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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8872391 No.8872391 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8872402
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>> No.8872427

So, are some men more men than other men?
Are some women more women than other women?

>> No.8872443

>looking for evidence to support your presupposition

yea no

>> No.8872451

> the study was composed of 23 trans men, 21 trans women, 23 cis women and 22 cis men

With a sample like that you know they have to be right. And we already know this. Bill Nye proved this in his show.

>> No.8872480
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SJWtard """science""" alert.

>> No.8872586
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I wouldn't wipe my ass with that cultural marxist propaganda goo rag

>> No.8872608

This an irrational reduction from the scientific standpoint. We don't even fully understand the parts of the brain responsible for sexuality and other behaviors.

>> No.8873925

a spectrum of how fucking mentally ill you are

>> No.8873979

Where is the paper for this?

Anyway, this isn't anything new or remarkable, I don't get why even Republicans would be 'against' it just because they hate trannies. The only problem by the sounds of it is that they have simply found a strong correlation between brain states and perceived personal sexuality, rather than understood how it leads to sexuality molecularly. The reliability of the interpretation is dependent on how statistically significant the results are.

They made a hypothesis, and the results (seem to) confirm it. It doesn't matter if some people presuppose it or not.

Actually, as measured by white matter diffusivity, men and women are at the radical extremes, with trans people in between.

>> No.8873991
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> and the results (seem to) confirm it

>> No.8873999

>cultural marxist
nazis not welcome here

>> No.8874001
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>> No.8874003

Are you implying that the results they found are equipment errors in measurement or something? Regardless, you can't make such large mistakes when measuring with diffusion mri... wtf

>> No.8874008
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>what we've known all along
>gender is part of science
>"scientists say"
Kek! Who takes these idiots seriously?

>> No.8874019

Psychologists are ours to bully, not for a bunch of neet trendy alt-right redditors that can't solve a quadratic equation.

>> No.8874065

Wew lads that data set ;)

>> No.8874078
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>nazis are not welcome on 4chan

how new are you

>> No.8874083

>It doesn't matter if some people presuppose it or not.

>I don't understand confirmation bias

>> No.8874092

>I don't get why even Republicans would be 'against' it just because they hate trannies

I'm not a republican in the same sense that Bernie Sanders isn't a democrat.

I'm fine with transsexuals. I'm just annoyed with all the garbage that if a boy takes interest in anything to do with the opposite sex people are going way overboard and jumping to the conclusion that HE MUST BE TRANSGENDERED. Your daughter's a tomboy? Oh well maybe she just wants to have a penis. Tomboy isn't a fucking gender. Are their masculine women and effeminate men? Yes, but they're not a different gender. But the solution to overtreating an innocent curiousity in the other gender is not by encouraging people to become transgendered and start taking hormone blockers. Transgendered are an even smaller "minority" than homosexuals, and we don't need laws to cover something that's less than a tenth of a percent of the population. I don't think they should be considered a minority in the same way that we shouldn't consider people with downs a minority, because they're both mental/genetic issues that should be treated as such.

>> No.8874093

I mean it doesn't make any difference in the results, it's a problem with interpretation, and I said that how reliable the interpretation is depends on the actual results which aren't shown, regardless of what the people on a news site say.

My problem is more with the people that rush to dismiss everything without even looking at the article or paper and critically examining the results because they have to prove how conservative and cool they are to their reddit friends.

>> No.8874109

I agree with you that people shouldn't be encouraged to do something until they're mature enough to decide for themselves.

Disagree on the whole mental illness thing, I honestly don't get it. They're not schizoids, they haven't lost their rationality, they simply pursue what gives them pleasure, which is the standardised measure of rationality since literally every sane human on Earth does it. By your logic, every socially aberrant human that is 'autistic' like on this site because of genetics should be considered mentally ill too.

>> No.8874150

>they simply pursue what gives them pleasure

Which is why they're so disproportionately likely to commit suicide...

Also we now know that heroin abusers are rational, as they are simply pursuing their own pleasure.

>> No.8874158
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