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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8905441 No.8905441[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do we need a theory such as evolution in our textbooks? Evolution is merely a religion that does not contribute to science in the first place. Learning the origin of existence does not benefactor the scientific method in anyway. I myself believe that god created everything, but I admit that is a belief. Stop forcing us to pay tax dollars and forcing our children to learn it. You can teach your material in a private school.

>> No.8905445
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>> No.8905460

Makes you wonder how a baby could survive without a mouth

>> No.8905509

You are a faggot.
>an idea about the origin is necessary for formulating an idea about possible outcomes, which is how things are predicted, controlled for, and ultimately understood.

Take your wilful ignorance and pathetic cowardice back to /v/irgin

>> No.8905652

Evolution has absolutely nothing to do with the origin of life. It's a process implicit in all organisms. There are plenty ideas as to the origin of life but as you can imagine, it's too far in the past to find solid evidence on.

You know nothing of Evolution, the world or the universe. You are lashing out autistically because you don't want your beliefs challenged, as you subconsciously question their merit. It would be in the best interest of our species if you killed yourself and didn't breed.

If something is a 'theory' then it has evidence, therefor not a religion or belief; an empirical conclusion.

I sincerely hope this is a bait thread, it would be very sad for a pathetic animal like you, OP, to exist. I'd be embarrassed by us sharing a species.

>> No.8905706

>Why do we need
What do you mean by "we", Peasant?

>> No.8905716
File: 38 KB, 360x361, brilliant deduction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls evolution a religion
>conflates evolution with abiogenesis
>muh tax dongers

>> No.8905737

The theory of evolution makes no claims about he origin of life. Evolution refers to how currently existing life changes over the course of generations.

Darwin wrote the "Origin of Species" not "Bird beaks prove god is dead checkmate theists "

>> No.8905738

Non-biology student detected.

>> No.8905978

i want you to get banned

>> No.8906318

at least baby is white

>> No.8906324

kill me

>> No.8906346
File: 140 KB, 500x486, 1.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>evolution is fake
>science is religion
>god is real

triple score on this retards post

>> No.8906376

Level 666 Autism detected here. What about you read a bio text book you ignorant cunt.

>> No.8906381

>We should stop trying to figure out our origins
This makes me support evolution even more.

>> No.8906514

I like your score thing. Keep it up, proud of ya.