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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 281 KB, 490x639, von neumann.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8886206 No.8886206 [Reply] [Original]

why did he never discover something deep and profound as Einstein did

did he have a completely intelligence than Einstein?

>> No.8886211

Intelligent people study what they're interested in and they either relate it to themselves or to some external abstraction.

Depending on those factors of cognition and then external factors like time, resources, etc. that will affect their potential to make a discovery of whatever significance.

>> No.8886226

I honestly think it helps that einstein's work is relevant to the real world in more ways. It's also easier to explain to brainlets.

>> No.8886264

Bitch, they call it fucking Von Neumann architecture for a reason. That is used by people far more than relativity, Brownian motion, or photoelectric effect.

>> No.8886274

Seems like Einstein was more interested in metaphysics while jvn was more interested in systems.

>> No.8886309

There's only so many profound truths to go around

>> No.8886337

Because all that stuff you hear about him being super duper smart was probably hagiographic bs

>> No.8886354

He was very logical, but inverselly proportionally creative.
Plus, to make a huge breakthrough you need focus. As he never had to make an effort to understand anything in his life, he hadn't any focus. His intelligence made him lazy.

>> No.8886357


He was very bright, but there is a great deal of exaggeration propagated by some of his colleagues. One of them said that Neumann could remember every single book he has ever read and recite them word for word. In reality, he could recite some excerpts of books he liked, and only after hard concentration and effort to memorize the works. This is one example of how dangerous is to trust in everything people tell about eminent figures they knew.

>> No.8886368


>trusting some brainlet on /sci/ who never met Von Neumann over Nobel Laureates with personal experience

You have some explaining to do.

>> No.8886389


>"According to Herman Goldstine, the mathematician John von Neumann was able to recall from memory every book he had ever read."



But the biography of Neumann says otherwise. Look for pages 8 and 152:


>> No.8886394


Are you sure that a common person talks more about VN arch than relativity?

>> No.8886410

Actually they call it von Neumann architecture for no good reason

>> No.8886433
File: 293 KB, 633x758, 1436911933144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you weren't born a genius

>> No.8886451

well at least i can feel better about my brainletism now

>> No.8886494

Lol he didn't invent the Von Neumann architecture.

Von Neumann visited the EDVAC, which was a fully constructed and functional computer. He wrote a report describing what he saw, and offered minor improvements. Thats literally it.

>> No.8886608

he created game theory essentially

>> No.8886611

so all those noble prize winners are lying about von neumann's intelligence

>> No.8886614

Hans Bethe ""I have sometimes wondered whether a brain like von Neumann's does not indicate a species superior to that of man"

Eugene Wigner "k, "one had the impression of a perfect instrument whose gears were machined to mesh accurately to a thousandth of an inch"


his intelligence was no means an exaggeration based on all these scholars views

maybe the book memory stuff, but his mathematical skills were not

>> No.8887083
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>Plus, to make a huge breakthrough you need focus. As he never had to make an effort to understand anything in his life, he hadn't any focus. His intelligence made him lazy.
You are a complete waste of resources and your parents know this. He had insane work ethic. Read the paper Halmos wrote about him.

>> No.8887088
File: 49 KB, 600x600, 1482344779705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But the biography of Neumann says otherwise.
You mean the guy writing the biography says otherwise.
Surely I choose to believe him instead of the other countless reports.

>> No.8887094


>> No.8887119

>having a nobel prize means you're infallible and cannot fabricate things

>> No.8887636

Daily reminder that at 19 he gave the modern definition of ordinal numbers.


>> No.8887637

daily reminder nobody gives a shit

>> No.8887641


so what its all a conspiracy all these noble guys are just like

"yeah were gonna prop up Von Neumann as a super genius" because?

>> No.8887646
File: 96 KB, 634x840, 3EDB6C1300000578-4372364-Hey_girl_While_at_the_Beverly_Hilton_the_heavily_tattooed_teen_p-a-15_1491119688201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>daily reminder nobody gives a shit
Stay mad brainlet.

>> No.8887653

Last time you needed that definition?

>> No.8887678

you dont belong here

>> No.8887690

Any links on that?

>> No.8887719
File: 14 KB, 200x281, maxim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Legend of John Von Neumann on Google.
You will find the [PDF] on the first page.

>> No.8887724
File: 8 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're implying that set theory is not useful then he did very practical work as a consultant for the government.
I challenge you to find any other mathematicians with the same curriculum.

>> No.8888373

Einstein was the right guy in the right place on the right time, who grabbed his chance to develop his big theory while von Neumann had to create his own opportunities and grind through life, a self-made man.
This is interesting as it's reflected in their MBTI personality types, Einstein is the INTP, who out of nothing created this big revolutionary theory while Von Neumann as an INTJ used his drive and work ethic to make progress on some smaller projects, which are not that mind-blowing but still very important.
It's creativity vs hard work, usually the latter is more successful but once in a lifetime the former is able to radically alter our worldview

>> No.8888375

This thread is pure cancer

>> No.8888730

They certainly use it more, whether they talk about it or not.

