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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8863018 No.8863018 [Reply] [Original]

Are they memes or are they worth listening to?

>> No.8863026

Carl Sagan, Neil Tyson and Bill Nye are very important scientists for popularizing and questioning science.

You can't believe how top-heavy science is until you have worked there yourself. It is about time the masses get to chip it down. Science, like money, can't be the privilege of few percentage of population. It must belong to everyone; everyone must have a say in what things are scientifically correct and what are not. Just like in democracy. That is the future of science and these men are part of the vanguard.

>> No.8863028

The main problem is that physics and mathematics quickly exhausted ALL the knowledge in the world there is for their respective sciences. We know pretty much everything about mathematics and physics already, face it. Remaining issues are tiny insignificant cosmological or quantum things that won't affect 99,99% of people's life.

And the problem is that in sciences like economy, sociology, psychology... the old methods of empirism and statistics don't give us any answers. The answers should be more and more democratic the deeper we go into those sciences. Yes, you can't "scientifically" determine sex. It must be determined democratically and by discussion. What do people FEEL will be the new science.

>> No.8863033

go fuck yourself bitch ass nigga

>> No.8863036

well [math]they[/math] popularised [eqn]science[/eqn] to commoners which is a necessity

>> No.8863042

See? This is the typical reaction of "scientist" when you question his/her/other beliefs. It's just like any religion! When you tell a muslim that muslim-god didn't exist, he takes a saber and burns your village.

>> No.8863047

>What do people FEEL will be the new science.
people like you deserve to die tbqhwy

>> No.8863054

No they are hacks. Bill Nye is a fucking BSc Engineer and Tysen's only expertise is astrology. At least Sagan was aware that he is just an entertainer.

Anyone who goes to these guys to settle any contemporary scientific question is a retard.

>> No.8863056

Somebody made that picture unironically

>> No.8863061

>8000 years of science
>Can answer intricate details on the large scale structure of universe
>Can explain the formation, evolution, and behavior of all matter and energy
>Has supercomputers that can calculate about 10^250 calculations per second

>Can't scientifically answer "How many genders there are"

Really makes you think

>> No.8863068

nigga we don't even know what happens inside our brains wtf you talking about. we know shit about the universe the only thing we have are theories

>> No.8863072

2 sexes, 2 genders. anything else is a mental illness. it's that simple.

>> No.8863077

>we made progress in a particular branch of science therefore we should be able to know everything

>> No.8863082

>hey guise neuroscience doesn't exist

>> No.8863085

you are a brainlet, stop posting it only gets sworse

>> No.8863087


>> No.8863123

>in particular branch of science (biology) we have asserted that there are only 2 sexes and 2 genders
>therefore there is 2 sexes and 2 genders in every single science


>> No.8863137

They arent even memes, theyre just morons

>> No.8863138

>It must belong to everyone; everyone must have a say in what things are scientifically correct and what are not.
This is some grade A fresh bait

>> No.8863144

It's true, but not the way it is intended here.
Science should be for everyone, everyone should have the means to conduct experiments and verify that what is claimed to be "scientifically correct".

>> No.8863146

Only real scientist in that image is sagan. Go figure yourself who is worth listening to.

>> No.8863150

Sagan has his fair share of credentials.

>> No.8863166

So you let authorities command you? You let them decide your life for you? Is that how a man lives? Like, if you would FEEL transsexual inside, you would succumb to this abstract notion of "science" that you CANT be transsexual? You wouldnt do what you want but you would do what your dear authority tells you? Big brother is watching

>> No.8863168

It makes me upset when Sagan is associated with the other two just because he was a science communicator. He was a different beast entirely.

>> No.8863179

>the father is white
>the son is black

I think you mean the wife's son

>> No.8863200

This image is cringeception.

>> No.8863205

fatherhood is a spectrum dude

>> No.8863227

For creating an initial interest in science. YES. But pick up a book and read to expand your knowledge anon.

>> No.8863236
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> We know pretty much everything about mathematics and physics already, face it. Remaining issues are tiny insignificant cosmological or quantum things that won't affect 99,99% of people's life.

>> No.8863260

I have never seen any science from Tyson. He is a face and voice for TV shows.

>> No.8863270

He talked about science in his version of the Cosmos and he's part of (runs?) a radioshow/podcast called "Startalk"

He's a pop-scientist, same as the other two.

>> No.8863284

Yea I know, I mean he just talks about what Einstein said and so on but and does not do any actual science IMO. OK he has his education and has been sitting at some planetarium and is probably a cool guy but very boxed thinking.

He did a good job on Cosmos

>> No.8863302


>> No.8863306

He's got a few research publications listed under his name.

Has anyone checked any of them out to see if they're any good?


>> No.8863337

I can't read ebonics

>> No.8863351


>Tysen's only expertise is astrology.


