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8882499 No.8882499 [Reply] [Original]

Does this sound retarded?

Today we've got more freetime than ever.
Today we've got more mental illnesses than ever.
Usually one tends to question and ponder upon things more when not occupied by work etc.

Could thought be a process with both positive and negative consequences? Not saying that this would be a major factor in the case of mental illness, but maybe a contributor.

>> No.8882511

degradation of social bonds and increasing isolation have resulted in greater amounts of mental illness. We're supposed to have intimate social groups of over a dozen people, and for a long time we did because we literally lived in groups with relatives. When individuals go out on their own, and are isolated, the chance for mental illness to "appear" increases drastically.

Mental illness is a result of modern living(isolation) and unhealthy amounts of stress mixed with inadequate stress management.

>> No.8882540

There is also a lot of over-diagnosing happening these days. Interesting stuff to look up in your free time. This is just another factor to consider

>> No.8883151

It's possible but remember correlation doesn't always imply causation.

I think the rise in suicide rates and mental illness is more to do with what >>8882511 said.

>> No.8883166
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>> No.8883180

Maybe thinking retarded thoughts makes you more retarded, like some sort of feedback loop.

>> No.8883187
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Idle hands are the devil's workshop.

>> No.8883197

No, busy hands (also known as hands occupied via furious masturbation) are the devil's workshop. I'm killing babies every time I ejaculate.

>> No.8883268


>> No.8883303
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>Could thought be a process with both positive and negative consequences?

Simple answer: Yes.

Less simple answer: The very idea of "consequence" is a result of thought. If you could not think, the universe would be formless chaos. Because you can think, you can separate the events in the universe into causes and associated consequences, and then separate them again by their perceived positivity/negativity. The very act of doing this - your knowledge of good and evil - makes you acutely aware of the injustice that is the universe. And this awareness impacts you negatively. Therefore, to think is to suffer.

>> No.8883326

>Could thought be a process with both positive and negative consequences?

Our consciousness had overdeveloped beyond its original utility. Greater prediction powers were meant to improve our survival and adaptability but once we could predict our own death then shit hit the fan.

I wonder what will happen once the hard AI realizes it was created by a bunch of monkeys to solve some meaningless problems.

>> No.8883329

Maybe, but it's definitely not the only factor. That's important to keep in mind.

>> No.8883349

What if God created us to solve math problems?

>> No.8883353

I've been noticing this cycle for a while, and it's interesting because you find it on every scale. Kids who grow up with wealthy parents often don't learn good work ethic; they don't develop an awareness of the fact that work ethic is required to sustain their "good times", and quite frequently squander their money/privileges/advantages. I think that when a society has a whole generation of these types of kids, then the same thing happens to the society as a whole. I've recently had a much greater value of things like self-discipline, determination, work ethic, etc.

>> No.8883359

>Kids who grow up with wealthy parents often don't learn good work ethic
Why parents keep spoiling them if they know bad shit will happen? Is it fear that their children will stop loving them once they realize they've been subject to unnecessary (from their point of view) hardships?

>> No.8883376

nazis was a weak men

>> No.8883379

that's not an illness, what you are referring to

>> No.8883758

I think the reasons that parents might spoil their kids are very diverse and unique to each instance. However, I don't believe it is always the fault of the parents that their children develop a sense that material wealth will come automatically. It could simply be that being raised in an environment in which wealth appears to be easily obtained and constantly present/stable will inevitably lead to a feeling that minimal effort will always be all that is required to maintain one's material wealth. Just being around that endless-seeming wealth could give that idea whether or not the child is handed it.

>> No.8883774

>makes you acutely aware of the injustice that is the universe.
What? the universe is neither just or injust

>> No.8883798

We have far less free time than serfs of the middle ages. So your first point is invalid.


>> No.8883804

this is very true, my dad is extremely wealthy, not trying to brag or anything, but when I went to college he said hes not paying for my education because I won't work as hard. I thought it was bullshit then but it honestly makes sense now, I've spent a lot of time worrying about how I'm going to pay back 60k debt from school and it made me work really hard so I can get a good job. I think why he did it is because he grew up really poor on a farm so he had to work his ass of to get where he is, but most kids parents are middle class growing up so they never teach their kids these things because they have always just been comfy.

>> No.8883808

>this is what normie retards believe
People aren't all attention whores who constantly need to be around people, but please keep talking out of your ass

>> No.8883811

This desu. And immediately after the black plague peasant labor was in high demand and they lived like kings, eating pork until they puked erry day.

>> No.8883828

And we're losing our free time at an alarming rate




>> No.8885284

DESU phones really piss me off. I carry a book around for downtime instead of doing stuff like this. I don't care if it's fedora as fuck, it just feels backwards.

>> No.8885925


Also interesting to note is how in modern Western societies, delusions that appear in illnesses like schizophrenia are overwhelmingly "negative" and "evil". That's not always the case. Schizophrenic people in primitive societies have mostly positive delusions, which is why they're often viewed as a gift.

>> No.8886218

Why couldn't he?

>in b4 he can't

Look at the universe, you need some idea of maths to create it.

>> No.8886426

Not just over diagnosing now, but we also under diagnosed in the past. So it's really hard to say if mental illness is actually increasing