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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 77 KB, 604x497, science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8893435 No.8893435 [Reply] [Original]

it's dead jim

>> No.8893439

pick one

>> No.8893441

>everything feminist is necessarily evil and feminism has destroyed western academia - women destroy civilizations
fuck off tard

>> No.8893443

>There exists a course I don't like so everything is shit

Think for a moment how many normal neurobio courses there are. The school that offers this one probably has several others.

>> No.8893447


Wow! Better pack my bags then!

>> No.8893450

American "liberalism" is a mental disorder on par with a zombie apocalypse.

>> No.8893452

feminist science may be the worst idea ever invented

>> No.8893454

schools shouldn't offer garbage in the first place

>> No.8893458
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>Posts one shit article
>"All academia west is d-dead!1!"

>> No.8893459

this is some modern day lysenkoism right here.

>> No.8893490

(chuckles Sovietly)

turns out we cannot exist without each other
the Union fell, and just 26 short years later you guys started crumbling too

what, another Dark Age?
will Chinese pick up the pieces?

>> No.8893506

>Cognitively dissonant commie thinks his bankrupted empire's collapse is remotely the related to Western nations' current problems

>> No.8893508

life will go on believe it or not

>> No.8893509

Well sorry it fucking happens. People offer garbage. Garbage salesmen offer you garbage. Garbage companies offer you garbage. Garbage professors push for garbage courses and teach garbage.

It's life. Get over the idea that somewhere, somebody fucked up. Provide a better example to the world by not being a fuckwit.

>> No.8893512

I for one, being a REAL scientist with a REAL degree think this is a GREAT development. Women in science is great which is why all men should be taught exactly their true patriarchal history. Remember, to white men equality feels like oppression

>> No.8893522
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I first read OP and was going to say fuck off >>>/pol/
Then I read the thread and now I agree with OP.

>> No.8893539
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It has been for a long long time.

>> No.8893543
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>> No.8893577

Is /pol/ really the most popular board on 4chan?

>> No.8893583

Stop posting that everywhere

>> No.8893710

People often come to 4chan because it's le anonymous edgy contrarian place that you don't want your parents to know about and in 2017 /pol/ is pretty much the only board that still fits the description.

>> No.8893765
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I see this shit and I just hate humanity with the most amount of bitterness and contempt I can possible muster. At first glance it appears that this is a time in history where religious dogma is dying, but you begin to look at academia and understand that it is just being replaced. This progressive dogma is spreading everywhere and everyone who doesn't buy into it and say the right words is labeled a bigot as they would of been labeled a heritic before. The old would try to destroy scientific advancement and understanding outside-in when it conflicted with their beliefs. This is a new and evolved form of it that destroys it inside-out. It is swallowing science while telling everyone witnessing it that it is embracing it. Human beings have the same collectivist obsession as Lemmings do. They will believe not that is necessarily true, but what they can rely on as a fail safe method to prove to themselves and others that they are something good in this world and worthy of love. They can say that I'm feminist or transpositive or support BLM and gather affirmation of their moral standing through likes on social media. And that leaves us with a signal-boosting mess of a soviety. And we will never escape it. Help

>> No.8893766

Women are inferior to men because of sexual dimorphism and feminist are bringing men down to the level of females in the name of egalitarianism. also feminist are weaponizing rape to control men and to destroy men. How is feminism not evil and not destroying civilization? Matriarchal societies are primitive shit holes. Is this what you want?

>> No.8893769


I'll stop posting it when it stops being true

>> No.8893783

The difference is that the old dogmas at least kept the nuclear family together, encouraged people to have children, to be responsible partners, good neighbours and patriotic citizens.

The old dogmas served a social purpose.
The new dogmas are just destructive.

>> No.8893791


They are only destructive because the current structures are inconvientent to the structures they want.

Destroy. Erase. Improve.

I think we are headed towards Brave New World.

>> No.8893800
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We are heading towards STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl once affirmative action is extended to the nuclear command and control structure.

>> No.8893802

As an american, you're retarded if you believe our propaganda that life in the Soviet Union was horrible. Yes, they were behind us, but that's because they started as a literally third world country at the turn of the century. They were also told similar half-truth propaganda about the US, like how there are rampant lynchings, race riots, homelessness, etc.

>> No.8893825

If living on Soylent and clicking sponsored content links all day long counts as an improvement to you.

