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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 6 KB, 275x183, adderall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8912290 No.8912290 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, /sci/!

I need your help.

I have this really shitty brain, so I have a hard time studying.
pls, somebody tell me how to get high quality adderall without getting caught by the police (it's illegal in my country even ritalin).
I have heard it's really cheap and high quality in India is it true?

I'm really desperate and I hope you will help me.

>> No.8912294

Caffeine works just as well

>> No.8912295

Here's what you do.
step1. Point your face at the study material
step2. Don't stop until your understanding of relevant concepts has increased.

>> No.8912298
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By looking for the conditions which could harbour life in a similar way to our planet. realise there are literally millions if not billions of them. probably life on one more.....


>> No.8912300

I think you're looking for a different thread

>> No.8912310


no thanks, I get massive anxiety when I take enough to actually make a difference

>> No.8912315


I have tried and wasted 2 weeks

>> No.8912349





>> No.8912365

Then you didn't complete step 2 and drugs won't help.

>> No.8912382


stop trolling me

>> No.8912388

I'm sorry, but if you NEED drugs to learn you shouldn't be in an academic environment.

It's like a midget wanting to be in the NBA

>> No.8912431


get out of my thread now!

>> No.8912443

Don't really know what to say op, if its illegal in your country thats fucked. Don't listen to the fags here, amphetemine has changed my life for the better. Does your country ban dextroamphetemine (dex?), that is what I get prescribed in Canada and shit is great. Very subtle, no withdrawls and now issues with sleep or appetite.

>> No.8912457

Step 3. If you do not understand the study material in step 2, go to the material before that.
Step 4. Repeat.

>> No.8912481

>drink coffee
>fired from work because I shouldn't be there if I NEED drugs
wow wtf thanks anon

>> No.8912482


yes, as I said even ritalin is illegal and the punishment is the same as if it was pure mamphetamines (even jailtime)

>> No.8912487

I'm neither feigning ignorance nor trying to upset you. Don't blame chemicals. Read the fucking books and hold an image in your head of the ideas. If you can't do this, it's your own fault.

>> No.8912496

just do meth then idiot, it lasts ~8 hours, then the amphetamine metabolite(s) CAN last up to 24 in your system.

Just eat a fat shard every day, hide it wherever you hide when the gestapo come around, and you wont ever have to worry about getting caught with possession.

truely the most exelent drug choice for third world geniuses

>> No.8912503

Or, you know, OP could just read the materials thoroughly and watch online lectures, try khanacademy. Odds are, like many students, he just won't be satisfied until it's easier and someone hands him answers.

>> No.8912519


I am not blaming them I am telling you that I need them.
How can it be my own fault that I'm not smart and maybe not even average?


not thirdworld, you amerilard we have high gdp than you fat cunts.

>> No.8912607

>implies GDP has anything to do with general living conditions in third world countries

>> No.8912908

Adderall has a placebo effect on anyone without ADHD

>> No.8912929


Drugs don't make you smart

>> No.8912932
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Kek, my pal.

>> No.8913162

That analogy doesn't make sense

>> No.8913178
File: 55 KB, 615x409, letsmakeadeal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a shitty brain
>I know the solution: drugs
Find the motivation for your work. If you're not motivated, nothing will help you.

>> No.8913187

It stimulated the fuck out of me and I don't think I have ADD

>> No.8913198

>he believed the doctors lie

>> No.8913204

Factually wrong.

>> No.8913209

The same will happen with adderall

>> No.8913783

If it stimulated the fuck out of you it means you don't have ADD.
If you have ADD it can calm you down, allow you to control your thoughts and make it easier to sleep.

>> No.8913787


What I have read is it actually helps with anxiety too

>> No.8913894
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>> No.8913899

add wiki to it...

>> No.8913901

fml isopropylphenidate........

>> No.8915480

>waaaa my friends with scripts won't give me their adderall

>> No.8915483


>> No.8915606

You're factually retarded

>> No.8915615

Here's a study tip: if you're here right now you're doing the wrong thing

>> No.8916064

Are you acoustic

>> No.8916079


>> No.8916080

Honestly, the media hypes this stuff up. It's not that great. Adderall isn't difficult to get your hands on at all.
Just go get evaluated for ADD or whatever.

>> No.8916082

As pointed out Paul Erdos wrote the most mathematical papers and was addicted to amphetamines. So ya. Amphetamines are pretty great.

>> No.8916276

Look here you piddling butt blast, you're nothing but another dad I have to explain things to constantly then get my phone taken away.

So here the down low. By that I mean so far down that I'll have to dumb down the extent to which I have to simplify this shit.

Don't use adderal, every molecule of that shit is a tiny liability, and throughout a normal dosage, taken over any decent period of time, the risk is not worth it.

Instead microdose psychedelics, it has the same effects as coffee, adderal, and a slight bit of CBD. They won't get you taken to jail unless you turn yourself in or invite a narc into your house, so hopefully doing the shit will get your shit in line enough to retain some semblance of pricacy about the matter.

>> No.8916294

that's wrong.

That's because you're repressing the energy instead of using it.

>> No.8916693

>Instead microdose psychedelics, it has the same effects as coffee, adderal, and a slight bit of CBD.

LOL. Microdosing psychedelics is not the same as amphetamines at all.

>> No.8917177

>Adderal is bad
>Suggests LSD and DMT

>> No.8917188

sure but it increases confidence (or in your words "it helps you not repress the energy" so "increased anxiety" isn't really noticeable unless you're coming down off it

>> No.8917508


>he's never heard of panzerschokolade

>> No.8917514

Exactly what a faggot. This shit should be posted on r9k

>> No.8917573

Dead wrong

>> No.8917595

Dude, you just got a adderall problem, not a study problem.