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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8894237 No.8894237[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

let me update you lovelies about the week
after i made a topic, i got uber trolled as jews got by dew in ww2.
few students were sent into my hotel room after me and accused me of being suicidal and a danger to myself & took away my antiepileptics. not bleach not ratpoison or something, ANTIEPILEPTICS and souvenir booze i bought for the doctors that treat my mom's cancer. they promised me to give the back. did they? No. Its like i wasted 50 euros on fairydust. I wont go broke for it but come on..people here work for 300e & they took really expensive stuff. how it happened? le loves saw the threat and got scared and went into a damage mode.
so if you get busted for plagiarism- accuse ur victim for being suicidal and push a supposed m. breakdown down its throat.
look into a pic for the biggest hypocrite students & places that ruined last 7 weeks of my life.
and i'm ''evil'' for being a 4chan member, the most evil thing possible in serbia. students that sell drugs, fuck animals and have porn already are ok and approved by the dean and me and my steve jobs trolling is the most evil thing possible! seems reasonable, eh?
i thought about their top lel logic and decided, i'm not forgetting the case, i'm not leaving 4chan. I didnt have to be a slut to get into it i only had to be real moron me, ruined person with a love for comp and math when in pre epi state.
lawyers did tswift on me- be on 4c but let us do damage control. i'm supposed to act nice now and not to express my opinions out loud.
is it legal what they did to me and what they actually do and get praised for being nice students by the dean and professors? NO. but it's life, i suppose. 4chan and en.dramatica stay with me until i get a public apology or my meds back.too bad i'll never sell myself to be student slut rep.
they can take all my stolen meds at once. and die like i was ''supposed to'' :)

>> No.8894254

damn anon, you really got jewed there.

>> No.8894274
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*insert bohemian rhapsody here*

>> No.8894281

why are there so many fucking schizos here

>> No.8894291


because its /sci


>> No.8894293

nisan pratija sve od pocetka price, al ono, skuliraj se i nemoj sjebat stvari jos vise.

>> No.8894306
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moram obrisat fb... iskacu mi slike tih manijaka na news feed i onda se sve bazira na *triggered*
gadi mi se sto su najveci manijaci predstavnici studenata...da si barem mogu platit lobotomiju da ih sve zaboravim

>> No.8894314
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lol, ja san odusta od faxs i sad zivim svoj san. nije sve tako crno.

>> No.8894329
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daj brate necu odustat od faksa samo zato sto su drolje i najveca olos od studenata representatives al ja bi da mi vrate ljekove jer ih vise ne pijem pa da ih dam onima sta trose iste..uzeli su najskuplje stvari jer su kao bile ''opasne'' za mene.
a majke mi, nije mi bilo nista.

>> No.8894342

kako su ti uopce mogli uzet ljekove? sta ih nisi zaustavija i jeba in mater? jel imas obitelj iza sebe da ti neko pomogne ili si sasvim sam? smisli kako da in vratis na pametan nacin

>> No.8894351

fuck off you schizophrenic baboons

>> No.8894358

ubij se debilu

>> No.8894363 [DELETED] 


nemam brate, sama skroz. mama jedino ali je brainlet jer joj je rak udario u glavu
a jedino 4c tip vracanja kao i do sad sto sam u ovih par godina radila
nisam u ovih 7 dana popila bas nista, koza mi je kao u renesansi, enzimi i krv on point

zao mi je ukradenog rada i sto me ti debili podsjecaju na njega i sto kad ih vidim probude najgore u meni... podivljam kad ih vidim. srecom pa nismo ista godina pa ih ne vidim na predavanjima..http://i.imgur.com/RiRHFTR.gif

>> No.8894366

I suggests you kill the plagiarist

>> No.8894369

we are from the same country u autistic brainlet. gtfo & learn to read properly

>> No.8894378


i like the way you think. cheers friend!

>> No.8894382

>mama jedino ali je brainlet jer joj je rak udario u glavu
kako mozes u takvom losem tonu spominjat majku? koji kurac? mislin da si previse na 4chanu i da su ti memovi udrili u glavu

>> No.8894389

nije los ton nego
stvarno ima rak i meta..i valja gluposti. tako da sto bi mi i pomogla ne moze.

>> No.8894404

kuzim da ima rak, al nemos govorit da je brainlet jbt. stvarno mi je zao zbog bolesti. provedi sto vise vremena s njom.

>> No.8894408

killing him is maybe a little overreaction, but you could cut his dick off while hes sleeping and then throw it out of a moving car, that would definitly teach him a lesson

>> No.8894416


odakle su studenti ?

>> No.8894417

sredena je ona, sto sam bolje znala, ali ja bi da sredim ovo. trebam kao bit mirna i sve to ali stvarno zelim osvetu za rad..zbog gada sto mi ga je ukrao (a bio je u arhivi radova i ostali su to i potvrdili da je citao moj rad prije objave)...da nije bilo krade, ne bi bilo svega ovoga

>> No.8894420

predvorja samog pakla

>> No.8894425

mozda mogu da ti pomogem bolidu

>> No.8894428

koja si godina faxa?

>> No.8894430
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>> No.8894439
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I read all of the previous thread

Godspeed anon, do not let these filthy ustase get the best of you. Justice will prevail.

Pic is you

>> No.8894441

hoces usput i jmbg i ip?


>> No.8894447

ako gubiš živce zbog nekog usranog lab izvješća onda nisi normalna. zašto ti je problem reći koja si godina? sudeći po svemu, rekao bih da si prva godina

>> No.8894449
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i...i'd like to stay away from the whole croats-serbs thing because it doesnt help at all in this situation
and i'm more of a passive aggressive person..it would only work for me as an allegory

>> No.8894454

pa valjda da sam 1. ne bi pisala rad iz patologije

>> No.8894456
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Пoздpaв, Ja caм дeкaн фaкyлтeтa.У чeмy јe пpoблeм ?