>> No.8893832
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Give them an inch, they take the mile anon. There are many normal neurobio courses all over the world, not just the western one. However, this injection of feminist politics into everything is a trend we have been seeing for a while. Neurology is about the study of nervous tissue. If THIS continues, It will be how nervous tissue can SMASH patriarchy. It will not be about objectivity but a bunch of obsessed scholars' mission. That is not what neurology or anything related to science should be about.

>> No.8893839


Absolutely fucking not.

But improvement is an entirely subjective term. And when I mentioned improve in my post. That is improvement in their eyes. This is their utopia not ours

>> No.8893944

>rampant lynchings, race riots, homelessness, etc

>> No.8894845


Art has always been the domain of man.

>> No.8894889
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That's like telling a frogposter to stop posting frogs.

>> No.8894893
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See this is what I love about the chans. Your argument literally holds no value

Allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go.

Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

>> No.8894908


What are they transposing?

>> No.8895186

Yesterday a french news television was lurking /pol/ live. I can say /pol/ alone is one of the most famous political webpage in the western world right now.

>> No.8895192
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found it

>> No.8895204


>> No.8896972

I think western europe is still fine for the most part.

>> No.8896990

ur pic gave me cancer

sci should be cleaned from neuro fucking so called science jesus seklbldfkghdlgd

>> No.8897000

Exactly how does that work?
Instead of just reading now you are required to draw every pic in the book?

What are feminist lens? How do they work and they do?

>> No.8897013
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>It's life. Get over the idea that somewhere, somebody fucked up.

>> No.8897298

I hate my country now.
But seriously, that doesn't prove shit. 4chan in itself isn't really showed outside of meme-tier reports, and when it is it's usually /b/.
Imageboards are declining now.

>> No.8897328

This really made me think. I can't name one good female artist. The known female artists like Frida Kahlo were just edgy as fuck.

>> No.8897378

If anyone had actually read the article, they'd know its not ACTUAL Neurobiology, the class is a Women's Studies course with Feminist Neurobiology as a subject.

>> No.8898728

>everything feminist
Straw man. It's the absurdity of applying feminism to unrelated fields where it doesn't belong.

>> No.8898738

The downfall started when we allowed them to vote.

>> No.8898816

this isn't real. stop memeing

>> No.8898836
File: 635 KB, 604x528, tay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tay tay cuz the queen spams /b
no one else

>> No.8898861

Soviet Union ditched the "progressive values", in less than a decade after their introduction, because they were visibly, without a shred of doubt destroying whole society, and all of this happened 10 years before WWII, and it had fuckall to do with something that happened 80 years down the line.

>> No.8898918

You're dumb.

>> No.8900533

You should hate your country for voting Macron in, or for voting in mass immigration policy dooming the future of France.

Regardless, /pol/ is without a doubt, the most popular board on 4chan and has surpassed /b/ and this past year has brought in a frightening amount of traffic to the site.

>> No.8900699

Wtf I love affirmative action now!

>> No.8900703

but that's all true

>> No.8900709

you can literally google it u retard

>> No.8901422

>tfw converting to Islam
Feels good

>> No.8901440

The lord Allah and his teachings are feminist. Only lame cristian cucks will disagree that islam is the religon of truth. Covering all your skin, being sold as a sex slave, and being stoned are empowering for women.

>> No.8901501


Excellent facts you have there.

I assume the molester from your local church explained it all?

>> No.8901510

don't forget getting your clit cut off

>> No.8901525

I think the 2008 market crash is the reason society is crumbling. Unregulated banks.

>> No.8901532

>unironicly defending shitskins delusional religon
Is this bait?

>> No.8901536

Universities are basically shit-shoveling every student into having to do womens oppression courses and how microaggressions are evil and if you're a white man you should apologize and give away all your money and cut off your balls

>> No.8901539

i don't think the jews thought this one through.

their plan to destroy the west is going to lead to their own demise. Since China, India, Indonesia, and Malaysia won't get a shit about Israel or the jews when they are the new world powers.

>> No.8901579

Fuck off Muhammad

>> No.8901594

How does it feel to be a useless hojji? I didnt even know they had computers in the desert.

>> No.8901618

gee maybe because theres no jewish conspiracy

>> No.8901619

Is that really a thing? I have never seen even a hint of it. Maybe it's specific to burgerland?

>> No.8901626

Nice try Goldstein

>> No.8902095

As an American STEM student at a very liberal university, I can say that I've never been shit shoveled into anything

>> No.8902153

West is dead as a whole too. Mass immigration from low-IQ countries killed it.

>> No.8902175

just about everyone is required to take at least one privilege checking sociology course and just about every other required humanities course is going to have a marxist/SJW slant.