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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8894412 No.8894412 [Reply] [Original]

So /sci/...

>> No.8894418
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>> No.8894424

It's nine you spastics. You learn BIDMAS in primary school?

>> No.8894426

android is trash for poor people and autists op

>> No.8894434

You should go with 9, but here's why 1 "could" also work, or at least it did in the past:
Correctly separating the "6/2" as a fraction would make it clearer.

>> No.8894482

Shouldn't it be 1 since you have to expand the brackets before everything else?

>> No.8894509

operations go from left to right

>> No.8894554
File: 6 KB, 302x433, 4567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the year of our lord 2017
>still using primitive infix notation

>> No.8894568

>not using postfix like god intended

>> No.8894601

>Not using function notation
[math]S(fag,got) = (You) [/math]

>> No.8894604

every day we stray further from god's light

>> No.8894612
File: 92 KB, 384x382, spurdo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blease Ixcuse Dear My Aunt Spurdo

>> No.8894617


Physics majors like to write 1/2πi for [math] \frac {1} {2πi} [/math] and not ½πi.

>> No.8894622

This implies an order of operations of

Exponents (done <- Right to Left <- e^e^x = [math] e^ { e^x } [/math] not [math] e^ { ex } [/math])
Implicate Multiplication stuff written together without * or x
Division and Multiplication
Addition and Subtraction

>> No.8894811

This is retarded. It doesn't matter which way is right.

If it has an actual useful application, just check which operation must be done first in your derived equation.

Fucking kill yourself for posting this cancer.

>> No.8894849

lol u dingus, it doesn't matter, you could as well pu 3 instead of that

>> No.8894854

for fuck sake not this thread again

how many times do we have to go over it, no it's not left-to-right, no there is no other order. It is ambiguous. In other words, it is both 9 and 1.

>> No.8896310
File: 674 KB, 756x918, Physical_Physics_Memes_added_a_new_photo._Physical_Physics_Memes_Facebook_20170429_21.14.52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus you faggots, the image is shopped.

You can see the slant going left on the faint outline of the number cell in the one while all the other cells slant right.

There is also an abnormal gap between the inner rings creating the connected middle in the cell.

The fuck it is, there's a reason you get the same shit in every math software from this calc to wolfram.
Without standardisation, OP would be fucked.

>> No.8896493 [DELETED] 

i prefer the scheme way
((6 2 /) (2 1 +) *)

>> No.8896515

you do parenthesis first then work out from there you brainlet.

>> No.8896521

You move left to right. Casio must have a tumor