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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 82 KB, 400x531, BRAINLET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8876834 No.8876834 [Reply] [Original]

HOW? If math was a lady you guys would probably fuck it. Here's my background

>TFW grew up in a flordia burger education
>Math was painful and teachers were shit at teaching, they were all brainlets(Yes even brainletier than me) that the school couldn't fire cause of some shit. Despite being shit tier teachers.
>Algebra was painfully horrible.

So HTF did you learn to love math so much?

>> No.8876841

My first sexual experience was during a math lecture

>> No.8876845

I dunno. I didn't have good math teachers either, I read the textbook during classes.

>> No.8876853

Are you new to /sci/? Yeah, nobody here knows anything about anything.

>> No.8876854
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OP, I was a brainlet like you once. I had shit teachers all throughout junior and high school. Math is cumulative knowledge, just like anything else you learn. It's like you trying to learn to play an instrument without putting in the work to learn the fundamentals. (I play classical guitar). You're shit at the start, but over time you begin to enjoy it as you advance.

>> No.8876891


If you're smart enough to understand it, math is beautiful in its simplicity and elegance.

>> No.8876899

I started liking math back when I was 18 reading about philosophy so I could increase my logic skills. I then realized that the best way to do it was by studying math. You gotta find something that triggers your taste.

>> No.8876934


>> No.8876955

if math was a lady then I'd have to come up with something else to do to avoid ladies

>> No.8877087

I have the same background, except when I went to University I studied super hard for Algebra ans finally started to learn math properly.

Now I'm boolin. I lowkey miss some of my math classes, its my last semester and I'm coasting with horseshit.

>> No.8877108

I dont but your on 4chan dipshit. every single board on this site tries to be as contrarian as possible. 4channers thrive on disliking popular things and embracing unpopular things (math). Most of the people here probably browsed /sci/ since before high school and the math meme has been around for ages. they unironically went into math because it made them feel smarter and more contrarian than everybody else. most of them turned out to hate it but were already too deep in college or managed to scrape a degree barely understanding anything and their egos are too fragile to admit they fucked up and fell for a retarded meme

>> No.8877118

It's just solving a puzzle that requires experience, insight, and critical thinking.
it's closely related to being a scientist (of course), detective, lawyer, penetration tester, and even a military strategist

It's a type of personality that hasn't been conditioned to think of math illy.

>> No.8877119

>I don't like it because I'm terrible at it so everyone else is just pretending
You're the real meme here. Grow up.

>> No.8877124

Fuck that. I think I love this place.
>t. newborn/sci/fag

>> No.8877134

If youre not a brainlet youll naturally enjoy thinking. Math is the best exercise in abstract thought.

>> No.8877169

I wrote a wall of text but then read this.

>If youre not a brainlet youll naturally enjoy thinking. Math is the best exercise in abstract thought.

That's pretty much it.

I liked to solve problems, they were entertaining and left you with a feeling that you just had discovered something new. Math was the perfect source of problems and the tool to solve them, all without having to learn unnecessary shit or needing something more than a pencil and paper. Eventually you come up with your own problems and find it rewarding to solve them, so you start getting good at it (hopefully).

>> No.8877205
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>they were all brainlets
they say education is the most brainlet of all college majors

>> No.8877213

liking math "because math" is gay as fuck. but it can be useful for software and other applications.

>> No.8877219


>> No.8877242

I spend most of my day doing math, my free time is just math and sometimes I dream math. It's just awesome.

>> No.8877246

I learn about math applications only so I can say "see, math is useful". I really don't care, I just love maths

>> No.8877306

>implying mathmagicians don't swim in pussy

>> No.8877614

Lied to myself and manipulated it till I fell for the meme and started loving it seriously.

Ever played dark souls? Try to beat a hard boss so many times. But the moment you do it, you feel very good?

>> No.8877768
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Literally the same! LOL

>> No.8877771


>> No.8877777

That dopamine rush when you solve something hard or everything finally makes sense.

Kinda like a runners high.

>> No.8877791

I started programming at 11 or so and therefore got a taste of its usefulness.

>> No.8877800
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Nice numbers, m808, checked.

>> No.8877836

This right here

>> No.8877839

I guess I really stray from the mean but I actually had/have really awesome math, physics and compsci teachers/lecturers/profs

>> No.8877850

except when you're a programmer and instead of a sense of accomplishment you get a feeling of "just fuck my shit up" since in addition to working out the math problem you now have the tedious task of implementing the solution in code

>> No.8877853

>That dopamine rush when the code runs without crashing and produces the expected output

>> No.8877855

>tfw math is a software upgrade for your brain and you're a programmer by trade

>> No.8877857
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>> No.8877885

This is what brainlets actually believe

>> No.8878042

That faggot stole that joke from Farside Gallery

>> No.8878057

So off majoring in music then switch to graphic design then got side tracked by popsci docs on physics

Ended up watching lettuces on physics being confused by all the math that was involved

Startied studing algebra, geometry and analytic geometry. Realize most graphic design can be mathematized with analytic geometry.

Now I am working my way through trigonometry and then calculus.

Plan on mathematizing Music and graphic design into one single theory.

>> No.8878077

Idk I blame my older brother. He used to teach me my times tables and what ever he was learning at school when I was 3-4. God bless him.

>> No.8878098

I was dyslectic and disgraphic. Every possible subject in elementary sucked for me, except math. I would not just memorize it, like other subjects, but figure out why it is how it is. I could explain the math solution to my classmates better than my teacher. I even taught one lecture to my class instead of our teacher when she could not explain it (imagine 14yo teaching 30 minutes to 20 other 14yos while 30yo teacher is just sitting there watching). :D

Math was the only thing i was good at, thats why i like it.

>> No.8878103

You had a shit teacher, ofcourse you're going to hate it. That's a problem with the education system, not maths.

>> No.8878112
File: 16 KB, 894x478, math graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maths is more straightforward than anything else you can study, you just follow the logic and the right stuff comes out.

>> No.8878142

> mathematics is more enjoyable as you learn more about it.
My explanations get more complicated and less intuitive the more I learn about math.
I hate this rabbit hole I seem to be falling through, but I must see its end.

>> No.8878158

>You had a shit teacher, ofcourse you're going to hate it.

I hate this meme. Math is essentially boring unless you're autistic enough to enjoy proving and fiddling with arbitrary expressions.

My math textbooks in uni just lists a bunch of definitions, and then proves some theorems that you need to remember and apply to problems later. Most problems are just a matter of memorizing definitions, theorems and proofs and fiddling around with arbitrary expressions until you simplify it enough to apply the theorem or definition.

>> No.8878193
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>> No.8878203

Was always good at it. Then just went with it in college, I don't really love it, I can just do it.

>> No.8878207

Can you recommend a good physics lettuce for me?

>> No.8878209

>definitions are arbitrary
>you're supposed to memorize theorems / definitions / proofs
>math is random syoffmbolic manipulation until something happens
don't talk about things you don't know jack shit about you tremendous fucking brainlet
honestly, fuck off

>> No.8878231

I can see you're a math major because you don't understand logic or how to prove an argument.

>> No.8878256

it's like riding a bicycle. once you've LEARNED it you don't forget it. don't just memorize it like a poo in loo pajeet.

>> No.8878542
