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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 71 KB, 700x420, PLASTIC ROADS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8873723 No.8873723 [Reply] [Original]

is paving roads out of recycled plastic a good idea?

>> No.8873733

Fuck it why not? Ain't too different from using asphalt. Plastic doesn't really recycle.

>> No.8873793

Looked this up and found their site: https://en.volkerwessels.com/en/projects/detail/plasticroad

It seems like they've thrown out just about every buzzword they could without actually saying anything about the roads other than "hollow plastic box". I'm not an expert on plastics or roads so I'll let others tear it to shreds. A couple things I do see:
There's no way to repair damaged road except by replacing the entire segment. Unlike Asphalt/concrete there's no way to quickly patch a damaged section of road.
They stress that the hollow part can be used to lay cables and pipes. They neglect to say how you would install and maintain those cables/pipes. Cutting open the road would require you to replace the entire segment and replacing the entire segment would require breaking (And then somehow fixing) every cable/pipe that goes under the road.

>> No.8873817

just delet this thread

t. civ engineer

>> No.8873819

Good luck going over 15km/h in the rain

>> No.8873940

asphalt gets pretty hot in the summer. Won't plastic melt in the sun?

>> No.8873944

heat cycling fucks with asphalt but it OBLITERATES plastic
UV obliterates plastic
plastic is cheap but not nearly as cheap as asphalt

>> No.8873950

most plastics produce carcinogens when heated
and leach out xenoestrogen. Sounds like it'd be an ecological disaster.

>> No.8873952

Nope, it will melt, it will stink, kill the ecosystem, poor friction.
The idea is shit in all levels.

>> No.8873956

Plastics will not be durable for high volumes of traffic, weathering, and fluctuations of heat/cold

One insult to integrity.... rip

>> No.8873960
File: 188 KB, 925x866, INITIAL T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plastic roads

>> No.8874012
File: 17 KB, 900x900, plastic track.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was seven my mother beat me severely with a segment of plastic track because I went to a friend's house after school without permission. Now I have a strong negative association with plastic roads, no, please don't make them this way.

>> No.8874064

If it makes you feel any better I severely beat ur mum with my dick lmoa

>> No.8874165
File: 2.58 MB, 2000x3000, 1492365281150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah? Mine beat me with an asphalt track you privileged trout-faced dickwhistle testicle packer. I have to live with this shit.

>> No.8874169

Everything is a good idea when you don't think about it!

>> No.8874172

sounds a fucking scam to get more money for road maintenance.

>monthly UV inhibitor spray
>weekly secret proprietary traction spray(super glue and sand)
>of course we'll have to tear the road out every year to replace it.

>> No.8874221

shit I was going to use this as an argument for a communications class, whats a cool science / tech thing I can argue a policy over?

I could do net neutrallity but thats ez mode, I wanted something more unique and cool yet actually applicable

>> No.8874233

>the fourth reich

>> No.8874267

Awful idea. Asphalt is easily recyclable and durable, two things plastics are not.

>> No.8874273
File: 16 KB, 272x225, Thunderf00t_3927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine beat me with a solar panel track you SJW.

>> No.8874301

anything that undermines privacy. It's the kinda thing nobody thinks about anymore.

>> No.8874320


>> No.8875008

plastic freakin roadways debunk in 10..9..8..

>> No.8875021

>He thinks data will ever be safe again under the USA PATRIOT Act

>> No.8875967

Plastic is too soft and not easy to recycle. Asphalt can be recycled at 99% and just works. I do not understand why people insist on fixing things that are not broken.

>> No.8875994

Sounds like bullshit to me.

>> No.8876025

happening already, but not like OP pic

>> No.8876099
File: 123 KB, 1600x900, blow job.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this you?

>> No.8876117
File: 43 KB, 600x450, 36440_1418578976971_4851714_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8876201

Not if this is the design. Not only are you focusing the weight and stress on those weak spars (which will crack) connecting the top and bottom layers, but also you need to ensure it has the same traction as pavement. Also, it needs to be as porous as pavement. Also since in the video they show the pipes and electrical equipment running through it, they would need to disconnect everything when removing one section of the road. Thunderf00t made a good video about it.

>> No.8876221

>and three times the expected lifespan
The expected lifespan tends to infinity, that's pretty good.

>> No.8876388

We use asphalt because it's the best thing we have for roads, and it withstands the elements well, and is easy to repair.

The reason all of these "alternatives" to roads always fail is because they will never be as versatile or durable / cheap as asphalt. This is basically solar roadways only slightly less dumb.

>> No.8876571

Oh, I can read BBC also.

They are doing OP's thing by putting a small amount of plastic in the normal asphalt mix.


>> No.8876600

What happens when it starts to crack?

>> No.8876617
File: 22 KB, 640x480, 36ac57b2-9441-4aaf-9a24-3db81a2f90ed[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a chance the track could bend?

>> No.8876623


We would have to dig up the solar roadways and "recycle" them

>> No.8876931

he debunked this shit weeks ago

>> No.8876959

OP's pic is a buzzword scam,

this on the otherhand, is an applicable way to recycle some of our non biodegradable plastic waste


>> No.8877341

not sure if troll or srs

Plasticity is best used as an example to plastics.
If plastics crack, they lose their structural durability among many other things, the plastic road will become unstable

Additionally, weathering with even the smallest crack or crevice will allow water to penetrate into them, perhaps freeze depending on the environments climate, expand, and cause one small crevice to develop into larger crevices.

>> No.8877426

Plast is a huge pollution problem. We should do everything to not use it

>> No.8877505

agree. this is fucking dumb. asphalt/concrete/gravel will never be replaced. the amount of plastic needed to do this would be unreal and would be significantly more than the current amount of plastic being recycled.
t. p.e.

>> No.8877514
File: 36 KB, 200x181, animated-skeleton-image-0042.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine beat me with her fists, so now I have a phobia of anything with flesh

>> No.8878106

Not on your life, my Hindu friend.

>> No.8878195

Hmm retarded

>> No.8879668

Agree. as a ce this is the dumbest idea ever. Aggregate and asphalt are as cheap and fast as it gets and it still cost millions a mile. Can we stop letting graphic design students dictate public policy.

>> No.8879690

Yep, those plastics are better used elsewhere

>> No.8881059

more cancer from fumes on hot days?

>> No.8881173

If you need to save up on asphalt/concrete why not just use the plastic on parking spaces only ?

>> No.8881190

No its an awful idea. They still can't figure out the fucking thermal expansion and contraction

>> No.8881193


also if there was a fire/big rig eplosion it would just melt

>> No.8881499

roads cost much because of fat lazy labor unions who have no incentive to improve their product or automate

>> No.8881507

asphalt is pretty fucking amazing.

>> No.8881740

Been really wondering about drainage with these.

>> No.8881785

The more promising technology is the one where they tear up the bad road in place and spit out a surface behind. It's slow af right now, but it's a great reuse of material in place. Only good for really bad roads though, I wouldn't suggest it for minor patches.