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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 114 KB, 1300x896, scientist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8905785 No.8905785 [Reply] [Original]

What major do you associate most with the word Scientist?

>> No.8905787


Anyone who spends long hours in a lab with test tubes.

>> No.8905796

Cuckoldry porn enthusiast

>> No.8905799

why does he need safety goggles to watch food coloring under a shitty microscope and why does he put his keyboard on his lab bench filled with liquid chemicals ?

>> No.8905802

Medicine because if weren't for us. You'll all be dead.

>> No.8905808

Because it's a stock image, you edgy autist faggot. Now go do your calculus honework

>> No.8905859


>> No.8905864

if it were for only you we'd still believe in miasma and blootletting

>> No.8906551

I think your humors are out of balance my good friend. Come over to my place and try some leech therapy.

>> No.8906683


>> No.8906687
File: 75 KB, 500x168, Screen Shot 2017-02-01 at 6.24.47 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Social Justice

>> No.8906694

yeah, chemists and molecular biologists

>> No.8907249


Twilight Sparkle

>> No.8907261

chemistry / molecular biology

>> No.8907262



>> No.8908225

nah, other fields contribute more to medicine. Medicine is just the engineer level lackies that we train to carry out the simplified version of research (and even let you handle some basic research on your own). Yall like grad students.

>> No.8908228

Definitely Women Studies

>> No.8909347

best post

>> No.8909814

physicists and chemists

>> No.8909822

No No No, it's the field of friendship

>> No.8909830

You are subconsciously biasing results posting that image

>> No.8909838


>> No.8909851

Unironically, both Biology and Chemistry. They aren't doctors, but they also use white coats.

>> No.8910517

>taking your safety goggles off in a lab environment
literally what

>> No.8910528

Meth cooking

>> No.8910529

Medicine is just memorizing and taking credit for the work of real scientists and getting paid more than 1 penny per second to do it.

>> No.8910536

Unironically this

>> No.8910546
File: 153 KB, 1252x1252, IMG_4671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do scientists and institutions even side with these kinds of people? Their whole political scheme is about siding with emotions over logic

Like, you cant scientifically prove you're a ham and cheese sandwich because you have a X and Y chromosome and thus you're a human male, yet this motherfucker says otherwise

>> No.8910552

Global warming.

>> No.8911122
File: 229 KB, 1264x448, Screen Shot 2017-05-15 at 3.25.42 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad autists

>> No.8911189


>> No.8911216

>lowest average income on the list is 300k
Truly the 300k starting no meme course. Math fucktards BTFO.

>> No.8911220

Those are soft-science issues, not hard science

>> No.8911223

I love how the fields least associated with science are the most desperate to be referred to as scientists.

>> No.8911227

Makes me wish i could stand stupid people and should-be-genetic-dead-ends. I would get sued to hell due to making ironic remarks about all kinds of jackass drug addicts and fat idiots who have ruined their health, organs and bodies beyond any repair.

Maybe sports physician would have been something i could've specialized in and not kill myself? Oh well, too late to change now. Atleast i enjoy my current engineering field, although i probably wont see 100k+ yearly earnings for awhile.

>> No.8911234


>> No.8911237

neuroscience :^)

>> No.8911291

Experimental physics

>> No.8911867

political science

>> No.8912061

Become a surgeon and all you have to do is cut into them. Or go full /r9k/ and become a radiologist. Just do something other than medicine and you wouldn't have to deal with people's bullshit as much from what I understand.

>> No.8912105

Medicine is not a science, it's a technology just like engineering
t. Med student

>> No.8913285

That sure proves something