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8892673 No.8892673 [Reply] [Original]

>It's Sunday night
>all the brainlets in the class messaging me to see my hw the night before it's due.

What should I do to teach them a lesson?
What peeves you /sci/?

>> No.8892677
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>tfw no one in class has my number because I'm an autistic loser

>> No.8892716

You shudent have showed them in the first place, standarts are set early on. I only give hints and never show anyone a single letter I wrote. "Too risky" or "none of your business" are nice explanations to the people who ask for them. I hint them only because I'm nice, most of them don't deserve shit

>> No.8892749
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>real analysis class last semester
>on group with russian girl
>she asks for my number so we can message each other regarding groupstuff etc
>give her my number
>sends message about groupmeeting
>don't show up because zzz
>fuck up and break my phone's screen
>don't want to see her or anyone else on my group
>spend the rest of the semester reading through baby rudin ch 1-8 at home

>> No.8892750

Tell them roughly what to do in plain words. The faggs will get anoyed and never ask for it again. Some maybe will put actual work so yoy are helping :)

>> No.8892754

>no just give me your work I deserve a good grade too
I swear to God this fucking pisses me off.

>> No.8893281

That's why you lead them on the snipe hunt
"Here take a look" sending them a corrupted jpeg of anything at all
"Oh you can't open it? That's funny"
"You'll have to download a program to view it" linking them to some random ass photo viewer .tar.gz
"Sorry, you must be using Windows or something, here just install backtrack and you'll be fine"
"Yeah you're supposed to choose 'format drive' it won't do anything"
"Lol sorry I thought you knew how to backup a disk"

>> No.8893517

Morons hate nothing more than to receive the grades they deserve.

Giving them the incorrect answers will at least give them the suggestion to use their own brains in the future.

>> No.8893564

>person pays a lot of money to go get a higher education
>cheats on every test instead of learning for it
Why are people like this?

>> No.8894835

kek. I'll do this next time. This guy that literally got a 2% on a modern mechanics exam messaged me to copy my hw. Jesus Christ how dense are these people?

>> No.8894839

>person pays
No, their parents paid.

>> No.8894855

Most are financial aid students that do this desu. No guilt of being lazy if around 200 million people are kind of paying for you.

>> No.8894861

>white people problems

>> No.8894867

brown people problems

>> No.8895019

because you learn almost nothing, you pay for the fucking title you dunce

>> No.8895029
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>Have to write up a lab report in ochem about the chemistry and synthesis of retinol
>Look at my phone
>Facebook friend request from my Stacy lab partner
>Accept her friend request
>Stacy messages me asking for help on it
>Message is shown as seen
>Unfriend her

>> No.8895042

You can help someone without them just copying you.

>> No.8895045
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>> No.8895083

Change the answers ever so slightly off the true answer.
When they get to class begin swearing under your breath. Say you made many mistakes. Watch the spaghetti flow as they stumble through words. They will never trust you again.

>> No.8895084

That or ask for free gibs.

>> No.8895095

tell them you couldnt answer them because you had explosive diarhea (and then calculate the rate at which it exploded against gravity).

>> No.8895105

isnt the point of lab partner is to help each other?

>> No.8895108

don't reply and tell them the next day you went out drinking

>> No.8895166

no way

>> No.8895200

just give it and pray that you don't have to continue for the next semester

>also, understand you have leverage from them and ask something of value that you want/need from them. If they don't deliver, neither should you.
>Two-way street anon.

>> No.8895217

Maybe you can tell them to look at a specific example in the book. I use to have people message me at 3am for help on lab reports when they were due at 8am that morning. I just showed them the lecture notes I took for lab that had all the equations.

>> No.8895230

This doesn't work in upper division physics. You either derive your own equation or die.

>> No.8895243

You should charge them for it.

>> No.8895244
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I tell them to fuck off.
If they persist I give them the wrong answers.
If it's written problems, I write absolute gibberish that sounds and looks right to idiots but is babble to anyone who knows what they're talking about.
If it's multiple choice, I just do ACDC over and over.

>> No.8895289
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>mfw you're literally al autistic retards
If someone asks for help, I do help them because helping them helps me. Teaching someone something is an excellent way to learn. You're literally all brainlets worried if you help someone they're going to up the curve by 2 points and you'll get a c instead of a b.

>> No.8895303

Its about not letting your hard worked hours on homework go to someone else for free. You worked hard to get those problems. It doesn't seem right or logical. You can nod them in the right direction but never give them your work cold like that.

>> No.8895304

You're an undergrad. All of your solutions can be found on google with a little digging, kid. The reason you do homework is to learn. Sometimes knowing the final answer helps reach the solution.

I TA and if a student asks for the answer I give it to them. If they show me an attempt i point out their mistake if they're close. If they're nowehere near it I show them the solution.

>> No.8895318

do every question incorrectly but make fairly feasible solutions then send them pictures. if they copy directly show your fake work to the prof and have them all nailed for it

>> No.8895340

They don't even try that's the problem, they just ask for a picture of my work so they can copy it down and turn it in.

>> No.8895355

well then help them cushion their grade in their homework percentage so they can then bomb the final. It's no skin off your back. The final determines just about everything.

>> No.8895359


wtf is modern mechanics

>> No.8895362

Kinetics on crack using Lagrangian shit.

>> No.8895377

* kinematics

>> No.8895378

Shouldve eaten her ass senpai

>> No.8895383

You mean YOU learn almost nothing, brainlets will simply go to classes and let knowledge go in one ear and out the other. There is plenty to learn through higher education and those that don't want to should just leave

>> No.8895673

Iktf too well. I just ignore them now. You ain't stealing my A.