolute value. The vertical bars are the "evaluated at" symbol.

>> No.8917515
File: 2 KB, 190x74, 61f50ec8fb4a4123b43b126968751919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cannot solve pls hlep

>> No.8917521

I think it's a nice idea just because I could use the reinforcement on my calc1/2 skills

>> No.8917534

>u wot

>> No.8917539

>using partial differential operator for a single-variable function

>> No.8917562


The derivative of a constant is 0

>> No.8917578

I am 100% behind this.

>> No.8917582

> lol guize i did cal in college i r so smart xddddd

>> No.8917583

I assure you that I would still shit up this board because I know math but I'm also a fucktard shitlord

>> No.8917592


>> No.8917605

multiple choice questions with a timer would be best tbqh. something that's quick and relatively easy to answer, but takes time to look up (and also stops >>8915221). something like: which of the following is false?
f is differentiable -> f is continuous
f is monotonic -> f is integrable
f is integrable -> f is differentiable

>> No.8917614

I think it's a good thing to implement. It'll cut down the shitposts. They can look it up but 1. too much effort and 2. underages won't know this stuff yet to look up. There's no reason NOT to implement it.

>> No.8917622

You can also ask for the names of important or famous theorems. Stuff like mean value theorem or Lagrange's theorem in group theory.

>> No.8917629

This is pretty nice, but only short ones. Otherwise it becomes a chore.

If you don't know how to differentiate a single variable function you don't belong here.

>> No.8917633

1. it's doubtful that 4chan can get anyone to pay them money to do this, the way they can make money from recaptcha

2. It makes it easier for bots to solve. Unless you're using random fonts or warping the image of the equation, a bot can read it and solve it easily

>> No.8917645

If it was something like "find the first derivative of y = 3x^2 + 2x" id be okay with it but come on now no one wants to do more than 10 seconds of math just to make a fucking stupid post

>> No.8917655

even that's too long. if it takes longer than it does to select 3 store fronts currently then it's not worth it.

>> No.8917674

maybe if you don't like shitposting, get the fuck off 4chan?

>> No.8917682

You don't deserve a reply

>> No.8917699

who are you responding to?

>> No.8917742

This honestly. You people expect too much of /sci/

>> No.8917754

this does not prevent shitposting
it prevents brainlets
the rest of us can shitpost in peace

>> No.8917764

its 1 right?

>> No.8917768

in question to this post, my bad

>> No.8917769

>it prevents brainlets
See >>8914521

It also is easier for bots. You're saying you'd rather sift through "Jennifer Lawrence blowjob watch now!" shit 24/7 than the occasional /pol/baiting.

>> No.8917831

>It also is easier for bots.

It isn't when the math is written like >>8915835 unless you have some whiz bang strong AI bot. In which case just use it on google's current captcha system.

>> No.8917832

Probably not. You can bluff all you want. If this get implemented, you'd never been seen again on this board, brainlet. I bet this thread has you shaking in your boots, kid.

>> No.8918445

1 i doubt 4chan makes much money from the 80 odd people who post on /sci/
2 then instead ask something that requires some basic knowledge but involves no or very little calculation

>> No.8918455

>partial derivatives are basic math lel
>partial derivatives
Holy kek, this captcha need to be implemented as soon as possible, the amount of retard and SJW is way too high. Such feature would increase the quality by several order of magnitudes.
We would get rid of flat earth, muh gender, creationist, global warming is a hoax and IQ thread.

>> No.8918470

Anon, that's not a variable over variable times x, it's meant to be a derivative.
How do you graduate high school without knowing what a derivative is is the real question.

>> No.8918475

no we wouldn't
many of them are made by people who can stuff that captcha in their pocket

>> No.8918497
File: 43 KB, 400x300, math-problem-tbi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use "harder" math, brainlets. Although, most morons call calculus the hardest math they've every been subjected to. Personally, I think it needs to be several types. Like 3 problems to solve plus the google recaptcha and the type of math cycles among the 3 you ave to solve at any one time. You could slip in random stuff from various sciences. Like folding protein tertiary structure.

>> No.8918517

personally i think you should be given a randomly generated theorem that you would then have to prove and send to the /sci/ moderators who could then verify it and let you post.

>> No.8918522

I'm certain it's not the case, I would be ready to put money on it.

>> No.8918525

get a life, autist

>> No.8918529

sorry anon

>> No.8918560

>come here for science threads
>can't post unless I remember how to use a formula that >1% of people actually use after highschool for anything
I swear the people who post these threads just want to jerk themselves off. Assuming it was added, with the 'brainlets' gone, the bottom X% of the board will still be considered brainlets until another captcha is added, and this will repeat until only one poster remains.

