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8901781 No.8901781[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

well I guess wheelchair guy sure told us.

>> No.8901835

I can't even imagine what it must be like to have a world view so disconnected from reality. Plus that's not even really logical. Atheism, by definition, is a lack of theology; its when you don't follow a theology. I mean, I guess he could say that, but it's a pretty retarded way to look at things considering the (lack of) evidence.

>> No.8901902

so when did you fellas lose God?
He hasn't lost you <3

>> No.8901912

I'm starting to develop an allergy to the word belief.

>> No.8901936


What a fucking retarded thing to say.

>> No.8901954

He's atheist bashing to warm over his Christian audience so they'll accept his political programming.

>> No.8901970
File: 140 KB, 500x486, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implies atheism is religion.

so he is retarded.

>> No.8902008

>well I guess wheelchair guy sure told us.
Nice ad hominem, you sure told him

>> No.8902037

Not an argument

>> No.8902048

>poisoning the well meme

>> No.8903073

The statement is probably true. He is informing us of his belief on the subject.

I happen to disagree with that belief. If it's legitimate to categorize Scientology as a theology, I would state my belief that *it* is the least plausible.

>> No.8903083

I already filed the report to de-poison the well. What a tragedy the town is going through...

>> No.8903084

Not an argument

>> No.8903116
File: 9 KB, 149x178, SMAC_Yang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks like a SMAC leader portrait. Kind of sounds like a quote from the game, too

>> No.8903131

Atheism has literally become a religion. Most atheists I know are just as or more obsessed with hating religion as those who follow it are about following it.

One group follows religion and is happier and fulfilled because of it. The other spends their short time alive in bitter angst over that which does not exist. Who's really the "slave to religion"?

>> No.8903146

>le personal anecdotes poster


>> No.8903186

>implying anecdotes told on the internet are true

>> No.8903560


>guy sure told us

I guess you meant to post it on >>>/fedora/

>> No.8903563

Not an argument

>> No.8903587

You probably know atheists that you don't realize are atheists because they don't talk about it

>> No.8903589

People being obsessed with something and talking about it all the time doesn't make it a religion. It's stupid behavior but not religion.

People who call atheism a religion are just baiting, because they themselves know religion is stupid and calling atheism a religion is an insult. They need to grow some balls and give an honest answer to whether they are a true believer or not