How low is your IQ

>> No.8863392

Because gender isnt even a scientific concept lol it is a social construct. Unless you are talking to social scientists, their response would be infinite lol

>> No.8863423
File: 33 KB, 470x336, distraught_reaction_036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing carl sagan to neil tyson and bill nye

fuck outta here idiot
carl sagan was the real shit
those other guys suck

>> No.8863438


>> No.8863441
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>> No.8863442

2 outta 3 ain't bad...

>> No.8863443

No what the fuck?

Voting on whether or not light exists doesn't change the physical truth

>> No.8863445

>2 sexes 0 genders


>> No.8863448

>Bill Nye
>straight people are gay
Lmao. I'm not even a white male and I laughed

>> No.8863450

> conveniently skips biology

>> No.8863478
File: 3.10 MB, 900x900, 1452035529256 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carl Sagan, Neil Tyson and Bill Nye are very important scientists for popularizing and questioning science.
> You can't believe how top-heavy science is until you have worked there yourself.
> It is about time the masses get to chip it down. Science, like money, can't be the privilege of few percentage of population.
> It must belong to everyone; everyone must have a say in what things are scientifically correct and what are not.
> We know pretty much everything about mathematics and physics already, face it.
> you can't "scientifically" determine sex.

Oh, okay, never mind, I thought you were serious for a second there.

>> No.8863483

Everyone needs to know science. That's what it means you nigger

>> No.8863489

>And the problem is that in sciences like economy, sociology, psychology...
Nice b8 m8

>> No.8863493

They've each helped raise awareness and interests in the sciences with the public, which is priceless. Segan's the only one who's body of work I'm actually familiar with, despite being a big Nye fan-boy from both his old T.V. show and his current activism. IMO Segan's the only one worth really reading into. Nye seems more interested in raising interests in the sciences and awareness of political corruption than anything else these days; which again, is fantastic and awesome, but I can't vouch for any actual scientific endevours on his part.

I don't even know what Tyson is up to these days. He did that remake of Cosmos and a couple of specials; that one response to the flat-earth rap, and then fell off the face of the earth as far as I know.

>> No.8863495

no, he said "everyone must have a say". it's one thing for the general populus to possess basic scientific understanding of physics/math/biology etc, and another to make ridiculous claims like "scientific conclusions should be up for discussion with the general populus laymen"

his post was pure b8 anyway, no point in arguing

>> No.8863499
File: 20 KB, 610x320, that gay shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1/10, made me post.

>> No.8863535

Oh wait. I agree with you. Not everyone can have a say in science. Sorry

>> No.8863624
File: 22 KB, 426x628, 1480921143319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Black Science man
>It's just a Museum director that
>White Science man
>It's just an Engineer that loves sex stews
>Jewish Science man
>Actually does Science and publishes papers

I think we found the master race, guys. Bow to your zionist maters, gentiles!

>> No.8863652

we get it, jews are superior. i'm just blessed to have sephardic blood. no jew blood in you than you are a brainlet.

>> No.8863667

only works for ashkenazi

>> No.8863686

Sagan was a good speaker and educator, comfy to listen to and very informative for laypeople. He also has the advantage of dying before the regressive left infected and spoiled everything. He comes from a more innocent time.

The others? Garbage.

>> No.8863688

>He also has the advantage of dying before the regressive left infected and spoiled everything

stfu please

>> No.8863693

The sweet embrace of death protects his mind from the corrupting influence of the leftist mainstream, forevermore. This is a good thing. We shall forever remember him at his best. There's no reason to be upset.

>> No.8863697

If you can read your textbooks, tyson and nye are unnecessary.
The pale blue dot is worth reading for its style, but does not contain anything you can't find in greater detail elsewhere.

>> No.8863719
File: 392 KB, 760x782, 1479842716891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cringy as fuck
to see bill nye the science guy turn into
shill nye the marxist goy

>> No.8863727


>> No.8863728

why do people compare sagan to those blowhards? seriously

>> No.8863755

>liberals are leftists

what upsets me is your ignorance

>> No.8863758

>What do people FEEL will be the new science.
Nigga what? If I feel that the sky is red, that doesn't change the fact that they sky is blue

>> No.8863938

Not everybody understands subjects enough to decide what's true and false about them. I wouldn't try to dictate what's true and false about biology since I'm not a biologist, and a good biologist wouldn't try and dictate what's true or false about electronics.

>> No.8863952

muddy the waters. realize we have all sorts of people on this board, some of which may have ulterior motives

>> No.8863961

lol science is not a democracy, it is a dictatorship.
the scientists decide, commoners fucking deal with it
you want a say? become a scientist then.

>> No.8864040

At least Sagan wrote scifi books in his spare time. Contact is bretty good imo.