>> No.8888735

I thought that was the guy who later went crazy. Nash?

>> No.8888740

>This is one example of how dangerous is to trust in everything people tell about eminent figures they knew.
Good thing then we can trust you, right? Right?

>> No.8888747

Because he's a fucking meme who just nit picked a bunch of tiny, semi-related problems, where as Einstein sought out to create an entire field theory using previously existing maths.

Einstein's scope was larger, and in his success, this translates to more compelling conclusions.

>> No.8888751

This. Hilbert was close and would have fully developed relativity were he not preoccupied with other endeavors. Plus Gauss speculated on the nature of space one hundred years before Einstein so it's not like his ideas weren't fully conceived from scratch. There is actually a considerable amount of controversy surrounding the authenticity of so.e of Einstein's work; he apparently didn't like to cite when he borrowed ideas from others. You cannot say the same about von Neumann

>> No.8888779


>> No.8888788

How do you know their MBTI types?

>> No.8888890

Did von Neumann make THIS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzxnI52wZU8

>> No.8888922

And he was a Jew

>> No.8889448

Nah, Nash just kind of invented a grammar for talking about optimal and suboptimal solutions to game theoretic problems. Neumann was the one who began to formalize it as a discipline in the first place.

>> No.8889513

Because he didn't have a schizoid mind like Einstein did


I'm not arguing that he had a "disorder" but he certainly had schizoid cognitive-behavioral traits.

>> No.8889555

>be reclusive and imaginative
>get called "schizo" by envious Jews

Is there anything more pathetic than the psychology meme?

>> No.8889599

>anything more pathetic
People who fail to realize that psychology is a hueristic science that describes real mental phenomenon. The hueristic me do their job, schizoid personality disorder definitely describes a real psychological condition, I have it, Einstein seemed to have it.
Who cares if it's reductive, the understanding of human cognitive behavoir was made possible by psychology.
The whole "disorder" thing is a meme that usually brings harm than good wherever it is applied, but none the less describe psychological conditions that lead to significant impairment in life.
That symbol never has carried any meaning except for an adverb used by people that poorly understand schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia and schizoid personality are very different conditions.
Although some say schizophrenia is a spectrum of sorts

>> No.8889638

All /sci/ knows from Einstein and von Neumann looks like it came from pop-sci trash articles.

no, also >>8888373
MBTI is pseudo-scientific garbage.

>> No.8889645

He did. Anyone with an IQ over 110 can get the gyst of special relativity. Von Neumann's work is just in a higher level of work that is inaccessible to plaebs and can't really be simplified to normie levels.

>> No.8889655

Hahaha implying special rel can't be understood by shitty high school students.

>> No.8889682

The basic concepts without the math, yes. I mean a full understanding.

>> No.8889695

Dumped all his points in INT and left none for WIS.

>> No.8889774


>> No.8889789
File: 269 KB, 600x594, 961334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone 110+ IQ can get the gist of special relativity

>anyone 110+ IQ can get a full understanding of special relativity

>> No.8889834

>something deep and profound
like counting his calories?

>> No.8889843

Einestein was a fraud and did literally nothing.

>> No.8889856

>so what its all a conspiracy all these noble guys are just like
>"yeah were gonna prop up Von Neumann as a super genius" because?
What if nobel prize winners are mostly guys who are good at playing academic politics and grabbing the credit? And they only occasionally fuck up and tell stories about each other that people figure out are inflations of their abilities?

>> No.8889973

So was you

>> No.8890542

It is because he was bald

>> No.8890543

Too busy killing commies

>> No.8890579

Guys have you ever noticed how all relevant smart men are always slightly obese or in a bad shape? This directly disproves the "lifting makes you smarter lol" theory which is echoed by literally everyone nowadays

made you think didn't it

>> No.8890590
File: 2.55 MB, 3000x2171, Solvay_conference_1927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, look at all these fatasses.

>> No.8890594

>or in a bad shape

protip: they all look terrible without the tailored official clothes

>> No.8890601

Bobby Fischer was /fit/ as fuck and had an IQ in the 190s. And he did it because he knew of the benefits for the brain.
We see most geniuses as fat men because:
1. Their pictures were usually taken when they were middle age or older
2. They lived in a an age before we kenw of the benefits of exercizing to the brain
All geniuses are /fit/ nowadays. See Dolph Lundgren.

>> No.8890612

So what would a /fit/ von Neumann have achieved? The grand unified theory? A proof of the Riemann hypothesis? Cancer cures?

>> No.8890800

I guess it would boost his creativity, so he would have made a breakthrough big enough to make him as famous as Einstein.

>> No.8890967


Fuck off meathead

>> No.8891160

>grothendieck bald
>von neumann bald
I see a pattern here

>> No.8891356


excuse me I think you meant to say you see a terminal object in the category of motives thank you very much

>> No.8892119

They were jews. Baldness is common among jews and other middle eastern peoples. East asians also have high IQs but baldness isn't common among them.