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8900201 No.8900201 [Reply] [Original]

Recently, I've been worrying a lot of my risk of developing schizophrenia. It seems absolutely terrifying to lose your mind in such a progressive way. Can anyone with a medical background assess my risk factor?
-18 years old
-No childhood trauma or any traumatic events
-No family history
-diagnosed with OCD at age 12
-Was on Prozac for a couple of years until a few months ago. I cut it cold turkey but I've been feeling great and no side-effects.
-Used to have anxious thoughts about a lot of things, but nothing like "people are trying to kill me", more so "What if I have cancer?" or "What is my parents die?"
-2 hallucinations ever, each when I was exhausted to the point of falling asleep (saw meteorites during a hail storm at night for about 1 second, and TV we were watching in French class went static for about 1 second only for me when I pulled an all-nighter)

Any input is greatly appreciated

>> No.8900218

Bonus question:

Say I were diagnosed, but I caught it early and received proper medication. Would a career as a scientist be ruined? As in, would I be mentally impaired?

>> No.8900250

Sounds like your OCD is what you need to be more focused on getting under control, mate.

If you're this old and not suffering from schizophrenia, then you probably aren't going to. Source: the deepest crevice of my ass.

>> No.8900453

Chronic schizophrenia usually appears by late adolescence or early adulthood. Given that you're emerging adulthood and haven't shown any real signs (disregard the hallucinations; they weren't random, they were linked with your exhaustion) I would say it's very likely that you're fine.

>> No.8900469

Yo mate ive got ocd and worry about schizo too, its prob a part of worrysome thought.

>> No.8900475

About the hallucinations:

I'm bipolar (a real one), so I use daily two antidepressants. I've experienced way more than twice of these visual hallucinations in the same conditions, but it was related with colour shifting. Like seeing a professor with green or blue hair, bizarre skin tones, etc. Even losing the sense of depth (really cool/scary experience).
I've asked my psychiatrist about this, he laughed and said that when your brain is in that half asleep state, it can get confused mix the shit you're seeing. You need to remember that our brain is a processor, and it can "glitch" sometimes. He said that when these kind of things happen when you're really tired, there is nothing to worry about.

>> No.8900479


Not a doc, but I can say from experience that people with OCD usually have these irrational fears. Nothing to worry about mate, one thing does not cause the other.

>> No.8900525


i used to have severe hallucinations during this state as a child (5-11), probably much closer to schizophrenia than yours, they were all nightmareish and i would run to my parents room irl but literally be stuck in a terrifying dream the whole way, pausing in the hallway next to the nightlight and shit because the long swaths of darkness (~100ft total hallway) would put me right back in terror land.

stupid hallucinations though, like one was the mario kart rainbow road, i would be racing other opponents or else somehting terrible would happen to my mother and brother. it wasnt like i was coherently racing though, just a huge amount of terror and fear related to my mother and brother, plus mental imagry of rainbow road, and very fast coming and going of super weird sensations, like a very uncomfortable soft spiky surface or becoming tiny then too massive to comprehend and weighing more than i could hold

i never quite told anyone the extent of the dreams because it always seemed like nobody would care to hear that much.

anyway im mid 20s now and not schizo, but sometimes i like to make up stories as i go to sleep and it occasionally gives me awesome adventurous dreams

>> No.8901937

Schizophrenia is not real.

>> No.8901942


Diagnosed "paranoid schizophrenic" here. Its a meme diagnosis. I only had one hallucination in my entire life for a second and it was only because i was exhausted and falling asleep.

There's a really good book called capitalism and schizophrenia written by former students of Freud. tldr: everyone is a schizophrenic, but people show more symptoms then others over the processess they spend their time on i.e. the kind of work, lack of work, who they spend time with etc. etc.

You're a perfectly normal lad m8, you just need to get more rest. Also keep in mind that most people forget a majority of what they learn in universities and that every doctor is about as knowledgeable as a gas station attendant when it comes to giving diagnosis.

And if you do get diagnosed for whatever the reasons, enjoy your legal immunity ;^)

>> No.8901951

Y'all know nothing about schizophrenia. It can hit you at any point in your life, the only reason it gets diagnosed around the ages it does, is because that's when you seek help with your first psychotic break. And the meds? They won't help but they will sedate you enough to not be annoying to anyone.

>> No.8901972

dude give urself some rest, sometimes even shittiest anxiety due to stress and lack of sleep can cause hallucinations. In my case some light antidepressant helped me with ny sleep and everything went back to normal after a week or two, just respond to your bodily needs (aka dont overwork, dont sit in front of pc with great attention all day, dont skip sleep hours, be social etc.) if shit still goes on, go get checked, if you cave in you'll make shit worse for yourself. i pity the days i resisted visiting a doc, it turned out to be a simple disorder with simple cure after all.

>> No.8901974

I dropped my anti-psychotics multiple times and I'm functioning just fine. Schizophrenia is not that big of a deal.

>> No.8902124
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I've always worried about this too.

>Insomnia when I was 12
>Heard people breathing
>Used to believe in Reptilians and I would hear snakes hissing
>Horrible nightmares where I got possessed by demons
>Memory and focus issues
>My room is always filled with used plates and other garbage
>I can go weeks without showering
But I guess it cannot be Schizophrenia because stimulants fix all my problems (I assume more dopamine should make my issues worse if I was schizo).

>> No.8902135

>I'm bipolar (a real one), so I use daily two antidepressants.
ummmm sweetie no you're not, bipolar people aren't supposed to take any antidepressants