Also what fucking retard wants to divide this board even further? Just block anybody from posting on /sci/ if they've posted on /pol/ or /x/ within an hour, it's clearly just them shitting the board up

>> No.8918565

>within an hour
Within a day**

>> No.8918567

> >1%
i see somebody wont be posting here anymore

>> No.8918572

>trying to make /sci/ a cliquey circlejerk when it's already a slow board
Enough boards have already been ruined by baseless elitism

>> No.8918594
File: 64 KB, 800x449, 1-pmW4pFExdbkCCXC-hV8e0Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8918602

The /pol/tards and crossboarders bring down the level of discussion. It's not baseless. I can find no less than four threads in the catalog right now that belong on /pol/.

>> No.8918606

/sci/ is already the slowest board

>> No.8918609

its not about elitism. if youre studying maths or science and youre over 18, then you will be able to solve a basic calculus problem. if youre not over 18, you shouldnt be posting here? if you want to study maths or science, you can literally learn how to solve the captcha in a week.

>> No.8918610

That's not a true statement.
Besides, quality>quantity, or else we'd all be browsing /b/.
Y-You don't, do you?

>> No.8918614

no Im to scared to browse /b/

>> No.8918629

poster IDs

all we need

>> No.8918634

fuck off
we need this shit

>> No.8918654

what were the maths captchas like?

>> No.8918698

lmao, pure croatian autism
t. croat

>> No.8918729

I swear to god I'll learn calc 1 just so I can come here and make flat earth threads

>> No.8918848


>> No.8918856

>Implying that if people who didn't learn math and science past high school were interested in learning they couldn't spend a week learning basic maths before coming here

>> No.8918945

All memes aside, are there any downsides to implementing this at all? I can't think of a single one.

>> No.8918951

Well, it would be easier for bots to get past, like was mentioned before. I don't think there's a lot of interest towards spamming /sci/, though.
This could be bypassed by putting the equations in captcha bendy format, but that just sounds onerous desu.

>> No.8918953

>I know math
>I'll learn calc 1
What math DO you know?

>> No.8919661
File: 8 KB, 300x200, 1489893709110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh supr haard derivatives mane mega hrd calculus bruv
>mfw I'm a mathlet shitposter but will solve it practically faster than the ordinary captcha with wolfram alpha
Great plan, brainlets.

>> No.8919715 [DELETED] 

>You can awlays keep the "press all dildos" one and have a double-layered captcha. /sci/ will probably become like /po/, though. No more flat earth ;_;.

>> No.8919726

You can always keep the "press all dildos" one and have a double-layered captcha. /sci/ will probably become like /po/, though. No more flat earth ;_;.

>> No.8919855
File: 955 KB, 200x150, gKyxK_s-200x150.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>easier for bots to get past, like was mentioned before

No. You simply obfuscate it using an image like >>8915835

>> No.8920338

>I'm usually on /b/ and /v/
I can't believe you typed this out completely seriously and thought you had any right to judge what would and wouldn't improve /sci/.

>> No.8920347

the mods are fully aware this board would be fucking dead if this were implemented.

>> No.8920355

No, that might keep /pol/ out who are improving the board.

>> No.8921465

That would stop samefags

>> No.8922338
File: 20 KB, 306x306, tumblr_inline_nt0vm22PRG1spsojg_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using partial d for an expression with 1 variable

>> No.8923032
File: 72 KB, 550x550, [097661].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just retarded. Any idiot can type the problem into their calculator or something retard friendly like wolframalpha and get an answer.

If you want to have a captcha that isn't harder for humans than it is for computers, the captcha should require you to construct a proof for a certain statement using specified axioms. Something that requires the ability to think intuitively and in a very human-like manner while still being very much a brainlet filter.

>> No.8923038
File: 2.54 MB, 3811x1501, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 60% of the board is fucking trash from brainlets, trolls, and bots.
>tfw children ITT threaten to use 1337 scripting skills to bypass things they can't actually bypass using kiddie scripts

>> No.8923039

I see you can't into logic.

>> No.8923045
File: 1.07 MB, 1080x1080, 1495226844438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People actually need to know how to input those things first. You'd be surprised how many people can't use a calculator beyond + - /

Do IT help desk work for a year and your opinion of the average level of intelligence for humanity will drop considerably.

>> No.8923049

So then everytime i have to post i have to copy and paste shit into wolfram alpha? No thanks. Also, the captcha is supposed to filter out the bots. Bots are good at math. /sci/ would become 99% spam overnight.

>> No.8923059

>Also, the captcha is supposed to filter out the bots. Bots are good at math. /sci/ would become 99% spam overnight.

Try reading the thread. You'd need to do the normal google recaptcha plus the math captcha and there'd be various types of math presented in a variety of forms. Bots also need to be able to actually read the math problem. A thing which is easily obfuscated from them.

>> No.8923071

what would be the problem with
they would be even quicker to do than the current captchas

>> No.8923082

this would be an excellent idea