>> No.8894461

ti bogami nisi normalna. sretno ti

>> No.8894465

fuck off you schizophrenic slut, no one gives a fuck about your drama

>> No.8894471
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sve !

cirlica 1.

4chan je pro latinica site napravljen on strane cistokrvnog hrvatine, log off!

>> No.8894473

>public apology
you should get a public stoning fucking harlot

>> No.8894478

and you muggle should gtfo but nobody's complaining eyyyy

>> No.8894481
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Mиcлим дa би тpeбaлa дa пocлyшaш oвo.Cpeћнo y пoтpaзи зa пpaвдoм.

>> No.8894497
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svako postanje cirilice na /sci je instant ban i zabrana ulaska u RH na 12 mj

>> No.8894514
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Tвoјe oгpaничeњe би тpeбaлo дa тe бpинe вишe нeгo нeки caкaти paд из пaтoлoгијe

>> No.8894524
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Oвo јe caдa тeмa o Ћиpилици.

>> No.8894540
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>> No.8894551




>> No.8894562
File: 48 KB, 720x851, 12313933_450199008512316_2060285722301693556_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aкo фyнкцијa φ(x), кoјa имa нeпpeкиднe иsвoдe дo n-тoг peдa, зaјeднo ca cвoјим извoдимa зaдoвoљaвa дифepeнцијaлнy јeднaчинy, oднocнo yкoликo јeднaчинa пocтaјe идeнтитeт кaдa ce У и извoди oд У зaмeнe ca φ(x) и извoдимa φ(x) oндa ce фyнкцијa φ(x) нaзивa peшeнјeм дифepeнцијaлнe јeднaчинe, a caм зaдaтaк нaлaжeњa фyнкцијe φ интeгpиcaњeм дифepeнцијaлнe јeднaчинe.

>> No.8894566



>> No.8894575
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>> No.8894583

Kakav je osećaj bazirati čitav život na mržnji prema Srbima ?

>> No.8894595
File: 50 KB, 224x168, 480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OSIM sto ih ne mrzim...zasto bi mrzila cijeli narod radi par budala :)

>> No.8894648

And why is plagiarism still as surprising? It happens every day, especially in shit countries

>> No.8894675

because its not right and its not right to hide it or cover it up like that!

>> No.8894697

The antiepileptics, do you need them or did you use it as a recreational drug?
And who exactly took it away, under what authority?

>> No.8894701

students took those themselves. i have nocturnal epilepsy i need to take them, i dont take drugs. never did, never will
if u dont count red bull as a drug but i dont take rb anymore so...

>> No.8894722

I'm pretty sure you can call the fucking police on them.
Unless your country is a complete shithole.

>> No.8894727

cant do that. shithole
basically everything possible will be used against me. if i have problems, i fix them on croatian court but this is not case for croatia.
if they took more stuff, i would sue them personally, one by one. just because someone took red bull and some shit doesnt make him suicidal and u cant just come in someones room and overdramatize the whole thing...on purpose to cover up a thief friend.

>> No.8894735

Consider moving to somewhere that isn't a shithole
Until then, it doesn't sound like there's going to be any justice or anything like that, so...
I really don't know what to say, they're obviously in the wrong but it looks like they're getting away with it.
Maybe see what they're doing with your antiepileptics to see if you can report them for abusing drugs or something, and if the country's such a shithole is there anything stopping you from taking your shit back so you don't fucking die or whatever
And maybe next time see if there's some place you can keep your drugs that they can't find or that's off campus.

>> No.8894754


last year their fb accs got hacked. ofc they use and sell drugs, of every kind. i still have screenshots. everybody knows what kind of trash they really are but they obviously like it.i dont though. i'll just stay away from them as far as possible.
there's no point in arguing for nothing anymore. it just pisses me off how they tried and try so hard to make a batshit crazy person out of me yet i only just study, i'm around my mom and i go and troll here. that's it...and i used to drink liters of red bull because i was depressed and i needed a boost
they, they do and sell drugs, rape animals, have porn, have orgies, have shitloads of nudes... do i think i'm a better person and being a troll is better than being a junkie with std. i do.
nah its just useless u know... most professors and the dean love those psychos. i'm the bitch in the whole story according to them

>> No.8894758

Even in a shithole country, ONE of those things had to be a crime.

>> No.8894760

And calling Redbull a drug is like calling gypsies white

>> No.8894764

they are covered up.
if the college care about its reputation, it would replace them last year after the exposure. everybody got hacked and exposed.. even that ignorant dean was semi hacked... does anybody care. nah...its like real life /b

>> No.8894769

sorry for the grammar. i dont look at the keyboard at this point :D

>> No.8894775
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it is according to them...is noooooooooooooooot safe. so not safe i was in danger.
ask any croat about this guy and then ask them if you are endangered after 1 red bull and 1 drink :D

>> No.8894809

Congratulations because this got to be the most fucked up plagiarism case i've read in 2017.

>> No.8894859

Even the Wikipedia site for Serbia seems wrong. Finish your college and move. Move on even now. You're not one of them so don't spend your time and nerves on them. Next time, find a better lawyer and sue them immediately. Also expose them again if you want justice. If you post proofs and push them, even the most ignorant dean wont be able to ignore it. Expose the dean, expose everyone. If you did it before, you know how to do it so go and use your freshly grown balls and do it.
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