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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 100 KB, 744x567, dear_physicists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8892205 No.8892205 [Reply] [Original]

Do most physicists think they are better than mathematicians? Most physicists I talk to are smug assholes.

>> No.8892213

if a physicist finds an application for your model be grateful.

>> No.8892238

Physicists are cancerous pop-science twats. 99% of them got into physics because of retards like Michiu Cuckold and Neil DeNigger Tyrone and other pop-sci faggots and they are the biggest producers of pop-sci garbage.

Those aren't physicists they are mathematicians doing physics, faggot.

>> No.8892258

>Those aren't physicists they are mathematicians doing physics, faggot.

Physicists are applied mathematicians, but that doesn't mean that they aren't physicists...

>> No.8892273

Have any of you ever been in a math and/or physics department? What motivates you to create these threads? Did your middle school rival, who prefers physics, beat you on that algebra test? Just wondering as a 4th year math student

>> No.8892352

They are smug because there are so much one could chose from, each is specifically to make one feel smug.

Its kinda like an MD's in general can be super smug, if they are specialist in something dumb like the kidneys, probably because renal failure takes some time before one is dead.
Or one could be a psycho pharmacologist and feel super smug upon the MDs.

Each degree or specialization is just a smug game m8.

>> No.8892566
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Physicists think they're better cause their work is more ""useful"". They think just because something works, then it's right, and have no ability to prove that it is right.

>> No.8892600

I don't know about your professors but every physics professor I know says that Newton was a physicist.

That is clearly an attempt to claim that physicists invented calculus/analysis and/or that analysis and calculus exist because of physics and physicists.

What kind of fucking retard do you have to be to say that Newton was a physicist? He was a fucking mathematician. Physicists are a bunch of tryhards nowadays. Now everyone who did anything even remotely note worthy is now a physicist so they can claim that it was, dare I say it, /theirguy/ who did all the important shit.

>> No.8892604
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We are better because while mathematicians like yo think we only like the applied parts of math, the reality is that for you to be a good physicist you need to be proficient both in math and physics. Maybe we aren't as interested in rigorous proofs but we need to be able to show many different shits plus have the physical intuition to properly interpret it. Mathematicians are completely retarded when it comes to physics problems and can't understand even basic mechanics. You just hide in your esoteric symbol manipulation cause you are too retatded to work with real shit. Fuck outta here.

>> No.8892606

No decent person boasts about their field of study in comparison to other fields.

If you do that you're fucking twelve.

>> No.8892626

We are better because while physicists like yo think we only like the applied parts of physics, the reality is that for you to be a good engineer you need to be proficient both in physics and engineering. Maybe we aren't as interested in rigorous proofs but we need to be able to show many different shits plus have the physical intuition to properly interpret it. Physicists are completely retarded when it comes to engineering problems and can't understand even basic design. You just hide in your esoteric symbol manipulation cause you are too retatded to work with real shit. Fuck outta here.

o i am laffin

>> No.8892661


>> No.8892668

Sup Bill Gaede? Didnt know you rummaged through these parts

>> No.8892671

The thing is engineers don't know jack shit about physics. Nice try though.

>> No.8892686

>no ability to prove that it's right
>"what is experiment?"
>"muh axioms"

>> No.8892690

triggered mathlet detected

>> No.8892741

Newton was an alchemist and Biblical scholar who did some math and physics on the side.

>> No.8892747

>implying engineers don't know device physics better than you
>implying you know abstract math like a mathematician does
>implying you aren't a faggot

lmao senpai

>> No.8893393

>some math and physics on the side

>> No.8893410


>> No.8893414

Let's get rea for a second. Some of the most well established academics on the planet put this shit in a more low key version in ther textbook prefaces.

>> No.8893424


Most x think they are better than y.

>> No.8893430

Can you prove it?

>> No.8893453


I think it's evolutionary. You have to think you're valuable and special to the society or else your work loses meaning. Competitiveness is ingrained in us so we naturally have to feel that we're superior to whoever else.

>> No.8893496

this, he was a babylonian magician if anything

>> No.8893497

Why not both?
t. double major in Mathematics and Physics.

I'll probably go to graduate school for physics, though. In the end doing labwork and research is more fun than being a pure academic.

>> No.8893507
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>> No.8893527

>Something that works is not right

Mathematicians, everyone.

>> No.8893593

You can create a predictive model accurate enough to have practical applications without necessarily reflecting reality. Anyway, how was your freshman year?

>> No.8893605

>Reflecting reality
No one really cares about that, its epistemologically impossible to do so (reality can always be something beyond of what we can observe).

The point of science is making models that predicts our observations, 'deeper' questions are just mental masturbation.

>> No.8893610

Physics as a branch is a millennium behind mathematics

>> No.8893672

Yeah, that's my point. I was just pointing out that something working doesn't make it right (unless you define right as a useful model). Deeper questions are still valuable though.

>> No.8893693

>>The point of science is making models that predicts our observations,
yeah hedonists just want something that works

>> No.8893698

also, models do not predict observations

>> No.8894484


This is exactly the wrong attitude to have.

To apply a theory is to profane it.

>> No.8894495


there is no mathematics without a 'real world'.

>> No.8894501

String theory

>> No.8894528

Holy shit this is literally the most reddit fedora autistic shit I've ever heard.

>> No.8894631

literally the biggest gatekeeping i have seen outside the autistic bio-chemistry circlejerk. honestly kys fag

>> No.8894640

again, string theory is an application in the real world. It is a physical model, devised by physicists for physicists

>> No.8894684

>To apply a theory is to profane it
Might as well be a philosophy fag then

>> No.8894802
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brainlet detected

>> No.8894868

How much of pure mathematics is just arbitrary convention and how much of it is actually reflected in natural phenomena?

>> No.8894875

>natural phenomena
Literally and figuratively irrelevant. The material world is for cucks

>> No.8894883

But, physicists are mathematicians.

>> No.8894931

Then it's the universe that is wrong

>> No.8894945

>counting physics as an actual science
Everything post-Einstein (including him) is a fucking farce. The aether exists, Einstein is fucking wrong and today's physicists are nothing but a bunch of monkeys repeating what they are being told, instead of actually doing some research on the very foundations their modern "science" is based

>> No.8894962

Cool religion you have there

>> No.8894974

Face it, faggot.

>> No.8894976

Philosophers are physicists trapped in non-mathematical bodies

>> No.8894983

Not an argument

>> No.8894986

Arguments are a spectrum

>> No.8894988

So is autism, kiddo

>> No.8894991

Don't really need one. I'm not the one wasting my life studying religion

>> No.8894994
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>> No.8896903

>not (,)

>> No.8897552 [DELETED] 

Dark matter is the new aether